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He is a senior pediatrician and “vaccine denier” who lays out the brutal results of his definitive study for us. Childhood vaccines cause massive harm.

HERE is the Rumble version.

Paul Thomas, MD, has fought a one man war against the childhood vaccines for a decade. More than 14,000 of his patients have not had all the childhood vaccines, although fewer than 800 had none. When he hired a statistician to study them, the man walked out of his cubicle after two days and called Paul over. The practice showed conclusive proof that vaccines massively increase autism, psych diagnoses, office visits, and all kinds of infections and inflammatory diseases. His completely unvaccinated patients were the healthiest children in his practice.

Paul describes the blowback he experienced from the big-Pharma-influenced (bought?) Oregon medical board. One source reported, “After publishing the most significant real-world, peer-reviewed study showing data, over time, that children receiving fewer vaccines were healthier than those following the CDC vaccine schedule, the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), emergently and without filing charges, took his license. This emergency suspension resulted in Dr. Paul losing not only his license but all health plan contracts, hospital privileges, board certifications, and his ability to practice medicine and make a living for this last year.” Paul finally jettisoned his medical license at about the time of this interview. This gives him the power to say what he believes.

Our wide-ranging conversation included:

  • How he was smeared by idiot journalists who DFR (don’t freaking read). They claimed it was his fault that a kid who he had never seen as a patient developed tetanus.

  • How he gradually became aware of many “controversies” in medical care that make so much money for the industry.

  • All about his book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, which he wrote before he fully understood how bad vaccines were. He now says that childhood vaccinations all have overwhelmingly unhealthy effects.

  • How mercury was recognized as toxic and banned except for multi-dose flu vaccine. I did not get a chance to discuss the Cochrane Reviews about the flu vax, which I believe says it is useless and toxic.

  • How to rid your mouth of mercury amalgams by going to a “biological” dentist. We discussed mercury consumption from fish.

  • How aluminum was another seriously toxic substance that we should never use, either orally, by injection, or on the skin surface (deodorants). How the Hepatitis B vaccine, which contains aluminum, started being used for infants about the time mercury was taken off the market in the early 2000s. How the hep B vax is pri this sexually transmitted disease, which is insane for newborns.

  • How Tylenol should be taken off the market because it depletes an important anti-oxidant, NAC. How aspirin is safer but has been smeared with an association to a serious condition called Reye’s Syndrome.

  • Discussion about magnesium deficiency, how to take it orally, or by putting it in your bath or on your skin.

  • Why SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is related to SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome), and how both are made-up diagnoses that were created to disguise vaccine injuries.

I told Dr. Thomas how I convince people that childhood vaccines cause autism. I say that there are no studies of vaccine effectiveness—none—but there are 10,000 kids in the US who fell down after getting a vaccine, start banging their heads, and never spoke again. Paul said more than 95 percent of these had a vaccine within a week, and he corrected me—this happens to 10,000 kids a year.

Last, we tried to quantify toxic risks. Paul says that since not everyone smokes, vaccines dwarf even this as a health risk. I am not sure about this, so listen and see what you think. We discussed others:

  • Glyphosate (Roundup). This is everywhere and in many food sources. Organic farming avoids pesticides, but false claims about that are common.

  • Fluoride is a brain toxin and is in most city water supplies but can be avoided if you use reverse-osmosis water treatment or drink bottled water.

  • Plastics are thought to suppress immune function and hormones.

  • We touched briefly on the dangers of EMF (electric and magnetic fields). The largest sources of this are WiFi emissions. I showed how my EMF detection gadget works (buy it HERE, about $200). It communicates directly with my tinfoil hat, which tells it what to do (just kidding). I showed on the video how it goes red next to my cell phone.

You can mitigate your EMF exposures and recovery is possible. Distance from the sources is your friend. iPhones emit a lot of radiation, both from the WiFi and from the Bluetooth, so they should be on “airplane” mode at night and as much as possible otherwise. Minimizing other risks involves turning off your WiFi at night and using ethernet wires instead of WiFi to connect computers and appliances. Avoiding microwave oven exposures is also important. Stay away during their use or, better, use a convection oven.

Dr. Thomas’s background and contact info:

  • Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, class of 1985. (I was there in a dermatology residency from 1982-1983, but they booted me out. See Butchered by “Healthcare” for the full story.)

  • Founder & Host of Against The Wind: Doctors & Science Under Fire


  • Co-Founder of

Postscript: my tribulations with book censorship. I found a boutique book publisher for indie authors who says they can contact Amazon and find out what the issue is with Cassandra’s Memo. I will have to take it down from Ingram and the Barnes and Noble platform to hire them. So if you want a paperback, grab one now HERE before I switch platforms. This has the original content. My share of the $30 price is about two (2) smackers.

Surviving Healthcare is a reader-supported publication. As annoying as your kids’ teacher is, give him the benefit of the doubt with a free subscription. Better feel him out first or he will report you to the Parent-Teacher Association.


  • Avatar Mathew Crawford says:

    Great interview. I’ll push this one to my Locals crowd.

