Here is how to calculate your odds of blowing your brains out.
It was a situation for despair, but there was no alternative but to keep one’s nerve.
Colonel Heinz-Gunther Guderian, a Panzer commander facing the Allied invaders on D-day
If you play Russian Roulette by spinning a six-shot revolver’s cylinder using one bullet, your chance of dying is one in six. If you play Covid vax roulette, your chance of dying or being mortally wounded is about one in 200. The following is how to calculate your odds.
This is derived from Craig Paardekooper’s Covid vaccine VAERS database analysis. HERE is the video showing his graphs and explanations.
VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, is the US government database that records the vaccine adverse events (AEs) reported by doctors and others. It is an incomplete but immense sample that lists the batches or “lots” for each company in the order they appeared. It also shows AEs by lot number and date of occurrence. The data is primarily from the USA.
“Hot lot” is a research phrase that the vax makers wish you would never hear. The original meaning was a defective product, such as baby spinach recalled for salmonella contamination. To understand what is happening with the Covid vaccine, imagine the food companies trying different doses of salmonella to determine how much damage they would cause. Paardekooper’s analysis is robust evidence that the Pharma companies did precisely that. They used us like lab rates to test their poisons.
He analyzed the Covid jab harms recorded by VAERS and created the charts below, and I copied them from his video. This provides overwhelming evidence that the three manufacturers coordinated dose-response experiments to measure the toxicity and deaths from the different batches of their drugs. Controls without the poisons were likely used as well.
The odds of the results described below happening by chance alone seem nonexistent, but do not take my word for it. Look at the following summary, the references, and the videos.
The study occurred over most of 2021 and is shown in the first slide below. Each blue dot is a manufacturing batch or lot that includes thousands of bottles with the same serial number. The higher on the vertical axis a blue dot appears the more deaths and other AEs were reported for the lot. The year over which the experiment was run is on the horizontal axis.
(Degraded quality from video)
Here is what happened
VAERS recorded 28,330 Covid shot batches or lots.
The dot’s vertical height above the baseline reflects the number of VAERS AEs reported for each lot.
About 95 percent of the batches are on the horizontal blue timeline at the bottom. These have few AEs and are relatively harmless. Some are likely saline controls (placebos).
Although the dots/batches/lots above the blue baseline are all toxic, the hot lots are above the red line. These batches produce 1000-5000 deaths, disabilities, and other adverse events each and are 3000 to 5000 times riskier than the ones at the baseline.
Since the lots above the red line are only .65 percent (.0065) of the total, there is about a 1/200 chance that any given jab contains these very toxic contents. After two injections, your chances of getting a bad one of course doubles. However, your risk of damage or death with subsequent jabs increases much more because the poisons accumulate, which magnifies the risk. For comparison, the risk of dying from most major elective surgeries is 1/1000.
America was the target of this experiment. The conspirators spread vials from each numbered lot into every state to avoid local disease clusters that might be noticed. When the corporations did not take this precaution, the killer products could sometimes be identified. For example, Wyeth once used a hot lot of DPT vaccines in an area of Tennessee. It killed eight kids and made headlines. After that, the lots were mixed across state lines to make fatality grouping invisible.
Who did it? Pfizer, J & J, or Moderna? Yes.
The same graph, annotated.
Johnson and Johnson ran the first tests. Their results are in the small red rectangle on the left. Next, casualties from Moderna are shown in the left-hand square. J and J did a brief second test (the middle red rectangle). Pfizer took over during the second half of the experiment, and their deaths and injuries are shown in the right-hand box.
Detail: Pfizer’s testing period from the right (later) half of the chart, annotated.
Pfizer’s strict quality control is evidence they were running a death study.
Pfizer seems to have systematically deployed batches of varying toxicity and lethality during the last half of the trial.
The adverse reactions for each toxic lot, as revealed by the height of the blue dots above the baseline, are clustered in a limited vertical range and marked in the above graph by the vertical red lines. These likely reflect individual dosages deployed over each limited period.
These results fit along the slanted plot line above. This is striking evidence that Pfizer started with a higher dose at the start (to the left), then decreased it in five steps over the study period. It looks exactly like an injury and lethality dose-response study.
Between each dose tested, there was a “clear” interval. Here, non-toxic, possibly placebo injections seem to have been used, and the adverse events declined to the baseline blue line. When the injuries and deaths from the lots are plotted, the trends are obvious.
Explaining this data with chance alone is far-fetched. The most likely explanation is it was a study designed to show that higher doses of these poisons injure and kill more people. We were and are being slaughtered like guinea pigs.
Evidence, settlements, and convictions document big Pharma’s long history of mass murder and racketeering. They have their own Wikipedia page of shame about it.
