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This is the draft preface of my new book. I am looking for critiques rather than praise. Scorch me in the comments if you find anything that is unsubstantiated or needs revision. Remember that I have a thick skin and that this is an improvement process rather than a popularity contest. Anything is fair game, even the fonts on the cover. Everything you say helps me understand reader perceptions better. Thanks!

The links at the start of each chapter go to the original Substack posts. These were edited to produce this manuscript.

Please download the full book HERE. ( Forward this post and/or share the link widely. Although I may have a week of editing left, the information is all there.

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It is of no consequence to you what other people think of you. What matters is what you think of them. —Gore Vidal

I always thought dentists were somewhat stupid colleagues who still deserved respect. But when I began studying them in May 2023, I realized their treachery surpassed even that of psychiatrists and pediatricians. Make no mistake, I am furious with these other specialties, for what they do is a monstrous net harm. 

But the dentists… Self-reflection, objective analysis, and “patient first” ethics seem outside their considerations: 

✪ They are co-conspirators in the fluoride debacle. 

✪ They use mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal, in possibly half of US fillings. 

✪ They never met a wisdom tooth they did not want to pull. 

✪ Most of them place toxic titanium implants any time they can. 

✪ Their worst atrocity is root canals, which are universally infected and seed bacteria throughout the body.

Thoughtless for-profit and paid-off dentistry is related to about 40 percent of human diseases in developed countries. I will prove this is not hyperbole. 

As for the medical specialties, I am unsure which kills and maims the most. Gutless pediatricians have danced for decades in an industry-sponsored conga line ratifying vaccines. No study has compared these with placebo—ever. The result is that our kiddie specialty mindlessly traffics poisons. Over the past 40 years, this raised the autism rate from 1/10,000 to 1/30. Unless we discover a cure soon (but see Bonus B chapter), it will tear our society apart.

Psychiatrists are drug pushers proffering elixirs they claim cure a thousand ills. Sorry, I exaggerated. Only 450 “diagnoses” are found in their “billing bible,” the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. To concoct these, American Psychiatric Association members cast votes. Most are paid handsomely by Pharma one way or the other. Doctors cover up this bribery by calling it a “financial conflict of interests.”

These “diseases” are purpose-built to be “treated” using pricey medications that are already FDA-approved. Pharma pays half of the FDA’s budget just as they pay the doctors, so it is a rubber stamp. Finally, corporate “disease-mongering” fear campaigns convince us we must take the drugs. 

This “mental health” industry has convinced over a quarter of Americans (and 80 percent of Danes) to use psych drugs. Monthly shots are forced on others. None of these medications has been proven effective. They numb us, addict us, and cause violence, suicide, and social dysfunction.  

We know this because—as with (all) vaccines—the criminals running big Pharma never do trials of these pricey nostrums against placebo controls. The absence of this vital testing renders their study results meaningless. Without the other evidence, this alone convicts the authors of managing a scam and everyone else of fraud. The FDA has been paid off, so they never raise a finger. 

Dentists and physicians swear the Hippocratic oath, “Put your patients’ welfare above your own.” Most dentists and many doctors abandon this promise. They are healthcare apostates. 

I knew nothing about dentists until recently

I was forced to study them when I discovered they had crippled my health. 

Physicians built a Chinese wall between the mouth and the rest of the body, leaving dentists responsible for it. We abandoned our responsibility and left this vital structure to these careless, untrained, incompetent fools.

I met my first “tooth doctor” when I was nine. It was the “drill, fill, and bill” era. In those days, they were jamming mercury amalgams into every natural tooth pit and crevice they could find. Although I had no pain, our dentist always managed to convince my obsessive mother that my mouth was packed with cavities. By adulthood, I had 17 “silver fillings.”

In mid-2023, after a decade of a left-handed tremor that seemed almost cosmetic, a neurologist diagnosed me with Parkinson’s disease. Mercury is the most common cause, and lab testing showed mercury and glyphosate. Neurologists are good at naming, diagnosing, and treating symptoms, but few seem to have a clue that toxins such as these, paraquat, Agent Orange, and aluminum cause brain damage. Related syndromes that are also caused by these poisons include autism, Alzheimer’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 

I studied aggressively to learn what to do. First, in mid-2023, I had my amalgams removed by a specialist dentist. More recently, I have been getting intravenous phosphatidylcholine followed by glutathione, then colonics* to remove the mercury and other toxic reservoirs from my body. I hasten the process by sweating during workouts and in saunas. I also take supplements such as selenium. To rid myself of aluminum, I drink silica water. I swallow a teaspoon of glycine twice daily to speed urinary glyphosate excretion. I am starting chlorine dioxide and using a red light from Sauna Space. I am not better yet, but it has been only a few months. 

*Yes, I was also skeptical. Many decades of experience detoxing patients with and without colonics prove these help the process. So, I spent two weeks in Germany getting intravenous medications daily and colon therapy three times a week. Each time, they ran a liter of water in and out of my colon every minute for an hour. This eliminated toxins that the IVs mobilized. 

My readers are kind to me.

A chain of their referrals introduced me to Becky Dutton, whom I called the Metals Goddess. Her concern about mercury began with personal and family exposures. After a specialist in London helped her eliminate her mercury, Becky set up a support group.

Ms. Dutton eventually connected with a man who studied scoliotic fish living in mercury-contaminated water. Clues like this led her to bring together and study 66 people with mercury toxicity and severe scoliosis. Many of them were damaged further by back operations. Here is an example of the type of patient she has devoted her life to helping: Download

Mercury is a neurological toxin. Hat makers’ use of mercury in past centuries stamped them as “mad as a hatter.” I am bright and functional professionally but have always been a bit quirky, slightly hyper, and prone to anxiety. A psychiatrist friend once informally skewered me with a diagnosis and, as is their custom, recommended medication. I ignored him. 

Fortunately, my wife—most of the time—accepts me as I am. 

In Europe, mercury fillings are slowly being phased out. However, many US dentists still use them promiscuously for children and patients on public insurance programs. Amalgams are cheap, easy to place, and profitable.

See Chapters 7 and 8 and Becky’s comprehensive mercury websites: and 

Further felonies

Many dentists sell wisdom teeth extraction to everyone. Their pitch is that “it prevents the possibility of needing removal later if they become impacted.” Their websites make the improbable claim that this happens to over two-thirds of people with mouths. Some say that premolars, the teeth in front of the molars, should also be pulled out “to make more room in your mouth.” See the end of Chapter 1 for more.

This is the same retarded reasoning that gynecologists use to push ovarian removal during hysterectomies “to prevent ovarian cancer.” These tumors are rare, and cutting ovaries out leaves women vulnerable to osteoporosis and other diseases of aging, so the procedure is a net loss. But like pulling normal teeth, it is easy surgery and easy money. Butchered by “Healthcare” tells the story (word search the PDF for “hysterectomy.”)

Dental “professional” groups also advocate polluting tap water with fluoride. Most of it is sourced from China and contaminated with lead. To dispose of their waste product conveniently, the producers pay the American Dental Association millions each year to promote its supposed benefits.

Fluoride is a neurotoxin that, among other hazards, decreases children’s IQs. Ninety percent of US, Canadian, and Australian water supplies are “fluoridated,” but the rest of the world has mostly banned it. See Chapter 6.

The worst dental crime by far is that almost all of them perform root canals. This consists of killing teeth, mummifying them, and leaving them in place to rot and spread disease. This profoundly health-damaging procedure was disowned by its inventors. However, both general dentists and endodontists, their ethically challenged subspecialty, continue this profitable practice. Sixty percent of Europeans and somewhat fewer people residing elsewhere have at least one root canal

This video is the most accessible complete reference. Also, see Chapter 4. 

I interviewed two senior dentists, Dr. Gammal from Australia (Chapter 4) and another from Europe, who requested anonymity. They separately confirmed their opinion that dentists cause forty percent of human diseases in the developed world. In Africa and other underdeveloped areas, dentistry is less “advanced,” so it is less hazardous.

My anonymous expert told me hair-raising tooth tales 

He said dentists do not bother checking blood pressure or using monitoring devices during procedures requiring sedation. This is dangerous because those getting intravenous drugs can stop breathing. Monitors beep loudly if this happens, and the doctor can breathe for the patient until he recovers. But if there is no monitor, the patient can die. 

He also reported that dentists do not bother to ask their patients about their medical histories. For “real” doctors, the standard of care is to have a specialist, or at least a physician who knows the patient, examine those with medical problems before surgery. This can prevent operating room disasters. 

He added, “Dentists do not use sterile technique, so their patients sometimes get massive infections. When dentists attend operating room training, their carelessness is an embarrassment. The nurses frequently ask them to re-glove when they touch the chair or table.”

He concluded, “After I understood the health hazards of mercury to the patients and me, I quit. Many of my DDS friends from the old days were poisoned by it and are dead.”

For physicians, dereliction of basic standards like these could result in license revocation. I was a trained surgical center inspector in my past life, so I know. 

I have a friend who was diagnosed with a fatal disease, and I wondered what had ruined her health. Since I was studying dentistry, I thought about her mouth. I learned that her “tooth doctor” had carved down four of her normal teeth, installed root canals—some with mercury—and placed bridges containing other metals. However, her local DDS told her that her x-ray was normal. 

So, she consulted a specialist. He said the x-ray was horrendous and that general dentists are too incompetent to read their films. When he removed the bridges and root canals, he found osteoporosis, infected “cavitations,” and large “anaerobic” abscesses smelling like excrement. It took him six hours to clean it out. He told her later that the infections would have killed her. My friend’s chronic illness gradually disappeared over several months. 

Dentists shamelessly advertise their worst crimes, but some repent 

The following is from one of their websites:

Are Root Canals Safe? We’re here to reassure you that modern root canals are not what you may imagine them to be. In fact, 97% of root canals are successful procedures, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Plus, 85% of teeth fixed by a root canal last a lifetime.

