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Yoho comment: The past is a spent resource, a sunk cost that cannot be recovered. You must continually decide whether to retain your hard-won views or change your mind. If you blind yourself to reality, you waste time, money, and effort—and miss hazards. These days, it can cost you your life.

My most painful experiences have been changing my mind about “facts” and throwing off old ideas. Dave (Substack address HERE) does it better than me.

Even if you think all this is old news, scan for the disagreement in the middle of this post and tell me what you think.

All Wars Are Bankers Wars

Check out this excellent 43-minute documentary from Michael Rivero below. Yes, it is from 2010, but Dr. Mercola just published a piece on it last week. With minimal effort, here is a great opportunity to gain a good high-level understanding of how the world’s most powerful bankers have been responsible for every major war in modern history; how their private central banks captured and rigged the global financial system; how this rigged system has produced unfathomable wealth and power for them, while enslaving We the People and our nations in a hopeless system of spiralling debt and regularly recurring wars; and how, if allowed to continue unchallenged, this will ultimately ensure the destruction of our economies, our currencies, our treasuries, and of nation-state sovereignty altogether. Essentially, life as we know it:

Of course, this is what the powerful families behind the central banks – the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and the Morgans etc, and their wealthy industrialist cohorts intended all along. This is because they have always seen the current system and social compact, including free market capitalism, individual rights, nation-states, democracy, and especially the United States Constitution as constraints on their power. They have also believed for well over a hundred years that that system must be comprehensively destroyed in order to bring about a one world government, i.e., a New World Order or Great Reset, which is completely controlled by them.

Here is Dr. Mercola’s article, which provides a summary and a trimmed down transcript of the documentary:

All Wars Are Bankers Wars PDF:


I have seldom seen this information laid out so well, outside the confines of a 300 to 500-page book, of which there are many. Whether with Rivero’s video or Mercola’s article, which only takes about 15 minutes to read, the above provide an excellent overview of the true history of these private central banks and their impacts on US military and foreign policy among other things.

They also offer a gander at how easy it is for the world’s most powerful private bankers to run all governments from the shadows, which they do, with their rigged financial system, and how, ultimately, they are the proximate visible force behind almost all the major ills plaguing our world. Most importantly, clear solutions are well laid out. While they are not easy, they are simple and achievable, if enough people wake up to the problem before it is too late.

David Web, The Great Taking

David Web is a former hedge fund manager who has just authored a new book called The Great Taking. I had the pleasure of meeting David and seeing him give a lecture on his book at a wonderful freedom movement event that was recently held by the fantastic Doctor’s Appeal organization in Sweden.

As Sasha Laytpova describes in her post below, this lecture began at 11 pm and went until 1 am, and so extraordinary was it that the room was still packed at the end. So enthralled were many of us, that several stragglers, including me, waited around to pester David afterwards with more questions until close to two in the morning.

Sasha continues: “…the lecture was by David Webb. His topic – The Great Taking, by which he means the mechanism of immediate confiscation of your financial assets by the owners of the central banks. This mechanism is already in place (it is not dependent on the digital IDs and CBDC). If you thought you owned the financial securities in your retirement account, think again – turns out they are not really yours.”

Due Diligence and Art
David Webb, The Great Taking
Have you ever attended a lecture on finance that started at 11pm, went till 1am and the room was still packed? This was a first time for me, and I attended a lot of conferences in my life. The lecture was by David Webb. His topic – The Great Taking, by which he means the mechanism of immediate confiscation of your financial assets by the owners of the…
Read more

As I was listening to this brilliant lecture, I really felt I was seeing Part II of The Creature From Jekyll Island. The Great Taking essentially picks up where G. Edward Griffin’s famous masterpiece ends. It shows us where the original sin (okay, early modern sin) of the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913 has brought us to in the present day, where it is still inexorably leading, and what our central banks have really been up to behind our backs the last 40 or 50 years in furthering this agenda.

Together with our governments and legislatures, both of which these private central bankers control, they have gradually installed in stealth all the necessary legislative framework and other preparation needed globally to usher in a World Economic Forum vision of reality where we all “own nothing and (will NOT) be happy” can be legally brought into existence when the current debt markets collapse, as they inevitably will (be made to do).

In essence, The Great Taking reveals the methods at work to make the so-called Great Reset happen – proving beyond any reasonable doubt that said ‘Great Reset’ is not simply a silly crazed vision of fascist psychopaths and their useful-fool sycophants who gather every year in Davos, but a long and carefully planned agenda that is approaching its final stages in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda timeline.

Sasha explains the rest masterfully, so please check out her post above. There you will also see a short interview Ivor Cummins did with David Web the following day. David wants to keep a low profile, so I would not be surprised if we do not see him in many other interviews. I was standing next to Ivor for a good 15 minutes at one in the morning as he was trying to cajole David into agreeing to that interview. I am glad he succeeded, but you are probably going to have to read the book for more.

The Great Taking is free to download here. It can also be purchased, if you prefer to read from an actual book, as I do. The Great Taking is next on my list of books to read, but based on the strength of the lecture, I can guarantee it is a ‘must read’. The lecture was so riveting, that I took close to 15 pages of notes thinking I was going to dedicate an entire post to it. But thanks to Sasha, I no longer have to do that.

Disagreement: The Full-scale Nanotechnology Attack On Us All

Note by Yoho: Dave is a friend of mine and one of our brilliant commentators, but he was fooled by the following psy-op. Read what he says below, look at my refutation following, and make your judgment. Then roast whomever you think is wrong in the comments; we can take it. Here is Dave:

As many of us who follow them know, Drs. Ana Maria Mihalcea and David Nixon are two of the world’s leading independent researchers using microscopy to study the Covid-19 injections and their effects on human blood and public health. Their research indicates that it is no longer just the blood of those who received the injections, but that of us all, which has been adversely impacted by the covid bioweapons, with potentially dire implications for humanity.

