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It all started when he treated her to decades of various drillings and fillings, and I am not sure exactly what else. Although Judy had excellent cosmetic results, it came at a deadly price. I, too, became a patient of the same “tooth doctor” after I married Judy 35 years ago. Since I already had seventeen mercury fillings, he must have thought I had little left to “work” on, so he generally left me alone. 

Four years ago, Judy became progressively sicker over about a year. We consulted with more than 20 board-certified Kaiser doctors, and none had a clue about her problem. So, I studied the issue and asked outside physicians what to do. Following their advice, I wrote to Judy’s doctors, directing them to run various tests. If you put your instructions in a letter, it becomes a part of the chart, so doctors are likelier to listen. In short order, this resulted in a diagnosis of AL amyloidosis. Until recently, this condition was rapidly fatal, but new medications now allow more prolonged survival.

The Kaiser oncologist categorically refused to use daratumumab, the drug that later stabilized Judy’s disease. He chided me for suggesting it, saying it was “not the standard of care.” So I took her to Stanford. This cost more than $30,000 for two chemo sessions and two doctor visits, one of which was virtual. Judy’s life was saved, but she became a dependent, miserable cash cow of Rockefeller Medicine. Throughout her illness, we were forced to hire doctors outside Kaiser to direct Judy’s care.

Among many other problems during her illness, she had heavy salivation. All night, every hour, I listened to her nearly choke to death in bed beside me. Since I was formerly a board-certified emergency physician, I understood compromised airways and always feared the worst. She was optimistic and did not think it was dangerous, but she was often in jeopardy.

Judy and I are (reasonably!) open with each other, and I thought I knew (nearly!) everything about her. She was always unwilling to share much about her teeth, and I respected her privacy for decades. But as I learned more about dentistry, I had to find out what was in her mouth.

Her illness was a detective story. The “break in the case” was when we were in Tijuana having my mercury fillings taken out. I was sneaky—I asked her to let the dentist, Dr. Lagos, “have a quick look” and “grab an x-ray to be sure  everything was OK.” When they exited the exam room, Judy was beaming. She told me, “No worries. Everything is fine.”

I may have been married last week, but it was not yesterday. I grabbed Lagos by the elbow, pulled him into another room, and closed the door. He knew that I knew the jig was up and admitted that Judy had four (4) root canals. He did not like them any better than I did, but he knew better than to argue with a 69-year-old woman.

Since I had been studying full-time while everyone else was playing, I saw the whole thing immediately. Judy’s amyloidosis was caused by abscessed root canals spreading infection and inflammation throughout her body. From Dr. Gammal’s book (Chapter 6), I knew removing them would create better than even odds of curing her. He told many stories about breast cancer and other serious diseases going away when root-canalled teeth were taken out.

Judy is profoundly skeptical, which has served her in good stead her whole life. She initially refused to consider that, just this once, I might be right. After all, her mouth did not hurt, and her teeth looked great. To save her life, I would have to persuade her to cooperate. 

I loved Judy dearly and did not want to lose her. Her refusal to believe me made me feel for a month like my head was being held underwater. I coaxed her into reading much of Dr. Gammal’s book and finally had her watch the Root Cause video. I initially thought I would have to tie her to the couch in front of the TV.

As Judy was balking, I was researching. Becky Dutton (Chapter 11) told me to see a particular European dentist. When Judy finally allowed that she might consider doing something, I put Becky on the phone to work her over. 

Next was the flight overseas and six hours of surgery under general anesthesia. The dentist removed all but one of Judy’s teeth, including the infected root canals. The operating room was filled with a foul stench because my wife’s gums were abscessed. He later said her condition would have killed her.

In five hours, he cleaned the area, bone-grafted it, and inserted fifteen zirconia ceramic posts to support the new teeth and bridges:

These are biologically inert. Traditionally, titanium is used, but it causes chronic infections and sheds toxic metals.

We hung out for a month for follow-up visits. During the post-surgical period until the new teeth were installed, Judy was instructed to chop up and swallow her food without chewing. She did not like it but adapted and did not lose weight.

It is three months since the original surgery, and Judy feels fantastic. She has the energy to start new projects, which is the best evidence of good health. She is lifting weights for the first time in four years. She has also been able to discontinue some of her blood pressure drugs because the infection stress is gone. Her skin is clear from blemishes that her chronic infection may have caused. Since her inflamed mouth abscesses caused her salivation, this decreased when the infection was removed.