Dentists who understand what their specialty is doing seldom speak up for fear of retaliation. It can cost them their licenses in the UK and parts of the USA. But a few confess what they have done. Becky Dutton received this letter from one:

I am reading your website with great interest and, if I am completely honest, a feeling of deep guilt and unease having inflicted patients, friends, and family with dental amalgams over a period of 30 years.

As dentists, we really were brainwashed into believing that mercury, in the form of amalgam fillings, was completely safe.

My own chronic ill health led me to early retirement in 2015 and to the start of my research into the microbiome, my previously undiagnosed parasitic infection, bad bugs and, of course, heavy metals.

Five years ago I had a course of FMT [fecal transfer to repopulate gut bacteria] and I just completed another course. Two years ago I had all my amalgam fillings removed by a holistic dentist who followed the correct guidelines.

I was very interested to read your journey and would be most grateful for further information regarding safe mercury detox.

Many thanks for creating your website. It has been a mine of eye-opening information.

Robert Gammal is a dentist who gave up traditional practice and wrote about the corruption in The Garbage Collector (2023). His website is HERE. See Chapter 4.

A few MDs also step into the light.

Paul Thomas and Ken Stoller are pediatricians who disavowed vaccines. Paul interviewed Ken in THIS fantastic podcast. 

I have never seen psychiatrists admit to insights about their specialty. Their drugs are highly addictive, universally destructive, and divorced from even the ruined science of the rest of healthcare. Flipping their minds to rationality is nearly impossible. 

Scott Schroeder is a podiatrist who learned that the metals he had been casually implanting his whole career were toxic. He has spent the last decade spreading the word about the damage they cause. See Chapter 2. 

Plastic and cosmetic surgeons who confess that breast implants are a net harm are practically unheard of. I know only three: Dr. KhanDr. Feng, and me. The first two specialize in the complicated surgery of removing implants and the surrounding scar intact. This en bloc excision offers the best chance of curing breast implant illness, a syndrome of symptomatic silicone toxicity and various accompanying infections. These surgeons have Facebook pages that allow you to communicate with their patients and hear their stories.

Parting shot 1 by the anonymous whistleblower

A DDS colleague I will call Charles called to tell me that his patient had just died in the chair. I asked him, “What was his medical history?” He replied that he did not know. I learned later that the patient had heart disease.

I asked Charles what the heart monitor showed. He replied he did not use cardiac monitors. These cost $1000, but this guy charges more than that for each crappy titanium implant he places.

I also asked how many shots of anesthetic with adrenaline he gave the man. He told me that he “lost track.” Those of us who remember our most basic training know that excess adrenaline can be fatal, especially for heart patients. We also know that too much local anesthetic is poisonous. 

I told the dentist he was lost and that he should pray. But the family never filed a lawsuit, so no one ever found out that Charles had carelessly killed his patient.

Parting shot 2

Thirty years ago, I spent three continuous days underground in Lechuguilla Cave. I saw most of the spots in this video and swam across the underground lake.

The friend who invited me on the expedition died last year of a vaccine-induced stroke. He DFL to my advice and paid the price.

To my surviving friends: please let me know by text that you looked at this video. If you do not, you DFR.

I saw this inside Lechuguilla. (Credit: video above.)

Everyone in America and Europe is damaged or has relatives who are damaged by dentists. Show this post to anyone you love. If you have the resources, and want to flatter me, sign up for a paid subscription. ❤️❤️

“Legal” disclaimer: This information is not medical advice—use it at your own risk and under provider supervision. And, I claim no copyright. As the Lebowski said, you can take any rug in the house, with or without attribution.


  • Avatar Duchess says:

    Dr. Yoho are you feeling better? 🙂

  • Avatar Vonu says:

    Sounds like someone is ignorant about the late William Donald Kelley.

    • Avatar Blue712 says:

      Would you share with me? I don’t know how I got subscribed to this guy’s substack as I don’t recall subscribing. I got this article in my email this morning and decided “what the heck, let’s read it.. “… Yeah, this royally freaks me out. Is this guy selling disinformation? I don’t doubt that many things used in the industry are bad for us… There are many reporting now that mRNA vaccines are being found in dental anesthetic…. I’m wondering if modern day composites are toxic..?

      • Avatar Vonu says:

        Substacks are very easy to get subscribed to and sometimes difficult to find an unsubscribe button to click.

        • Avatar Blue712 says:

          Thanks, but that doesn’t answer my question. You said the author of this write up is ignorant of “William Donald Kelley”… Could you further elaborate?

          • Avatar Vonu says:

            Have you tried a search of him?

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            I’m a bit busy with other things at the moment and thought you might want to expand upon it. If not, I’ll do my best to find out later. A sentence or two would suffice.

          • Avatar Vonu says:

            William Donald Kelley produces “About 26,100,000 results” on Google.

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            Google normally does. That’s why I asked. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to share a few tidbits of information concerning what Yoho is missing that you are privy to? I’m showing a curiosity but you seem to enjoy not sharing any information that could help others understand. That’s fine. Have a great week.

          • Avatar Vonu says:

            Google normally does what besides find everything listing the searched object in their meta file?

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            Forget it. I don’t do pettiness. It’s disgusting. Enjoy yourself.

          • Avatar Vonu says:

            You are too petty to not do pettiness.

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            Very mature. I have asked you multiple times in the kindest way possible if you’d be willing to expand upon what you wrote and you’ve refused to be kind enough to help clarify your original comment. That is the definition of pettiness. Telling me how Google generates over 26million results by searching the name isn’t helpful. Learn how to be a human being again.

          • Avatar Unapologetically Me says:

            Please don’t feed that troll.

            We’ve all learned not to.

          • Avatar Unapologetically Me says:

            I only had one “comment interaction” with your antagonist. Once was sufficient.

            Ignore. He’s everywhere, and prolific. I highly recommend you scroll by.

            Folks eventually learn what happens when they feed that incessant troll.


            (I will continue to ignore him because, dang, he’ll likely come at me again when he spots this… uD83DuDE09)

          • Avatar Vonu says:

            I didn’t say that Yoho was missing anything.

          • Avatar DrTamara says:

            See my response . He was quite a healer ! I wonder if his occupational exposures had anything to do with his cancer .

          • Avatar DrTamara says:

            Dr Kelley had several degrees , including a DDS . After learning he had incurable stage four pancreatic cancer , he went on to develop a protocol that gave him something like an extra forty years of life . Although reviled by the typical medical world , he went on to successfully work with thousands of cancer patients using this metabolic approach to cancer .
            As recently as 2015 , my good Friend Michael Rankin had taken over some aspects of his work !

          • Avatar Unapologetically Me says:

            Beautiful! That particular cancer is a real beotch.

            Everyone I’ve ever known who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer died within 6-8 months of diagnosis.

            Will do more research based upon your recommendations.

            Thank you.

      • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

        I’m not convinced mRNA is in the shots. Dr. (yoho) is not selling bad info. You HAVE TO evaluate it for yourself. Scientific Method. He doesn’t make any money off these books, and that is not the point anyway.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        the unsubscribe button is small and at the very bottom

        Some composites contain metals, which are toxic. there are hundreds of composites. Two good ones are above

        “disinformation” is the language of censorship and using this word ratifies the way the news media is treating us

        • Avatar Blue712 says:

          I completely agree with you. However, just because the media is spinning this word all over the place in order to actually give us the true disinformation (coming from them) – doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It can and does. I am amongst only the most discerning human beings and to deny that such a thing doesn’t go around, even amongst professionals, would be wrong. Yes, it’s often the very mainstream media sources who are selling the lying narratives and who are actually guilty of spreading “wrong” information, while they claim “disinformation” on those who are discovering the truth – this is obvious to me…. However I wanted to know more about what this individual was referring to whom referenced “William Donald Kelley”. I like to hear all perspectives, always. So, I asked them to share what they’re referring to.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            disinfo is made up word
            use LIES

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            Splitting hairs really, I rather not directly tell people they’re telling lies if they’re simply buying into a very carefully constructed narrative by a more powerful hidden hand whom is selling the lies to the public as true in the first place. I don’t think “disinformation” is a dirty word even if it’s a recent word added in the 80’s – it gets the point across well enough. Indeed it is the very people pointing the finger at “quackery science” who are spreading the true false information…

            What I DO KNOW is that the powers that be target those “truth warriors” all the time, deliberately seeding them “insiders” and “whistle blowers” who are actually hired agents with the one goal of destroying the reputation of certain professionals from ever getting down to the bottom of the truth in their lifetimes.

            Because of that alone, I don’t trust every whistle blower or “truther” who says they have evidence of this or that. And, fancy titles are not enough to convince me of anything for sure either. I can only do so much in terms of my own research to verify someone else’s claims seeing as I’m not a chemist or scientist – I reply on intuition and spirit to lead me to the path of truth no matter how unpopular or seemingly “under educated” the path to truth is. Science will not win the day in the end.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            yes retain your skepticism

      • Avatar DrTamara says:

        You are indeed fortunate to have u2018stumbledu2019 upon this author . His research is thorough and meticulous. I believe his information has and will help many, many people with their health issues . Do yourself a big favor and go back thru Dr. Yohou2019s ( retired) posts and learn a lot !

  • Avatar Blue712 says:

    What do you think about tooth colored dental composites? Aren’t these safer? Do you have any feelings about that? I have quite a few of them along the gum line.

  • Avatar Just_Henry says:

    The dentists I know are fundamentally intellectually flawed individuals, females perhaps somewhat less than the males. Quck story: the building that our offices were in were owned by the landlord dentists upstairs. Once our toilet hopelessly clogged and a landlord dentist came downstairs to fix it while a patient was u201Cnumbing up.u201D The dentist now plumber was decked out in mask and gloves. After he finished digging in the toilet I joked saying I hope you change those gloves! He said, u201CWhy? The human mouth is much dirtier than any toilet!u201D

  • Avatar Joelle Hendrick says:

    Thank you for bringing important information to light.

  • Avatar Yvette Worrall says:

    My dentist husband was singularly uncurious about any scientific fields of debate, exploration, new theories. Meanwhile I, the Humanities person, was busy exploring neurology via Oliver Sacks, Darwinistic theories of evolution via Stephen J. Gould, and loved anatomy. It was a chiropractor who first alerted me to the dangers of aluminium and flouride. I am grateful to him still. And yes, regarding anaesthesia in the dental chair, almost no background health details taken. And I.V. valium was – I can only say – inappropriately used without a qualm.

  • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

    Perfect Timing! my Cousin and Uncle are Dentists. I guess they are getting these for Christmas!! I let one of them borrow “Butchered by Healthcare”. I saw the wheels turning, and they startedto ask questions. It’s a START.

  • Avatar Leo says:

    Great preface! You will save a lot of lives with this book.

    My favorite saying on the DDS racket ” Dentists have killed more people than the U.S. Army “.

    The only assertion above that I think needs backup is
    “They use mercury, the most toxic non-radioactive metal, in possibly half of US fillings. ”

    Half of new fillings I would question, half of the installed base, maybe? – what are the stats?

    Re IV mercury detox, you would be well advised to read Andrew Cutler, PE, Phd. on this subject. A brilliant man, after detoxing himself from amalgam poisoning, he spent 20 years and 3 books helping others detox.

    He specifically warns of the grave dangers of glutathione IVs. Before I read his 3 books I damaged myself doing some of the detox therapies he specifically warns to avoid, but got much better with his protocol. So he has lot of credibility with me.

    “The Mercury Detoxification Manual” is an easy read, written for the layman. “Amalgam Illness” reads much more like a medical textbook, see:

    (I have no relationship to this website other than satisfied book buyer.)

  • Avatar Crosscat says:

    What is wrong with titanium implants.?Both husband and I have had root canal teeth pulled/or to be pulled soon, as well as our mercury safely removed, but will be left with gaps and want to know what could be safe to u2018fillu2019 them.

    • Avatar Kat Bro says:

      I believe there are porcelain or similar implants out there.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        zirconia are the best

        • Avatar Laurie says:

          Dr. Yoho — The info you share is invaluable. Thank-you so very much! Crosscat (above) mentioned titanium implants. If they are contra-indicated in the mouth may l inquire what your opinion is of titanium rods & plates, screws, etc used by orthopedic surgeons to repair broken bones? Is the presence of titanium in the oral cavity different than in other areas of the body?
          As a retired nurse l have cared for thousands of ortho patients with titanium implants & l, myself, also have had a titanium rod insertion to repair a seriously fractured femur!

          • Avatar Blue712 says:

            I’d like to know this too. My significant other has two knee replacements which were both achieved with high quality titanium… Is this toxic to his system over time?

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            All these metals present long term problems, especially if you have amalgams, which create battery effects with them and dissolve.

            That said, of course many of us have titanium alloys inside, and they have helped many. From what I have seen, however, they should not be placed casually with no appreciation for the downsides.

            there are some alternatives to the titanium implants, which I described in the book. But the titanium is durable and the modern implants last.

            See what my ortho friend said; it’s balanced

          • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

            linky –
            When one says alloy, what does that mean? It is at least 1 atomic element blended with a metal. These are molybdenum, vanadium, niobium, tantalum, zirconium, manganese, iron, chromium, cobalt, nickel, and copper. Does anyone (Surgeons, GPs?) test for allergies to these?

            Edit: link from wiki (sry) on Beta-Alloys used in dentistry:

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            you can be allergic to any metal in the alloy or many of them and, worst of all, manufacturers consider alloy composition proprietary and some will not disclose the metals

          • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

            Gammal’s book. this post:
            Basically, one needs to know if one has a metal allergy. Some implants are alloys and you don’t know the total metals in the alloy, thus the problem.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Read Gammal’s book after you ready my chapter in the book download

    • Avatar LWB says:

      I have a removable u201Cpartialu201D
      Covering 5 removed lower teeth that rotted after root canals. Very satisfactory so far after several years

    • Avatar LWB says:

      I have a removable u201Cpartialu201D replacing 5 pulled lower teeth that rotted after root canals. Very satisfied after several years.

  • Avatar Crixcyon says:

    Dentistry is another form of the Satanic ritual known as medical health. Trusting the witch-doctor would be a lot cheaper. My daughter has spent over $20,000 after insurance on braces and the like for 3 kids.

  • Avatar Jen Adams says:

    I had a periodontist who hit a nerve in my mouth during a root canal. I have never had so much pain in my life. I had anathesia dolorosa. u201CFrozen with painu201D. I spent two months in bed on massive pain killers and lost the tooth as well. I am still slightly frozen on that side of the mouth but no pain, thank goodness. The doctor tried to tell me it was a u201Ccoincidenceu201D that my mouth was throbbing and frozen at the same time u2026 nothing to do with the surgery. Then they tried to buy me off.

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Love the cover as is, and will love the full info when you publish it. Iu2019m 1 of the lucky few who only had 1 root canal and 6 upper amalgam fillings. in my middle years Never saw a dentist till I was 17, and cracked a rear decayed molar 1st amalgam filling. Even cleanings HURT’S! The lower ones had acrylics. That 1 lone root canal started as a cavity, then cracked, so the Root Canal was done. I chose Gold. But in the end, 1 by 1 the lower molars needed pulling. Till only the 10 cutting front teeth were left. You can’t chew without molars. The front teeth were shifting, painful. He advised against it. But didn’t tell me why. My lower jaw bone was deteriorating. A denture had made sense, bone spurs to be ground down after they were pulled. Until the sucker was put in my mouth, it burnt like fire RED dye. It rocked, as the left side was lower than the right. He ground my left upper molars down, those are the amalgam ones. Ended up having the lower jaw sculptured. Versed was used, instead of Twilight Sleep.

    It took me 2 years to find a dentist who made clear gums, but it does not end there. Not 1 adhesive works. Too bad Fixodent is RED. It kinda worked. Now you make me wonder if the Fibromyalgia was not caused by the amalgam fillings. Or the OP?

    Blessings from our Lord and improved health is my wish for you.

  • Avatar Renee says:

    Unfortunately biological dentists are expensive and don’t accept insurance. I spent $500 just for an evaluation. She wanted $ 9000 to replace a front tooth crown and another $9000 to replace the remaining 8 crowns and amalgams. Can’t afford it.

    • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

      What was wrong with your crowns?

      • Avatar Renee says:

        My crowns are mixed metals. Want to get rid of all metals in my mouth. The front tooth was broken at about age 12 from a golf club accident circa early 1970s. It had a root canal, metal post and metal crown base with tooth colored overlay. The gums around that crown have been irritated and swollen for 20+ years. Had gum surgery to reduce the margin, but still irritated. Working with current dentist to replace the crown with this decade’s newest materials. 🙂 Not so fun fact – In the last 10 years or so I have had to stop wearing post earrings because they continually weep.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          sounds like Nickel. Study the CD last chapter for ideas and find a dentist who works w zirconia. no metals

          • Avatar Craig says:

            Zirconium is a transition metal that closely resembles titanium.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            Zirconia is a very strong technical ceramic that offers high strength, fracture toughness, flexibility, wear and corrosion resistance.

          • Avatar Craig says:

            I understand but is it toxic? The ADA promotes Zirconia crowns but they still promote mercury amalgams: “Dental amalgam is a safe, affordable and durable restorative material” I could use a few crowns myself and would probably go for Zirconia but I still don’t trust the dental industry or the Zirconia industry in general to tell the truth.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut

        • Avatar Fed up says:

          With respect to your gums – I have a fantastic herb book written by Lalitha Thomas – u201CTen Essential Herbs.u201D Itu2019s out of print now but available on Kindle and found as a used book. I tried to cut-and-paste for you but could not.

          Briefly, she mentions the story of a man in his 50s, previous heavy smoker, who had chronic gum deterioration and very severe bouts of gum infections. He had undergone several gum surgeries and his dentist warned him if he had anymore, he would lose all his teeth. She had him make a powerful tooth powder by mixing equal parts powdered herbs of cayenne, goldenseal, and myrrh. (Wild Rose Herbs is a great online herb place as well as your local health food store or maybe Etsy should have these.)

          She claims, within 24 hours, he had massive improvements. The cayenne promotes circulation, the goldenseal heals infections, and the myrrh is helpful for mouth issues as well. Iu2019ve made this mixture up and just be aware that it stings and tingles something fierce at first but it is very refreshing afterwards and the sting does not last too long. Make certain not to inhale the powder that you put on your toothbrush. Might be worth a try. She also says just plain cayenne (dried and uncooked form, fairly high heat unit) can be used. Hope you can find some relief soon.

    • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

      Similar here. Mine wants $800 for 1st eval, and 1k per removal EACH of the mercury filings. She only works 3 days a week. Good for her I guess.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      see the Lagos post reproduced in this book

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      Biological dentists accept insurance, but no insurance will cover them

  • Avatar Paul Bass says:

    Dr Yoho. You have great resources, and the absolute best cover art. Props to your graphic artist. Thanks for your blog and podcast.

  • Avatar Rosemarie says:

    I love my biological dentist. Took out all my toxic root canals, cleaned out the cavitations.

  • Avatar Laura Wilson says:

    Ask your dentist if he uses disinfection for prions on any of his instruments. Regular disinfection procedures do not rid surgical or dental instruments of prions (the cause of mad cow disease). If he’s honest he will say “no.” None of them do, despite articles like this:
    “Prions in Dentistry u2014 What Are They, Should We Be Concerned, and What Can We Do?” and
    WHO recommended prion decontamination processes for dental instruments:

    Prions are transmissible from one person to another via blood, skin, nervous tissue, eye tissue, and disinfected surgical/dental instruments. What patients at your dentist have prions in their bodies? People with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Alzheimers. Down’s Syndrome, and possibly other forms of dementia. Why don’t dentists use the WHO recommended decontamination procedures? Because the bleach needed to decontaminate tarnishes and damages their dental instruments and autoclaves. Okay … so what do surgeons do to decontaminate their instruments? They must have a way to deal with this problem!

    References for my claims above:

    Detection of prions in blood from patients with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

    Skin Test Detects Prion Infection Before Symptoms Appear

    Down Syndrome, Like Alzheimeru2019s, Is a Double-Prion Disorder

  • Avatar DrTamara says:

    Dr Yoho , I for one love the cover . Iu2019ve read the beginning of the book and this appears to be another educational masterpiece .

