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He is my good dude who woke up in the 1970s. When you know the truth that early, you look eccentric.

The audio is one of my best interviews, but try double speed anyway to tune your ears. The Rumble link is HERE

Jerome is a Substack author (HERE) who is a card-carrying polymath. I have met him and frequently and speak to him. His last post HERE (actually a repost from John Carter’s Substack HERE) was profoundly optimistic. It is worth glancing at the images even if you do not do cheerful. 

My interview covers topics as diverse as cold plunges, 9/11, the Israeli hegemon, the JFK assassination, renouncing caffeine, and the keto and carnivore diets. Here are a few notes, but you will learn more if you listen. 

As we finished, I reflected that working with Substack people has been immensely satisfying. I have not communicated with a single dummy. It is the most select group I have ever joined; they are at a higher level than even my medical school or residency. I live at about an IQ of 135, but most of my new friends are far geekier than that. (That’s you, T!)

Here are a few introductions to animal eaters and keto diet advocates. Greg Dennis, DO, the host of the Fit Rx podcast, has interviewed every species of these. Going through his podcasts gives you views of these exotic creatures from every direction. HEREHERE, and HERE are links to Anthony Chaffee, the neurosurgeon we mentioned in the podcast. If you listen enough, you will gradually become brainwashed and may even join his “lion’s diet” creed. 

Admission: I am a card-carrying keto cultist gone astray—a sort of dietary Jack Mormon. This diet would help my Parkinson’s, arthritis, and elevated glycosylated hemoglobin, which is an early marker for diabetes. But just as with climbing—I am now an armchair mountaineer—my observance is theoretical. I once ate keto through two weeks of “keto flu” but quit the diet after two months, so maybe I am a wimp. I’ve promised myself that I will try again… tomorrow.

I have been unsuccessful with Jerome’s “lion diet” due to constipation. He kindly advised me how to avoid this by eating more fat.

Imagine my wife’s aggravation as she cooks my kaleidoscopic food choices. 

Mercola finked out on his support of keto and carnivore, and I asked Jerome why. He said:

I have not followed Mercola enough to know his reasoning (Yoho note: I follow him and do not understand, either). Still, I’m aware of some scientists and doctors who’ve come to think that carbohydrates can benefit metabolism for some people.

Given how I respond to them (like a recovered alcoholic taking a drink), I’m clear that carbohydrates are too slippery of a slope for me to venture out on safely. I’m thriving on the zero-carb approach and find myself getting into trouble with even the tiny amount of carbs in an occasional sip of the kefir I’ve been putting on my ground beef as a probiotic inoculation. I want to explore how my body responds to years of near-zero carbs before I risk boarding the glucose drug train.

As a side note on Mercola, Jerome speculated: 

The people (entities?) Mercola has bothered have no qualms about applying extraordinary pressure on those they want to silence. I imagine he has received serious threats.

I also asked Jerome why he eats so much salt. He said, “Not sure when exactly, but I grew increasingly skeptical of official medical/health advice after figuring out the trans fat, seed oil & carbohydrate lie campaigns, perhaps only after joining the Weston Price Foundation community around 2002.” They support saturated animal fats, functional medicine, and vaccine “awareness.” Get to know them by signing up for their email here. Their position on salt is the same as Jerome’s:

We need salt! Adults need at least one and one-half teaspoons per day just to supply their basic requirements of chloride and sodium. Many healthy traditional cultures consumed considerably more salt than we do today. Unrefined salt is best because it also contains magnesium and trace minerals.

Be sure to add salt to your food—we need salt for digestion, adrenal health, brain function, and many other processes in the body. Yes, you can! 

These ideas are also supported by David Brownstein’s book, Salt Your Way to Health, and his YouTube video below. These convinced me that salt restriction is another lie; the studies supporting it are phony, and the effect is to weaken us. A paranoid man might conclude it is another globalist conspiracy. 

I loved salting melons, apples, and other fruits as a kid. Brownstein convinced me to go back to it.

Here is the reference Jerome mentioned, Kennedy Assassination: “CIA-Did-It” Theorists Are Covering for Israel. If you can stand to look at this story more closely, the Corbett Report is definitive.

I confess I am having an affair.

Jerome left Caffeine behind. I, too, have romanced her for years but find her charms difficult to give up. She shined her affections on me many hours a day during my writing years. But she is a savage mistress who always disappears when I’m too exhausted to make excuses to her. 

I quit Caffeine untold times and sometimes managed to stay away months. But then she occupies my mind and seduces me again. Each time, I see her more and more until she drops me again and I crash. Like some women, she never tells me how I slighted her.

If you hated that metaphor, I make no apologies. You know where the unsubscribe button is. If you liked it, sign your friends up below so they can watch my show. If you really liked it, consider a paid subscription. ❤️❤️

“Legal” disclaimer: This information is not medical advice—use it at your own risk and under provider supervision. And I claim no copyright. As Lebowski said, you can take any rug in the house, with or without attribution.

Parting shots

The world according to Aurelius

Don’t fear the future, for you will face it, if that is your fate, with the same ruling reason that guides you in the present.