Craig Paardekooper’s data suggest that the three companies conspired under joint direction to plan and execute another Holocaust. Some sources estimate that by October 2022, the Covid vax will have killed 20 million people worldwide and injured 2.2 billion others.
How could anyone trust a vaccine of any kind after seeing this, particularly one containing mRNA, such as the new influenza vaccine? How could anyone trust any products made by these companies? Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna.
If this work is accurate, these people are behaving like psychopaths. But evil as they are, they are likely only pawns of the global predators directing them.
Craig-Paardekooper’s call-out to doctors, nurses, and teachers about the vax
Please check
before allowing your child to receive Covid 19 vaccine.
Doctors and nurses can now check the number of deaths and disabilities reported for any vaccine batch before prescribing it. This way, they can provide better-informed consent before administering from a particular batch.
Every teacher involved in the vaccine deployment should be educating the students about vaccine safety, which means telling the students and parents the reported fatality numbers. Teachers can do this anonymously by texting parents using a different sim. Just send a short message to parents saying, “Vaccine Safety App -“
THIS video describes how to use the website.
• To repeat, see
for everything about the vax.
• A Midwestern Doctor’s Substack HERE describes similar events during the anthrax vaccination campaign.
• James Hill, MD, and Jessica Rose have also posted about this topic.
• If you can tolerate still more evidence, the following video proves that Pfizer’s batch codes were numbered sequentially according to their toxicity. Access it HERE.
• A Midwestern Doctor found an analysis from Sweden’s data which appears to show Pfizer is also testing hot lots there. This had been censored, so I dug it out of the Wayback Machine.
Second author credit for this article: my collaborator Sherman.
[If you first need a break after this, watch Russell Brand’s comical video, “You’re not going to f******* believe this.” Access it HERE on Rumble. It was censored off YouTube.]
When will this stop, now that so many are coming forward with overwhelming evidence that these bioweapon injections were intentionally distributed knowing full well that people were going to be harmed?
The big elephant in the room question and itu2019s not getting answered but those involved must be sweating under the collar right now since so many more people know. Iu2019m so glad to see so much analysis on the data. A few mandates in some states are getting pulled so I think itu2019s starting to shake loose.
We have to stay frosty and not become complacent. See reply above.
uD83DuDCAF% In fact, we need to be more vigilant than ever for so many reasons.
Newly released emails show coordination between social media companies and Biden administration on COVID information
We have to attack the problems one at a time. We canu2019t worry about the future or we may get discouraged. I wrote a post about how we can cope and not become overwhelmed
not sure if I posted my last psychopath interview on this thread. Here it is.
You might also want to take a look at South Korea. Their Public Health authorities commented noted the huge drop in adverse events this year. In particular, it looks like Moderna made a major change in the last month of last year.
Download the PDF attachment there and look at page 4 (you can run the document through Google Translate to help read it). Unless they decided to lie about adverse events, it really seems like something changed.
Hi Robert! I went through the rest of Craig’s channel after I posted the article last week.
They other key points their analysts were able to make were:
u2022If you look at the lots on the basis of what % of their responses were severe (which does not require you to know how many lots there we to start with), then the lots that are “hot by their total number of deaths reported are also “hot lots” by this metric. This strengthens the case for the association.
u2022The distribution of hot lots is only seen with the COVID-19 vaccines; it was not seen with flu shots.
u2022It was possible to know the lot sizes of the initial 30 lots; and since this is known, clearly proves the hot lots are “hot.”
u2022There appeared to be serious quality control/manufacturing issues, and when the initial vaccines were produced, the EMA had stated they were not made under “good manufacturing processes” but due to the emergency situation, those lots that were not GMP compliant were released on the market.
u2022There is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that the vaccines become less toxic over time as they degrade, and the places that got the vaccines the soonest (you see this the most clearly with belgium compared to the rest of Europe as the plant that made them was in the country) had a higher rate of adverse reactions. Similarly, the sweedish data set you have shows that the more recently after production time the vaccines are administred, the higher an adverse event rate they have.
u2022Overall the best fit explanation for all of this is that there was not time to develop the technology before it came to market, so they are doing a dose control study, and the “hot lots” are the higher mRNA doses they needed to test for that study.
u2022There is also some evidence they have experimented with developing a form of mRNA that takes longer to degrade in the body, as certain areas that received these lots have far more delayed deaths.
u2022The most distrubing thing they found was that a few heavily republican states disproportionately received the hot lots.
u201CThe most distrubing thing they found was that a few heavily republican states disproportionately received the hot lots.u201D
Truly disturbing.
I actually noticed a difference in the anecdotal numbers of deaths and injuries between two neighboring “red” and “blue” towns in Oregon.