Judy has had nonfunctional temporary teeth installed for three months for cosmetic purposes. But as I write this, she is getting fitted with the permanent ones. These are beautiful and stronger than her originals. The process is half the price it would have been in the US, but we nearly had to sell real estate to pay for it. This is not easy for retirees on a fixed income. 

PS: If you have a problem like Judy’s, email Becky Dutton ([email protected]), and she will advise you. ❤️❤️

PPS: Breast implants, especially silicone ones, cause a similar syndrome known as “breast implant illness.” They are often infected with bacteria and fungi, and the gel they contain is toxic, migrates, and occasionally causes cancer. I interviewed an expert about this HERE.

Stay tuned—Judy will be here on the podcast soon. If you want to read the rest of Judas Dentistry now, HERE is the download link. I will get it up on the sales platforms this week if I can find the time.

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Parting Shot #1: Saying Goodbye to Drain People

by Robert Ringer (

In my book Million Dollar Habits I wrote at length about the dangers posed by Drain People, those who drain others of time, energy, peace of mind, and, all too often, money. Unfortunately, there are no statutes on the books outlawing the actions of Drain People. The only foolproof defense against them is to keep them out of your life.

As a now-forgotten student of human nature once warned, you’ll never smell like a rose if you roll in a dunghill. No matter what else you do right, if you associate with the wrong people, it’s virtually impossible to succeed.

In addition to causing you endless complications, Drain People will make you look bad in the eyes of others because of the generally accepted truth in the old adage, “Birds of a feather flock together.” Whom you associate with is like a neon sign that informs the world where you are on the success ladder at any given point in time.

Early in my business career, a young hotshot marketing guru (“Frank Fabricator”) with whom I was involved in a business deal so offended me with his blatant deceit that I made the decision to strike him from my life and cut off all communication. I reasoned that if he could stoop to such a low level of integrity on this particular occasion, it must be such an entrenched part of his personality that he would not hesitate to do it again if the opportunity were to present itself.

Nevertheless, Frank sent several letters of apology to me over the years, and, masochist that I was, I finally relented. I not only reopened the lines of communication with him, over time I began discussing a number of business proposals with him as well.

The gory details of the story make me blush, so I’ll just skip to the bottom line. After a brief period of time, Frank, in a clear-cut manner, proved that the first time around was no accident — that he was an individual who was capable of descending to dastardly levels of insincerity. Not only did he once again display a stunning lack of character at the moment of truth ($), he managed to actually outdo his earlier reprehensible deeds.

This little anecdote may have reminded you of a similar experience from your own past, because most of us take the same classes during our enrollment at Homer Simpson U. It’s why they stamped “Doh!” on our diplomas when we graduated.

We would all do well to remember the Law of the Scorpion, based on a fictional tale of a scorpion who asks a frog if he can hitch a ride on his back to get to the other side of the pond. You already know the rest of the story or you wouldn’t be reading my blog, so I’ll just skip to the moral of this little tale, which is simple and straightforward: Once a Drain Person, always a Drain Person.

Meaning that a Drain Person simply can’t help himself, because his desire to drain you of valuable resources is irreversibly ingrained in his nature. Always keep this in mind and heed the wisdom contained in an ancient proverb that warns: You must have gold to make gold.

Make no mistake about it, eliminating Drain People from your life can be a difficult task. One reason for this is that sidestepping a persistent Drain Person can cause significant discomfort. Another is that even when you know someone is a Drain Person, it’s often tempting to make an exception for short-term profit. This is known as: Major Mistake. Trust me, you can’t afford the long-term cost of such an exception.

In addition, it’s human nature to want to give others the benefit of the doubt, which is why you often hear remarks like, “But he means well.” Maybe I’m dense, but I don’t understand what “he means well” means.

I know what high blood pressure is. I know what a headache is. I know what aggravation is. But I’m not sure what “means well” is. Does it mean that someone should be allowed to rob you of your valuable time and energy because he purportedly has good intentions?

The truth is that you don’t have enough hours in your life to give sufficient attention to the people whom you already know to be worthy of your time, so why stretch your welcome boundaries to include people who aren’t? It’s far better to trust your instincts and err on the side of caution.

I find that with each passing year, my instincts about people continue to improve, and undoubtedly you’ve found the same to be true of yours. The guideline I try to follow when it comes to handling potential Drain People is: When in doubt, keep them out!

The hard, cold fact is that people rarely, if ever, change, so it’s a big mistake to believe that a Drain Person will evolve into something he is not. On the contrary, bad character is malignant; it grows and spreads if not removed early on. Thus, once a person begins to drain you of time, energy, and other valuable resources, it’s wise to cut your losses short and get him completely out of your life.

