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Mercola: You Can Check in, but You Can Never Leave

By January 23, 2022June 10th, 2024One Comment

Hospitals and Covid with Dr. Elizabeth Vliet

One Comment

  • Avatar paul t. rose, md ,faad, jd says:

    Dear Bob
    I know that people enjoy hyperbole but the comments by Dr Vliet are just that. Her statements are half truths. I suggest that you take a look at the Politifacts site on the subject of payments to hospitals etc related to Covid.
    The healthcare system is in shambles and will get worse since the takeover by Private equity on Wall Street (allowed by docs) but there is a degree of greed never seen before that exists through out the system. The fees for stents, orthopedic devices , chemo, imaging etc are ridiculous.
    The hospitals are crooks as are many docs, insurers, pharma, lawyers and the local handyman.
    I suggest that you look into PBMs who have more lobbying power than big pharma and oil combined.

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