The Republicans fared far worse. Coincidence? Somehow I do not think so. Diabolical if true? Absolutely.
Remember, dividing us, one from another, is more important than any other action these psychopaths take. Because if the People ever come together they are FINISHED!
And currently of course the blue tribe are still in trance. Not so much the red.
Please see my comment to this post, interested in your thoughts as well.
If you considered it important enough to view the videos, I had to take a look for myself.
I would add one more point to your synopsis, in below video he shows they found rate of injury to females was 2-3X that in males:
That is true, but that doesn’t relate to the hot lot point. The challenge I always run into is keeping things from being too long, and if you allow yourself to disperse into tangents that don’t tie back to the main theme, then you always loose your audience. That is going to go into the next installment in the series I wrote about vaccines being used for population control for decades.
Women are almost always injured more by toxins than males. It’s our biology.
And another reason the “guys” tend to misdiagnosis women. They just don’t comprehend that more delicate nervous system and it’s susceptibility to EMF, neurotoxins, heavy metals, plus the differences in liver, cardiovascular systems, etc. There is a reason most with “chemical sensitivity” are female,
and it’s not “psychological!”
Is there a way to find out how many injections from every lot were given?
Also, given what is established to be vast under reporting of significant adverse effects to VAERS, could these lot trends be potentially undermined by full reporting, i.e. could other lots potentially even worse than lots in the top spots now?
Anecdotally, I had a significant AE immediately after receiving two vaccines years agou2014prior to the Covid Era. The pharmacist told me he reported the effects to the CDC, but also said, u201CWhat they do with it (the report) is anybodyu2019s guess.u201D I never heard another thing. I live with ongoing ill effects.
This is brilliantly exposing the holocaust! Thank you so much! I hope to share this with some of my relatives and friends. You can’t deny what has transpired unless you are intentionally lying to yourself.
This is the summary version. For all the nuance see A midwestern doctoru2019s posts.
We know that most administrators are usually at the bottom of their class; coupled with little to no clinical experience, so we donu2019t expect too much from them. Theyu2019re testing wastewater with a methodology being used as a test; that doesnu2019t test for a virus, testing for a virus that isnu2019t there. Itu2019s the clinicians Iu2019m worried about; abused and harried to the point, theyu2019re unable to do five minutes research before they unleash a giant wrecking ball on the future of someone whou2019s willingly placed their trust in their hands.
Lies from start to finish. Itu2019s an intimation strategy.
We canu2019t afford to get demoralized and we have to fight.
I assume an individual could have been fortunate enough to have their first jab come from a possible saline batch; no harm, no foul. However I assume the second jab and any others all come from different batches, so while the first might have been safe, odds are slim any of the other batches we equally safe.
Itu2019s like having major surgical risks again and again but these escalate every time.
Yes, but perhaps saline batches were given to specific populations that tend to support certain agendas.
I know itu2019s not a point of contention; but considering their history of destroying the placebo group, I donu2019t believe they deployed saline in any of their lots. Varied amounts for dosage studies I can believe; but after all, itu2019s kind of their forte.
Iu2019ve resd analysis showing 15 percent placebo but donu2019t have the ref
If a silver lining even exists, Iu2019ll never need to worry about trusting them again.
Peter McCullough has also quoted that 15% figure, but I cannot find a source. Would love to have it.
Itu2019s very obvious that u201Ctheyu201D intended deadly lethal harmu2026but not to an extremely high amount of the population of each state or country to begin that would have definitely tipped the public off! Also they intended many to die but a vast majority to be disabled and have a short life span! And another group to experience harm and death after several monthsu2026.or maybe yearsu2026and a large number to experience no states to get the most harmu2026 and blue states less harm! The harm has been staggered from immediate..tou2026.within a couple weeks u2026to a few monthsu2026to a few years! They had this down to a well planned systematic destruction of societyu2026specific to certain areasu2026hoping to hoodwink the vast majority of the population! This was obviously cleverly planned years ago! To a totally unsuspecting populous! Secret Societiesu2026do things with the utmost secrecy!
These people are psychopaths. They want to harm. Itu2019s irrational by our standards.
Hereu2019s another post about psychopaths. Draft.
Thanks for the emphasis on psychopaths. It has been a major interest of mine since this massive alliance of corruption got started. It is my observation that Big Tech/Social Media, the imposed isolation, the manufacturing of fear-based promotion of vaccines, medical tyranny, etc select for narcissistic personality disorder.
It seems no matter how deeply we dive into our history we encounter these enemies to freedom. Yes, they are always enemies of free peoples but must be quickly identified and disarmed to be rendered impotent. Now, if information such as the following are true, we have an even larger problem.