In short, their microscopy, which anyone can freely see and read about via their links above, lays bare the globalist transhumanism and depopulation agendas for all to see.

For anyone who might not know what transhumanism is, you probably heard of ‘crazy’ conspiracy theories about globalist plans to physically connect and control us all from a central global computer. Or, maybe you simply heard technocrat billionaire Elon Musk say many times that he is actively working to help bring about a similar vision for us in his own special way. In any event, that is my overly brief framing of transhumanism for the purposes of this article. As an aside: in my opinion, Musk is a controlled CIA Op, much like Twitter always was and so remains as ‘X’, so when he says much of anything, my advice is to assume it is the CIA that is speaking or ‘doublespeaking’, as the case may be.

Yoho commentary: I explain how to avoid being fooled HERE in my post, “A Few Less Things to Worry About.” As a case in point, I dissected Milhalcea (or is it MilhalCIA?) thoroughly.

Latypova is the best of us, and Dave thinks so too. I quote her extensively in my article—have a look. Without naming names, she laid out how she knows Mihalcea is a fraud.

Additionally, one of our respected Freedom Movement leaders has studied microscopy professionally. He says MilhalCIA’s findings are “bull***t.” I do not have permission to reveal the source, so it is hearsay evidence resting on my knowledge of the quote’s chain of custody.

Next is more from my article, but read the rest of my analysis and particularly the Latypova sections if you want to be sure. Your peace of mind depends on it. Here is what I wrote:

I loosely followed Ana for several months but could never focus on her because my gut told me something was wrong. She claimed to be seeing patients yet churned out an incredible Substack volume. I know how consuming medical practices are, so her output was improbable without a ghost writer. I speculate based on her content that she hired a 20 year old kid who is still enjoying his science fiction decade, just like I did between 11 and 21 years old. The essays are riddled with basic usage errors that an MD/PhD like Ana would (hopefully) not make.

Mihalcea mixes religion, apocalyptic imagery, and scientific-sounding info that I do not understand. Her central claim is that graphene oxide “micro-bots” are taking over the bloodstream of the entire populace. She shows horrifying darkfield microscope video images of little metal machines rushing through our circulation. She also says that they are transmitted or “shed” from the vaxed to the unvaxed.

She claims in panicky tones that this will transform us into cyborg warriors. Or something like that—my eyes glaze over when I read her. She mixes religion, mythology, and science fiction. She also supplies us with tasty images:

By golly, this is Gandalf and the Balrog from Lord of the Rings. From HERE.

She drops gems like this:

The Annunaki* (sic; this is spelled Anunnaki) and other advanced races have contributed to the DNA of the human embodiment. The biblical references would be to the Watchers, yet the Sumerian tablets give a much more detailed and accurate account of the many extraterrestrial Genesis projects. The Annunaki have created human bodies to serve them by mixing their DNA with the humanoids on earth and evolving them as their slaves to mine the Earth for Gold, which is the manna of the Gods. Even science has found an irrefutable extraterrestrial signal in human DNA.

*Anunnaki, Nephilim, Atlantis & Archons. An advanced race [Nephilim] that came to earth to mine for gold. In the process, they ‘tinkered’ with the beings on earth and created an upgraded version of humans. They have been trapped here for at least 50,000 years. They communicated with “Off-World” beings known as Archons to figure out how to escape their prison planet. (I hope this clarifies things for you.)

If you can look at all this with a straight face, you also believe in the tooth fairy. I needed no more data to ignore Michalcia, but a panicky friend prodded me to look closer.

So I read Ana’s last few Substacks and found that a fellow traveler, James Grundvig, was recently on a podcast with her. I interviewed and had lunch with him once. Not long ago, Grundvig’s whole act was the QAnon thing—claiming that various species of public servants would ride in on white horses and save our lives from the Cabal.

During my brief enthusiasm for Grundvig, I encouraged Peter Breggin to do a podcast with him. Peter told G that his opinions were ridiculous and came close to cutting off his microphone. My bad, Dr. Breggin, sorry!

I asked my brilliant friends about Ana. Jim Arnold of LiarsWorld Substack told me “I’m skeptical of her because she’s so typical of the mindf**k playbook – drone on about super scary science that’s going to be the end of humanity. And Polymath Paul wrote:

Anybody carrying water for archons, demons, alien invasions, or part-man, part-machine cyborg warriors is either a moron or a paid shill. I think [Michalcia] is an op and a distraction. The appeals to authority with no corroboration. The fearmongering…

Back to Dave and the next topic:

For more on transhumanism, here are the last 35 minutes of the Big Reset Movie, which focus predominantly on that agenda. I suppose anything is possible, but I struggle to fathom how anyone who still trusts their government and still believes the official covid narratives could watch this and still manage not see it in plain sight.

The Big Reset Movie


SEPTEMBER 30, 2022

Dear Friends, The documentary below is the single best presentation I have seen on what the past 2.5 years have really been about. A huge shoutout must be given to the impressive people in Spain, France, and elsewhere across Europe who made this happen. Nearly all the riddles our most powerful ‘elites’ have conspired to wrap in mysteries, inside enigmas…

Read full story

The Fakeologist and the Fake Dr. David Martin

Okay, this is not that recent, but here is an outstanding exposé of David Martin from the Fakeologist, which I only came across recently. Frankly, it is one of the more interesting and eye-opening essays I have read for quite some time:

I understand that most people who find this page will be very familiar with David Martin, but for those who are not: Martin seemed to come from nowhere soon after the covid injections came to market. He gained instant notoriety and a large following in the freedom movement for being an ardent critic of these so-called vaccines. As the founder and CEO of a company that purportedly analyzes patents on a worldwide basis looking for trends and data insights, Martin also helped bring new information to light about the prior existence of multiple patents, which certainly appeared to indicate that Covid-19 had, indeed, been planned long in advance.

