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146. In the Company of Psychopaths

By August 31, 2022June 10th, 2024100 Comments

Gates, Schwab, Soros, Fauci, Trudeau, Pelosi, the Chinese leaders, and a few thousand others get an “A” on the psychopath test. –Sherman

This post took weeks to research, write, and rewrite. It’s 22 minutes to listen at one x speed and half that to scan. This deserves copying and reposting in any form you desire, with or without attribution.

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These transnational criminals live to cheat, defraud, and blackmail. Many are killers. They make no contribution to those around them or society, and fair value exchange is foreign to them. They crave power and wealth, but this is secondary to their primary motivation—damaging others. Lies, conspiracies, and intimidation are their trademarks. 

Today’s agendas are so dark that they could only have been conceived and carried out by psychopaths. Their stated plan is “ending overpopulation,” but this supposed problem is already solved. Global birth rates are crashing, and demographics prove that our numbers will peak and decline within a few decades. The Earth’s people are now mostly fed, and their economic situation is improving. 

So why the fraud? Population reduction is killing and destruction for its own sake, which is what psychopaths hunger for. Normal humans have trouble conceiving of such evil, see this behavior as irrational, and dismiss these people as crazy or “psychotic.” This is inaccurate. Psychopaths see reality but have no “operating system” of human love, ethics, and sympathetic feelings.

With this in mind, our world-gone-mad and all the lies make sense. The following schemes are designed to harm people as the primary goal.

  • Covid is a purpose-built bioweapon developed to damage and kill us. The Covid “vaccine” injections are a second attack. The “elites” continue to conceal treatments that would have halted the pandemic. See Part 3, The Covid and Vax Disasters.

  • Promoting “transgender” (TG) behavior using drugs and surgery turns this improbable condition into a lifelong agony rather than a temporary adolescent rebellion. The medicines kill fertility, suppress orgasms, and destroy normal development. Forty percent of transgenders attempt suicide. The psychopaths are sponsoring marketing claiming that TGs are cousins of our gays and lesbians (reference HERE). But most gays and lesbians know this is a lie and refuse to be identified with it. See Part 7.

  • Psychopaths are grooming pedophilia by bringing drag queens into elementary schools. The World Economic Forum argues that laws against pedophilia “violate human rights.”

  • They are embezzling our money using money printing. It is the most massive financial crime in history, and their motive is economic collapse.  See the interview with Edward Dowd in Part 11.

  • They are inciting war.

  • They have thrown open our borders to foreign predators. This encourages human trafficking and the onslaught of devastating narcotics.

  • For decades, psychopaths have promoted harmful prescription drugs that destroy health and cause violence, suicide, and insanity. Psych drugs are the worst, but there are many others. See Butchered by “Healthcare” and Parts 3 through 8.

  • They pay incentives to hospitals for the mistreatment and killing Covid patients. See Part 4, Hospitals Have Become Contract Killers.

  • Racism and social strife are promoted with ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the election of false prosecutors, and the “defund the police” propaganda. See the Reality Inversion chapter in Part 2.

  • One of the conspirator’s goals is to forbid gun carry by private citizens. This 2nd Amendment right promotes security and combats crime. See the guns chapter in Part 11, Lawyers, Guns, and Money.

  • The psychopaths claim “carbon is bad for the earth” and global warming will kill us all. These theories are precisely the opposite of the truth and have become a false religion. These lies are used to decrease energy use and, therefore, worldwide food production, with the ultimate goal of starving “carbon-based life forms”—people. Even if these theories were true, nuclear energy could safely and opulently support our food and water production. It is carbon neutral and would be cheap at scale, but they are suppressing it. See Part 9, Climatology.

  • They call this the “Great Reset.” The plan is to destroy our rule of law, social fabric, and the United States itself. Their goal is an economic crash and then a totalitarian government.

  • Free countries are the most creative and productive, so not even psychopaths can explain how the Chinese system or a financial collapse would make them wealthier. But the whole thing makes sense to them because their primary goal is not money. They want to torture, destroy, and control. Since they are sadists, they enjoy the process.

  • Psychopaths use a strategy called “gaslighting” (Part 2). This is lying, terrorizing, and intimidating to alter their victims’ perceived reality. Ordinary people who cannot imagine basing their lives on falsehoods have trouble understanding what is happening.

  • The “conspiracy theory” phrase is being used to convince some of our best thinkers to dismiss current reality as improbable (Part 2). Many have been hoodwinked into exhaustive, repeated attempts to explain how it all could have happened. The academic controversies they debate are trivial—they are splitting hairs when they should be trying to figure out how to put the criminals down. The actual battle is against lies and censors.

To fathom today’s reality, consider the creatures who surrounded Hitler. The most skilled members of this species are rarely captured and seldom examined forensically. The Nuremberg Trial defendants were an exception. Although these animals imitated human behavior, they had no morals, feelings, or genuine relationships. The key to understanding today’s events is to realize that thousands of these brutes now walk among us. Due to unprecedented disparities of wealth and power, they may be gaining the upper hand.

Lower-functioning psychopaths are similar structurally but possess less guile and intelligence. Since they have more trouble concealing their intentions and behavior, they are sometimes captured, imprisoned, and studied. They occasionally get herded where they belong—into the justice system’s insect-killing jar. The insights from collecting these specimens provide inferences about their cousins, the corporate and political leaders. Although these deviants have been studied and observed, our knowledge about them is imperfect.

Robert Hare compiled the Psychopath Test. Its diagnostic value is weak, but true sociopaths live on across a bright line. Those around them—the variants—have a spectrum of the following traits.