Theyu2019re not only psychopathsu2026 but their eugenists (murderers)u2026with no conscienceu2026.just like this movement was before and during WW11u2026..their a criminal cobalu2026 that has existed for centuriesu2026u2026and has grown by leaps and bounds as the standard of culture and societies have disnigrated!
I edited the post I wrote a bit, so you may want to check it for some of the details you are quoting.
Once you release a hot batch you would see pretty quickly NOT to release more of it. We need to see if they kept releasing the hot batches. And to whom. If they had info those beaches were killing people and they kept doing it then every death is first degree murder against everyone in the know. They could plausibly argue u2018we didnu2019t know people would dieu2019, at first. I donu2019t believe that but there is plausible deniability. No plausible deniability can be there once they see the effect of the hot batches should they keep releasing it.
you should never give psychopaths the benefit of doubt, they are not like us. their objective is to maim and kill. see
Iu2019m not actually. But this is one way to turn this into murder trials. The hot batch idea.
We are not short of evidence. Hopeful developments are happening in the courts. The Pfizer data dump is being used by plaintiffs and CHD has forced discovery on Fauci.
I am not a constant researcher on the topic of hot lots; in addition, I have to admit, I skim a lot.
Given that caveat, here are two other sources that I know of that conflict with the idea that, in general, hot lots from Moderna came first in 2021, then Pfizer (i.e. working in concert together).
My take has been that both companies had hot lots roughly during the first half of 2021 to test out the dosage size (and possibly other mix of ingredients such as saRNA) and then refined by mid 2021 which is described here:
I am very open to being corrected, and would welcome if I am wrong. Any feedback is appreciated.
Thank you for these references; I had not seen them before. I am going to need to ponder this for a few days.
Thank you so much for all of your efforts to research and disseminate this information to help us. How can I ever forget that Pfizer numbered its lots for toxicity? I am sending this information to others. To reiterate, a huge thanks.
Then they studied the kill rate.
How, exactly, do they study the kill rate? Are they relying on VAERS, the same way we are? I have read there is supposed to be a protocol whereby every single handler along the supply chain of every vial, from manufacturer, to person putting vial in freezer, to person who transports, to person who dilutes, to person who injects, is recorded on the vial. Pfizer refused to comply. No way to trace variables introduced along the way.
The amount of raw defensiveness based on massive mis/disinformation fed by fear-based slick advertising and mass media is sickening. It is indicative of some mass-formation something and it is not a positive step in human psychology. It is the culmination of a science, a culture, and civilizations gone bonkers. Support human interdependence, not globalist-inspired divide & conquer policies. We know who is doing all this. Rise up and stop them.
The last sentence is definitive. The rest isnu2019t.
Thank you, Robert, for shining a light on this topic.
My job is to simplify and clarify. My feeling is that splitting more hairs is unneeded. We have monstrous crimes and understand the unnatural motivations.
I appreciate your positive feedback; sometimes it seems like we are all casting around in the dark.
Except for the creators of the virus and the shots.
Dr. Yoho—this is a process, and you are helping to shine light on the demons who are perpetrating these crimes. People are waking up and fighting back. Remember–one candle . . . God bless you.
Thanks! This is the key:
Robert, you do excellent research, and put in long hours doing so.
Less than 2 minutes of research turns up what Every Parent should know, and be screaming at their Congresscritters over. TOXIC HEAVY METAL IN BABY FOOD/FORMULA
As RFK Jr says AUTISM and DEMENTIA. You are feeding your children Poison from birth to death. Along with the Killer Vaccines.
This is not well understood, but IT’S MY MONEY. NOT BIDEN’s. PLEASE BETTER EXPLANATION
US Treasury to Recommend Issuing Digital Dollar if in National Interest: Source
That much is simple to understand.
The Treasury Department, in what may be its most important recommendation spurred by President Joe Bidenu2019s executive order on crypto, will suggest how to move forward on a CBDC.
I HATE SELF CHECKOUTS, IT IS INCLUDED IN THE COST OF FOOD, IF I HAVE TO SHOP, CHECK OUT, BAG MY FOOD, I DESERVE CHEAPER PRICES. That cashier needs the job, as does the bagger. A CUSTOMER has demanded years of wages from a grocery chain after arguing that using self-checkout practically makes you identical to the cashier.
self-assembling nano-circuits in the vaxes
This is interesting in light of all the reports coming in from around the planet independently confirming the existence of these Graphene Oxide self-assembling circuits found in the vaccines.
Top shelf!
My hypothesis is that there were communities who followed the vaccine preservation instructions with a high degree of competence and integrity. Other communities just threw the crap into a fridge. We know degradation occurs quickly.
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Good article. You will probably like to read my Substack that elaborated on this issue.
Can’t watch the video at the beginning. ‘This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service’