Remind yourself that it is not the future or the past which bears down on you but the present, always the present, which becomes an even smaller thing when isolated in this way.

My dear mentor M adds, “You cannot predict the future, so do not try.”

I treasure this related quote from an unknown source:

The track record of doomsday forecasts is poor. No one can really know the future. The smug certainty of doomers that they have all the answers is what finally shook me out of their midst.

Diet according to the Westin Price Foundation

This was their first message to me after I joined.

The most serious falsehood about healthy eating is the claim that we need to avoid animal fats.  In fact, animal fats are essential to good health, proper growth, fertility and longevity.  Traditional cultures valued animal fats above all other foods.  Animal fats are demonized because they are rich sources of saturated fat and cholesterol, but saturated fat and cholesterol are actually essential to good health!


– Butter – on bread, vegetables, meat, porridge – butter on everything!

– Lard, Bacon Fat, Duck Fat and Goose Fat – for cooking

– Tallow – for deep frying

– Olive Oil – for salad dressings

– Coconut Oil – for medium-chain fatty acids

– Cod Liver Oil – for vitamins A and D

When it comes to animal fats, grass- or pasture-fed is best.  Animal fats like butter, lard, bacon fat, duck fat and goose fat are rich sources of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K2, which Dr. Weston Price discovered were very high in the diets of healthy, primitive peoples.


– Industrially processed liquid vegetable oils (corn, soy, canola, safflower, sunflower)

– “Healthy” low-trans spreads

– Partially hydrogenated vegetables oils (margarine and shortening)

– Commercial fried foods

– Processed foods containing these industrial fats and oils

– Industrial fats and oils are the number one problem in the modern diet.  They are the main cause of chronic disease, and they replace the nutrient-dense animal fats that nourished our ancestors.


  • Avatar Crixcyon says:

    Agree on the extra salt and healthier fats except cod liver oil. I suppose the vegans would blow a gasket if they knew I dipped my carrots and asparagus in bacon fat.

    • Avatar Kaylene Emery says:

      Bacon fat forever !

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Pork pigs don’t have the extra stomachs tho to get rid of seed oils and other bad stuff.

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        I no longer eat pork, with the exception of occasional bacon. I do not cook with bacon fat, and rarely butter. I make my own beef tallow to cook with. I purchase ruminant fat (bison, elk, or beef) from, throw it in the pressure cooker with a little water, and cook it until all the tallow melts. A great way to make a pain relief rub is to add comfrey to a cup of the rendered tallow and rub it on your skin where you are experiencing pain.

  • Avatar Christine Grace says:

    every person place ‘n’ thing you mention …. TRUE … you my precious friend ARE a TRUE ROCKSTAR … one who uses their life/platform/words/thoughts/deeds/etc … FOR GOOD. i wuv you!

  • Avatar Janet says:

    Sorry , Doc, but I have repudiated the keto low carb zone. Undereating, low calcium and a damaged thyroid plus hypertension from being so long supplying my needed and necessary glucose requirement (brain) through a stress backup system using cortisol and adrenaline for ten years is over. This stress backup system took what it needed from tissue, organs, bones (2 surgeries in 3 years for broken bones. Hashimotos. Mercola isnu2019t a fink, he just is willing to change when he realizes heu2019s wrong. No more IF. 3 meals and snacks. Fruit, fruit juice and less fat with more food is leading to recovery from the keto/carnivore cult. Good carbs, milk, no seed oils plus local food. It worked for a long time–until my body cried out for glucose and damaged me. Iu2019m eating potatoes and rice again. My sleep rocks and blood pressure is down. Not gained any weight after over 3 months. My blood work in February may tell another story. Get with the real science, Doc. Iu2019m no spring chicken either. 75. But not going out without a fight and real knowledge.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I didn’t say I knew the answer ha, just that I was a cult member!

      • Avatar POZIOMKA says:


      • Avatar Janet says:

        Room for all of us. I loved it for sometime. Felt great. It helps get off crap food so thatu2019s part of feeling better. Iu2019m not against that but feel some of the keto carnivore space has not invested in the downsides enough. I feel somewhat betrayed. Even my functional medicine doc never quizzed me on my actual diet. I did many treatments and supplements with her (at least $8,000 worth of uninsured visits, plans, treatments and supplements) and maybe the real reasons were right there in the refrigerator. But Iu2019m much more suspicious about lots of stuff now. Wonder why? You have a great substack, BTW. uD83DuDE00uD83DuDC4DuD83CuDFFB

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          I’m eating a lot of hamburger with butter but do not restrict carbos.

          Lots of providers of all stripes are predatory.

          • Avatar Janet says:

            Great! I donu2019t use as much Kerrygold now, but still get my share.I love red meat so I eat it without guilt. Iu2019ll get my next bloods and thyroid in February at the functional doc but then Iu2019m done there. Seems I have to doctor myself. I went to her because it was a private clinic and not on the big local predatory system. It was summer of 2021 in the middle of the vax nuttery. I was and remain unvaxxed. She wasnu2019t either. Some issues were helped though, such as anxiety. I guess Iu2019m looking for a normal for me tasty diet with clean food. That fixes some damage. I tried goat milk this morning. I tried off low carb sometime back but gained a lot of weight. Doing it differently now. I do stay off bread and grains. Seed oils. Bread is a trigger for me. I could eat a whole French baguette piled with butter easily. Lol.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            functional docs who are experienced handle thyroid well

        • Avatar Jerome V says:

          I’m glad you found a way that works for you.
          I can only what report what is working for me, and what is working for countless others who’ve renounced plant toxins and are noticing immense health benefits since doing so. Maybe Dr. Anthony Chaffee is wrong to say that every species has only one optimal diet?