  • Avatar wrw says:

    DFL? DFR?

  • Avatar SpringTimeFun8 says:

    Thank you very much Sir.
    I have a lot of respect for you.
    Praying for healing for you.

  • Avatar klimer says:

    I agree with your sentiment, but you’ve got the label applied to wrong end of the equation. Dentists who practice in the Church of Medical Mysticism are the true believers. It is those of us who recognize the fact that healthcare is a religion who are the apostates.

    Fortunately, there are dentists who follow the Huggins Protocol that are not nearly as harmful, as insurance typically does not reimburse for their services. Insurance is a means of enforcing Church edicts. As is Standard of Care.

    It’s best to avoid dentists as much as possible. Brush and floss after every meal. About once a month, brush with baking soda, followed by rinsing and gargling with diluted Apple Cider Vinegar. The combined action of the two will remove nearly all tartar buildup. And removing tartar is one of the few valid reasons for seeing a dentist regularly.

  • Avatar Nancy says:

    This is a horrible snipe attack on dentists who spend their whole careers trying to prevent dental problems and keep people healthy. Dental amalgams are not used nearly as much since the 1990s with the advent of stronger, aesthetically pleasing and easier to place composite acrylic restorations. Amalgam was given a bad rap however as it is not methylated mercury like that found in fish and is not methylated by humans so is not as dangerous as it wears very slowly but my main point is that it hasnu2019t been the restorative material of choice since the 1990s.

    Dental Schools are often connected to medical
    schools and educated by the same professors.

    I donu2019t know of a profession that cares more about their patients and their total heath. You are only causing divisiveness, hatred and deterioration of peopleu2019s health if you promote skipping routine dental checkups and prophylactic care which helps avoid many overall health problems including periodontal disease which can lead to many illnesses including cancers, heart problems and dementia if left unchecked

    • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

      Dentist also push the use of Flouride. Is that okay?
      I have 2 Dentists in my family. I do not hate them.
      Ortho’s And Dental Surgeons CAN be (not always) Financially motivated to perform more work than is necessary because they are financially motivated to do so. Some are extremely good and helpful.

      I think we all agree, good oral hygiene is important. Stay away form chemicals and unnecessary stuff.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        stay away from dentists
        read the whole book

        • Avatar Lisa says:

          Do you recommend the ones (in Mexico) who removed your dental work?

        • Avatar Patricia Beaupre says:

          Yes, stay away from dentists! I am an 83 year old retired RN so I learned early to stay away from the medical mafia. Unfortunately I had the same childhood dental experience as you with the u201Cdrill, fill, and billu201D, so my teeth were pretty much ruined at a young age. Over the years I spent a fortune trying to repair the damage with replaced fillings leading to crowns and eventually titanium implants which were chronically infected. Some implants fell out, some were removed (worst experience of my life) and I still have a few. I have outlived all my dentists (I think they died of mercury poisoninguD83DuDE02), except the current one and he wants me to come every three months for check ups. I have had enough of the dental mafia which I think is actually worse than the medical mafia! Thank you for exposing them and I hope it prevents others from getting caught up in their racket. Prayers for a complete recovery.

          • Avatar Patricia Beaupre says:

            Oh and I do have scoliosis but unfortunately the link you provided wouldnu2019t open (censored?). As a side note, I personally know two cancer patients that have been cured with FenBen. Yes cured, they are both NED. One was a young man with stage 4 stomach cancer and the other was my brother with advanced prostate cancer. So good to see the new awareness about alternate therapies saving lives. Thank you again and many blessings on your healing journey.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            my scoliosis was fortunately mild

          • Avatar Patricia Beaupre says:

            Mine toou2026

          • Avatar Patricia Beaupre says:

            Thank you so much Becky. Very interesting site, but so sad that many have suffered and had their lives ruined by metal allergies that doctors (and dentists) have no knowledge about. You are an angel to be bringing this knowledge to public attention. Fortunately I didnu2019t have surgery for my scoliosisu2026 I was diagnosed as a young teen but my mother didnu2019t want me to have surgery and took me to a chiropractor who treated me for years. I was not cured but managed to live a fairly normal life as I am now 83. I had flares of back pain, mostly during my 5 pregnancies, but my back causes me no pain today although I do have a slight hunchback.

            My main concern now are my titanium dental implants which I have had for 25 years. Iu2019m quite sure that I am allergic to them as they are chronically inflamed/infected in spite of my meticulous dental hygiene. Over the years two implants have literally fallen out and I had one surgically removed (the worst experience of my life)! I still have several implants and would like to have them removed but dread the thought of that surgery and finding a competent practitioner to do that is next to impossible. Plus I would then need to have dentures which is not an ideal solution or may not even be possible due to jaw bone erosion. Probably I will die with them or because of themu2026

            Thank you again for your wonderful work and many blessings!
            Warm regards, Pat

          • Avatar Becky Dutton says:

            Hi Patricia, thank you so much for your kind comments!
            Iu2019m very pleased to hear youu2019ve managed to avoid spinal surgery and you are pain free.
            Re your titanium dental implants; do you have a panorex (180 degree x-ray of your upper and lower teeth and jaw? You could have the titanium implants replaced with zirconium implants which are more biocompatible with your tissues.
            If you would like to discuss this please contact me: [email protected]
            Where do you live?
            Best wishes,

          • Avatar Patricia Beaupre says:

            Hi Becky,
            Yes Iu2019ve had quite a few panorex x-rays, the most recent about a year ago. I live in Illinois, 60 miles south of Chicago. Iu2019ve asked the local oral surgeon about zirconium implants and he doesnu2019t do them. After undergoing a terrible ordeal with the removal of one implant several years ago, I donu2019t know if I could go through the removal of the rest of them. Iu2019m not rich either so doubt that I can afford to do it. I already have a small fortune in my mouth. Thanks for your concernu2026 I have warned my children, grandchildren and anyone who will listen about the dangers of implants of any kind.
            Regards, Pat

          • Avatar Becky Dutton says:

            Hi Patricia, Iu2019m very sorry to hear youu2019ve had a bad experience with the removal of a titanium tooth implant. I do understand your reticence re further removals but if you are interested, I can ask someone I know (head and neck surgeon) to look at your latest panorex for you? He wonu2019t charge.
            I do recommend testing for metal allergy prior to any surgery which involves using a metal implant, if your family are concerned.
            Iu2019m very happy to chat if you would like more information: +44 7776 178206

      • Avatar DrTamara says:

        Peter , this is not about hating dentists . Itu2019s about having knowledge and wisdom to protect your health. I find in my clinical practice the health in the body is often reflected and caused by oral health issues .

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      well I disagree and you need to read the whole book to learn why. Do your research

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Thanks! I put the first line of the comment into my preface:
        One of my first readers wrote, u201CThis is a horrible snipe attack on dentists who spend their whole careers trying to prevent dental problems and keep people healthy. Dentists are good people who wouldn’t do anything they knew would hurt anyone.u201D She is rightu2014they believe in what they are doing. In the second section, Dentistry in Context, I explain how powerful forces dictate their actions. You will also see that I have no delusions about the culpability of MDs.
        But ignorance is scant excuse for anything, least of all for criminality. I judge people by what they do, not their intent. As you read this, you will learn that current dental practices are killing us. You will also learn that my story is yours and your familyu2019s as well.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Try to get through the whole manuscript before you judge. I disagree with most of what you say, and I document why. Best

  • Avatar Suzi Smith says:

    I would love to have a long conversation with you via phone. I have so much to say it just canu2019t be written.

    I consider myself fairly lucky. I Most of my practitioners have been good. As an aside, I was once married to a dentist, but that hasnu2019t anything to do with this really. Just a historical fact.

    When I was six, right after getting my permanent teeth, I had both centrals knocked out at an angle, which required me to wear caps and crowns. That was in 1963. Ultimately, as an adult, one of those crowns required on implant, which was done by Daniel Sullivan Jr. in Washington DC. Iu2019ve got no complaints with that. I think he was superb dentist, and he was my dentist and my dear friend for two decades, despite his enormous hands. uD83DuDE06. I miss him terribly.

    I then had a holistic dentist remove my mercury amalgams. Though, supposedly done properly, I was sick for months and months after the procedure. There is a school of thought that says itu2019s worse to take them out then to remove them. That may be true.

    I then had trouble with the lateral right next to the crown that did not have the implant. This tooth now seemed to require an implant. I felt that the dentist I went to was amazing. And I understood why that was preferable to any kind of a bridge. It also turned out that he discovered I had two enormous abscesses. One above that lateral, another above the central tooth next to itu2026 The one without the implant. I had been telling my previous dentist that my entire upper mouth hurt for months and months and months and nothing was ever done.

    Finally, I had found someone who discovered the abscesses and was willing to help remove them. Then the other central had to be addressed. It had a large abscess (at the root, like the other) and it was cracked beneath the crown. This was going to require either a bridge or root canal. My osteointegrationist explained to me that he didnu2019t want to see an implant there, because we needed to be very careful about the integrity of the bone, and you donu2019t want to see one implant next to another. I took that to heart, as did the endodontist he referred me to. They worked collaboratively. He was magnificent. He said it was the toughest case he had ever seen. It took him three appointments to actually get into the canals without breaking the crown. He was able to get to the abscess, which Iu2019m sure is still draining, clean everything out, and plug it temporarily until my final appointment this coming Thursday. I feel so much better.

    He spoke at length about root canal, in general, being very difficult, because you want to be very certain of the condition of the tooth and the canal before you consider it a done deal.

    All the good dentists I have seen have remarked about how wonderful it is that Iu2019ve managed to keep my molars and no oneu2019s ripped them out. And everyone of them has said never mess with a healthy tooth. Every experience was pain-free. Iu2019m feeling much better and Iu2019m looking forward to getting this whole thing behind me. There are some good guys and there are some schmucks in every field.