Martin has been one of the most articulate and outspoken public figures in the freedom movement. However, like at least one other very prominent figure and perhaps many lesser known individuals in the movement, Martin also appears to be a spook and a controlled-opposition fraud.

Many have suspected this for a long time. Martin has something of a cocky demeanor, which does not pass the smell test for a lot of people. I was one of them, but I certainly found many of Martin’s arguments compelling and readily verifiable, because many of them were both those things.

What really did it for me was Martin’s in-your-face use of numbers and symbols that speak to the Illuminati crowd. This was blatant and so it remains. So, I took the time to study these things a little bit. For those interested, James Musker’s ‘The New World Religion and the Beliefs of the Elite’ (2018) provides an excellent foundation for understanding the secret society symbols and numerology used by many of our elite psychopaths. Whether these elites literally believe in these things as part of their demented ideology is open for debate. Musker and others certainly convince me that at least some of them do. However, what is undeniable is that many of them take great pleasure in using their symbols and numerology as a means of clandestinely communicating with one another in plain sight of us all. Musker’s work also reveals in great detail just how long-planned, large-scale, and advanced the New World Religion efforts of the elite are, as well as the integral role this additional major mind control effort plays in the overall New World Order agenda. Until I read Musker’s work, I greatly underestimated the significance of all of the above, as I suspect most conspiracy researchers do.

Returning to Martin, and speaking of New World Religion efforts, not long after he appeared on the scene, I subscribed to his newsletter and, lo and behold, I started receiving direct mailings inviting me to join forums and participate in paid seminars or classes, many of which I would characterize as being very ‘New Age-ish’. I did not pursue these solicitations. I could not reconcile their stark difference and unrelated nature with Martin’s more public agenda, which I could identify with. In other words, they made no sense to me at the time, but they certainly do now with hindsight.

So, I had a strong sense that Martin was controlled opposition. I was also well aware of the concept of Fifth Generation Warfare or what Daniel Abbot describes as a war of “information and perception”. Ditto for the weaponization of the Hegelian Dialectic. But I had a very limited understanding of how all these things actually come together and work in practice at a sophisticated level. However, I have since read the Fakeologist’s essay above and, WOW, do I see it much more clearly now. There is nothing like a good case study to help one understand something complex, and when it comes to controlled opposition in a Fifth Generation Warfare era, David Martin makes for an excellent case study.

For those who still believe Martin is really what he purports to be, read and watch the Fakeologist skilfully deconstruct it all, piece by piece. For those who were already onto Martin and for those who do not know him, this essay is still worthwhile, because it dissects and shows with great precision how controlled opposition at its best actually works. Such knowledge is valuable in this day and age and here the Fakeologist has done an outstanding job with his research and resulting essay.

Yoho last word: sophisticated psychopaths imitate human emotions. Some even have empathy—they understand human feelings. But they do not have sympathy, which is caring about others. Keep an eye out for these jackals and never underestimate your ability to be fooled by the next one. This has happened to me. But for Martin, my spider alarms went off every time I heard him speak.

I apologize for this painful read; it was just as bad for me, and I had to narrate it. I will be back to health topics right away. If you value my work, please grab some subscribers and put their emails below. If you want to flatter me, become a paid subscriber. Best and thanks. ❤️❤️

Yoho note: I claim no copyright; you may quote any of my essays or books in part or whole without restriction or permission if you credit me. My writing is my opinion and general commentary, and because I am retired, I never give medical advice. As always, examine the sources and come to your own conclusions. Make your own decisions about your health and use the information here at your own risk. 


  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    Where can you find the book? I canu2019t seem to locate it anywhere

  • Avatar Indrek Sarapuu says:

    While I enjoyed this post…
    I’m a born skeptic, and haven’t listened/read any MSM for 5 years.
    I only believe, maybe, 20% of what I read.
    After Oct. 7th, that has been dialed down to 10%.
    Gonna have to re-read tomorrow in it’s entirety before passing judgement.
    Honestly, some of this shit really gets confusing…

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      The real morons claim they can figure it all out by listening to many MSM sources.

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        Youu2019ve made a bit of a fool of yourself by debunking archaeology. You really should read things before deciding they arenu2019t true or not because your comments about the anunnaki are going to come back and haunt you. Itu2019s going to be one of those things you kick yourself for
        If you give it no credence, then it means you think the bible is a load of crap and nothing but a fairy story. I thought you would have been interested in archaeology

    • Avatar Janet says:

      3 years unconnected to MSM. Aiming for as many years as needed.

      • Avatar Crixcyon says:

        I have been disconnected since 9/11 permanently and even before that. But finding a truthful and honest replacement is most difficult. My trust factor for just about everything is barely bouncing off the zero line.

        • Avatar Janet says:

          I so agree. I have found aspirin vs ibuprofen and Tylenol is a big lie also. Ibuprofen and Tylenol are much more dangerous. My first tip was the 4 shelves full of the ibuprofen etc at Walmart compared to the 12 inches of aspirin shelf space on the bottom. Did a deep dive. Aspirin has many health benefits.