          • Avatar Janet says:

            I actually donu2019t eat much veg and if I do itu2019s cooked. Not raw. It is undeniable that our whole entire food system is polluted. Very little is healthy. Itu2019s hard to know what to do and very disconcerting. But I need to eat and make choices as you do the best I can. My biggest and most damaging behavior was not eating enough food. Itu2019s our fuel and scrimping on nutrientsu2014even the food with good nutrientsu2014causes problems in the long run. Those studies that show undereating increases lifespan are bogus as well. Sure worms and mice might benefit, but humansu2014naw. Iu2019m gradually raising my amounts. Iu2019m not young. I gotta get this right (for me). Take care, uD83DuDE01

          • Avatar Jerome V says:

            Dr. Chaffee argues that if we are eating the food we are designed to eat, our body will tell us just how much we should eat. He gives the example of eating ribeye steak(s): the first several bites taste amazing, and many more bites taste good, but eventually one gets to the point where it does not taste good enough to continue to want eating more, at which point the body is telling us that it’s had enough and we ought stop.
            This feedback system appears to work perfectly when eating fatty meat. For me, it gets deranged when I eat desserts, bread, pasta, rice, yams, etc. I suspect this is because my insulin response is not well adapted to deal with foods that raise my blood sugar. They tend to induce me to binge.

          • Avatar Janet says:

            Iu2019m not slamming again, but adding very very slowly. Starches never bothered me but grains and gluten do, so Iu2019m good without them. The whole thing is energy production from the mitochondria. Lack of sufficient fuel (glucose IS our best fuel, otherwise why would there be a back up system to create it%). Our brains do not run on fat. It is running on inadequate supplies of glucose produced by cortisol and adrenaline. u2014stress hormones ==equal literally eating our bodies to make it. I think keto or low carb is fine for a time. Eating foods you enjoyu2014I love meat. But I love oranges toouD83DuDE00. To find what works for you. To get off harmful crap all around us. I use clean simple to digest carbs full of real nutrients. I tried goat milk yesterday. Cows milk is a bit suspect for me so Iu2019m going slow. I remember now my mom told me I drank so much milk (farm fresh, raw) as a kid I needed to see a doc, and I hardly ever drank milk later until now. (75) So gives me a clue Lol. If interested, Jay Feldman has over 100 YouTube videos on this. Mercola. But of course, if what you do works, itu2019s all good. We each have to sort this out. I was gaining weight along with the thyroid , BP, thin bones, low metabolism even on strict keto so to realize the fuel to run my body and brain was coming from basically sucking it out of my body was a shock. The science is compelling. Take care, Jerome. This is just my story. Now, if we can just keep the good food safe and unpolluted we would be way ahead, no matter the diet. The lasso of bad is getting tighter and tighter.

          • Avatar Jerome V says:

            You seem to have figured out how your body can best be fed. I smiled at your argument that “glucose IS our best fuel, otherwise why would there be a back up system to create it”. Touche!
            I’m not persuaded that the fact that some systems need glucose (which my body seems capable of providing from fat without needing stress hormones) means I ought step onto the slippery slope of eating glucose directly. But if I lacked the ability to make glucose on demand as needed, I would eat it. I loved orange juice, and apple juice. Lived on farm-fresh milk for years. If cow’s milk seems problematic for you, have you looked into the A1-A2 beta casein issue? You might find that milk from A2A2 cows is fine. When I kept my herd, only A2A2 genes were allowed, and I had a clear conscience that their milk was safe to drink.
            Again, thanks for your story! I pray for your improving good health.

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          I should advise you that your brain does not function on glucose, it functions on cholesterol. When I was eating only fat and protein my brain function improved so significantly even I was surprised. People taking statins have the highest number of cases of dementia and Alzheimeru2019s because their cholesterol is so low

    • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

      Keto hates my GI tract, as much as that freaking seaweed Carrageenan. The new Bioengineered label, makes it show up in products that never had it on the label before. And I don’t care what my blood work says as long as BS and Thyroid are fine. Butter is my favorite fat, along with bacon grease. The idiots who push Statins finally gave up trying coercion, I made it plain I won’t take them. My arteries are clear. I’m 75 too. I started mixing Iodized salt into the Sea Salt I like.

    • Avatar RE Nichols says:

      I think the main reason people do well on that diet is that flour and sugar are so bad for us. Meat only gets rid of those two automatically.