    By the way, since 2012, Iu2019ve been an intense anti-vaxxer. I could go on and on about what doctors do there. Additionally, Iu2019m not your normal patient. Iu2019m not interested in a traditional doctor patient relationship. Iu2019m smart, I know my body, I do research extensively, and Iu2019m looking for a partner and a collaborator in my healthcare who works for me. If any doctor is uncomfortable with that then they are not my doctors.

    Too many people go to doctors looking for them to just fix things. And too many doctors suffer from a Messiah Complex, which their patients unknowingly feed. Itu2019s pitiful and somewhat despicable.

    I agree with you, in large measure, with regard to the psychotropics. However, I had an older brother, who had severe mental issues from the time he was a child. Ultimately, he was diagnosed as bipolar. He was put on lithium which he did very well on . Unfortunately, he was not always compliant, and we go off his medication. Then he would want to kill himself, or become violent and require hospitalization. He was never able to work, or have a career, and the lithium which he took for his issues destroyed his kidneys. That required a transplant. He died about five years ago in his 60s.

    In my opinion, there are people who simply need psychotropic medication. But you are so right about the DSM. Itu2019s a joke. I know exactly how they do it, who does it, who started it, how many there were, how they just tossed things in and out randomly, how the group grew, and how they still continue to fly by the seat of their pants just publishing bullshit for the most part. Sadly, less curious and or well informed physicians refer to it, and then medicate their patients based on it. My biggest complaint is doctors who seem to think that once a patient requires a medication they require that medication for the rest of their life. Thereu2019s no worse experience than akathesia from the withdrawal of a drug.

    Itu2019s been my experience that over time newer research shows that time have changed. In particular with regard to treatment modalities. However, that research is generally sitting unread in periodicals, which remain unopened on the bedside tables of many practitioners. If you, the patient, donu2019t do the research to find out what the latest, greatest treatment is, youu2019re in trouble. Or at least youu2019re stuck like a hamster on a wheel.

    I think what you wrote was interesting, and right on the money in most cases. But, I do want to emphasize that there are decent practitioners out there. You just have to find them. Or create them by showing them literature, studies, and referring them to resources . After all, they donu2019t have all day to do this kind of thing. They just sort of practice what they practice.

    I would like to be able to read everything you wrote, but as fate would have it, I am on my way to Georgetown University healthcare to meet with a MGUS – myeloma specialist, as I have just been diagnosed with a particular type MGUS. Iu2019ve already seen one oncologist several times and had a bone scans, MRIs, a PET scans, a bone marrow, biopsy, etc. etc. All of those records have been forwarded to this superstar. The oncologist Iu2019m seeing now wants to see me every three months for bloodwork. Iu2019m interested to hear with this doctor has to say. I hope I learn some new things, and I hope heu2019s comfortable with my need for knowledge. I promise not to refer to Dr. Google.

    Thank you for all your work and all of your contributions.

    Best regards,

    Suzi Smith

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      read this whole book and study intensively the CD last chapter. Buy Kalkler’s book and read the abscess section you will find in the table of contents.

  • Avatar Laurie says:

    So what are we supposed to do if we have a tooth going bad and are in pain ?

  • Avatar brian kennedy says:

    There is an important dimension you have left outu2014 the issue of poisonous graphene being put into dental anaesthetics. See La Quinta Columna organization for research. People are not aware that they are being contaminated by graphene-laced lidocaine injections as they try to protect themselves from mercury amalgam poisoning by having root canals removed. Of course the dentists are once again clueless.

    • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

      But, I donu2019t believe there are any alternatives so we need to trust God and pray for good outcomes. Thatu2019s what Iu2019m doing.

  • Avatar Dee Cope says:

    My husband and I had our mercury fillings removed by a naturopathic dentist over 20 years ago. Husband subsequently had a titanium implant (against my wishes) and a year or so later, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and sadly died. I had a dentist whose “treatment” of my gum disease left me with 3 abscesses on my teeth. I was offered root canals, which I declined. I had the 3 teeth that were infected removed, again by a naturopathic dentist. On removing one tooth, he held it up to me to show me how rotten it was – it was quite disgusting. A very good book to read is “It’s All In Your Head” – I forget the author’s name – “Hal” somebody, but he was a dentist, and wrote from experience. My last dentist when I lived in northern California always took my blood pressure and weight, as well as my medical history. I now live in England and I have been on the NHS waiting list to see a dentist for over 4 years – maybe I won’t bother. The one good thing Covid has done is to make the average person much more aware of the harms caused by Western allopathic medicine. Long live naturopathy, homeopathy, and Chinese herbal medicine.

  • Avatar Frederick R Smith says:

    Congrats on the latest addition to your growing list of books. The cover is stunningly beautiful.

  • Avatar Sandy K says:

    Explore the work of Dr Ana Mihalcea regarding the stuff in dental injections, please. I don’t have access to a microscope or the anesthesia so I have to rely on others to access this. (

  • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

    Dr. Yoho, I look forward to reading your book. Iu2019ve been aware for a long time of the dangers of going to the dentist, getting X-rays, amalgam fillings (I had mine removed/replaced by regular dentist with no after effects), fluoride, etc. I have a lot of books on the subject. I donu2019t know if this is in your book but it would be very helpful if you could discuss alternatives. As we age, itu2019s inevitable that we will need dental work (May God help us and protect us and our teeth). So, if we get a tooth infection, what are options for people in terms of holistic antibiotics? I remember about five years ago my sister had a bad tooth and she was in terrible pain and couldnu2019t afford to go to the doctor so I found something on Amazon to send to her and actually cured her of her infection. Iu2019d have to look it up to find what that was but there has to be some alternatives out there. Another area, is what if the doctor tells you you need a root canal? Do people just get their teeth pulled? What if itu2019s a front tooth? I have several friends who have chosen not to get root canals and Iu2019ve just getting the tooth pulled. Is this a better option? What preventative measures can we take to save our teeth? Besides brushing and flossing? I use a toothpaste, called Better and Better. Iu2019m not affiliated with the company. The toothpaste has hydroxyapatite in it which is supposed to build up the tooth enamel. Lots of studies on it. Itu2019s hard to find a toothpaste though that has the u201Cright/correct/beneficial amounts of this product. Thereu2019s some smoke and mirrors as far as how much of hydroxyapatite is needed and how micronized it should be.
    Also, I hope you address how necessary twice yearly dental visits are. I didnu2019t go for three years during Covid and the hygienist said she would have never known. I feel like the twice yearly dental cleaning is in some peoples minds the same as going in getting a mammogram. Itu2019s like they can wear this badge of honor. Well I have gotten my teeth cleaning and Iu2019m good to go for six more months. Iu2019m not really sure if that should be your attitude? To me, it exposes us to more problems, possibly. (X-ray exposure etc). Anyhow, I do hope there will be some chapters on there on best case scenarios and possible solutions to dental problems as itu2019s quite difficult to find. (Besides going to a holistic dentist which is almost impossible to find even in a place like Dallas, Tx. and very cost prohibitive).

    Another question I have is is there any link between tinnitus and dental work? I have had my share of scary situationu2019s with a dentist. One of them, hit a nerve or something when he was giving me a numbing injection, and the left side of my face experienced some weird sensations for the next two years. And now I have tinnitus in my left ear. Itu2019s mild and Iu2019m hoping that it will go away. However, I wonder if the tinnitus was caused by this? I am confident Iu2019ll never know.

    Also, I recently had to get a crown replaced on one of my front teeth. The lab did a great job on the shape, but not so much on the transparency of the tooth. After a few weeks, the color turned which doesnu2019t seem possible but it is a slight shade darker than it was. Or, maybe I can see it now that itu2019s been on for two months but couldnu2019t see it at first. Iu2019ve gone back to the lab to have her look at it, and itu2019s not darker in every single light, but in dark light, you can definitely see it. They said they would replace it for free. However, knowing that the more they mess with my tooth, the less stable it potentially could be, iu2019ve opted to not mess with it, which is something I wouldu2019ve probably never done 10 years ago. I donu2019t want to be exposed to potentially more problems or have the tooth die or getting an infection or who knows what happening to the original tooth. I plan on continuing my once in three year tooth cleaning. With no X-rays. The hygienist told me if you donu2019t talk a lot, you donu2019t build up as much tarter so thereu2019s that. :))

    Anyway, I sincerely thank you for looking into this and helping people to live healthier lives. Itu2019s in our power to say no to any mainstream medical care that has reneged on its promise to u201Cdo no harm.u201D Is it easy to take a moment to step back and say u201Cnou201D when your Dr will most likely ridicule you or shame you? No, it wonu2019t be. But, the medical model is for profit. And, each one of us is the CEO of our health and our bodies. If we donu2019t take charge of our health (journey), someone else will who claims to be concerned even though again, itu2019s for profit. Yep, I have a low view of our current public health systems because Iu2019ve witnessed a lot in my 60 young years. Blessings, peace and health to all.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      great comment
      study the last chapter (CD) and consider buying Kalcker’s book and look for abscess in the table of comments. You have inspired me to quote this in my book, and if you redownload the book from the same link in 2 weeks, it will be in there

      • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

        Thank you. I appreciate it! Glad I could help in some minute way when you have done so much for to help all of us to have a better understanding of all things health related!

      • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

        I read your book today and it was great. It will be an eye opener for many. There were a few links that didnu2019t work and I took screen shots of them if youu2019d like more info on that, I can send you the screenshots. The only other thing Iu2019d say is at the bottom where you say the page number, Iu2019d include the chapter number as well. Peace and healing to all.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Please email me the screen shots. This thing is still getting better. If you use that link and download the latest version in a week or so, you will get a more advanced version. Best and thanks!

  • Avatar Kelli says:

    I am a big fan of your writing, and agree with many of your topics.

    You did ask for critique/honest feedback, so guess I will be an outlier in these comments.