  • Glibness/superficial charm

  • Grandiose sense of self-worth

  • Pathological lying

  • Conning/manipulative

  • Lack of remorse or guilt

  • Shallow affect

  • Callous/lack of empathy

  • Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

  • Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom

  • Parasitic lifestyle

  • Poor behavioral controls

  • Promiscuous sexual behavior (Example: Epstein and associates’ pedophilia.)

  • Lack of realistic, long-term goals

  • Impulsivity

  • Irresponsibility

  • Juvenile delinquency

  • Early behavior problems

  • Revocation of conditional release (violation of the terms of release from a psych facility, typically with reincarceration)

  • Criminal versatility

  • Many short-term marital relationships

The titles of three popular books describe these monsters well: Snakes in Suits (2006, Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare), Without Conscience (1993, Robert Hare), and The Mask of Sanity (1941, Hervey M. Cleckley). Political Ponerology (1984) by Andrzej Łobaczewski is the most comprehensive source. He says that psychopaths, conspiring in networks, have significant political and economic power. Their banality and seeming normalcy defy easy identification even by experts.

Łobaczewski writes, “[Sociopaths] learn to recognize each other in a crowd… sometimes in childhood. They become conscious of being different from the people surrounding them.” He says that they view the rest of us as almost another species.  

They know truth, honor, and decency but do not think these apply to them. They cheat, break promises, and revile the non-psychopaths. They use fear, lies, and concealment as weapons. They covet possessions and power and feel they have the right to them because they can take them. They plagiarize, swindle, and extort. The fruits obtained this way are sweeter for them than those earned through honest labor.

These degenerates have no conscience, do not feel others’ pain, and use their traits to reap benefits and pull strings. They learn that their personalities traumatize others and use this to their advantage. Those who know nothing about them are the most easily deceived and manipulated.

When government leaders and business CEOs are psychopaths, their immorality infects those around them. Conscienceless people create an environment where greed, deception, and even violence become the norm. Weaker individuals model them to survive. Although these followers may not be not “genetic” or total psychopaths, they turn into “effective” psychopaths.

Robert D. Hare describes them, “Psychopaths have a narcissistic and grossly inflated view of their self-worth and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement, and see themselves as the center of the universe, as superior beings who are justified in living according to their own rules.

Full psychopaths use their knowledge of ordinary people’s sensitivities to manipulate them. They may fake empathy yet remain aloof and calculating. Some use tears or shouting to whiplash their victims’ emotions.

  • We do not know their thoughts, but their actions reveal them. Incessant lying, or a stark mismatch between words and actions, is the easiest way to spot them. It is a successful strategy because most of us have trouble believing that anyone does this routinely. Normal people may struggle with their mental health as they deal with this.

The central mystery is how these vermin could have gained so much control.  Łobaczewski believes “essential,” or total psychopaths, are about 1% of the population. When other related syndromes are considered, the core group might be about 6 percent. He believed that the most pathological personalities are the most likely to develop positions of power.

The next tier of about 12 percent is more healthy but has been damaged by long-term exposure to the leaders. Working together, these groups conspire to subdue and control the rest of the population. The masses can be led to believe almost any far-fetched idea by using media control. Ordinary people mostly follow whoever seems to be in charge.

Psychopathic regimes find compliant scientists, support their academic degrees and achievements, and advance them into leadership. These obliging tools know their work is monitored for proper ideology and that their handlers would destroy them if they stepped out of line. See RFK Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Fauci for many examples.

These degenerates conceal themselves using politics and ideology. Left, right, center, socialist, democratic, communist, Democrat, and Republican are meaningless deceptions to them. When all political parties serve the same monsters, it erodes social structures and has cancerous effects on nations. Only a few people understand this and speak out.

Since legal and political systems developed partly under the influence of psychopaths, these structures may be insufficient to control them. Many observers believe that substantial secret governments have always existed, even when the recognized system is virtuous. For example, the Warren Commission asked us to believe the improbable story that a second lone actor immediately assassinated JFK’s killer. The records of this event are still being concealed:

One of the new documents related to a still-classified covert operation — still classified nearly 60 years later — that had been approved by senior CIA officials three months before Kennedy’s death, suggesting the agency employed Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald for intelligence purposes just weeks before the shooting.

In other words, Oswald worked for the CIA — AT LEAST up to three weeks before the killing.

The CIA has never acknowledged its link to Oswald before, not at the time or in all the decades after, not during Democrat nor Republican administrations. You would think they might have mentioned that tiny fact if they had nothing to hide. They might have useful intel on Oswald and his relationships in their CIA employee files, information that might have helped at the time.

John F. Kennedy was on the point of exposing some of this, as he expressed in THIS speech. It is likely the reason he was murdered.

Here are what check psychopaths

  • A bigger psychopath

  • Fear of prosecution and punishment

  • Exposure and ostracism

  • The absolute refusal to submit to their control regardless of the consequences

  • Death

How can anyone say no? Millions took to the streets before the invasion of Iraq, but it did not matter because the leaders did not care. They controlled the military and the media, which was used to paint dissenters as traitors. This happened recently to those who did not consent to the jab or comply with the lockdowns.

If every normal person refused to lift a hand to further these agendas, the system would grind to a halt. But that can only happen when everyone is miserable enough that the pain psychopaths can inflict pales compared to current conditions. It might also occur when there is general knowledge about the world being created for our children.

We must learn to spot psychopaths, speak up, and never be dominated. We must refuse to be conned or used. Giving in to anything they suggest is a mistake, for it emboldens them.

Today’s criminals realize they have committed multiple capital crimes. They also know they are a tiny minority. Let us hope that enough remains of our will, our courts, and our tattered constitution to save us.

Psychology and characteristics

Psychopaths have high rates of violence. In one study, two-thirds of their victims were male strangers selected for retribution or a predatory purpose. Purposeful violence is less common for non-psychopaths. They mostly commit crimes of passion against female family members or acquaintances.