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        Try and shut them down I reckon. In nz weu2019ve got a couple of them shutting down. The comments sections is just lots of hate against the which has put advertisers off. Many small business owners spend lots on advertising but not in propaganda outlets

  • Avatar Bee Grandison says:

    Thank You for the Anna & Nixon info. I was seriously wondering, then WHY are other Docs not speaking of this?!? uD83DuDE4FuD83CuDFFDu2764uFE0FuD83DuDE4FuD83CuDFFD

  • Avatar BigAl5000 says:

    General Smedley Butler tried to tell everyone this in his 1935 book War is a Racket, but nobody seemed to pick up on it.

  • Avatar Christine Grace says:

    Wow. Yep. I continue to follow my inner guidance even if and when I don’t know why I am not trusting a particular persona like David Martin and Miki Willis, and others mentioned here. Truth is always here and being revealed if we stay open. Thank you for modeling integrity to the best of your ability Robert. More to all and less to none. Living Truth aka InfiniteLoveIAM, we all prosper.

  • Avatar URsomoney says:

    Mathew Crawford called out David Martin as controlled op & part of the weird religion. I learned to not read too much into things until I start hearing the same info from a couple of trusted sources. I trust Mathew – & he has a verifiable real person background (my son was a fan of his Art of Problem Solving curriculum). The fact that much of your posts verify other info Iu2019ve vetted has made me trust you as well. I think itu2019s important when someone can explain their thought process when they are informing others. Over time if their presentation is always slick with no hesitations or occasional change of mind then I get a feeling that Iu2019m either being played (ie David Martin), or the person is in over their head & talking out their ass (Alex Berenson). Iu2019m sure there are more but Iu2019m always on the look out now that I know weu2019re in the matrix.

    • Avatar Ron Swanson says:

      I agree with your take on Matthew Crawfordu2019s thoughtful analysis of those whom he has determined as likely being controlled opposition.
      I donu2019t trust David Martin either. More so now after reading this article.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


  • Avatar Dachsie says:

    They are throwing so many crises and worries at us these days that I just have basically retreated in to prayer.

    David Martin impressed me and puzzled me and caused me suspicions about his fast talking, flimflam demeanor. He said the reason he got in to the u201CCOVIDu201D thing was something like he saw u201Cthem now coming after the children.u201D That seemed good. It also seemed good that he gave links to public information substantiating that the special kind of u201CCOVID vaccinesu201D were being worked on like as early as 2013.
    I remember looking up biographical info on Dr. Martin PhD and still being left with my suspicions about him, I guess simply from the way he presented, but not necessarily the content of his presentations.

    As for the fakeologist, been there, done that. I was briefly on his email list but dropped out in 2018. Something not quite right about his looking in to the facts of 9-11-01.

    So I wonu2019t be taking any sides in that difference of opinion.

    I guess I have been in the conspiracy corner for so many years that many of the subjects being brought up now just seem like deja vu all over again.

    Here is one irritating bit of news from the Blinkin / Nuland quarter.

    Victoria Nuland, married to Robert Kagan of PNAC neoconservative gang, has been in every presidential administration since Clintonu2019s 1993, excepting Trump administration.

    We are hearing more and more about the old neoconservative gang lately. They were warmongers and evildoers and destroyers of the USA from the beginning.

    Here is today’s latest from her boss, Antony Blinken at the U S State Department, warmonger extraordinaire.

    (Audio reading of the article available there.)

    Here is a quote from the Project for a New American Century ( PNAC ) position paper, Rebuilding Americau2019s Defensesu2026available on

    One line from the “coming out document” of the “American neocons” in year 2000, the document “Project for a New American Century” stated as follows.

    “And advanced forms of biological warfare
    that can u201Ctargetu201D specific genotypes may
    transform biological warfare from the realm
    of terror to a politically useful tool. ”

    Our deep state military have for decades known how to target certain genotypes. This is a very powerful and efficient way of killing people, their stock and trade.


    2 Thessalonians 2:7
    “For the mystery of iniquity already worketh: only that he who now holdeth do hold, until he be taken out of the way”

    I cling to the cross of Jesus Christ, the One Who is Truth.

  • Avatar Pkdonyl says:

    After reading this thread, I feel that the purpose of the author is to inject FUD on this subject. A limited hangout if you will. Which is an indicator to me to focus on vetting the author. Doth protests a bit too much along with a fair amount of gaslighting. In the end it is our individual instincts we must follow. May the honest devour the deceitful!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      That’s always a valid consideration these days. I have thought about it for Dave Payette but have concluded he is sincere.

  • Avatar ron vrooman says:

    Oh ! my. This looks like fun from the get go. The past, when you can prove it, is the source of all of your wealth of family, fortune, country, inculcated beliefs. “Oh bullshit Gertrude this is not true love.” This is the usurped Constitution of The United States of America. We are returning it to a de jure original jurisdiction of the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. 1776! Coupled with the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union’s Constitution circa 1859. This year 2024.

  • Avatar ron vrooman says:

    May I? Today I filed with the Portland VA MC that i wanted a Homeopathic ND for my primary care provider. I no longer have faith in Big Pharma MD healthcare system. I spoke with the Care Nurse, Scheduler, Vet Advocate, Community CareProvider for the VA. They do not have as front of mind awareness that they exist for the peace, safety and happiness of Veterans. We shall see.

  • Avatar pablo says:

    That piece on David Martin has a lot of great research, but poor quality of reasoning. I’m skeptic of him and the article both tbh.

    It reads like the classic accusations of every member of the “no virus” team, who btw never seem to debate Martin’s main argument, and go past it to define the existence of viruses or not as the central issue of the world, an extremely flawed analysis in my view.

    Reminds me of the interview Alec Zeck did with Martin, where he was like a 10 year old bashing his head against a wall to try to understand no matter how many times or in how many ways Martin explained it.

