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By August 28, 2022June 10th, 202464 Comments

And she is still feminine. This “alternative” treatment should be standard, mainstream medicine, but it is hidden because it makes no money for Pharma.

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This post took 11 hours to compile, interview, and write. The original research for the applicable sections of my book took months. You need 5 minutes to read it and 7 minutes to listen at normal speed.

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXCERPT FROM HORMONE SECRETS, my book about bioidentical hormones.

Can hormones be used to treat cancer? Yes. Testosterone suppresses breast cancer. Oral estradiol is safe and efficacious for treating prostate cancer. Patients using these hormones do not get damaging deficiency syndromes. Whether they work better than the industry’s conventional therapies is unknown. Costly studies will never be done because human hormones can rarely be patented—they are unprofitable compared to patent drugs.

Estrogen blockers are conventional therapies for estrogen-sensitive breast tumors. But these cause menopause symptoms and, over time, ruin health. Since testosterone is broken down into estrogen, traditional doctors think that using it in these cases is improper, especially if the patients are taking blockers.

Rebecca Glaser, MD, published her successful experience treating breast cancer using implantable pellets combining testosterone and a blocker drug. She placed these under the skin close to the cancers. Charles Mok, DO, shrank a woman’s breast cancer 75 percent in six months using testosterone pellets (personal communication. He wrote Testosterone, Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Woman, 2018). Testosterone shrinks breast cancer in animals as well.

I have heard from Dr. Glaser’s breast cancer patients that she treats them with about three times the customary menopause testosterone pellet dosage—about three mg per pound. This likely produces blood levels over 600 ng/dl. For reference, postmenopausal women receive a pellet dose of one mg per pound, which produces blood levels of 200 to 300 ng/dl. This makes most women feel great (recall my superwomen). The usual pellet dose for a man is 10 mg per pound. This may produce blood levels of 1500 ng/dl. Weekly injections of inexpensive testosterone cypionate provide similar effects as pellets.

Side effects: Recall that high doses of testosterone for women potentially cause deep voices, enlarged clitorises, and active, possibly overactive sexuality. The women I know who use these doses for athletics do not mind, but they dislike hair growth and acne. These may be treated with laser hair removal and acne medications including spironolactone.

Synthetic progestins such as Provera cause some breast cancer, but bio-identical progesterone is at worst neutral. No published literature recommends against using it for breast cancer patients. One idea favoring it is that young women with high blood levels do not get cancer.

You can find physicians online who treat breast cancer with testosterone. Consult them over the phone if they are distant. Study Glaser’s for more—she is a leader.

Should hormone therapy be used for breast cancer survivors? Yes—over 50 published studies confirm this. The mainstream recommendation is to wait five years after diagnosis before starting treatment, but some sources say to only wait one year if there is no tumor extension beyond the capsule of the armpit lymph nodes. Some studies have shown double the breast cancer recurrence rate in women who are left untreated.

The following are articles published by Rebecca Glaser, MD, about her use of testosterone to treat breast cancer. There are more on her website HERE. Dr. Glasier also uses the estrogen blocker anastrozole, but this is toxic and may not be optimal. Cindy has been taken off this by her current doctors.

CINDY is currently taking:

  • Estradiol capsules 2 mg a day

  • Progesterone capsules 200 mg twice a day

  • Testosterone cream 200 mg/cc 1/2 cc a day

  • DHEA 10 mg a day

She now has testosterone levels over 1500, the high-normal range for a man.

TO FIND A DOCTOR, read Hormone Secrets.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE of treatments that work but are not part of western medicine are the keto and carnivore diets. These can be successful for chronic inflammatory disorders such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. They also may improve depression, anxiety, and polycystic ovarian disease. Some patients are able to discontinue their medications.

Mikhaila Peterson, Jordan Peterson’s daughter, has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). She had such severe ankle arthritis that she could hardly walk and was contemplating joint replacements. She was also diagnosed with depression and bipolar disease. After she started the carnivore diet, her inflammatory and psych symptoms faded and she quit all her medications. Her YouTube video is a wonderful testimonial:

Her father Jordan had so much anxiety that he became addicted to clonazepam, (Klonopin), a benzodiazepine related to valium. He was so desperate that he traveled to Russia for a month-long treatment with heavy sedation. This nearly killed him. He was cured by an entirely beef diet.