And, by the way, be sure to close the door behind him, because once a small evil has managed to make its way inside, you can be sure that greater evils are waiting to gain entrance.

Yoho comment: All you have is your ability to focus. If you cannot pare away distractions, you are lost.

Parting shot #2. Measuring the grade level of your writing

This is a recent post.

The advantage of unembellished writing is that advanced readers can scan the material rapidly, yet basic readers still comprehend it. Writing this way is difficult for people with multiple graduate degrees. I sometimes use a thesaurus to translate the complexity in my head into more straightforward verbiage.

To test for readability, copy and paste your prose into THIS website. The lower the grade level, the better your writing is.

Here is the score for the essay about Judy above that was rewritten about 15 to 20 times. Writing like this takes work.

And this one is for Robert Ringer’s excellent essay above.


  • Avatar D H says:

    A must share! Loved em both uD83EuDD70

  • Avatar Kay L Martin says:

    WOW!!!! Been hearing much neg recently about root canals. After cov lies and coverups worth billions, this all makes more/better sense. Thank you. KLMartin Arvada CO

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    How I Learned I had Pancreatic Cancer: My First Signs – Roger | The Patient Story

    Actor Gary Sinise Suffers Loss of His 33-Year-Old Son After Difficult Health Battle (Rare Cancer)

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    This is what worries me if the gallstones are already ‘old’ how long have I had this undiagnosed issue? What caused them, and why were they dormant? If a HIDA is not feasible because of a complete Spinal Stenosis back what other choice do I have, for testing? Why not just Sonic blast them out? How long am I supposed to live with constant diarrhea and Pain? Is a specific age a cut-off? Like a PSA for men is 69. And colon screens 80. Dean had polyps at his last one. See you in 5 years to an 82-year-old male. Anything could happen, this was his 2nd bout. Just because we got old doesn’t mean we don’t want to be healthy.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Not medical advice but if they are symptomatic get them evaluated

      • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

        Dr Martin flat said it was spinal. Pain is on both sides, the Left worse than the Right. As there is no hernia. I use an Air Fryer, bake, broil, and Crock Pot for most meals. Trying to balance a T2 Diabetic diet with Gastroparesis is difficult. He is correcting the Hypothyroid slowly. He got that I reacted to the Blue Lake Dye from the new foreign manufacturer. And the dosage was too low. 2 different pills, a white 50, mcg I spilt and take a whole and a half, and a 100 mcg yellow, make 1.75 mcg, 200 mcg will be 2, 100 mcg tabs. I’ll know that in a couple of weeks. A1C was 6.2. Watching the carbs better. The Endo I fired wouldn’t listen. And yes it is working ok no more skin side effects.

  • Avatar Vonu says:

    Gee, just when I thought that I was the only one I knew who remembered Robert Ringer.

  • Avatar VanLife Views says:

    Interesting to read this as I am having a tooth repaired in Molar City MX next week. Appreciate the info on the titanium posts.

    Did you stay overseas for three months until the permanent teeth were put in

  • Avatar Stella Bryan says:

    Thank you for sharing the story about your wife’s illness due to dental work which is horrendous. It is very timely because my partner currently has a swollen face and was talking about perhaps he may have an absess and needs to go to the dentist to deal with the tooth. I will tell him not to have a root canal. Also, I would very much appreciate it if you can share the information of your European dentist. I am in the UK frequently and would very much like to visit a trusted dentist that charges reasonable rates. As you know California, which is where I live too, is very expensive and I believe my last dentist unecessarily gave me 2 fillings that I didn’t need:(. I won’t be going back to her.

  • Avatar Ned B. says:

    “Drain people,” I call them “energy vampires.”

  • Avatar Kim says:

    Iu2019m so glad your wife is doing well.
    Iu2019ve wondered for a long time – what do you do if a dentist wants to do a root canal? Do you just pull the tooth and leave the hole? I remember decades ago, my mother had a u201Cdry socketu201D. I have no idea what that was, but I assume it must have had something to do with a root canal or pulled tooth. She loved her dentist and between the two of us, Iu2019m sure we financed many a vacation for him. I got out relatively early, but not before a ton of work. I went to another dentist and he showed me the previous dental records – all unreadable xrays. The last straw was when he wanted to do a crown. The next dentist said we shoul wait until there was a symptom first.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Ceramic implants can be placed in such a way as to nearly eliminate infections but it takes skills. Horrendously expensive in usa

  • Avatar Michelle Herman says:

    Wow! what a journey! ….if only she’d had DioxiRinse years ago!! … and her dentists too! 🙂 Glad things are moving in the right direction!