    David Martin is suspicious as hell, but his points are way more solid than many others who became famous during the covid event, so idk what to do with it. (I’ve watched nearly every video in his YT channel btw)

    • Avatar pablo says:

      I forgot to mention another thing: the nano tech angle I mostly agree with you Yoho, but the situation is much more diverse and wide than just Ana Maria Mihalcea. There are teams of researchers in Spain, Argentina, and other countries, that don’t have the same red flags Ana has, and look far more “grass roots” imo and more humble in their contributions. They have also supposedly found graphene oxide at the very least and other suspicious things that don’t match with the official narrative of what the vaccines contain.

      I’m adding this just for context in case anyone cares

      • Avatar George says:

        I too have heard of several different “microscopic” analyses and watched way too many videos. The problem is there is absolutely no way to validate anything we see in the videos.

        To identify graphene, you need multiple samples and I believe a spectral analysis, not a microscope.

        The nanobot technology simply doesn’t add up and there is no compelling evidence to suggest it exists to what they claim.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        the vaxes are packed with a random assortment of variously toxic material. The question here is whether graphene oxide is anything but another one. I doubt it.

        • Avatar pablo says:

          Yeah to me the vax seems more and more like a red herring, if they wanted to kill us or weaken us with it, it just doesn’t make sense. You can poison populations with water, air, food, energy and so on. And chemtrails are 100% confirmed as afaik.

          I try to think what’s something that ONLY a direct injection could do, and imo it has to be either:

          A test for certain technology.

          A distraction, with real damage but to act as a limited hangout.

          A real crazy alien kind of shit that can’t be done through all other contamination methods.

          Perhaps the financial angle is also worth considering, it might’ve been a huge money laundering operation.

          • Avatar GLK says:

            Donu2019t underestimate the panic angle. Youu2019re right. If they simply wanted to poison us there are clandestine ways. But it appears theyu2019re conditioning us to accept thereu2019s doom lurking around every corner that we canu2019t control. So weu2019re reliant on third-party solutions to save us from absolute peril. I predict a cyber attack that paralyzes the nation is in the cards. Then online anonymity will be a thing of the past. Tracking will keep us safe!

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            you are on track but you cannot predict the future

          • Avatar George says:

            Chem trails are nowhere near 100% confirmed. My very specific assertion is that there is still no direct evidence that the trails you see in the sky are sprayed chemicals vs airplane exhaust.

          • Avatar pablo says:

            some countries admitted it already, like mexico, and spain, and others ofc talk about potential projects of spraying their populations with chemicals to combat outbreaks. For sun blocking purposes I think these days they call it aerosol injection, but for others the term varies.

            Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think anything is 100%, but I meant that it’s so probable by enormous amount of circumstantial evidence that I have to assume its true.

            It’s like the vaccines, do I know if they’re harmful? not really. But you know where we are with that.

          • Avatar George says:

            My contention regarding chemtrails is very specific. I dispute that the trails you see in the sky at 20000+ are not sprayed chemicals.

            I know many cray scientists have proposed it. I know some countries have experimented but i content there is no evidence that commercial airliners you see crossing the sky creating trails are part of a spraying operation.

            I know vaccines are harmful because there is plenty of direct evidence to support it. The only question there is how harmful. We don’t have the levels of study to quantify it but there is most certainly a lot of direct evidence of harm.

            Not so for the chemtrails theory.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            wrong on the vaccines. Evidence is deep and profound. Huge studies and sources

          • Avatar George says:

            Yes, I should clarify.

            Circa 2009 I co-wrote a statistical analysis of risk of disability and mortality from all of the vaccine diseases in vaccinated an unvaccinated populations. I dug up decades old research to try to quantify the risk numbers. The reality is simply that the risks from vaccination itself are poorly quantified.

            There is evidence of harm, and as you say, it is deep in profound. My statement about lack of ability to quantify wasn’t intended to downplay the depth, but to merely state we simply can’t quantify how bad it is and that’s because they do everything possible to hide the numbers and avoid studying it. What we do know is that it is worse than the numbers we know about.

          • Avatar George says:

            I also contend that the lack of direct evidence of chemical spraying compared with the very certain evidence of contrails forming from exhaust makes it unlikely. The chemtrail theory has many holes not least of which is the vast number of people who would have to be involved and the cost borne by commercial airlines would be enormous in an extrenely cost sensitive business.

          • Avatar George says:

            My last thought is that the main conveyor of the chemtrail theories (wigginton) is deliberately misleading in his videos and completely wrong on some technical points which makes everything he says without direct evidence highly questionable.

            There is a much more informed fellow that talks about climate interference science and he does not claim that all the trails in the sky are chemicals. Quite the contrary. He points out that jet fuel was modified and consolidated in the 90s which resulted in higher soot output of jet engines which creates larger and longer lasting contrails. That is direct evidence of contrails.

            He talks about other programs and talk of spraying but never claims what you see in the sky is spraying. I am pretty sure the psychopathic folks who are out to get us are happy about the chemtrail theory — the fact that wigginton has never been censored is a real sign — because it creates fear every time people look up at the sky. That is what they want.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            hope you are right.
            to get deeply into all the proofs for any one of these is a lot of work
            I’m sure about the medical stuff and at least a smaller authority on it, but for the rest, I’m a reporter who tries hard to back his writing with hard references

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            do your reading at least here and you will understand that all vaccines are harmful; I will not reiterate all the proofs here

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            sounds optimistic
            you should listen to Dane Wiggington

          • Avatar George says:

            Twice now I have gone through Wiggington’s documentary with a fine toothed comb. Within the first 10 minutes, I know for certain his comments about jet engines are simply wrong. He is not an engineer, and I am. Before we even get half way through I had documented dozens of misleading claims for which he claims definitive proof where no such thing exists. He is masterful at taking a few facts and weaving them into a story that is emotional and compelling, but relies entirely on a host of unproven assumptions.