To learn more about keto/carnivore diets and learn how taking vitamin D can also help, study Dr. Greg Dennis’s podcast archives at FitRx. Start HERE. I listen to them all.

THE WORST MEDICAL CARE today is done by psychiatry, oncology, and urology, in that order. The first offers treatments that in the aggregate are worse than nothing (see Butchered and several posts in my Substack archive). Oncology is ineffective for the vast majority of their cases. They neglect hopeful therapies such as testosterone for breast cancer, estrogen for prostate cancer, and many others. Some medications that are off-patent, such as the ivermectin relatives, also show promise for curing certain cancers. But these are never studied because the outsize profits can never be harvested.

Oncologists have a few successful treatments for cancer, but much of what they do is toxic and barely extends life. Their studies that claim the “successes” are designed and promoted by drug companies. These almost always use use “surrogate endpoints” such as blood test improvement or tumor shrinkage rather than life extension. Worse yet, they lie statistically by using relative rather than the absolute risk in their analyses. I explained this in Butchered by “Healthcare:”

Study authors and the media often report results in terms of RELATIVE rather than ABSOLUTE numbers, which may vastly overstate the advantages of a therapy. Here is how it works.

To understand, consider a medication that cuts heart attack rates in half, from 2 percent a year to one percent. This RELATIVE risk improvement sounds great, but it is misleading and some would say fraudulent. The all-important ABSOLUTE risk improvement—decrease in heart attacks for everyone who gets the therapy—is only one percent. Only one percent of those who took the drug benefitted.

As for urology, Lupron treatment of prostate cancer is another example of how both doctors and patients swallow statistical trickery. The lies go down easily for most doctors because they get paid 20 percent of the wholesale drug cost for any medications given in their offices. But patients are frequently damaged, pay extortionate prices, and may find that this chemotherapy does not help. From Butchered:

Lupron is an atrocious drug. Men feel terrible, get hot flashes, and become impotent. Some have weight gain, fatigue, muscle loss, anemia, Alzheimer’s disease, and osteoporosis. It also causes strokes, heart attacks, diabetes, and sudden death.

Otis Brawley, former head of the American Cancer Society,  says men are dying earlier because of Lupron therapy. This drug and others have decreased prostate cancer deaths by 30 percent since 1990, but all-cause deaths may have increased because the drug is so toxic:

Widespread use of [anti-] hormonal agents is causing men to die of cardiovascular disease and diabetes before they would ordinarily die of prostate cancer. That’s what I suspect is taking place. If urologists stop prescribing these drugs as widely as they used to, we will see deaths from prostate cancer inch up. That could be good news. Some men who would have died earlier with strokes and heart attacks caused by hormonal treatments of their asymptomatic disease would now live long enough to die of their prostate cancer.

How We Do Harm (2012)

Radical prostatectomy is a final example of greed and therapeutic failure. See Butchered by “Healthcare” to learn about this.

“LEGAL” DISCLAIMER: If your life is on the line, do your homework. I am making no specific recommendations. If you are sick, seek the advice of licensed practitioners. Always be respectful, but you don’t have to do what they tell you. If you have time, explore every avenue that you can find. The material here is not specific medical advice. Use it at your own risk.


  • Avatar DWB says:

    I made the huge mistake of trying psychiatry to fix emotional development problems when I was younger. One of the worst experiences was the impotence caused by the drugs – especially Adderall. There was a huge change of something in my body (hormones?), and that non-functioning body part was actually just a small side effect.

    A vital part of me, as a man, was gone. It had nothing to do with associating penile function with masculinity (as it often gets portrayed). There was something seriously amiss in me.

    This is what disturbs me about the drugging of boys in grade school/junior high/high school. We are creating a generation of men who grew up with their masculinity chemically neutered.

    • Avatar Carportband says:

      I have a 12 year old son who started taking Focalin about 9 months ago. This is supposed to address his lack of ability to focus, and to allow him to make better judgment about his behavior.

      He is extremely bright. The Focalin achieves the desired outcome, but I am concerned that he is being trained to depend upon the drug for a lifetime.

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        Do you know what the recommended period of time for treatment with this drug is?

