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Healthcare corruption and big Pharma with Mel Clarke from the UK

By April 4, 2022June 10th, 20242 Comments

Robert Yoho crosses the “pond” virtually to the UK to speak with a well-informed podcaster, Mel Clarke, on For more about Mel, see her Anchor website:

The discussion ranges from Big Pharma to healthcare corruption in general.


  • Avatar Frederick R Smith says:

    Top shelf as usual

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    You nailed it, as does the title of your book Butchered by HEALTHECARE. What do you do when you are not notified your skin doctor retired and was replaced by a Green PA, or the Gastro is ready to and turned his patient’s over to a lesser trained Green PA? This is a 8 doctor Stand a lone clinic, another doctor could take his place. Have they gotten so pay cheap they only hire PA’S? The quality of care HAS gone to pot. My little lap dog gets better health care than I get. I want a fully trained doctor (there is NO difference in cost between a Dr and a PA,) not a half way trained PA I DON’T TRUST. Pushing expensive drugs on you, you know you will react to. I had better treatment 25 yrs ago than I get today. Then I read Biden is cutting Veteran’s healthcare to provide it for illegal border crossers. The VA Cap is high as it is. Many are 50% or more Disabled, need what was promised them.

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