            Wiggington is simply not credible given all these problems.

            I also point out that his site and his documentary have been on Youtube and the web fully accessible by Google for a long long time. They clearly don’t think his claims are a threat, and it’s almost as if they want you looking up at the sky thinking every single plane is spraying you with toxic chemical vs exhaust. Same goes for facebook. They never censor the chemtrails posts, and in fact they seem to promote posts of people showing contrails in the sky. This alone should be plenty of evidence to question his claims.

            You should listen to Jim Lee here:
            He talks about the dangers of geoengineering and the crazy stuff they’re talking about doing. But he never claims the trails you see in the sky from commercial airliners are chemicals. Quite the opposite, he talks about how the composition of jet fuel changed starting in 1988 (to unify jet fuel standards across NATO) and that created a high soot fuel which results in more contrails. Why doesn’t Wiggington talk about this? Frankly, it’s because he’s scare mongering.

            Now Jim Lee talks about why this jet fuel exhaust is problematic, and it is changing the climate because it whitens the skies, and that may very well be deliberate. But it’s not because they’re spraying chemicals, it’s because we’re flying a lot more planes with dirty exhaust.

            That is the climate change. All the real facts are laid out by Lee. People should stop listening to Wiggington who is basically promoted by the deep state assets and we should all be asking why.

          • Avatar pablo says:

            Thanks for all this info btw.

            Can I ask why you focus so much on commercial airlines? I’ve seen many people of different countries, just seemingly normal everyday folks, check airplanes with no identification and flight patterns that pilots and ex pilots discard as anything typical. The patterns being tight runs like creating knots or linear “side to side” coverage.

            These planes are often models only used by the military, and also there’s helicopters with similar suspicious activity. Some of these helicopters have been recorded spraying black trails (mosquitoes), and others arrive where orgonites are placed, with very low altitude runs over the place over and over.

            Have you heard any of this at all? whats your take on it.

          • Avatar George says:

            I have no doubt the military sprays things at low altitudes. Weather it is radioactive particles to figure out wind patterns or bio weapons or organics etc.

            This is about volume. People and documentaries taking photos of flights 20 – 40 K in the sky are largely commercial. The volume of military flights is tiny in comparison.

            The chemtrail theory does not work with a handfull of military flights. Plus military flights are often training which means odd patterns in the sky.

          • Avatar Dianne Kewin says:

            The folks who keep saying that the flight paths are zig zag across the sky near a military airfield (or anywhere for that matter)do not take into account the training hours required for the personnel to get their licences. Sometimes there is reasonable and legitimate explanation. It is frustrating, another distraction which I now ignore.

          • Avatar Mads says:

            Tennessee just banned them being sprayed over their state. uD83DuDD25uD83DuDCAAuD83CuDFFBuD83DuDE4FuD83CuDFFB

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            the covid vax is a step up from the last big killer, HPV, which was worse than all the previous ones, and all these are a net harm.

            these health destructions are clearly not fakes, they are meant to weaken us, divide and conquer. See best

          • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

            No liability. Simple. People chose to take part in the genocide jab. Best way to do it

        • Avatar Lone Star says:

          Mihalcea is not a native English speaker, so typos and odd diction in quickly written articles are not necessarily indicative of a ghostwriter.
          If graphene is used as a sort of chemical scaffold in the manufacture of the injections, that does not necessarily imply graphene is present in the final product.
          The dark field microscopy images Nixon, et al, show are intriguing to me. I have absolutely no way of knowing if the light-like entities are artifacts of the microscope or something else. Many of the forms just look like normal crystals to me, but the non-rectilinear objects do not. I would love to hear a rational explanation or identification of what those are.
          Mihalcea recommends near infrared light, I think. I could be wrong. Anyway, other doctors have recommended this, too, especially since starting to distrust the Pharma/Military/Industrial/Governmental/etc. takeover of humanity.
          Mihalcea loses me when she starts talking about everyone in the world having these bots in their blood, but maybe that is because I do not want it to be true.

      • Avatar Penny & John Harrison says:

        La Quinta Columna.

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        4 teams in nz

    • Avatar Janet says:

      Iu2019ve tried but if his wife is with him mumbling and offering nothing, I just canu2019t. Sorry. Iu2019m sure she is lovely. uD83EuDD37uD83CuDFFCu200Du2640uFE0FuD83DuDE0F

  • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

    I admit that I don’t always under stand David Martin when he discusses patents but I thought he was sincere so I was disappointed to read and realize my perception of Martin may be inaccurate. It seems like the u201Csideu201D we are on is even smaller than I realized with fewer honest and trustworthy people. That’s disappointing.

  • Avatar George says:

    Rob, I wasn’t entirely clear whether you wrote the initial section about the bankers or if it was someone else, but I’m glad you’re posting about it. I would have loved to listen in on the lecture and meet Ivor as well. I will have to follow up later this week and catch up on everything there.

    I was never fooled and always highly suspicious of the graphene nano-bot nonsense from day one. I commented the same when you wrote your stack a few weeks back. Not only is the evidence unconvincing (I remember using microscopes, and you can see a lot of weird looking things without being able to identify them), but I’m somewhat familiar with how computers work, and definitely how telecommunications work, and none of the theories being presented made any sense from both a technological and communication perspective.

    I’ve lost count of how many people broadcasting “bluetooth” videos I’ve had to debunk for folks who have sent them my way.

    I feel the exact same way about DEWs, which I also think Dave P is wrong about.

    But he was right about the moon landing although it wasn’t his arguments that convinced me.