  • Avatar FREED0ML0VER says:

    Last year before I had read anything about the dangers of root canals, I began having sinus problems for the first time in my life. Strangely, it only bothered me after I went to bed. After months of suffering and trying everything I could think of to cure it, I went to an ear, nose and throat specialist. He scoped my sinuses and didn’t find anything wrong. He then said my problems were most likely being caused by an upper molar that had been root canalled years ago, and was no doubt infected. When I had it removed, I could smell the stink from the infection, and the sinus symptoms disappeared in a matter of days.
    During the time I was having the sinus problems I also began having a problem with my vision. I don’t know why I didn’t associate it with the sinus issues. When I would get up during the night to use the bathroom, everything seemed to be tinted red, like I was looking through red cellophane. When this began, it would clear up in just a few seconds, but it was gradually taking longer and longer. This also disappeared along with the sinus symptoms.
    Several months later I read that your lymphatic system relies on gravity and peristaltic action from your movements to function properly, so that explains why the symptoms were only occurring at night – my lymphatic system wasn’t able to drain the debris from the infection while I was lying down motionless.
    I have one root canalled tooth left, a lower molar, and I’ll be making arrangements to have it extracted at my next dental appointment. I also intend to share some of this information with my dentist, and if she is interested, I’ll send her links to your articles on the subject.
    Thank you for everything that you write.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      All root canals are infected and inevitably cause health problems, some of them mortal.

      • Avatar FREED0ML0VER says:

        After reading the articles you’ve posted about it, I’ve urged my kids to have any root canalled teeth extracted, and to not get any more of them.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          hard to believe this is not general knowledge.

          give them a free copy of my ebook and I should have the hard covers up soon

          • Avatar FREED0ML0VER says:

            I can understand why it’s not more widely known. Most people don’t spend much time reading anymore. I think most dentists mean well and are unaware of this.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    Itu2019s a great story Robert. Looks to me like the moral of the story is donu2019t trust industry or the sales reps they call drs and dentists.

    Most people have great difficulty questioning the perceived wisdom and advice of the sales reps(drs and dentists) of the pharmaceutical and dental industry as we have been manipulated over our entire lives to consider them as experts in health when they are actually trained in the marketing and selling of medicines and not health.
    Most are unable to break this brainwashing and will keep going back time and time again to those they consider experts even though they may be getting sicker and sicker or making no progress.
    Even when patients get harmed by their dr or dentist, most of the time they go looking for another sales rep with an impressive list of letters after their name because they think they must have better advice because of their qualification in selling pharmaceutical products.
    The allure of the expert is a trap. They are not experts at all. They are salespeople who have learnt their trade by memorising information given to them by their industry. They have no expertise in healthcare at all.
    People trained by their industry are not smart. They may think they are incredibly smart as the world around them tells them they are, but they are not. Memorising facts and figures is not a sign of intelligence at all and this article demonstrates that well.

  • Avatar Kim says:

    lol. Where I live, I think those would be a fantasy. Iu2019d love to see the look on my dentistu2019s face if I asked for one. I wonder if he even knows what it is.
    But thanks, I know what to look for now.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. People need to stop listening to the snake oil salespeople as thatu2019s all drs and dentists are. Trained in selling medicine, not trained in healthcare.

    I was very lucky to have the expertise of prof Vera Stejskal many years ago as she understood that itu2019s not the drs that have the answers but the patients.

    Thatu2019s why she chose Becky Dutton as the Melisa diagnostics scoliosis researcher and not some dude trained in the marketing and selling of pharmaceutical products who thinks they know about healthcare

    Expertise in reversing the disease process comes with experience but allopathic drs and dentists are not trained in reversing disease and itu2019s not even part of their job

    Most choose to take advice from people that their family, friends and colleagues think are credible. This behaviour leads to disease and death and is self-sabotaging behaviour.

    Those who think they know better than people like Becky will never cure their health issues. Their own ego will see them live out their lives consulting expert after expert until they find one that agrees with their own preconceived ideas. They will blame the expert when they donu2019t improve instead of blaming their own choices of who best to listen too.

  • Avatar Mark Kennard says:

    Antigens are the cause of aging and disease. This short video will give you all the information you need to stay healthy and reverse the disease process should it be triggered

  • Avatar Tony Cecala says:

    Thanks for sharing this love story, Robert. The pen is mightier than the drill. You are saving lives my friend, saving lives.