Only about a tenth of psychopaths are female.

A psychopath can perpetrate any violation of the rights of others or any evil deed and still sleep at night because he believes he is always right. And since these people do not think their behavior is wrong, they never seek treatment. They will participate in therapy programs to gain release from prison. There is no cure for them, however.

Debates with sociopaths are useless. No matter what we say or how much evidence is given, it has no meaning to them. Their sole goal is to fool us into classifying them as normal, so they can continue to use, deceive, and control us.

Even those who are armored with skepticism should never underestimate their chances of being fooled by the next psychopath. These degenerates do not display anxiety, remorse, or any feelings about others that would reveal them. Many, however, are practiced at feigning these human qualities.

Examples of psychopathic behavior from Łobaczewski and others

  • A mother plays a game of hide and seek with her four-year-old daughter. She is holding a large kitchen knife. She tells her daughter, “I am going to count to one hundred, and if I find you, I will cut off your thumbs.” The girl hides in her closet, and the mother, knowing where she is, lets her stay there, terrified, frightened, and traumatized until the last moment. When the mother opens the door, she cuts the skin under one of her daughter’s thumbs.

  • A family has two sons. One of them commits suicide using a hunting rifle. At Christmas, the parents give the gun to their other son. When asked why, they respond, “It was a perfectly good gun.”

  • Hare reports about psychopaths abusing the elderly. For example, after a criminal cons an older woman out of her life savings, a colluding psychopath contacts the victim. He claims to be a lawyer and offers to get the money back for a fee. The victim borrows the payment from a relative and loses it to the second criminal.

  • Using lawsuits, rich people sometimes sue middle-class people to force them to pay ruinous lawyers’ fees. These expenses are like buying paperclips for the wealthy, and winning or losing—or even the issues litigated—are typically unimportant to them. Here is one example, and the others are legion. Some New York apartment co-ops are inhabited by people worth tens of millions. But if they allow the wrong billionaire into their midst, he can dominate them with litigation threats. The co-op admission committees typically ask for twenty (20) references, then turn many people down anyway.

  • I knew a wealthy doctor who sued patients, and patients sued him. He also sued tenants, suppliers, and even moving companies. Some of his tenants won countersuits. One of his patients sued him for malpractice, lost the countersuit, and spent ten years trying to get the judgment overturned. By the time everyone finally walked away, the court had seized her house. After it was sold, no money was left for the doctor after the loan, realtors, and bankruptcy trustee were paid. This woman’s total lawyer bills were $500,000. The doctor must have enjoyed it all because it was not profitable. I was informally sympathetic to this woman, so he called and threatened me. On another occasion, he tried to get me thrown out of our professional organization, and I had to defend myself in front of a committee. They told us to stay away from each other, which was wise advice. I was (more) abrasive in those days.

  • When corporate leaders are psychopaths

  • Companies are indifferent to right or wrong. They do not care about human harm except as it impacts their core value, profit. Although corporate structures are not inherently sadistic or destructive, they can be led this way by their executives. When this happens, the corporations they control turn evil.

Nonprofits are subject to less oversight than for-profit corporations because, under some circumstances, they have no board of directors. They are not constrained by a requirement to make money, either.

Corporations have attained many legal aspects of personhood, which is problematic for their regulation. They are also potentially immortal. This means they can accumulate wealth over generations without the tax consequences that happen to the estates of individuals at their death. Over the past few decades, companies have skirted election donation laws and given massive amounts to politicians who can help them. And many corporations are now transnational, which makes controlling and punishing them difficult.

Łobaczewski says that psychopaths are incapable of creative work

They must depend upon ordinary people for this. As long as core parts of an economy still function, their pathological strategies may seem successful. However, a downward spiral begins when significant positions of power in business, government, and industry are filled with these people. Societies fail as they become colonized.

Ordinary people eventually recognize what their leaders are and devise survival strategies. But when a society comes to its senses, other deviants typically step in. These are often the same people. For example, at the fall of Soviet communism, capitalist psychopaths took the spoils, and many communists found a comfortable new home.

In their dealings with these criminals, people from the former Soviet block have advantages over Westerners. Soviet people have been under the regimes for so long that they routinely ignore rhetoric from the media, government, and corporations. They develop the ability to read between the propaganda lines (lies) and speculate about the truth.  They can also spot people who pretend to be revolutionaries but are rats for the state. They regard Americans as easily fooled.

I was a loyal Soviet citizen until the age of 20. What it meant to be a loyal citizen was to say what you were supposed to say, to read what you’re permitted to read, to vote the way you were told to vote and, at the same time, to know that it was all a lie

Natan Sharansky, from a prison cell

The ability to cheat, lie, and kill with indifference is a stupendously successful adaptation. It has widened the gap between the middle class and the extremely wealthy. Advances in communication and propaganda technology have enabled these mutants to attempt a worldwide coup. As they gain more power, little restrains them. Psychopaths like Gates, whose true natures were hidden, are revealing themselves.

Counterpoint by Substack author A Midwestern Doctor

While I agree that things look bleak, the silver lining is that at least a third of the populace is waking up to the criminality and the agendas. For example, distrust of the Covid vaccine is being carried over to the other childhood vaccines. This will be a huge financial loss for Pharma.

About terminology

In psychiatry, the terms psychopath, sociopath, borderline personality, and anti-social personality are used as near-synonyms. Their verbiage changes kaleidoscopically and reflects the politically correct message du jour. I will not dignify the field’s contribution by calling any of these diagnoses.