    I had the exact same reaction to Martin as you. I also know a little about patents, and his broad based claims from very early in the pandemic were pretty overreaching and relied on folks who don’t really understand patents IMO. So that was a big red warning flag whenever someone does that.

    So we’re on the same page right now on most things, except maybe the DEWs.

    I would love to get your take on Tom Cowan…

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I spoke to two people on the ground in Maui and it sure appears that the jackals are after the land.

      Cowan: Wiki accuses him of being a conspiracy theorist, he lost his medical license, and several other things including being a member of the board of directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Sounds like a good dude.

      • Avatar George says:

        Cowan can be a good dude and still be wrong. In his case, I have no reason to doubt his sincerity, or Ardis’ for that matter — though I don’t trust Stew Peters at all. I think it is entirely plausible that Cowan is sincere but mistaken. I need to dig into it more when I get the time to really read his work in depth, but I know the one specific case I looked into with a very credentialed and trusted Lab PhD and MD, he was simply wrong.

      • Avatar George says:

        I also believe it highly possible those in power started or allowed the fire to burn. That is a separate and distinct question from whether DEWs were used. Good ol’ gasoline works just fine. Ask the guy in Canada who just got convicted of starting 15+ fires in Quebec last summer. Gas works really well.

  • Avatar Mads says:

    Ana M. is a devotee of JZ Knight, a so called guru uD83EuDD2Fthat u201Cchannels u201C a 30000 year old entity named Ramtha. Sheu2019s been around forever in the New Age movement. Itu2019s some freaky stuff-google for details. For that reason alone I rejected Ana M. Additionally I find her very odd and her credentials seem sparse and sketchy imo.

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    Thanks for the early comments. I try to put my writing in these reposts in italics.

    I’m hoping Dave Payette comments.

    Does anyone know about the cell phone signals/alphanumeric codes for the vaxed people? I have a friend who showed me those for the individuals near his cell phone.

  • Avatar Rochelle Eisenberger says:

    The Great Taking Documentary is currently streaming for free on Children’s Health Defense:

  • Avatar Marion says:

    David Martin wears a bow tie. Enough said. uD83DuDE09

  • Avatar Crixcyon says:

    The article about the bankers was incredible. I agree that the Fed should be abolished and central banking outlawed.

  • Avatar GLK says:

    I have questions. First, no doubt something quite nefarious got kicked into overdrive in America on March (Fri) 13, 2020. The day Trump declared the pandemic a national emergency.

    I have no trouble believing that most everything we were told from that point forward was a manipulation to herd us into preexisting siloes.

    Additionally it appears most of the self-anointed freedom fighters bubbling to the surface over the ensuing years are highly suspect controlled opposition.

    But I have problems with two things. First, no one has sufficiently explained what it was that sickened enough people to touch off the pandemic campaign of terror.

    They are splintered into sub groups that believe;

    No viruses have ever existed. None. Ever.
    Or, that only Covid-19 never existed.
    Or, that Covid-19 was influenza rebranded. Or, Covid-19 was the resurrected Spanish Flu.
    Or, Covid-19 was actually an RNA virus cloned to DNA and strategically released in targeted locations.
    Or, the whole event was actually snake venom in the water.
    Or, it was a poison aerosolized via chem trails.
    Or, it was actually 5G radiation sickening people. No virus needed.

    Anyone besides me see a problem here?

    The second issue are the claims of transhumanism. Iu2019m tired of the phrase, u201Cself-assembling nanobots.u201D Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?

    Yeah, I know the broad definitions. Iu2019ve heard them all. But I have a background in electronics and understand how microchips work. I know what microwave energy is. I understand biology. And, this noise about how weu2019re all infected with graphene nano particles crossing the blood brain barrier bombarded by 5G signals initiates a big, u201CYeah, now what?u201D

    Iu2019m still waiting for the answer. Are we all just going to spontaneously combust? Be mind controlled? Infinitely tracked? Heart attacks? Cancer?

    The concept that thereu2019s no escape unless I make dozens of purchases for cleansing supplements and walk around with a faraday cage on my head seems highly suspicious.

    It reminds me of how easily bamboozled people were starting in the 1950s over radiation. Gamma rays created The Hulk and Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider. Right?

    The bottom line is, itu2019s always the things we donu2019t understand that make us the biggest suckers for fakery. We have no idea how the cellphone works. We have no idea how they got away with the pandemic. Lots have spun off with no clarity or cohesion.

    So Iu2019ll ask again.

    1) What sickened people?
    2) What the hell is a self assembling graphene nanobot supposedly for?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      You get a B for the semester and I’m sure if you keep reading you will improve, maybe enough to get into medical school ha. All the answers to your questions are in my archives, so dig in. Here’s a quick review of your last 2 questions:
      1) therapies were concealed that would have ended covid immediately. People were killed by medications used in hospital. Standards of care were ruined to kill and sicken more people. But worst of all, the covid vax was specifically designed to kill people
      2) This is a psy op, not a real thing and the photos were faked. See and read it completely and carefully. this thing bothered me at first until I analyzed it.

      See you around the study hall. I have a bad habit of bothering people during my breaks.
      best wishes and take it easy on me in intramural hockey

      • Avatar GLK says:

        Iu2019ve a friend. A learned guy that grew up around learned people. Mostly medical. Some law. Father in law was a college Dean.

        My friend said on numerous occasions one of his fatheru2019s favorite sayings was, u201CEvery asshole writes a book.u201D

        The concern over information overload in his fatheru2019s quaint ink on paper bygone era has exploded in our digital age. TMI is a disease that allows societal cancers to metastasize untreated in plain sight.