  • Avatar Ellen Fitzgerald says:

    Dr Y, God bless you for persevering and saving your beloved wife Judy.

    Amazing story.

  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


  • Avatar Karen says:

    Dear Dr. Yoho, I enjoyed this post because I had one root canal that caused me continual sinus infections. I finally found a holistic dentist willing to remove it and my amalgams. We started with the root canal. The change in my sinus situation was incredible and convinced me of the value of continuing with the amalgams, which I am ashamed to say I am still working on due to the cost; however, the end is near. Thank you for sharing your stories and subsequent books.

  • Avatar May Hindmarsh says:

    Wow!!! Thanks for sharing and glad Judy is doing well!!
    I have been a skeptic about this for awhile especially removing fillingu2019s if asymptomatic but especially in hope they cure an illness/ disease. Risk of complications, financial cost and no guarantee the outcome will be betteru2026 I personally have been told I will have more fragile teeth with larger holes, risk of needing tooth pulled and implants put in versus leaving well enough aloneu2026
    Same with the bunny trail of hope for surgery regarding BII. Not everyone ends up with the resolution of their medical illness.
    Tough choices to make when itu2019s not a financially viable option for many people.
    Still learning and listening.. would love this as a topic on our show to discuss.

  • Avatar Gregg says:

    Dr. Yoho, your article mentioned that titanium causes infections and sheds toxic metals, suggesting that titanium inside the body is not healthy. Is this true with respect to op
    Titanium used to support with the healing of the sternum during the closing if an open heart surgery? If so, how best to address this potential danger with a cardiologist or the heart surgeon? Thank you!

    • Avatar Becky Dutton says:

      Hi Gregg,
      Please contact me as I can help you with this. Becky
      [email protected]

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Titanium is always alloyed with other metals that are even more toxic. The manufacturers often consider their blends proprietary. If possible, all metal should be removed once healing occurs. If it is left in, a risk/benefit analysis is required.

  • Avatar brokelynnmama says:

    Thank you Dr. Yoho for sharing Becky Dutton’s contact info! We just connected and she offered a wealth of helpful information and advice, connecting many dots–as many people who do not “detox” metals well present with other conditions, all related interestingly enough. I hope others will avail themselves of her expertise and advice which she offers so generously (at no cost) to help people. She’s a lovely kind soul, so happy to hear how she’s helped your wife too

  • Avatar Dean Chamberlain says:

    I’ll get right to it. It’s interesting that after just receiving a quote from Dr. Lagos I read that your beloved chose to go to Spain rather than to Tijuana. How curious?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Different problems. Lagos specializes in amalgam removal, and I trusted him to do that for me. He is not an expert in total mouth reconstruction or multiple abscess removals. This requires special skills.

  • Avatar Fed up says:

    Fantastic story and so glad to read the outcome was as hoped. I may not be computing this correctly but did Judy have all but one tooth removed or all but one root-canalled tooth removed? Either way, I always thought even having one tooth extracted was very hard on oneu2019s body – dry sockets and the like. I canu2019t imagine more at the same time. A miracle indeed. Thanks Judy for bravely sharing.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      All but one tooth was removed. I will put her post-op x-ray in the above. Yes I appreciate her willingness to share; this was the best part of my book and had the most lessons. For more info for yourself, contact Becky Dutton.

  • Avatar Dean Chamberlain says:

    No sooner told Ezequiel negatory on multiple abscesses front than learn from E that of the 19 to be pulled 16 are absc. Was already going from hot to cold after 20 emails. No way am going there. Frankly, no deep pockets here. Talk ’bout Butchered by Healthcare and Judas Dentistry, how on Earth is one to find out who can do this work?

    Went to same school as Plimpton. Exhibited my art at your alma mater, but not knowing who can save life in the opaque face of dangerous dentists sends death chill up spine. Bought Butchered By Healthcare and Hormone Secrets. Tried ordering Judas Dentistry from Amazon and will do so when available but I really don’t want to die before I can find an affordable dentist to get teeth out IAOMT and dentures in. Who one gotta pay to get across the River of Dentistry in Americexico? Spain? Insane when it takes 6 months for gums to heal.

    Don’t let me commence. I could go on but who would that serve, dear (ret.) Dr. Yoho?

  • Avatar Shelley says:

    Dr. Yoho, waiting for a hard copy. Thank you.

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