  • Avatar CuiBono? says:

    Long-time admirer of Dr. Thomas. He is an inspiration – thank you for this interview!! uD83DuDE4FuD83CuDFFBu2665uFE0F

  • Avatar Brent Carlson says:

    Who can argue that vaccines are good for children. Parents we must stop this madness. And if it hasnu2019t happened already Covid mRNA clot shots will be given to babies.

    This is a spiritual war against satanic demons. We must go with God and fight back

  • Avatar Brent Carlson says:

    Great interview!!

  • Avatar Unjabbed Oregonlady says:

    Great interview I forwarded this to my signal group uFFFC! Thank you

  • Avatar Susan Blake says:

    Great interview. Have been following Dr Paul on CHD TV for quiet a while. I learn something new each time.
    Thank you

  • Avatar Jerome V says:

    Great interview! I have to get this to loved ones having children and grandchildren.

  • Avatar Mary says:

    His information about hepatitis B is incorrect. They rolled Hep B at birth 02/91. The ones getting it as teenagers were born before then. Having kids born at that time I have first hand experience. I am always surprised when he says this. Waiting for clear sound bite where he says he can not recommend any vaccines which he seems to imply.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      He just resigned his Oregon medical license and had to be cautious in the recent past. He told me he thought all vaxes were terrible.

  • Avatar Fain Zimmerman says:

    I’ve bought his book and sent it to several grandchildren! Hoping they read it and change their minds about the vaxxes for their children. Several children in the recent generations are autistic – directly related to the childhood vaxxes. So sad. And the parents don’t realize the connection!

  • Avatar An Old Doc says:

    The real world clinical data he collected in the most naturalistic mechanism in existence speaks TRUTH. Simple, unavoidable reality. But sadly, we live in a world where agendas pushed in structured, systematic manner end up creating u201Cnew truth.u201D His own background shows this effect.

    Rhodesia was the breadbasket of Africa, they had a great standard of living (yes, blacks were far better off then than now), until the u201Ccommunist revolutionariesu201D destroyed everything. Mugabe destroyed the country of, as it became, Zimbabwe. You can buy a 100-TRILLION dollar Zimbabwe note on eBay for a few bucks. What we have seen in Venezuela in recent years is a parallel. And poor Dr Paul bought all the propaganda as a child.

    No one is immune to the brainwashing. By the grace of God I was able to see what Pharma was doing > 20 yrs ago (havenu2019t had a drug rep come to my office in many years), but it was hard to come to grips with how corrupt the system really is.

    So keep getting the truth out! Paul Thomas is a true hero in this war & more people need to hear his story. Again NOWHERE is there such a sound, real-world example of how much negative impact vaccines have. Until 2-3 years ago, I thought it was only autism! We are ALL learning.

  • Avatar Brandy says:

    There are only a few doctors brave enough to do such an important study. Dr Thomas is a hero. His bravery and honesty helped me to warn my children before they made the same mistake I did. Looking forward to listening to this interview. Thank you!

  • Avatar Andy Bunting says:

    Dr. Yoho Thank you for this incredible exposure of childhood vaccine harms.
    The absolute mother lode regarding the dangers of them.
    I’ve made the observation previously, that the childhood injections are the evil start of a lifelong treadmill of ever increasing medications. The evil megapharmas are amoral & profit is their religion.
    Goes a long way to understand just why the USA is one, if not the highest, prescription medicated populations on planet earth.

  • Avatar BS Free MD says:

    Great job Robert and Paul , in this discussion. Obviously one that is dear to our hearts as well. Lots of interesting info and thoughts to consider on heavy metals as well. Makes one wonder, where in the world can you go to escape all the shit in our food, meds, soil, etc? I guess we start by continuing to inform and help provide everyone with data they can use to make INFORMED decisions!

  • Avatar Susan says:

    Slightly off topic, but I’m wondering if there might also be a connection between people taking psychotropics (so many people are being prescribed these toxic drugs) and a higher likelihood of becoming injured from the covid vax. Perhaps the combination of neurological toxic effects could be making some people more prone to being seriously injured or killed from heart attacks, strokes, and other complications. I think it would be an interesting study!

  • Avatar Harrm says:

    Love Dr Paul. He was our pediatrician until Dec. i burst into tears when I for the

    • Avatar Harrm says:

      Got the letter saying he was being forced into retirement. At least he can speak freely now. Give u2018em hell Dr Paul!!!

      • Avatar FedUpInOR says:

        The NPu2019s still keep the practice open.

        • Avatar Harrm says:

          Yes moved my kids to the new practice. So thrilled and grateful they are still practicing ethical medicine! But still disgusted that Dr. Paul was pushed into retirement against his will. I strongly support him using his freedom to shout his experiences and well informed perspective as widely and loudly as possible from the metaphorical rooftop.

          • Avatar FedUpInOR says:

            Me too. Never met him in person as his license was already under investigation when we joined the practice but so thankful for a place where Oregon kids can go for safe medical care

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