“Psychosis” refers to people who have trouble determining what is real and what is not. Auditory hallucinations are more typical for “schizophrenia,” which is a wastebasket diagnosis encompassing related syndromes. Visual hallucinations are more likely when the psychosis is drug-induced. Psychopaths may seem psychotic to ordinary people, but they are not.

Yoho notes

  • I have focussed on Łobaczewski’s description of the extreme end of the spectrum, but he describes many cases as “subclinical.”

  • The lesser variants feel some pain and guilt, bond with certain people, and may have little idea that they are different.

  • I have observed that those with psychopathic features may have trouble identifying others like them. This could be because lies and unethical actions seem reasonable to them. This weakness allows these degenerates to take advantage of each other.

  • Sophisticated “normals” may be able to identify psychopaths more easily than the psychopaths themselves.

  • A close friend with a few of these features understood global events early. He told me, “They want to kill us.”

  • Research and insight credit for this article: my collaborator Sherman (hat tip to the 1960s Rocky and Bullwinkle Show for his pseudonym).

Popular books and articles

  • The Psychopath Test (2011) by Jon Ronson is a humorous account that points out inconsistencies but trivializes his subject.

More technical works

  • The Mask of Sanity (1941) by Dr. Hervey Cleckley. Brilliant case reports


HERE and HERE are overviews of the depopulation agenda.

  • A reader comments about the banality of evil, “Fauci and Brix with her scarves seemed so ordinary. Gates, too, seems so banal. Terrible speaker. Boring.”

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  • Avatar Bull Dog says:

    I had a manager that was a psychopath. Ruined my financial life. Its real. There are people that are capable of pure evil.

    • Avatar Janet says:

      A former wealthy boss of my husband refused to honor a deferred compensation contract. We took him to court then realized what a cunning snake he was–he would crush us. We backed out and have done just fine without the money. The boss did end up paying 1.5 million state fine that my husband reported to the state regarding a fraud the boss committed. Ha. It would have been cheaper to honor my husbands contract. Way cheaper so we have that…….

  • Avatar JustANobody says:

    Wowza!!!!! Great Info! Love your writings!

  • Avatar anitabdeep says:

    Thank you for you very well done and referenced article!!!!

    Of course these [things] exist.

    We live in a world which in the words of old is run by [This Evil/the spiritual failures; the demons/psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists/parasites and their enablers/robots]; which is now mostly everywhere. [They] want those of spiritual value, as core-upted as [they] are.

    This is why [they] put fetal cells into everything. Calling it u201Cflavour enhancementu201D.

    There is a very small minority only who are of spiritual worth. So yes, there is an apocalypse, as the [Evil] is forever removed from what is of spiritual value. The decisions have already been made as the [parasitical tics] are removed.

    Take it or leave it as the [parasites] are made inert, never to exist again. Everyone knows within, what is right.

  • Avatar Mystic William says:

    Iu2019ve only met two really evil people in my life. I define it though differently. It is when someone wishes so much to hurt others they are willing to even hurt themselves. And they feel no real pain from it. Which does not fit into the psychopath definition. I think that sort, which is really rare, is itu2019s own category. It sounds odd but it might even be demonic. However, there is another type of psycho/sociopath. This one isnu2019t rare. It is the u2018benignu2019 sociopath. They donu2019t go around hurting people, they end up hurting others so that isnu2019t quite true. But it isnu2019t conscious. It is more they just donu2019t have feelings. They are socially adept as theyu2019ve learned all the social cues. They say u2018aaawu2019 at the right moment. They hug those needing a hug. But their entire life is spent fulfilling their needs without real regard for others. They might not steal because they arenu2019t stupid, they donu2019t want to go to prison. But they would if they could. They are sexually unfaithful. Because they can be, they want to be, and they can get away with it. They lie constantly. Small things, big things. But this group doesnu2019t do horrible things like kill people etc. They donu2019t feel shame, they always blame others. Theyu2019ve developed strategies on how to instantly deflect etc. But Overall they arenu2019t horrible people. Which sounds odd considering what Iu2019ve written. Theyu2019re just empty. They donu2019t love. They donu2019t feel. Even their own children they donu2019t love really. They usually contribute. But not because they want to, but because they know they must contribute something in order to get what they want. These people abound. Maybe theyu2019re the ready and willing minions for the evil ones?

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      You’ve just perfectly described the liberals I’m familiar with. They portray themselves as all loving, all caring individuals, and then abort their own children

    • Avatar sojourner says:

      You have given a reasonably accurate description of the Narcissist Personality Disorder. I’ve known many, and they can be very tricky and enigmatic to figure out. Unfortunately, they create chaos and damage in other people’s lives with never ever a thought of any responsibility or regret. Having learned the hard way, I guarantee they are dangerous to know. The more distance the better. This short video, really captured it for me. (Never lose your sense of humor!)
      If A Narcissist Were Honest About Your Relationship

  • Avatar Dani Richards says:

    You have nailed it. May I also suggest (strongly recommend) you check out “dark vs. Light triad traits” and yes, there is a test. The act of taking the test teaches a person a lot about psychopathic evil.

    It gets easier and easier to spot them by the day.

  • Avatar Signme Uplease says:

    u201CThe hardest thing for us to understand is that psychopaths enjoy what they do.u201D

    This, in a nutshell, is why we have such a hard time dealing with our predicament. The inmates are running the asylum. The average person cannot relate to a psychopath thus rendering him/her defenseless against their machinations and exploitation. We just never learn effective ways of fending off their diabolical behaviour.

    I also believe that the social trauma of living under their control enables the creation of psychopaths/sociopaths. People are turning into psycho/sociopaths as a form of coping. They can both longer feel compassion because they’ve been so brutalized living in this omnicidal culture. Creating a self-reinforcing feedback loop where we’re all descending into a hellscape.

    • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

      Yes. . . . and, the present totalitarian, propaganda accelerated culture of immorality BREEDS more of the genuine psychopaths and their enablers. The downward spiral of another modern civilization.

  • Avatar Carole says:

    The Covid narrative has brought us to universal healthcare in this country. I shudder to think what the next step will be. Please see to easily email Congress to end the u201Cemergencyu201D and restore our rights. Flooding their inboxes might help to a certain degree. Thanks. Also try the Lioness of Judah Substack for an historical perspective of the psychopaths responsible for our current situation.

  • Avatar Ale says:

    we wish they starving us …… finally doing something salty for the population ….. look around no one seems hungry w’ll be nice if one day that happen

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    Robert, I am tempted to apply this designation to the psychiatrists that abused me for so many years, as I told you during our recent conversation. Do you believe they were aware that the treatment was not helping, but in actuality, harming me?
    This is true of physicians today that are giving children COVID ‘vaccines’. The information is available to everyone at this point. If they continue to do this, they should be held accountable

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


      The psychiatrists are fooling themselves. They could not face that their drugs do far more harm than good. Read Robert Whitaker’s book Anatomy of an Epidemic to learn more.

      Re: physicians giving the vax: you can’t imagine what these people have become. Since Obamacare, about 40 percent of their time is now taken up just doing computer charting. Although they test smarter than any group of a million people in the US, with IQs averaging 125, they are so hammered by now that they aren’t thinking much.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        So no, I don’t think many docs are sociopaths.

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        My IQ is higher than 125

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          There is much attention on the drop in IQ. I have done 3 or 4 IQ tests and all results were about 160. IQ tests are primarily problem solving tests. I’ve always done well with problem solving.

      • Avatar Laura Noncomplier says:

        Hi Robert, I am concerned with this anti-psychiatry bias of yours. I am one and I agree with much that you say but there are good ones and although many psych meds have nasty side effects and are overused, mood and anxiety and psychotic illnesses are truly crippling and do need medicating frequently. SSRIs are not all bad, although they can cause agitation, drivenness and cycling of moods and must be monitored for these emergent side effects. I could cast aspersions at bad plastic surgeons and the many unnecessary, dangerous and expensive procedures they perform but I donu2019t. I gently request that you moderate your criticisms.

        • Avatar R Nichols says:

          Know what crippled me? Psych drugs.
          At barely 20 an SSRI kept me awake for 3 weeks straight. This problem with the drug got me diagnosed as “Bipolar 2.” 23 years on poly pharma–including the category of drug that drove me crazy to start with! No doctor was willing to help offline. It destroyed my life. No chance at a career or family because I couldn’t function.
          Physically crippled now after finally getting help doing a decent taper on the black market. Multiple autoimmune diseases and I suspect neurological damage to my frontal lobes.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            stories like this are legion. My opinion: they should never have been approved and do terrific harm.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Just saw this, sorry for the late response. You won’t hurt my feelings by calling out the plastics / cosmetic surgeons. I quit that profession, remember. Their ethical levels are lower than the average doc in my opinion. You should examine my whole synthesis of ideas about medical and psych practitioners in Butchered by “Healthcare”. The following copy is a gift from me to you and anyone else who sees this post: Please review it. Best

          • Avatar Laura Noncomplier says:

            Thanks for the gift. My point remains that SSRIs have done much good as well as some bad. Just as plastic surgery has done much good as well as some bad . You wouldnu2019t outlaw plastic surgery would you? Similarly, you shouldnu2019t cal for SSRIs to be outlawed

      • Avatar R Nichols says:

        Most of these physicians were happy to take the shot themselves. They are self deceived.
        “Father, forgive them. They know not what they do.”

    • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

      You may find this book interesting:
      “An unquiet mind”, Kay Redfield Jamison
      a psychologist herself, wrestling with her own Bi-polarism and the drugs

  • Avatar Charlotte Z says:

    This article clarified many of my thoughts on the topic. I had the misfortune of having a supervisor who, once I got to know her, I had an aversion to her and she knew it. She tried persecution and when that didn’t work she tried to corner my husband and offered her sexual services. He let her know quickly that he was not interested. I eventually had to leave my place of work as she continued to make our workplace miserable and she continued to target me with her evils. Interestingly, she did tell me about her dreadful childhood of having two older brothers sexually molest her when she was very young. I didn’t doubt her as I could tell that she was psychologically ill. Thank you for this insightful information. I too have come to the same conclusion about our past and current leaders, especially after 9/11. That was my eye opener of the type of people with who we are dealing with in this world of ours.

  • Avatar streamfortyseven says:

    u0141obaczewski is pronounced “lowba-chefski” – cz sounds like our ch.

    • Avatar dar says:

      almost S47,… in Polish, ‘u0141’ is spoken as ‘W’…so, it’s “Woba-chefski” [] cheers ps Dr Robert’s smooth declamatory style could make his reading of ye olde telephone book sound engrossing et fascinating!

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Thanks. This was reedited for possibly 30 hours. I can write but it’s painful and massively time consuming for me. Putting today’s events into the psychopath model was my idea, though. Best

        • Avatar dar says:

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  • Avatar Stegiel says:

    Psychopaths have successfully injected GLOBALLY millions of people with poison. Some die immediately or are obviously injured. Many or all will die from the injections within a few years. This then is not about profits for Big Pharma although money is welcome. This is the next Endoslung. Our social order relies on workers. As workers get sick or die. no one replaces them because there are not enough trained people. In my opinion non-violent resistance is useless. The Nazi would not hesitate to kill the non-violent since they already are. Moreover you cannot vote a psychopathic social elite out of power.