      • Avatar Jerome V says:

        And it gets rid of countless other plant-made molecules that are problematic for certain(?) people. I still don’t know which plants contained those, as I’ve not bothered to attempt to re-introduce plant foods one by one…

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      This story echoes one I just heard of how sleep apnea sufferers cycle through a of nightmare of suffocation –> stress response –> hormone release induced momentary recovery –> suffocation, hundreds of times per night. (A fascinating video describing the process can be found via, where there is a link to watch the “keynote” for free by providing an email address.)
      Perhaps your body’s need to use cortisol to simulate sufficient glucose production is a similar phenomenon?
      Perhaps what allows some zero-carb eaters to avoid this problem is that their body’s guconeogenesis produces plenty of glucose so as to avoid any shortage, without needing to resort to stress hormones?
      Dr. Chaffee says that like hunting wolves (who eat no carbs) a healthy carnivore’s body makes all the glucose it needs. (Most energy requirements are met by keytones, allegedly.)
      Could it be that in your case these systems weren’t performing well enough any more, and your body fell back into emergency release of stress hormones like cortisol?

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      Janet, you are on the right track. I would like to discuss your dietary habits further. I am 71, I was carnivore for 2 1/2 years and am first recovering from the damage done, but fruit juice is only going to complicate things, WAY too much sugar

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Unfortunately, Mercola revealed himself to be a fink in early 2024.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Mercola recently fired his top management on the advice of a fortune teller and supposedly changed his mind about critical ideas. One of these, hormone therapy, is safe, healthy, and makes us stronger. The Cartel has opposed it. I studied this topic for a decade and spent a year researching and writing a book about it. I have also extensively studied another Mercola about-face: keto/carnivore diets. Mercola began to lie about these critical topics in the space of a few short weeks.

        More recently, M reversed himself about going barefoot. He had advocated this for u201Cgrounding,u201D but now he says he has a bunion and that shoes are best. He also supposedly quit deep breathing. The same day he did that, he proclaimed, u201CLifting weights kills you.u201D He had been a gym rat for a decade.

        Mercola may have had a mental breakdown or succumbed to pressure, but worrying about what happened to him occupies too much bandwidth for me to bother. Whether bribed or threatened, he changed his mind about telling the truth, so it makes no difference to us. After years of hanging on his every word, I sadly unsubscribed and ghosted him. My doubts extend to his business; I now get my supplements elsewhere.

  • Avatar Clark says:

    According to, going above 1.25 speed you lose comprehension. I’d add that it’s fatiguing, and some people report that over the course of a day it adds to their anxiety level, and when they stop doing it they’re more calm. Reflection why you take spoken word ideas is important too. Just had to comment since you promote it.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Clark: without digging into references, a lot of material refutes what you say. But this is all individual of course and you should do what works for you. Any time I can cut absorbing the basics of a subject in half, I go for it. Best

  • Avatar BigAl5000 says:

    Mercola now seems to be into Dr. Ray Peat’s work. My guess is that that is why he is off the carnivore wagon. Some of Peat’s stuff is bizarre, but interesting nonetheless.

  • You’re a good writer – I loved your book too. Thre’s a lot of both energy and information in this newsletter. About coffee: Why are people always so anxious to give it up? Is it a Christian thing? It’s not heroin or tobacco. I love coffee so much that, despite trying almost every diet from Atkins to Zone, I won’t use any diet that precludes coffee. I had very positive results from Keto, but then covid happened…..Now trying carnivore – kind of. But I’m thinking of what eveyrone says about regrets on your deathbed. I’m 85 – past my pulldate. I’m thinking when I’m dying will I regret that I didn’t eat more cheesecake? I’m already regretting it, but I’m also kind of ocd about food. Finally, about prophecy, I suggest you read both about Kali Yuga and also the Hopi Prophecies. Both speak very much to do what we are currently dealing with.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Coffee produces individual responses. I am hopefully getting over being mercury toxic and this may be the reason for my historical adverse response to coffee.

    • Avatar RE Nichols says:

      Since going off my SSRI drugs I’ve become hypersensitive to a lot of foods. Not sure why that brought it on. I love a good cup of coffee, but it causes my inflammation to go through the roof.

      • Avatar Jerome V says:

        Maybe try straight caffeine (e.g. NoDoz, Vivarin, etc)? Avoid the other 10,000 plant toxins allegedly in coffee.

        • Avatar RE Nichols says:

          I like the taste and feel of hot coffee though. (Not the decaff.) Without psych drugs I don’t need the buzz. And pills don’t give a comforting sensation.
          Chicory or dandelion root tea might be the answer.

          • Avatar Jerome V says:

            No harm in drinking coffee if it does not harm you.
            In my case, I now judge it was harming me in ways I did not recognize at the time.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      In the majority of circles , it is not a u2018Christianu2019 thing . Some sects are exclusionary of caffeine .

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    NOTE: I had a reader take umbrage at the phrase “Israeli hegemony.” I want to emphasize that any Israel views here are Jerome’s and not mine. I have not studied the situation enough to have informed opinions. My only feeling is that it smells like globalist machinations rather than spontaneous events.