    This intro feels a bit heavy-handed to me, bordering on the paranoid. Dentists do the same things as most other professions — they learn to do things a certain way, a technique becomes standardized, and then that ingrained process becomes very hard to change. (I’m currently learning about the devastating lifetime effects of traditional spay/neuter surgeries on pets. Hormone-sparing surgeries are slowly being taught in schools, but it takes a major effort to change a tradition. Veterinarians didn’t start de-sexing sterilization procedures because they had evil intentions. It’s just what was known at the time … take it all out.) We humans can be slow to change, and especially resistant to change when incomes are involved.

    In my experience, heavy-handed/fundamentalist rhetoric tends to turn off people’s ability to hear. The main audience that will get anything out of such material is already in “the choir.”

    I completely relate to the desire to get the message out. But when you vilify people who thought they were doing good, you effectively slow that message down. I don’t believe for a second that all dentists are greedy and evil. I’ve been blessed with several good ones. Very conservative in their approach, and do their best to embrace new information/techniques. (I’ve also seen my share of A-holes, all of whom were fired within one visit, lol.)

    Speaking to the amalgam topic, many people do NOT have issues with their amalgam fillings. I’ve got tons of them, and know lots of vibrant people in their 80’s and 90’s who have them as well. Today we have better options for fillings, so they are obviously a poor choice going forward. But to excite people who have them into removal/replacement because of fear is just more of the same hysteria the globalists use. (I have a friend who spent the thousands of dollars to go through this process and experienced no difference in her health. She regrets going through with it.)

    Lastly, regarding the line “I have never seen psychiatrists admit to insights about their specialty,” I would suggest you take a look at Dr. Peter Breggin’s work. He has led the charge in this regard, and I know other psychiatrists follow his work (I saw their posts on Twitter.)

    Many people are currently trying to learn everything they can about their health, as mainstream medicine has so effectively trashed trust, hopes, and dreams. I’d like to humbly suggest finding a chiropractor wellness practitioner that graduated from The Palmer School. They have been teaching Holistic knowledge for decades. Doctors out of that school are a great place to start a turnaround journey. 🙂

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Good point on my friends the Breggins. He may be the only one ha.
      I judge people by their actions and the results, not their intent. Ignorance is scant excuse for anything. I’ve chosen to write an inflammatory expose, and if you read my story, you know why. I value honesty over sales any day, and I hope seeing the story through my eyes will attract readers. Best

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        u201C Many people are currently trying to learn everything they can about their health, as mainstream medicine has so effectively trashed trust, hopes, and dreams.u201D
        There is some confusion here. If you look up the definition of u201Cmedicalu201D in any dictionary, the word u201Chealthu201D is completely absent. Medicine has NOTHING to do with healthu2026PERIOD

    • Avatar George says:

      I like your comments. I can’t imagine any mercury exposure is healthy for anyone, but like smoking, it won’t kill everyone. It’s possible you have had an exceptional ability to excrete what you’ve been exposed to more effectively from your body.

    • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

      If your perception was the driving force, why has Europe banned amalgam fillings for children and pregnant women? And the ban will be total come 2025. The reality is that medical professionals stick to these tactics for financial reasons…PERIOD! Big Pharma is lining the providers pockets if they continue to subject their patients to the poisons that are driving up their profits. Kelli, if you can prove otherwise, please do so

      • Avatar Kelli says:

        I’m not looking for a debate Deborah. He asked for feedback. I gave mine honestly, and stand by it.
        Full Stop.
        Best to you. uD83DuDE0A

        • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

          Kelli, do you really believe that doctors and veterinarians are ignorant of the harm they are doing?

          • Avatar Maxstirner says:

            do you actually believe all of them do all the time? Or even many/most of them some/most of the time?

  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:

    EVIL DENTIST at hs pulled all my teeth when i only needed 2 pulled i got suckered at a bad time and now sufferring the consequences and insuff…….., funds

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Parting shot 2: How Kalckeru2019s followers do without dentists
      Personal Testimonial from Forbidden Health (2018), page 175-6.
      A few months ago, one of my fillings fell out. I didnu2019t go to the dentist for about a weeku2026 eating was very painful. By the time I went to the dentist, the pain was unbearable and had extended to my jaw. My dentist removed the remnants of the filling and fixed my tooth with resin as I requested. I wanted to remove all the metal from my mouthu2026
      I went back a week later since I still had pain from eatingu2026 My dentist said there was no other option except to pull the tooth or do a root canal. Iu2026 said, u201CGive me one weeku2026u201D I started the following procedure:
      Put 1 ml of CDS in a small glass. (If CDS is not available, use MMS.) Wait at least one minute before adding 1.5 ounces (45 cc) of distilled water. If you are using CDS, there is no reason to wait. Add 20 drops of 70% DMSO. If your DMSO is 99% pure, you have to dilute it down to 70% by adding 30% distilled water.
      Put this solution in your mouth and hold it over the affected tooth for one and a half minutes, then spit it out. You may then rinse with distilled water, but this is not necessary. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day, especially after each meal and after brushing your teeth.
      You may notice an improvement on the same day. In about 49 hours, the pain should disappear. Depending on the degree of infection, continue for about five more days. If the tooth bothers you again, continue for two or three more days.
      My tooth is safe and sound, and I do not have to get a root canal.

      • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


      • Avatar Unapologetically Me says:

        DMSO is the carrier. Fantastic stuff.

        I used a similar protocol some years back on a badly impacted tooth.

        Used food grade h202 instead of MMS (was desperate and not at home so no immediate access) and DMSO to swab the tooth first, after oil pulling.

        Eliminated the terrible pain STAT.

        Killed the impacted tooth, which I eventually lost, however no further infection.

  • Avatar jeffrey p lubina says:


  • Avatar Being a Nancy says:

    I think I resolved any heavy metal/mercury with occasional coffee enemas and charcoal capsules. I had a pretty good heavy metal test (24 hour urine collection) that was interpreted by a chiropractor. I had no elevated mercury etc. but a slightly elevated lead. I may do the test again and see if the amalgam removal poisoned me.
    I just had three more amalgams removed and replaced with composit this morning. That sent the count replaced to 8. I have one left and two crowns to resolve still. All of my old amalgams had gaps and decay under them and that looks pretty gross,,,certainly can’t be healthy. My dentist shows me all of the before, during and after on a big screen.

  • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

    Also, just finished lists to the podcast with Dr Stoller. OMG!! It was incredible!! I learned so much!! Thank you for introducing us to both of them. I donu2019t have enough time to listen to and read all of this new information but Iu2019m trying! Iu2019m going to buy his book!

  • Avatar Jerms 9654 says:

    Hi Doc, just wanted to ask you a question. I started taking Chlorine dioxide after your article a few weeks ago. I have also been taking methylene blue. Do you think i can mix the two in the same bottle of water or will they counteract each other somehow?

  • Avatar Edwin says:

    Bless you, Doc, and your family and friends.

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    Here is what Kalcker’s testimonial said for an abscessed tooth. I’m just the reporter and make no recommendations.

    Parting shot 2: How Kalckeru2019s followers do without dentists
    Personal Testimonial from Forbidden Health (2018), page 175-6.
    A few months ago, one of my fillings fell out. I didnu2019t go to the dentist for about a weeku2026 eating was very painful. By the time I went to the dentist, the pain was unbearable and had extended to my jaw. My dentist removed the remnants of the filling and fixed my tooth with resin as I requested. I wanted to remove all the metal from my mouthu2026
    I went back a week later since I still had pain from eatingu2026 My dentist said there was no other option except to pull the tooth or do a root canal. Iu2026 said, u201CGive me one weeku2026u201D I started the following procedure:
    Put 1 ml of CDS in a small glass. (If CDS is not available, use MMS.) Wait at least one minute before adding 1.5 ounces (45 cc) of distilled water. If you are using CDS, there is no reason to wait. Add 20 drops of 70% DMSO. If your DMSO is 99% pure, you have to dilute it down to 70% by adding 30% distilled water.
    Put this solution in your mouth and hold it over the affected tooth for one and a half minutes, then spit it out. You may then rinse with distilled water, but this is not necessary. Repeat this procedure at least three times a day, especially after each meal and after brushing your teeth.
    You may notice an improvement on the same day. In about 49 hours, the pain should disappear. Depending on the degree of infection, continue for about five more days. If the tooth bothers you again, continue for two or three more days.
    My tooth is safe and sound, and I do not have to get a root canal.

  • Avatar Rosemarie says:

    partial denture

  • Avatar Craig says:

    I read someplace that you shouldn’t let your enemy choose your enemies. I suspect most Americans have never been to China and what they know about China comes from China’s enemies. While Merck got a slap on the wrist for killing 50,000 and maybe as many as 500,000 with Vioxx a Chinese company produced a baby formula that was spiked with melamine to cheaply increase it’s apparent protein content which sickened 300,000 babies and killed 6. After an investigation many at the the Chinese company received long prison sentences and a few most responsible were executed. In 2007 the head of the Chinese FDA was executed for corruption. For current information about China a good place to start is Godfree Roberts at You just might find that your enemy’s enemy is your friend.

  • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

    Dr. Yoho, with all the natural interventions you are implementing, I know you said you are not better but have you seen any improvement in your signs/symptoms? I am taking a deep dive into CDS and I hope you will post about your experience using it.

  • Avatar Caroline says:

    Same, destroyed my health too. Still recovering from mercury and root canals.

  • Avatar jacquelyn sauriol says:

    Have a fried going through an infected root canal now, and am very worried for her. She is doing ‘all the right’ supplements, but I have a feeling that the dental work itself is the source of the problem. Dentistry needs its head examined.

  • Avatar Baga says:

    Children who have Treachers Collins Syndrome have undersized jaws and frequently have very narrow airways. After reading this, I now understand why these kids need specialized care in dentistry. Itu2019s not unusual to hear that a TC child died while getting dental work done.

  • Avatar George says:

    Hard to criticize too much. The only comment I will make is that there are a very very small number of dentists that know the problems and try very hard to stay away from the harmful products and procedures.

    Similar with orthodontists. There are a very small number of them that want to help their patients and have the skills to do so, in particular helping people with bite problems.

  • Avatar Nama Paula says:

    One heck of a cave trip. Amazing to see. Brave to do!!

