JAMES PLAYED A CENTRAL ROLE in defeating the WHO power grab. He updates us on this action and is now organizing what we must do against the captured, corrupt FDA. Please see OpposeTheFraud.com for what we must do next.
If you are a podcaster or have a platform with listeners, PLEASE contact James for an immediate interview:
James Roguski
And/or contact me to re-post this blog. [email protected]. I will send you the audio and video. Or see it on Rumble HERE.
James, I am subscribed to, and publish occasionally, on Substack, and I feel the information you provide is the most important of any available. I do share your work with anyone interested. Please do not stop until the madness ends, if that ever happens. I am beginning to wonder
Is it possible to contact the FDA anonymously?
I would be concerned that the FDA (and the WHO recently) are holding just another One Hundred Flowers campaign.
Lots of stuff to worry about but we have to try. Our feet are in the alligator’s mouth.
FDA just approved new MMR VACCINE https://www.drugs.com/newdrugs/fda-approves-priorix-measles-mumps-rubella-vaccine-live-prevention-measles-mumps-rubella-5846.html?hash2=d36caf827488835023e24a6cebcecc19&utm_source=ddc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=FDA+Drug+Approval++FDA+Approves+Priorix++Measles++Mumps+and+Rubella+Vaccine++Live++for+the+Prevention+of+Measles++Mumps+and+Rubella+in+Individuals+12+Months+of+Age+and+Older
Two Babies Have Died And Many More Children Have Been Hospitalized Due To Melatonin (Gummy’s) Overdoses, A Study Says, CDC LINK in article.
Many other supplements in adult strength are very dangerous, there are no warning signs up.