        My point which Iu2019m at loath to explain is, every u2018assholeu2019 today writes a media missive. Whether it be on social media, big media, scientific media, political media, entertainment media, as yes, substack and good old fashioned books or their not so old fashioned digitized versions. TMI is everywhere.

        What many still donu2019t understand is, the warriors weu2019re facing are experts at capturing mass attention and exploiting systemic human traits to achieve their predetermined goals.

        If you believe that 17 million people were wiped off the face of the earth while most of your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues shrug, then youu2019ve got no choice but to also believe the program was a rousing success. Which should logically lead one to dig deep on how the hell that happened?

        We go on all day about viruses vs exosomes, the benefits of a faraday caged existence, the inherent instability of RNA, the folly of PCR, ivermectin, NAC, vitamin D, 5G, and the rest of the golly gee whiz talk that splinters us. Georgia guidestones and DEWs anyone? But, really, whatu2019s the point when obviously the machine marches on hiding in plain sight?

        Are we targeting the machine? Are we coalesced in the fight? Or are we on information overload arguing with each other over technical minutiae? Is mRNA on the chopping block yet? Are our kids well informed? Are we shrinking violets when it comes to open conversation with our ignorant family members, neighbors, friends and colleagues?

        The psyops is indeed deep. Military grade. Is it being exposed and dismantled? Are the controlled opposition facing opposition? Like all wars we are in the midst of a bankeru2019s war. Forget following the science. Follow the money and youu2019ll have your answers.

        Now figure out how to convince the unconvinced without looking like a splintered group of whack a doodles.

        Mr. Webb is right we need to alarm rich people. Because theyu2019ve got a target on their backs too. They just donu2019t see it because they think theyu2019re special.

        And, as Webb points out they are special. Thatu2019s why theyu2019re being saved for desert.

  • Avatar Penny & John Harrison says:

    I try to be aware of the false dichotomy. Just because I find Dr. Ana not a credible source, and I donu2019t, doesnu2019t mean I think others roughly proposing the same mechanisms are valid. I look at Dr. Nixonu2019s slides and I follow the work of Dr. Robert O. Young. They donu2019t have a sparkling delivery in videos, but I think their written work is good. My lifestyle makes me listen to videos though sometimes so therefore I have to work to not let their teaching style and manner get in the way. Work is not a bad thing. There are others that teach on the WBAN well, but I would open myself to ridicule. It is easy enough to do the research yourself, however. The enemy is quite proud of his work and how easily it has slipped into practice and policy.

    In the same way as Dr. Ana and David Martin I donu2019t think Sasha is someone I should let into my thoughts, although I still canu2019t put my finger on it as she doesnu2019t advertise her loyalties as openly regarding religion or belief systems. She does at times reference Christianity. If I am wrong in this may the Holy Spirit bring me to understanding. I just donu2019t trust her. I pray for Katherine Watt. It is in the end a spiritual war. We are all learning, but let us all be praying too and reading the Scriptures. We all need Godu2019s Mercy.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    With regards to the nanotech. Deciding something is bullshit and providing no evidence to back up your assertion isnu2019t a good look. I am keeping an open mind until there is actual evidence to make a decision on this topic. What was it that made you decide it was bullshit? Was it the unqualified opinion of someone you trust. What evidence did they provide that it was bullshit or did you just take their word for it? Iu2019m interested to find out what made you decide it was bullshit because Iu2019d love to see evidence that supports either opinion

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Mark, for christ’s sake RTFB before you comment.

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        I donu2019t believe anything until I get an explanation and I donu2019t disbelieve anything without an explanation.

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        The thing I is, Paul has made a right fool of himself. Some archaeologists used the bible as a map and discovered all the old cities of the bible. When they dug them up they found the worlds very first civilisation. They found Ashurbanipals library and hundreds of thousand of clay tablets describing their data to day life.

        So the stuff they found under the desert have now been studied for 100s of year by scholars. Even the writes of the bible had access to them.

        Once they go through all the tablets and translate them with a handy lexicon they found, the books of Zechariah zitchin are academic book describing the translations and the beliefs of the Sumerians. These tablets legitimise the bible and have much mire detail than the bible. Like the story of Noah .
        A polymath is someone who is considered very smart in a couple of different topics. They donu2019t know most topics at all. Just really good at a couple and Paul has really shown this limitation in what he said

        Heu2019s made archaeology out to be something completely different because instead of just reading it, he guessed what it may say. Maybe he listened to someone else that he shouldnu2019t have as heu2019s really made a fool of himself. And if he reads the Sitchin books, he will probably realise be about page 10 about pretty bloody stupid it was to comment on something he has no prior knowledge off

      • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

        Actually Robert, I seem to remember sending you a book and telling you to RTFB. The Sitchin books on archaeology. Judging by your comments, you chose not to RTFB LOL

  • Avatar Harrm says:

    This article is a reminder to me to focus a greater proportion of my energy on my local, in person relationships. I appreciate the efforts to sniff out and expose dishonest people, but it can become very distracting for me and not good for my mental well being. When I find myself learning that that podcast host who I thought was being sincere might not be, it reminds me that Iu2019m not a kid in need of a leader. My freedom and sovereignty is largely my responsibility, and my job is to surround my actual living self with trustworthy people as much as possible. People on screens are not my friends. Pissed off moms hosting Potlucks and parties will save the world. Mark my words.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    The thing is, no one has to make up their mind on anything until they have enough information to make up their mind. The personality of the scientists is irrelevant, just look at infinite minds author Valerie Hunt. Comes across as a fruit loop but has discovered some fanatastic information
    Some times Iu2019ll wait years to make up my mind on something if I havenu2019t yet got enough info to make an accurate assessment. To me, making judgement too early is pointless

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