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    Just finished reading the whole book. Itu2019s great and will do a lot of good in the world. Well done Robert!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Let’s hear some negativity that is more useful ha

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        Okay, here goes. While I respect their position and opinion of the reality they are presented with, they really donu2019t have a clue about the incidence of implant allergy. Implant allergy groups are packed with people who were all told their symptoms couldnu2019t be related to their implant. These people are left for dead.
        I know for a fact that in nz, if you have an allergic response to an implant it will not be investigated and the patient will be defamed and silenced if they donu2019t shut up about the symptoms they believe are due to the implant
        In most instances over here, the surgeon never finds out the patient is having problems as the GP refuses to make an appointment because the implant is deemed safe and effective. Over here they say titanium implants are 100% biocompatible which is impossible as itu2019s an antigen
        The ema has recently reclassified titanium dioxide as unfit for human consumption
        Some scientists believe the titanium nanoparticles which now surround the entire planet in the air we breathe are the main cause of the huge increase in autoimmune disorders and certain cancers worldwide. (Obviously that was before the genocide jab.)
        Yet our surgeons in nz tell us that titanium is 100% biocompatible? Hmmm.
        So itu2019s not really a criticism of your book and Iu2019m not suggesting you change anything. Itu2019s a criticism of orthopaedic surgeons who think they know what theyu2019re talking about. Grrr
        Both my neurosurgeons had no idea that a titanium implant also has aluminium and vanadium in it. Even though Iu2019ve told them, they wonu2019t tell other patients. They are clueless

        • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

          I forgot to put Iu2019m talking about the orthopaedic surgeons opinions

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Mark has convinced me implants are far more pernicious than I thought and that they should never be approached casually.

          • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

            I was just looking online and see that the play doh toy company have a new toy for kids called u201Cdrill n fill dentistu201D so that kids can practice putting in fillings and braces lol. For real! I almost fell off my chair when I saw it

  • Avatar wrw says:

    Thank you!!

  • Avatar Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence says:

    Hi Dr. Yoho,
    Thanks for the great little story on the dangers of the present dental profession.
    I am a retired holistic dentist that can confirm most of the ideas you have with the state of the art of current dentistry. You leave out some of the most dangerous and traumatizing aspects of dentistry.
    I would love to update you before you publish your book.
    Sorry for not reading the whole article and listening to your podcast yet but I will. I am currently recuperating from a hemorrhagic stroke and am a little slower on my reading and researching.
    Look forward to your concerns and if I can help you in any way just write.
    Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence
    author: Holistic Dental Care

  • Avatar CD says:

    Powerful. Thank you.

  • Avatar GiGi says:

    I love the quick-to-the-point way you explain things as most videos or podcasts are too nice and an hour or more…those subject to my forwards often tell me they didn’t get far since too long. But the tone is pretty negative to start and may turn too many off so I suggest you tone it down some but stay firm. These dentists are victims too from their indoctrination. Oh and maybe add the Johnny Depp Willy Wonka scene where the dentist was crazy which was probably a warning to many about dentists who did not really hear it until COVID woke us up.

  • Avatar klimer says:

    Diluted to taste. Full strength is fine if you can tolerate it. But it should be strong enough that you get a good fizzing reaction. I believe most of the tartar is removed by the baking soda, but the fizzing gets the stuff that the dental tech normally has to dig at, in between the teeth.

    And as Dr. Yoho pointed out, oil pulling is said to work similarly. The recommendation I hear most is coconut oil, which is something that Dr. Mercola has recommended in the past. As much as I enjoy coconut oil in most things, I didn’t care for that so much. And I think his recommendation may have been daily. But I also seem to recall there were many other benefits beyond just tartar.

    I was only going to the dentist every five years or so prior to doing the ACV and baking soda. And scraping out a bit of tartar was all they would ever find (that they knew how to deal with).

    At one time I showed up at the dentist with a chipped tooth and virtually all the others cracked to some degree. The dentist was totally baffled, but recommended several crowns. We were traveling at the time, so I allowed her to do three of them. The next year I had a major cardiac event caused by severe ventricular arrhythmias, the sort of thing that quickly results in sudden cardiac arrest for most people. But I was fitter than most after decades of cycling. It went on for weeks before I could get in to see a cardiologist.

    There’s a big, long story of what happened next, but I’ll skip that and say that after seeing him I ordered a personal EKG device. When it came, I immediately tried it out. Sitting up in my chair, it was chirping out a nice steady rhythm (what a relief!), but as soon as I bent down to look at the screen, it went haywire.

    I Googled this new symptom, knowing it would be weeks before I could get in to see the cardiologist again. I found a great video by Dr. John Bergman, DC that explained that I had a left hand curve in my thoracic spine that was irritating the sympathetic nerve to my heart. A few days later I had my first visit with a local DC. Ten days later I was out of danger, and three months later I was good as new. My wife, a retired RN, was sure the only solution to my problem would be drugs, and that they would turn me into what is referred to in the medical biz as a Cardiac Cripple!

    I returned to my dentist two years later and I had NO cracked teeth! My body had been stealing minerals from my teeth to deal with my heart crisis. Once the crisis was over, my teeth were re-mineralized!

  • Avatar AsaTBear says:

    I’ve followed your work since reading, Butchered by “Healthcare” and I’ve downloaded the new PDF and will read it in its entirety (already the preface).

    Like you and others, I’ve drastically changed my ways in the last five years: changed doctors, dentists, diet, toothpaste, deodorant and many more aspects of life and living, mostly through my own researching and writers like yourself. Thank you!

    I’ve generally been in good health my entire life (knock on wood) and this includes my teeth. At 55, I’ve only had two small fillings and was told to wear a mouth guard due to grinding (which I did, but threw it out after I got tired of wearing it). I generally only go to dentists or HCPs when needed, and not on a regular schedule. The last appointment I had was canceled as my body self-healed and wasn’t an issue anymore (nerve-related). I regularly work out and find myself outdoors much of the year (cycling, skiing, golf, etc.) which contributes to my good health overall.

    My BIL is a dentist and is about the least curious person I know…about any topic. I’d ask him about certain aspects of dentistry and he usually have one or two word answers and wouldn’t expound on it. I later learned that with the plandemic that he was just as dumb in that aspect as well. He admitted in a weak moment a few years ago that he doesn’t read books nor search his own industry…just enough to get by kind of person. Wow! I don’t get people like that. I try to share as much research as I can with friends and family and find a few thinkers, but most don’t want to be troubled by what’s harming/killing them or could be helping! They buy into the current narrative of the day/week/month and accept whatever premise the TV offers up. I worked in Biotech for many years and that had me reading everything I could find in our space (genomics, specifically CF). Once Covid hit, I knew something nafarious was going on and so did some of of the same types of people I worked with biologists, chemists, scientists in many domains and HCPs. Sad that there are still so many not willing to stand up to the charade. I blame medical schools and flow of $$$.

    The only suggestion I have for your book is to have the publisher complete the rest of the metadata in the PDF (subject, keywords, etc.). It will make it easier to find via good search engines, which are harder to find. The name resonated with me, but may not with others and may find it a bit sideways of ‘betrayal’ in the story of Judas. I thought you might keep going with the “Butchered…” as a series ‘by dentristy’, etc.

    Thanks for all your resarch, interviews and honesty as we navigate the through all the lies. I recommend this book to you and your readers: and also “Empire of Pain”.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Great comment! yes I followed Briggs and his book is great except he doesn’t use an autocorrect program and it’s full of typos and usage errors. I’m a poindexter, remember? I’m the publisher, typesetter, and dishwasher. How do I complete the metadata? email to [email protected] best and thanks

  • Avatar Fed up says:

    Thanks Doc for this new book. Iu2019m a bit frightened to read some of the parts about root canals. Iu2019ve been aware for years about their dangers but donu2019t want to focus on them too much and freak myself out – you know how the brain works in that regard. For my last failed root canal, I just had them pull it (back molar) since I knew how bad they were. Dentists really try to talk you out of pulling – saying the other teeth will shift. Not in my case.

    The conundrum for me is I donu2019t trust dentists whatsoever so options are limited. I have a front crown with, I believe, a post too, like others here, and just praying it stays put. The hillbilly look is not my thing. I guess the older I get the less I care so I may have to resort to a tooth from Amazon or maybe carve a wooden one. How did the pioneers fare, I wonder?

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into these excellent books.

  • Avatar Mrhounddog says:

    Robert, I want to say, “Thanks.” Finding this Stack has been solid gold. I have been on the road for the last couple of weeks, and having these on audio makes the long drives way more enjoyable. The one on CDS was great. I find myself smiling and nodding along. Keep it up!
    P.S. I am a caver from way back, and the Lechuguilla stuff makes me green with envy.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I don’t think they let anyone in there now. Even back then it required special permission and it was locked

  • Avatar Mary says:

    You have written in the past that youu2019ve been diagnosed with Parkinsons. Youu2019ve probably seen this?

  • Avatar Audrey says:

    in a section of the Judas Dentistry you note that addiction to opioid pain killers is bad, that tylenol is bad – well it turns out that nsaids like ibuprofen are also bad and hinder bone regrowth : I found this out the hard way – both of my young adult children had their wisdom teeth removed and ended up with cavitations with in a year post-surgery- I suspect partially due to using Tylenol and Ibuprofen for pain management per the oral surgeon’s instructions rather than using prescription pain killers. And I nearly died from undiagnosed cavitations from having wisdom teeth removed 50 years ago – plus suffered decades of aches and pains. Also, I’m only about 40% through the book, but you might want to add a chapter about post-cavitation and amalgam filling removal recovery. The biological dentist I see said that many patients need extra support post-surgery including detox, reducing/eliminating emf exposure, acupuncture at 5 days and 5 weeks following surgery to re-set the meridians that the tooth corresponds to (this was very amazingly helpful for me); ozone treatment, cranial adjustments, iv vitamin c, procaine. And to rewire the brain a program such as Annie Hoppers to reset things after the body/mind being in survival mode for so long.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      great comment I should be sure to add the cavitation advice of removing all the ligament with a drill. I’m no expert but that seems to be the most important thing

  • Avatar Linelle MacDougal says:

    If a dentist says you need a root canal , what are your options otherwise ?