        • Avatar Carportband says:

          The medication is also prescribed to adults. Our doctor has not indicated a period of time for my sonu2019s treatment.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        This class of drugs broadly has been recognized as addictive for a half century. And the people who got us into this insane mess have all dropped away and think itu2019s nuts. See my book w all the references.

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      My husband was prescribed alprazelam for panic attacks. He took it for 30 years. He has now discontinued, but he is a shell of the man he was. No emotions. The worst part is that he does not even recognize this.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        This is not advice, but in some cases itu2019s better to take a small dose chronically. Anyone on this stuff that long has permanent damage as you see.

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Robert, you feel that taking a low dose of a benzodiazepine is less harmful than helpful? These medications were never intended for long term use. It is malpractice to prescribe this for 30 years. I experienced the same exact thing. I was on alprazelam and clonazepam for over 20 years. I think the worst though was Geodon. I stopped them all. I knew what they had done to me and fought with everything in me to overcome the damage done. Unfortunately, I seem to be having a great deal of difficulty getting my husband to understand what has happened to him. I am a rather stubborn person though, and I have not given up hope yet.

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Robert, do you think, and I have suspected, that the benzodiazepines are, perhaps, part of the cause of his ED? If he gets his testosterone level up, will taking a low dose of alprazelam effect his ability to achieve and maintain an erection?

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Would you believe that my husband was a professional football player? He played for Vince Lombardi in 1959

      • Avatar Nama Paula says:

        Really rough on each of you. Bless you for your continued love & support.u2764uFE0FuD83DuDE4F

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          I believe my husband, Bill, has realized what I have been trying to tell him is true. He seems to be making a conscious effort to overcome it. Tomorrow is our 33rd wedding anniversary

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      These psych drugs are like vaccines. They havenu2019t had proper placebo controlled trials. And we know how toxic and addictive they are.

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    Robert, I have bioidentical hormone pellets, 125 mg testosterone, 10 mg estradiol, and I take 300 mg of progesterone orally. My testosterone level is usually about 250 – 300. I ate a strict carnivore diet for 2 1/2 years and lost 113 pounds. I stopped all 20 medications that I was taking. I have read both your books and given copies to others. My husband, who is 85, is having some ED issues and believes it is due to his age. His doctor prescribed Viagra and 100 mg was ineffective. I had to ask my functional doctor to test his hormones, and his total testosterone is 500, which is in the low normal range. All his other testosterone tests were low. His FSH was
    61.6 mIU/mL which is high. He has an appointment next month to see if testosterone replacement will benefit him. What do you think?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      See Hormone Secrets. My group thinks that testosterone is far too low for age and would cautiously increase w goal of 1500. His body isnu2019t as responsive as younger people, who can respond to levels of 600

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        Thank you Robert. Do you feel that pellets are the best method of replacement? My husband is squeamish about having pellets implanted. I understand that creams take months to get hormones elevated…true?

  • Avatar That Day says:

    Thanks love what your doing.. my son had five years of oncology treatment including bone marrow transplant aged 8.. it was extremely tough.. he had Grade 4 GVH …..But God! and to think other less toxic options were possible greaves me.. Heu2019s 21 and well but we saw many who didnu2019t make it..
    Honestly and truth are healing keep it up..

  • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

    Hmmm. You mention hair growth – I assume facial & body hair – but what about hair LOSS from the head? I’d love to give this a try instead of waiting to see if it gets worse/turns into cancer on this 3 inch diameter cyst on my ovary! I do have polycystic ovary disease, but this sucker just came up since the start of covidiocy! Might testosterone work on that? Would I have to take estradiol & progesterone too? Progesterone metabolizes to estrogen & left me worse off with my breast lumps & wads (got rid of this & gall etc. stones with 8 months of serrapeptase – also diminished scars bigtime too!) Whaddyathink?uD83DuDE2CuD83DuDE28?

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      Progesterone does not convert to estrogen, testosterone does. I am getting my 5th pellets implanted next month. 125 mg testosterone, and 10 mg estradiol. I take Progesterone orally, 300g in the evening. I would never be without them.

      • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

        Holy smokes! So I was told by all kinds of docs including gyns and also the pharmacists and also the naturopathic docs that progesterone did metabolize to estrogen – at least it does in women. Sheesh.

        • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

          Now wait – that was back in the 90s and early 2000s – did science change since then – sorta like it changed for covidiocy?

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          How is testosterone converted to estrogen?
          What is Aromatization? Aromatization is the process that converts testosterone into estrogen. This is a natural process your body goes through to maintain homeostasis. The reason that this process is called aromatization is because aromatization is named after the chief enzyme involved in the conversion u2013 aromatase.

    • Avatar Frances says:

      Isn’t PCOS related to thyroid issues, iodine deficiency.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      A nuanced response is in my book

      • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

        I’m too old for nuance, too poor to buy books – and none of yours are in our Toronto libraries.

        • Avatar Frances says:

          The library service could get books not in their collection via Inter-Library Loan. A fee may be involved.

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Auntie, what is your address? I will send you the book.

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            Why, thank you. That’s a lovely gesture, but the way things are going, I don’t know if they’ll let it thru customs! Is there I way I can email you my address – once I find out the likelihood of it getting thru?

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            My email is
            [email protected]
            It would be coming from Amazon. Would customs check a package from a retailer?

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            They’ve gone totally WEF socialist here – God – and Satan? – only know!

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            This is the link to a great podcast that Dr. Yoho did about his book on hormones.

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            Only the “Butchered by Healthcare” is there…

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            I don’t think he has the availability of the hormone book. That’s why I sent the link for the podcast he did about it. If you want a hard copy I would still be happy to send it to you

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            I replied to your last email.

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            This could take a while – I’m into your sustack now! Wow!

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            OMG – you are totally irreverent and mean-spirited to elitists and left wingnuts. Could we be related? Still reading!

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Auntie, I have not done a post for awhile because I have been spending all my time trying to get my health issues resolved. If you email me I will go more in-depth about it. You can read some of it on Robert Malone MD’s and Paul Alexander’s Substacks.

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            I’ve emailed – yes -let’s discuss that too!

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Here is a comment I made on Pierre Kory MD Substack
            Dr. Kory, this scam/plan demic has injured me, I believe, irreparably. I was a victim of circumstances. Although I chose not to be vaccinated, in June of 2021 I was the victim of an auto crash, and my femur was broken. I underwent major surgery. Post-op the doctor ordered 2 units of blood. I asked if the donors had been vaccinated, they could not tell me. I had the transfusion. I have never recovered. No doctor will even acknowledge that there may be a possibility that I have been vaccine injured. I am completely disheartened. I considered contacting your clinic, but since I cannot prove that I received contaminated blood, I chose not to. Please pray for me

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            I am French. My grandfather was from Canada

          • Avatar Auntie Canuck says:

            As in Acadian cum Creole????

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Auntie, here is the link to Dr. Yoho’s first book

  • Avatar Rosalind McGill says:

    This spring, my sister in law died a few weeks after being declared free from leukemia ( stem cell transplant). Her 3 month stay in Moffitt cancer center, she lost what little muscle tone she had. They wouldnu2019t let me give her organic smoothies, it may interfere with her medicine- give her Boost supplements. I donu2019t understand why cancer center s donu2019t incorporate food as healing & a bunch of other natural approaches- it would increase the actual healing, not just the profit margin.

  • Avatar BS Free MD says:

    The diet influence on our health is fascinating. We have been covering a lot of this in our podcast recently. I am familiar with Jordanu2019s daughters story and many people thrive on a carnivore diet. Others thrive on plant based- we just interviewed a Rheumatologist who reversed his own autoimmune ankylosis on plant based. I donu2019t think itu2019s so simple, especially as we learn more on the gut microbiome, etc.
    We are still fighting mainstream disinformation by PCPs who refuse HRT in HEALTHY women citing it causes cancer!!! So frustrating when people could be thriving .

  • Avatar BS Free MD says:

    The diet influence on our health is fascinating. We have been covering a lot of this in our podcast recently. I am familiar with Jordanu2019s daughters story and many people thrive on a carnivore diet. Others thrive on plant based- we just interviewed a Rheumatologist who reversed his own autoimmune ankylosis on plant based. I donu2019t think itu2019s so simple, especially as we learn more on the gut microbiome, etc.
    We are still fighting mainstream disinformation by PCPs who refuse HRT in HEALTHY women citing it causes cancer!!! So frustrating when people could be thriving .

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