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      I don’t see a comment taking umbrage with the phrase “Israeli hegemony” here. Did you receive said umbrage via another channel?
      Would you like me to reply, or prefer to let the unmentionable lie?
      (I can’t help but to have noticed patterns of behavior, where members supremacist cults apply pressure to suppress speech that calls unwelcome attention to their cult’s real-world behavior. uD83DuDE09)

  • Avatar Christine Grace says:

    Yes, AND, I would absolutely LOVEEEE to be surrounded by this InfinitelyLove-IN’ TRUTH WE ARE!!!!!!! OneLY AllWays. YOU ROCK!

  • One of my duaghters can’t drink coffee either.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    You actually can predict the future and if you learn how you will never worry about it again
    Thatu2019s what a futurist does! Iu2019ve been learning futurism for almost 30 years.
    The role of a good futurist is to either forecast the future direction of society or to manipulate the future direction of society
    The trans movement is a good example of futurists being used to change the future direction of society.

    A carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort. Itu2019s what you have to do if you become hypersensitive to the environment which includes being hypersensitive to the slightly toxic phytonutrients in vegetables.

    If we cannot tolerate vegetables it means our immune system is struggling and we should fix it so we can eat vegetables again.
    I also think the demonisation of carbs is in a similar category. If you canu2019t tolerate bread, youu2019ve got immune issues and fixing them will mean you can eat carbs
    If you look at everything in detail through a magnifying glass, you can find a reason for anything. We should eat what our body tells us to eat in my opinion. I think it can be dangerous to eat what someone else body tells them to eat.
    Healthy people can eat salt if thatu2019s what their metabolism wants but people with health issues may not be able to tolerate much salt.

    If someone canu2019t eat carbs they should see if they are hypersensitive to nickel. I have a long held suspicion that gluten intolerance is a symptom of nickel allergy too.

    It is much better to fix the hypersensitivity to the environment and to antigens in foods than to avoid them. Variety after all is the spice of life

    • Avatar aj says:

      you are 100% correct about the carbs n veggies. I had a bad reaction to a flu shot about 15 years ago, and after a couple of very inflamed miserable years, my DO suggested ALCAT testing, so I did all of them. Some of the 100+ sensitivities were surprising, like strawberries and citrus, which I loved, and grossly allergic to a soil-borne fungus. After a few years on the diet, I could eat almost anything, as long as not too much or too frequently.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:


    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      Thanks for the tip about nickel. I notice that I can TASTE stainless steel if I put a spoon in my mouth… Does that mean molecules are moving from the spoon into my taste buds?

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      “A carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort.”
      A non-carnivore diet in my opinion is a diet of last resort. uD83DuDE09
      Resorting to eating plants was arguably a move of desperation. Why would we weaken ourselves, unless driven by desperation? The Masai were far healthier than their plaint–hobbled kinsmen, no?

  • Avatar POZIOMKA says:

    Yes, I came to the conclusion, after experimenting with my body for few decades, that we are all different a bit, and what works for one, maybe deadly to other. I thrive on potatoes, in moderation of course, and get inflamed on grains and meats. Greens are ok, but not satisfying. Not a sign of DM, ever. But itu2019s just an example. I believe it depends all on the quality of our micro biome and gut lining, and overall digestive health. And, of course, genetics play a role too. I have the same weakness as my mother and her father (RA). Also, what kind of microbes are we hosting? That is a great question! Ha! How about parasites? And our might liver? How is she doing? All these issues have to be addressed comprehensively, before determining best diet. Pretty difficult taskuD83DuDE05

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    I will explain Mercolau2019s keto perspective. Georgi Dinkov introduced the concept that carb restricted diets could be detrimental. I, a former carnivore of 2 1/2 years, initially thought he was crazy. After listening to his theory several times I realized he is correct. When some people restrict carbs their cortisol level shoots up. I never understood why I could not sleep, even though I was taking 5 medications for sleep (ambien, belsomra, Alprazelam, clonazepam, geodon), until I had my cortisol tested, and it was high morning, noon, and night. Your body increases cortisol in an attempt to get it to make more glucose. This may not apply to everyone. I believe age and metabolism are factors. Additionally, since this became a topic of discussion, I have seen another four health professionals taking interest in this dilemma.

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      Thank you for this clear explanation.
      So far, my sleep is better than ever, so I doubt I’m experiencing this pattern (yet).

  • Avatar POZIOMKA says:

    I remember reading about increased body acidity due to lack of boron in our bodies. Plants are blocked from absorbing it from the soil by pesticides and such. Boron cures arthritis too. Iu2019m going to attach the link to the article about it. Dr Yoho, you may like to look into it yourself and spread the good news uD83DuDE03uD83DuDC4Du2764uFE0F

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    Coffee usually has titanium contamination. It can soak up the metals from the foil packets and even to the metal hoppers in the factory itu2019s processed at. I had to stop drinking coffee due to the metals in coffee. The research I read years ago focussed on titanium contaminating coffee but it will also be contaminated by the other metals in the foil. Like aluminium.
    So always avoid coffee packaged in foil but also keep in mind that it soaks up metals at the factory during the manufacturing process too

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      And often aluminum

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        I drink Solspring coffee which is sold by Dr. Mercola. It comes in paper packaging, it is organic, and free of molds. I grind it myself and brew it in a coffee maker that has a stainless steel heating element

  • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

    Great stuff, doc.