  • Avatar Steve says:

    Page 5: 3rd par.: comma after the word ‘foods’
    Pps 6-13, in general, consider using quotes or italic font, with citations, even if the citations are 1880s style initials
    Page 21: par. 1: comma after ‘But’… “But, I am happy…”
    “…nor have I received…”
    Pps 23-24: Consider deleting the word “HERE” for links (see:
    Page 25, par. 4: ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ should be italicized
    Page 26, par. 1: consider ‘Chinese government nor…’, adding the word government and changing ‘or’ to ‘nor’; Mercola’s chapter should be single quote ‘Fake Fact Check’

    I will continue to read for grammar and offer my suggestions, which is all that they are, so please take and use what you are able. Thank you for offering this up for free!

  • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

    I finished the book today. It was fantastic! back to my original comment, however it would be great if you had one chapter on how to move forward from here with the knowledge that you have presented. If you could list dentists or retired dentists and websites in one chapter as well as interview one or two of them on alternatives to dental cleanings, root canals, gum disease. What if one loses a front tooth? Do we just get it pulled and walk around with a gap? My sister lost a tooth and now all her teeth are shifting and itu2019s hard for her to chew. Perhaps include what types of things people can do to restore infected teeth or to prevent these things from happening (besides having a great diet). How do we increase the longevity of our teeth besides not going to a dentist?!! After reading your book I added hydrogen peroxide to my water pik but Iu2019m desperate to know what else I can do so I never have to set foot in a dental office again. Surely these retired dentists have ideas! What do people do for tooth care on third world countries? Maybe that is a second book!
    I read a book a few years back by a cardiologists. He travel the world to find out what the secret to longevity is. He visited different centenarians in this rural area of China. One thing he discovered is that because they were living in a very remote area, they couldnu2019t afford, nor were they able to travel to go to doctors regularly. One of the things that he learned about these people is if you want to live to be 100 do not go to the doctor so much, if ever. So, thatu2019s pretty much how I live my life. I try to treat myself unless thereu2019s an emergency. Iu2019ve learned over the years that our bodies are made to heal and we have to just support that process through good eating, exercise, strength, training, etc.

    One last question I wanted to ask you. On one of the pages in your book you had a study that you authored that talked about facelift morbidity? I believe thatu2019s what it was or maybe it was a Facelift mortality? Anyway, being in my 60s I have considered getting a Facelift in Mexico because I found amazing doctor there . However, I got an eye lift and unfortunately, it wasnu2019t a perfect procedure and I was left with really bad dry eyes among other things (that was four years ago and Iu2019ve hated the results TBH). So, Iu2019m very leery of getting a facelift, even though I would, in my heart of hearts like one! But I know there are huge risks so I most likely wonu2019t get one. But, is there a connection to early death based on results from your paper?

    Peace and health to all!

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    My story is long and complicated. I will begin at the point of having my root canals and amalgam filling removed. The teeth were sent to a lab for testing and came back positive for three tick diseases. I have the symptoms of one of the ghost diseases (Parkinson’s, MS and fibromyalgia). I consider them ghost diseases because if a doctor tells you that you have them, ask them to do a test for it that reveals a change in your system that is causing it. There are no such tests. I began taking chlorine dioxide, and am continuing to do so, and I feel better, but the MS symptoms are getting worse. I am now looking into ozone therapy, which my functional doctor brought to my attention. There is documented cases that ozone therapy cures tick diseases and MS symptoms
    Ozone can be administered in many ways, except orally. The usual method of application for tick diseases and MS is intravenously. You can purchase a kit to administer ozone in other ways.
    I can’t tell you how many times I felt I was nearing the end of a horrible journey. I am now 2 1/2 years in, and unsure if I the end is yet in sight.

  • Avatar Robert Karas says:

    Hi Doc,
    Enjoy reading your articles. Would love to discuss with you my experience treating Covid during the pandemic. I own two busy family clinics arkansas and provide the healthcare for the states second largest jail. I was investigated by the state medical board for eight months and sued by the ACLU for two years for treating the inmates the same way I was treating my patients in the clinics. At the jail we had over two thousand cases with zero deaths, zero intubations and one two day hospitalization on a 71 yo that refused his meds. Look forward to hearing from you.

  • Avatar PrincessWrongThink says:

    Great and terrifying article. I just received your book u201CButchered by Healthcareu201D and cannot wait to dive in! Worked in hc 5 yrs as an STNA. I really started questioning it all right after I finished an LPN program. I worked 10 yrs as an LPN in LTC primarily w/ the elderly. It all started to unravel. Then In 2016 my employer tried to force the flu shots on us and said we had to wear mask. 24/7 @ work if we refused!?!?!?!?! Iu2019m fortunate to have an excellent MD who said u201Cnoway! donu2019t take it!u201D I ended up quitting that job and havenu2019t worked in hc since!!!! Iu2019ve since watched the addiction/mental health market explode and then the Covid scamdemic unfold. Itu2019s all been quite an awakening and infuriating!!! Ive always had a curse/blessing of questioning everything and being very cynical about trusting massive u201Cinstitutionsu201D… itu2019s great to see a lot more ppl questioning our whole premise of healthcare and u201Cmodern medicine.u201D I love reading and learning from others like yourself – Iu2019m off tomorrow and will likely not stop reading until Iu2019m done with it!uD83DuDE02 Looking forward to it- Iu2019m certain I wonu2019t be disappointed! Ty! u2764uFE0Fu200DuD83EuDE79uD83DuDCDA

  • Avatar Dreamom3 says:

    I want to cry after reading this. In 2009 my mom was hoodwinked by a really bad dentist. He was at her church, in her Sunday school, and earned her trust, as sociopaths are easily able to do. He ended up performing a root canal and capping her top front teeth. Shortly after she found out he was being investigated and had many complaints against him. He also had two staff die in mysterious house fires. Until her death in 2018, my mom complained about constant drainage from her teeth. One dentist had her on so many rounds of antibiotics that she ended up getting c diff. All of this exacerbated other chronic health problems that she had had for years and led to her getting hooked on psychiatric drugs. In 2011 she got off the psychiatrics started taking gabapentin which helped her get back to some semblance of normal. But the infection never really went away. In 2016 she got a really bad respiratory infection with coughing so bad that she broke a rib. As she was finally getting over it, her Dr diagnosed whooping cough and gave her a whooping cough vax, which blows my mind because she if had whooping cough, she now had immunity. Shortly after the vax she went on a cruise and ended up in the cruise DRs office. He said her lungs were filling up with fluid. Back on antibiotics. Then came the year from hell, my mom begging to die, doctors telling her she was crazy and they couldnu2019t find anything wrong. Near the end, she started having seizures on both sides of her brain. The hospital doc said she had never seen that before. After all that, I was completely done with allopathic medicine. A good thing too, because when COVID hit, I made sure that my family and I did not get the shots. Curiously, though, I still trusted dentists. A few weeks ago I found out that a friend contracted hepatitis C even though she had never engaged in any behavior to put her at risk. Her doctor told her she probably got it from the dentist because they reuse tools and often donu2019t sterilize them properly. Anyway, thank you for confirming in a roundabout way that my mom was not crazy. That the bad dental work did ultimately lead to her slow, tortuous death.

  • Avatar Kathie says:

    Every problem I have in my 75 year old body that cannot be cured or corrected was done by a dentist, Eye doctor of many sorts and medical doctor of many types. I am so glad to read your works and pray You continue to expose the evil. i am presently in good health after having horrific health trials Caused by a c v injected person purposely grabbing me and transmitting their venom on me. However, i’m saddened that it is so extremely difficult to express all of the information you write about, and that i have known for years from doing my own research, to my family and friends. Too many see the “medical establishment” as god-like. I truly appreciate your work! Thank you. I am sharing!

  • Avatar Jamie says:

    Is the “Chlorine Dioxide” you mention you started taking the same chlorine they put in our drinking water? I have a hard time believing they would put anything in our water that is good for us so I was curious if they are the same thing. Also, I just had a metal crown put in. Now Im wondering if this was a mistake.

  • Avatar Susan Blake says:

    Robert, brilliant, informative booku2026u2026Thank you.
    I couldnu2019t see it on Amazon to make a comment.
    I believe I found one typo, page 131, para 3, last sentence. I believe that u201Ciodateu201D should be u201Ciodineu201D.
    Great work, very much appreciated. Lots to follow up on. Best wishes to you.

  • Avatar Peter uD83DuDD12 says:

    Adding links to Fluoride Documentary for those who have not seen it.
    1. Jan 2024 (1st 10 mins only) —
    2. (32 mins) —
    Based on work of investigative journalist Chris Bryson.
    Best, Peter

  • Avatar Karen says:

    Dr. Yoho, I love that you start this book as a love story. It compelled me to download and read the entire book. Something that you offered while in draft multiple times. I hope that the removal of the amalgams from your mouth reduces your metal toxicity exposures enough to reduce/reverse your PD symptoms. Karen

  • Avatar Kalle Pihlajasaari says:

    Great info. Massive and magestic caves hiding in the ground.

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:
    Mercury poisoning documentary

  • Avatar Kent says:

    Dr Yoho, I’m a free subscriber for now but after reading Judas Dentistry, you have authenticated my suspicions for at least 10 years that my dental work from various well-meaning dentists, caused me the problems I have with my teeth. I was one of those kids who supposedly had cavities that the Navy dentists supposedly FIXED, yet I still remember with revulsion the mouthful of FLUORIDE I was supposed to hold in my 12 yr old mouth for 30 minutes……We have thought for ages that doctors with DMD after their names, could do no wrong but today I realize they were bumpkins with drills and amalgam…..I’ve since had all the amalgam replaced but I suspect I still have ample mercury in my system. I cannot go thru what you did to remove the mercury imbedded in my tissues and do not have the money to do so.
    That said, I believe I will subscribe as between you and the Midwesterndoctor I have not lost all faith in the medical community. There are SOME MD’S and DMD’S who have not lost their direction and still care about patients.

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