    I have asked for two years where are the Maquis? The men who murder us have names, homes, jobs. Some are neighbors. No matter how mistaken the Weather Undergound, PETA or Earth First were, they acted. Where is the Resistance in public TODAY? Where are the protests in public in the size we saw during Vietnam?

    Time is running short. Winter will be brutal. As civilization collapses we hear voices shouting but voices are not sonic cannons, and the injections continue and dissent is increasingly muzzled. In California a law is pending to punish doctors for “misinformation.” In Australia the AAS has demanded u201Cdisinformationu201D about climate change, the great barrier reef, and Covid vaccines be censored from broadcast news and the internet.

    • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

      I agree and add this:
      Where are all the rich elites representing OUR side? Yes, there is Elon Musk, but “is that all there is?!
      Other than The Epoch times, 1440, and Fox News there are no media objectively voicing. Why has no CONSERVATIVE elite come forward to buy one of the MSM outlets? WHERE are they?
      I could go on. . . there are obvious solutions– all violent, all requiring the ceased existence of the psychopaths.

      • Avatar Stegiel says:

        None are on “our” side because Elon is interested in Elon. And “our” interests like those of the elite vary widely. No corporation reports on itself after all. The solution is easier and harder than meets the eye. Local ism.

  • Avatar Wikihospitals says:

    A great article published by Brownstone Institute last year on totalitarianism, with reference to Hannah Arendtu2019s book The Origins of Totalitarianism (1948).

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    They have been around for centuries. Many the product of inbreeding, Nero, George 111, Hitler are just three. Some hide behind PTSD for their behavior.

    It takes a strong person to walk away from the abuse they inflict, as they have isolated you. And it takes a long time to trust again, if ever.

  • Avatar Frederick R Smith says:

    This is an excellent essay about the predators among and above us. You beat me to the punch as I was thinking of a similar essay but this is beyond what I had envisioned. Bravo!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Devils, psychopaths, alligators, crocodiles, is there any difference?

      • Avatar NoMoreLies says:

        Good question – maybe non- human AI

      • Avatar Katherine says:

        My favorite analogy explaining this to “normies” is that just like an alligator is not a golden retriever, those who fall into the “Dark Triad,” Psychopathy, Sociopathy & Narcissism, are NOT like you and me.
        You cannot love them out of it, treat them out of it, punish them out of it. It is the way they are. All you can do is learn to recognize them, keep them OUT of positions of power, (the very existence of Psychopaths is an excellent reason to create as few Positions of “Power” as possible,) and make very clear to them that if they ACT in such a way that harms others, if they steal, lie, cheat and kill, THEY WILL BE CAUGHT AND REMOVED FROM SOCIETY.
        We must wise up! The predators among us have taken millions and millions of lives, started every war that ever happened, and are now attacking all of Humanity.

  • Avatar Kelly Em says:

    In the 18th century, psychopathy was also called u201CMoral Insanity.u201D That was always a better classification.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      you don’t want to change the name too many times or it loses meaning. I think sociopath is too weak.

      • Avatar Kelly Em says:

        The real issue is predation. These people, as Breggin points out, are predators. Predopathic would be a good neologism. But Moral Insanity really describes the internal state. These people lack internal moral function, a key, if not the key, human function. In fact, we sometimes see moral function even in the higher animals. This missing piece makes the predator class uniquely dangerous.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          I call them the global psychopaths rather than predators

          • Avatar Kelly Em says:

            The problem with technical terms is that they are…er… technical. Letu2019s start calling them morally insane, which was the original technical term, but was better because it connects the meaning in the expression.

      • Avatar Mystic William says:

        I think we have to distinguish between a Jeffrey Dahmer and a guy like my old business partner. He couldnu2019t stop cheating. He was entitled and each person was there simply to fulfill his needs. He had no real Feelings whatsoever. But he was amazingly fun to be around. Lively quick bright. But his quickness was always looking to take. Somehow the term Sociopath suits him better than psychopath. For one thing the two or three people Iu2019ve met like my biz partner are all physical cowards. Whereas Iu2019m assuming a Jeffrey Dahmer isnu2019t.

        • Avatar Mystic William says:

          The other thing is the person whom I call a sociopath has a really inflated view of themselves. In a weird way. They cheat and lie and have somehow told themselves that because they can lie and get away with it (because they can for awhile) this makes them all Smarter than everyone. They donu2019t have any real empathy so they assume no one does. They think everyone is playing the same game, but theyu2019re better at it than everyone else. Each that I know has been relatively competent too. They do well in group situations.

        • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

          Yes, that IS interesting: “also physical cowards.”
          Confronted, they run, obfuscate, dissemble. . .
          I recall in grade school once you fought back(physically) the bullies left you alone and those you protected.
          Bullies don’t much reside in places like this. . . Lots of us to “call them out!”

        • Avatar R Nichols says:

          I suspect Bill Gates is. He prefers forcing poisons on people while staying far away.

    • Avatar Laura Noncomplier says:


      • Avatar Laura Noncomplier says:

        But I doubt that it is a cure, maybe temporary modification

        • Avatar Mystic William says:

          I donu2019t know if you can cure someone without empathy. Is there a seed of empathy in the person that can be nurtured? You might be able to get the person to move a bit towards normal. But a Dahmer? And the biz type sociopath is usually too slippery to work with. Isolation in society might be the only way to punish them. Iu2019ve often thought the best punishment for a Hillary Clinton is to make her live in a crack house in NYC living in welfare. Anyone slipping her any money will be fined and/or jailed. Humiliate her in the news, on TV, etc and have her live the life of a homeless person. I donu2019t think hat would be a cute. But it might be the punishment that would best fit her.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Sorry won’t work. Psychopaths have fixed problems.

    • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

      Wow. THAT is interesting. Love to hear more details on the interactions! I would bet more than a few were a bit beaten up by end of day.

  • Avatar Katherine says:

    This is the explanation for and answer to all of our woes.
    It needs to be heard by all Americans.
    Please consider sending it out across all Substack and Telegram and other social media channels you have, and to all friends, family, etc.
    I also believe printing copies and physically mailing them to elected officials, law enforcement, health care professionals, teachers, first responders and local media is a great way to help the awakening process required if we are to bring the United States back from the brink of utter destruction.
    Thank you for publishing this article; NOTHING is more important!

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    North Carolina dad spends 24 hours in jail for refusing to wear a mask in front of a judge

    Maskless state, a corrupt judge with a god complex.

    • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

      Wow. I didn’t know I had come so close?!
      Two weeks ago I went to an appointment at local clinic / hospital and after being directed by the incoming security / receptionist desk to another receptionist for blood testing found a women wearing a mask behind a full height plexiglas barrier with a slot at the bottom. She slid a mask through the slot and insisted I wear it. I refused. After a bit of back and forth she threatened to call security guard. I told her to do so, I was not going to wear a mask. Security guard showed up and insisted I wear the mask. I wrapped the band around my arm, and said I am wearing it. He then insisted I put it on “correctly” over my face. I refused. I stated that I understand they are refusing to give me my scheduled PSA test. He escorted me OUT of the building. That was that. I no longer see a urologist for prostate cancer followup.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Just saw this. Read my summary of prostate cancer in Butchered by Healthcare, free link to download it above. (not medical advice, use at your own risk, etc. etc.)

        • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

          thanks Dr Yoho. I already have it but have yet to get past the intro. . . I have too dang many books on the back burner! I found pg 386 and read a bit. . . yep, I have heard much of this before and have not looked back much after this incident. My Dad died at age 98, 3 brothers, none of which have prostate probs, and the BIG fact that nearly ALL men HAVE prostate cancer after age 70(?) but it is nearly never listed as cause of death. Thanks Doc.
          OH, and it seems really anti-“health” to run a needle through a guys colon to access the prostate for a damn biopsy sample– MULTIPLE times! AND, this dufus wanted me to come in and have him repeat this a 2nd time!

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    You won’t offend me by assaulting plastic surgeons. They are opportunistic and have much to apologize for starting with TG surgery. And my anti psychiatry views are derivative of some of the best minds looking at it including Breggin and Robert Whitaker. I am the only one willing to call a spade a spade in frank terms. Look at the nuance in my views by downloading my book. Here’s a free copy: Best

    • Avatar Laura Noncomplier says:

      I donu2019t intend to assault plastic surgeons or anyone else but I do ask why you have such a fervent hatred of psychiatry. There is good and bad in every specialty and the same goes for most medications and procedures. Used appropriately, they can be life saving and enhancing,( not the vexines at all). You risk being almost at the level of Scientologists who would deny a postpartum depressed mother an antidepressant. Yes Iu2019ve read that you suggest treatment with hormones but that doesnu2019t address the later onset some women get PPD.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Read Butchered by Healthcare. My reasoning is documented. Comparing me to Scientologists is ad hominem. Other excellent ref: Whitaker’s Anatomy of an Epidemic.

        “deny a postpartum depressed mother an antidepressant” yes. Rather: deny brain damaging drugs that cause suicide and violence. These drugs should NEVER have been approved and cause MANY more problems, including mortal risks, than they help. Do your background reading and you will understand. The Breggins have also addressed these issues.

      • Avatar Mystic William says:

        Psychiatry does far more harm than good.

        • Avatar Janet says:

          Yes. A psychiatrist said it was ok for a neurally vaccine injured 16 yo, now on the spectrum, girl to transition to a boy and get mutilation surgery (from other greedy demons) plus drugs. My only grandchild. The hissing devilish snakes of that profession used u201Cwould you rather have a dead girl or a live boyu201D on the parents. Hell is not good enough for these slithering destroyers.

    • Avatar R Nichols says:

      As a psychiatric survivor I thank you.
      My “diagnosis” along with the drugs almost drove me to suicide. Numerous times.
      Rejecting it and tapering off the latter gave me the will to live.
      To validate psychiatry is to dehumanize those of us they slander. Their “diagnoses” are moral judgments with no hope for redemption.

  • Avatar Deborah Richardson Evans says:

    Thank goodness some arenu2019t afraid of taking the bull by the horns and looking straight down its throat! Iu2019m with you.

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Democrat Congresswoman Says Reparations Could Have Saved Black Americans From COVID

    Bidenu2019s Trips to Delaware and Other Venues Costing American Taxpayers TENS OF MILLIONS

    HHS Report Recommends Government ‘Encourage or Mandate’ Maskin

    Bidenu2019s u2018Pandemic Is Overu2019 Comment Comes Back to Haunt Him as He Seeks $10 Billion in New COVID Funding

    Anthony Fauci Urges Americans to Get COVID Tests Before Thanksgiving


    100,000 pounds of ground beef recalled: Hereu2019s what you need to know

    Ins companies won’t pick up the cost. Makes them iable too.

    Pfizer CEO claims 400% price hike on COVID vaccines will be u201Cfreeu201D

    Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla claimed at a news event last week that the company’s COVID-19 vaccines will continue to be “free to all Americans,” despite the company’s plan to raise the price of the vaccine roughly 400 percentu2014a price difference that will be picked up by health insurers.