    I was diagnosed with IBS, Fibromyalgia & Migraines in the 1990u2019s and had tried everything and failed for years. After reading u201CThe Big Fat Surprise:u201D Why Butter, Meat, and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet u2014 Nina Teicholz and then u201CThe Carnivore Code:u201D Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health by Returning to Our Ancestral Diet u2014 Paul Saladino u2026I decided go on a 90 day beef only diet, 45% beef fat, about nine months ago. I couldnu2019t believe how much it helped clean up and reset my entire system. I did slowly reintroduce some vegetables, like fully cooked broccoli & cauliflower, as well as coffee on occasionsu2014no longer all dayu2014as well as sheep cheese, but rarely, with no returning negative side effects. I also intermittent fast, no counting calories, daily; consuming as much as I wish to satisfy hunger within a 5 hour period late in the day, but at least two hours prior to sleep.

    Iu2019ve also found very beneficial organic light roast coffee enemas with organic coconut activated charcoal mixed in (1 tsp) with one tablespoon orally one hour prior, once a month. The first time I tried the coffee enema I became deathly ill, but totally eliminated getting sick by adding the activated charcoal to absorb all the toxic waste being discharged from the liver during the process.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Increasing animal fats is the big insight

      • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

        No kidding, doc. Very interesting. Weu2019ve been so brainwashed to fear good fat & meat (by the pharmaceutical industry and the makers of Crisco, no less) into believing animal fats are the cause of all the cardiac diseases, like cholesterol in eggs. I consume 3 to 6 egg yolks daily, but from clean GMO & soy free local farmers.

        I forgot her last name, Stephanie ? Phd, she lives in Hawaii. Sheu2019s had several conversations with Dr. Joe Mercola and has done extraordinary research on fats, particularly egg yolks. I believe thereu2019s sold science confirming improved cognitive function (perhaps Alzheimeru2019s) from improved cholesterol and eliminating All vegetable old, not just seed oil. Yet some of these same researchers believe there may be a few exceptions to the new rules, like Blackseed oil. Iu2019m still undecided on Blackseed.

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Could you please name a vegetable oil that you know of?

          • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

            Are you serious, Deborah? Itu2019s a very common u201Cgenericu201D commercial term going back to the early 1900u2019s. Youu2019re either curious serious, which I respect, or perhaps trolling me for??? I do get your question-statement, if thatu2019s what it is, funny girl.

            I grew up seeing and hearing the term u201Cvegetable oil,u201D but I canu2019t believe youu2019re unfamiliar. So, one simple search at Amazon.comu2014using the brand name Crisco, as I just explained above:

            Crisco Pure Vegetable Oil

            Buy me a coffee, Deborah, and if you havenu2019t already, get a free subscription and Iu2019ll upgrade you a u201Clifetime paid subu201D to my substack, coffee or no coffee. I promise, it will be worth it.

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            I am very aware that seed oils are titled “vegetable oils” for purely deceptive reasons. And the term is currently being used less and less. The scam is up. People are becoming aware that there is no such thing as a vegetable oil. Canola is not a vegetable, corn is not a vegetable (it is a grain), palm is not a vegetable. it’s a matter of tome until the misnomer “vegetable oil” is in the history books.

            Your link to Amazon’s Crisco listing is comical. Since when are soybeans considered a vegetable?
            soyu00B7u200Bbean u02C8su022Fi-u02CCbu0113n
            variants or chiefly British soya bean
            : a hairy annual Asian legume (Glycine max) widely grown for its oil-rich proteinaceous seeds and for forage and soil improvement
            And here is the truth about your beloved “Crisco”.

          • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

            Gee, thanks. As I said, itu2019s a generic term people are familiar with; so I was using it to describe u201Cwhat NOT to purchase.u201D I know the diabolical history of Crisco, which I dedicated an entire short chapter to in my War Encyclopedia. But I appreciate your eager u201Cfact checking.u201D

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Due to my genuine concern for people’s health I would like to see the term “vegetable oil” abolished. There are still people that believe that vegetable oil cannot be unhealthy, because vegetables are believed to be beneficial to health. I apologize if I came across too strongly, but this is a serious problem that needs to be corrected. Seed oils are currently believed to be one of the biggest threats to health.

          • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

            No apologies, Deborah. Chat forums are maddening at times, especially if youu2019re being u201Ctargetedu201D by trolls, which I have been lately, which makes me a bit sharp & short on patience. Itu2019s difficult to discern whou2019s real and who the bots are.

            But youu2019re correct, seed oil is not just bad for you, but poison in comparison to healthy animal fats. Seed oil has a diabolical history behind who and why it was introduced into the food market. It was never needed or desired for anything other than industrial use, until the public was literally brainwashed into using it. It all started about the same time Crisco hit the market, originally as axil grease. Very diabolical.

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Jeffrey, you report anything BUT facts? Your recent Substack has a photo of Trump claiming he said in 1998 that Republicans are stupid. That is fake, and it is easy to verify that. Apparently you believe that anything you want to be true, is true. Typical “fake news” reporter!

          • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:

            Deborah, I donu2019t mind you asking me questions. But donu2019t characterize me or put words in my mouth before even asking legitimate questions. Also, I gave you a Paid Subscriptionu2014so you can post statements or questions directly on my substack, not on someone elseu2019s. Got a legitimate question, then phrase it as a legitimate question, not as a bloody accusatory question-statement.

        • Avatar DrTamara says:

          Black seed : way yes !

          • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

            Dr Tamara, how can i reach you? I don’t want to provide personal information on this platform, but Robert could give you my phone number

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Adding a binder was smart thing to do .

  • Avatar BrookeD says:

    Hi there, Dr. Yoho! Iu2019ve been enjoying following your journey and am inspired by a lot of what you share. Your humble honesty makes it easy to listen and consider your topics.
    After listening to todayu2019s talk I would like to ask you a question. Have you ever explored the blood type diet? Iu2019m not hearing anyone talk about it these days. I came across the Du2019Adamo book a while back and I track my own results, not by following it, per se, but by noticing what works and doesnu2019t work for my diet and how much it lines up with the blood type recommendation. I notice friends who struggle with weight or health and ask them about their blood type to learn if there could be a connection. I think it could explain why every diet style doesnu2019t work for everyone. Or one explanation anyway.
    I wonder if you know about it, or anyone else who does. I would think it would be a fascinating conversation – if thereu2019s anyone out there practicing it.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Sorry I don’t know

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      What Peter Du2019Adamo published was actually most of his dadu2019s research . It has been speculated that for those of us in current and future generations , there is enough dilution as to make the blood type diet less relevant for most .

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      I am type O negative, which the Blood type diet would predict will thrive on animal foods. My wife, with a different blood type, loves vegetables and avoids heavy meat consumption. Data points that line up with the theory.

      • Avatar BrookeD says:

        Thanks for sharing that! Listening to you talk about your dietary choices and how you feel made me think about this topic. Iu2019m B+ . When I first explored it I stopped chicken, corn and tomatoes. What I experienced was a positive shift in emotional health most noticeably! Whenever I donu2019t thrive on a food I consult that source to see if it aligns and so far it does every time. I think itu2019s very interesting.
        In practice Iu2019m against u201Cdietsu201D but I do like having useful guides when needed.

  • Avatar Kaylene Emery says:

    Lemon juice filtered water and sea salt…. amazingly wonderful!

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    PepsiCo Announces It’s Changing Lay’s Potato Chip Formula to Meet World Health Organization Standards

    First, it aims to reduce the amount of sodium in at least 75 percent of its food products worldwide. PepsiCo also announced that it would seek to promote nutritionally diverse diets by helping increase consumption of u201Cdiverse ingredientsu201D such as legumes, plant-based proteins, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in its food offerings.

  • Avatar ConcernedGrammy says:

    I’d really be interested if you and Celia Farber (Truth Barrier substack) could do a podcast. Celia is an expert journalist regarding the HIV/AIDS “epidemic” from the 80s-90s and blew the whistle on Fauci way back then. (And she paid dearly for her efforts. uD83DuDE22) She was included in RFK Jr’s book about Fauci and has written her own “Serious Adverse Reactions: The Uncensored Truths About HIV/AIDS”. She’s also recently changed to an all carnivore diet to address some long standing health issues and is greatly improving. I think you (and others) would really enjoy this combo and everyone is bound to learn something beneficial! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge!

  • Avatar Susie AH says:

    I wouldnu2019t ever take cod liver oil because itu2019s so highly processed and also the fish it comes from contain a lot of toxins in their livers. Krill oil is much healthier and cleaner.

  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


  • I guess I’m fortunate as far as coffee is concerned. I’ve always loved coffee, would have preferred drinking coffee to milk at age 4 except my “mean” mother wouldn’t allow me to. I guess I’m addicted to it, but there’s worse things to be addicted to. My daughter had a surgery and ever since, she also has a hard time drinking coffee. That’s strange though, that you should become hypersensitive to foods by giving up a drug. Have you checked the kind of foods you have a problem with? Have you looked at Sally Norton’s book on toxic super foods? Maybe it’s the ones with the most natural toxins that are causing your problem.

  • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

    I canu2019t wait to listen to this podcast!

    For all you naturopathic comrades out there, any natural remedies for treating bronchitis? Day four or five and Iu2019m miserable. I canu2019t for the life of me figure out why thereu2019s no cure for bronchitis or the common cold!! Itu2019s a slug fest right now and Iu2019m doing the best I can. I have taken so many supplements but to no avail: zinc, lomatium, mucinex, garlic, Advil cold and sinus, copious amounts of vit C. And, I pulled my back out a week ago so every time I sneeze, Iu2019m holding on for dear life! On top of that, I was in the middle of mega-dosing on vit D, taking 50,000 IU for 10 days!! Oh the irony.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      I. Canu2019t really give advise but I can tell you what I tried . Having just gone thru this , let me give you some more things you can try . NAC ( 4800 mg a day for 1-2 weeks) , bamboo extract is great for lungs . Chi enterprises brand is great . And donu2019t forget the CDS multiple dosing per day ( see Substack from dr Yoho recently on chlorine dioxide) . A nice anti-viral in addition to the D is artemisinin complex ! Wishing you well !

      • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

        Thank you so much! I woke up about an hour ago and believe Iu2019be made it through the worst of it. I feel like Iu2019ve been through literal hell. Last nightsu2019 sleeping was the worst but I am much, much better today!! A body can only take so much!

        Never tried NAC (maybe during Covid but it could have been NAD, ha) or bamboo extract or the artemisinin complex!! Still need to get the CDS! Totally forgot about that!! Itu2019s on my list of things to buy!

        Cheers and to your health too!! uD83DuDC4FuD83DuDC4FuD83DuDC95uD83DuDC95uD83DuDCA5uD83DuDCA5

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Another Massive Pet Food Recall Has Been Issued Nationwideu2014Here’s What You Need to Know

  • Avatar Ellen Fitzgerald says:

    Well I guess I am doomed! I drink Starbucks Via coffee daily. Never thought about the fact of its packaging. ALUMINUM uD83DuDE33.
    Life is full of choices/risksu2026u2026.i am never giving up coffee. But I do drink lots of green tea and Matcha tea. And the Fiji water. Hahaha.

    Tried Keto diet years ago. Lost body fat, survived the lack of carbs and sugar, however my cholesterol shot up to 370.
    Yikes I thought at the time so I quit.
    Research revealed this occurs in 5% of keto dieters.

    I have been on and off statins for 20 years due to my false belief that it would protect me from Cardiovascular Disease. Very significant family history of this in father and brother.

    Discovered Weston Price and changed my diet. Still get the lecture at my primary Dr. office about RISK FACTORS!!!

    Love reading all the comments I learn something new each time I read this Substack.
    Thank you Dr Y.

    • Avatar Jerome V says:

      If worrying about cholesterol numbers, remember that the most important health indicator is your HDL / Trigliceride ratio. You want that to be high. Cholesterol numbers are messed up due to sloppy categorization of the 100’s of forms of cholesterol. See the work of P. D. Mangan.

      • Avatar Ellen Fitzgerald says:

        Thank you for your comment.
        I should have mentioned my former profession. I am a retired RN, BSN. Since 1978.

        My HDL is good. Had Alpha lipoprotein fraction done years ago. My cholesterol is light and fluffy, not dense.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      They are lecturing you ? Why donu2019t they run inflammatory markers , homocysteine, and particle numbers to get an accurate understanding of your true risk profile for a future event ? Itu2019s been known for decades that inflammation is a main risk factor . Iu2019d consider firing them !

      • Avatar Ellen Fitzgerald says:

        Thank you for your comment.
        I lay out my case and discuss the latest research on statins with MD/ NP.
        I am a retired RN. Worked in many areas of direct patient care hospital based. Cardiovascular Surgery post op,ER/Trauma, Research, and Anesthesia Pre op eval.

        Covid exposed the sad state of the Medical Profession. I use my own best judgment, research and see a Dr very little. If a Dr is pro Covid jab I avoid them!! Because they DFR DFL as Dr Yoho says

  • I’m pretty sure that would not be a majority, but to each her/his own. I don’t reallly understand how drinking coffee or not drinking coffee has anything whatever to do with a religious practice.

  • Avatar Charles Summers says:

    Iu2019m all in on the low carb no seed oils high animal fat carnivorous. Iu2019m 71 yo went from 199lbs to 164lbs in a year. Normal bp, afib disappeared, lower back pain gone. Trygl=99 hdl= 62 ldl=199. Sodium levels normal and I salt heavily. A1C=5.6.

    If youu2019re going to restaurants you have accept the fact youu2019re going to eat poisen, so we limit that but not entirely.

  • Avatar JenInIdaho says:

    Thanks for the salt tip. uD83DuDE00uD83DuDC4DuD83CuDFFB

  • Avatar Frederick R Smith says:

    Fantastic stuff indeed!

  • Avatar Scrub-Texas says:

    Oh! thoroughly enjoyed Jerome. You must have a do over and over, delving deeper into each topic brought up on future substacks. As a worldly circus pawn, especially need more happiness guidance from Jerome with this psychopathic clown shit show. Thanks for doing what you do!

  • Avatar Nan C says:

    A little late in the comments here but I do feel compelled to comment. I feel that you are missing a very key component when eating factory farmed meat. Besides the obvious fact that the animals are treated horribly which is morally wrong, it can’t possibly be good for you on an energetic level because the energy of their suffering is then in the person that eats it. For me that is reason enough not to participate in a process that is inhumane to other sentient beings. If you have every had the opportunity to drive by or visit a feed lot you will see how heartbreaking it is.

  • Avatar Rochelle Eisenberger says:

    This was an interesting, wide-range interview. The fact that Jerome is both a carnivore and an Orthodox Christian lit me up with joy. I was raised fundamentalist and over the past three years have been attending (sporadically, the church is an hour away) and reading about Orthodoxy. It seems many in the Orthodox church were not fooled by the deceit of the last three years. Quite refreshing.

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    50% fact, 50% pure bullshit!!!

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