    The company said in October that it plans to raise the price of a dose of its COVID-19 vaccine from about $30 to somewhere between $110 and $130 as it moves the shots to the commercial market next year.×1600/img?static={static}

    “F*ck the Jab and F*ck You All for Wanting Me to Get It!” – Ice Cube Turned Down $9 Million to Star in Sony Movie Over Forced Jab (VIDEO)

    World Leaders Sign Agreement to Mandate Vax Passports on International Travel

    COVID: This painful symptom most common among those vaccinated with one single dose

    Bidenu2019s Trips to Delaware and Other Venues Costing American Taxpayers TENS OF MILLIONS

    u201CAmerican Airlines Pilot Dies u2018Suddenlyu2019 During Flightu201D

    Reports surfaced on Tuesday that a recently hired Envoy Air pilot had collapsed and been pronounced dead shortly after taking off from Chicago Ou2019Hare International Airport en route to Columbus, Ohio.

    Captain Patrick Ford of the American Eagle Embraer 175 passed out at the controls at 7:59 p.m. on Saturday, November 19, shortly after the plane had taken off from the runway, Alex Berenson reported.

    A recording of the incident shows that Captain Ford was talking to an air traffic controller when his voice suddenly stopped.

    FTX Collapse: Tom Brady and Steph Curry’s Problems Get Worse

    FTX Funded $18 Million Towards Research that Claimed that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Didnu2019t Work Against COVID

    FTX funded garbage research that claimed that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine didnu2019t work against COVID. FTX financed politicians in the US in recent elections. Millions were sent to these politicians as we already reported. FTX was actually the second-largest donor to the Democrat party.

    FTX funded garbage research that claimed that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine didnu2019t work against COVID. FTX financed politicians in the US in recent elections. Millions were sent to these politicians as we already reported. FTX was actually the second-largest donor to the Democrat party.

    Bankman-Fried’s FTX, parents bought Bahamas property worth $121 million


    Digital Dollaru2019 Begins in US; G20 Used to Advance Great Reset
    Ice Cube Confirms He Lost $9 Million After Not Getting the Vaccine u2013 Billboard

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    from end of Cassandra (substack does not do paragraph breaks)

    Although we face wealthy, patient foes who are getting away with murder, they are not unbeatable. There are only a few thousand of them and billions of us. As a group, we are far more dangerous than the psychopaths. They are hindered by fatal hubris, believe transparent frauds, and swallow collectivist ideas that have been tried and failed countless times. There is no Great and Powerful Oz behind the curtain. They are small, aging men who are terrified of death and holding up the soggy tissue paper of immortal transhumanist life as a shield.
    Giving ground to predators emboldens them. If you think this is a spectator sport and do not help work the courts and the legislatures, civil disobedience will soon be all we have left. This is ugly and dangerous. If you hide now, you and your children will have an agonizing time later.
    We will survive and even thrive if we step up. You have gotten my memo, and you must now share it. Stay frosty, keep at it, and the calamity will go no further.

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    have a critical look:

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    Great question. Read Anatomy of an Epidemic by Whitaker or see my psych chapters in Butchered by Healthcare. Psychiatry is ineffective and the drugs should never been approved. Like vaccines, no sugar pill controls have been used to eval them. They are toxic, generate violence, are tremendously addictive and some shorten lifespan by 20 years. Psychoanalysis is rife with abuse and unproven is the kindest way to characterize it. I have no connection w Scientology. Here’s how to download Butchered free Read it and review it. Psych is the most expensive medical specialty and the most corrupt.

  • Avatar pretty-red, old guy says:

    Excellent review of the reality of Evil Robert.
    Here is one to add to your library:
    “People of the Lie”, M. Scott Peck, MD. 1983

  • Avatar Bird says:

    I also find it rather convenient that the conditions “psychopathy” and “narcissism” are now being officially erased from the medical classification manuals.
    But in good historical med style (…hysteria, hysterectomies…), the single personality disorder diagnosis being retained is “bipolar”.

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Veteran arrested for holding up God Bless and help our Veterans.

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    I disagree and to understand my viewpoint you must read some. In addition to my work, see Robert Whittaker’s Anatomy of an Epidemic. Your plastic surgery analogy is not germaine

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    This horrendous story has gotten only a few conservative news zines’ attention.

    I broke it down and added more links in the comments.

    This goes with it Jennifer Newsom’s Nonprofit Made $1.48M From Films with Porn and LGBTQ Content for Schools

    The Gateway Pundit reported on questions surrounding the nonprofit, The Representation Project, run by California Governor Gavin Newsomu2019s wife Jennifer. According to their website, u201CThe mission of The Representation Project is to fight sexism through films, education, research, and activism to build a world where everyone can achieve their full potential.

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Stents and Statins, I know both are bad. Why would an ER give a Type 2 Diabetic 54-year-old a Steroid shot, it is counter to what I was told. He is now told his heart functions at 25% and needs a catheterization, most likely 1 or more stents. I read they are like hernia mesh, they blow up and damage the artery. Depression has set in. He is used to working 6 days a week 10 hrs a day.

    I’ve noticed even Specialist Fail to inform Diabetics and Glaucoma patients they shouldn’t take Steroids, Cortisones, or Prednisone. Just like Primaries fail to tell you, you have an Enlarged Heart with a small Mitrial Valve Leak. Thankfully my Asian Neurologist did.

    Medicine in the USA now resembles Canada’s crappy system. Zoo animals get better healthcare.

  • Avatar Signposts says:

    Wow! superbly written!

  • Avatar JoAlice Seymour Levin says:

    I like psychiatry and psychology (the study of human behavior). Sometimes I see patients get better but the whole time complain of the medicine, then say psychiatry is unacceptable which is also a choice or channel to direct feelings. But, Iu2019ve seen patients improve most with the addition of talk therapy and interaction with other people on a feeling level through group therapy. Psychiatric/psychologic help is also about what you put into it. Getting help is a choice, until itu2019s not.

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