The title is from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar in the scene where Caesar reproaches one of the Roman senators who is stabbing him to death. He says, “You too, Brutus?”
Many doctors have renounced their patient-first ethics and have fallen to fear, bribery, temptation, or indifference. They are Judases; know them by their fruits:
Prancing expert witnesses—whores of the court—abandoning any pretense of truth for $600-$1000 an hour.
Pediatricians padding their bank accounts hawking profitable vaccines that cause our babies’ disability and death.
Oncologists snatching $600,000 yearly in chemotherapy kickbacks for therapies that mostly do not work.
Psychiatrists. None of the drugs they prescribe have been studied using proper controls, and all cause violence, suicide, addiction, or health destruction.
Orthopedists and other surgeons operating on anything they can slap a billing code on.
And others.
The following are explanations but not excuses for these “physicians.”
Doctor burnout
This excerpt is from Seamus O’Mahony’s Can Medicine Be Cured (2019). He walked a road related to mine and finally woke up.
More than most professions, medicine colonizes one’s life. After graduation, I was consumed by the demands of the job. Years went by in a blur of weekends on call and post-graduate examinations. My horizon was always near: the next job, the next qualification. For many years, I embraced this way of living and thinking. It is not without its advantages: medical career structures, and what passes for success in the profession, are so rigid and clearly laid out that the true careerist knows instinctively what to do in any given situation.
I slowly ascended the ladder to the status of consultant in a British National Health Service teaching hospital, spending many years along the way in various training positions. As a young consultant, I became something of a Pharisee, a vector of institutional and professional culture. By the age of forty, I had achieved a state of perpetual busyness, and might have continued along this well-trodden pathway for the remainder of my career.
A series of events during my forties changed everything; the details are both too tedious and too personal to recount here. When, at the age of fifty, I surveyed the wreckage, I concluded that I had somehow sabotaged this promising career. The sabotage may have been subconsciously deliberate: the real problem was a loss of faith, an apostasy.
The cartoon character Wile E. Coyote falls to his doom in the canyon only when he no longer believes; as long as he is unaware of his situation, he remains blissfully suspended in mid-air. My apostasy did not extend to the clinical encounter, and old-fashioned doctoring. I lost faith in all the other things: medical research, managerialism, protocols, metrics, even progress. I became convinced that medicine had become an industrialized culture of excess, and that Ivan Illich’s assertion that it had become a threat to health—which seemed ludicrous to many doctors in the mid-1970s—was true…
Medicine has become a pseudo-religion; our patients must be gently encouraged into apostasy and renunciation… [We have all] been enslaved by the medical–industrial complex, and it is time we rebelled. Society needs to reach a new accommodation with old age and death.
Plastic surgeons get burned out or tossed out.
Nearly all my contemporaries eventually washed out or gave up. I tell you their tales to illustrate the rugby scrum they live inside. Although I dodged bullet after bullet, this inevitability came to me as well, and you can read about it in Cassandra.
Getting cosmetic surgery is not like having your nails done. Nearly all busy plastic surgeons see a patient death or two during their careers. Bad outcomes are picked apart after the fact, judgments are harsh, and calls for the doctor’s scalp are routine. Occasionally this is justified.
I know most of the doctors below well, and none are incompetent. You are right to conclude some are criminals. But consider this: surgeons make thousands of critical decisions a month. We are neither saints nor machines, and doctors make mistakes and fall prey to temptations like anyone else.
A local plastic surgeon was so high-profile that he broadcast his opinions on TV. But when a world-famous celebrity’s mother died in his surgery after an all-day procedure, the experts said that he should have done the work in stages. He lost everything and was forced to move in with his mother.
Our professional organization’s most prominent and respected physician lectured us at every meeting and trained many hands-on. He lived a lavish lifestyle, but after a string of financial and personal disasters, he abandoned his $4000 suits and was last seen driving an Uber.
Thirty years ago, I visited a surgeon to observe him. While I was in his office, he told me about all the money he was making from insurance fraud. The next I heard, he was fined five million dollars and sentenced to two years in federal prison. He eventually got his license back and is still practicing in his 80s. He remains one of the most talented surgeons and skilled clinicians I have ever met, and I trusted him to operate on three of my family members.
A colleague who helped train me died of an overdose one night. He was alone on the floor of his operating room giving himself anesthesia drugs through a foot vein. His staff knew that he was an addict and exactly what he was doing, but did not want to shut down their money machine, so they never forced him into rehab. One phone call by a friend to the authorities would have saved his life.
A distant acquaintance tried to duplicate my practice but did not have a dynamo wife to pull it off. A patient died in his office surgery, the Board took his license, and he was shot in a liquor store two years later.
A bright, hard-working Iranian friend developed a huge cosmetic surgery practice in Beverly Hills. The plastic surgeons there live on jealousy, and they hated him for his success and likely for his ethnicity. A news organization did an attack piece on him that included an undercover video. He also had patient complications that were far less serious than mine and never fatal. The Board must have viewed him as vulnerable because of his accent and country of origin, so they stripped him of his license. He lost his practice, investments, home, and wife. He now works as an administrator in a worker’s compensation clinic. He changed his name to avoid having to explain all the internet defamation.
We heard through our patients that several rival plastic surgeons seemed to spend more time bad-mouthing us than working. One was such an obnoxious b**** that she was forced to leave private practice for a salaried job at Kaiser. The other I will call Karen. She had a law degree in addition to her MD and acted more like an attorney than a doctor. Despite her Ivy League qualifications, Karen became so unpopular with patients that to make ends meet, she had to volunteer for hospital emergency room call. She found a way to make it pay, however—she made her new patients and their families sign a contract promising to reimburse her whatever she charged. Karen’s bills were tens of thousands of dollars for an hour of stitching tiny cuts, and when patients would laugh it off, she would foreclose on their homes. The California Medical Board eventually censured her.
This story is from Butchered by “Healthcare:”
Dr. David Morrow had a black belt in billing fraud. His plastic surgery practice was in Rancho Mirage, CA, and his specialty was concocting insurance billing for people having cosmetic surgery. We knew he was making money because he could afford the Palm Springs Life Magazine ads that cost $80,000 a month.
Morrow billed his nose jobs as deviated septum surgeries, his breast augmentations as “tuberous breast deformities,” and his tummy tucks as treatment of umbilical and ventral hernias. He would brazenly sue his patients’ employers if their medical insurers refused to pay. His bills were as much as $700,000 (seven hundred thousand dollars) for a single day’s work on one person.
When one of Morrow’s clients died during surgery, the plaintiff’s attorneys saw what was happening and turned him over to federal prosecutors. By 2017, he and his codefendant wife faced decades in prison for allegations of $80 million of fraudulent billing. After a plea bargain, just before sentencing, they sold their $9.5 million Beverly Hills mansion, wire-transferred the money abroad, jumped bail, and disappeared.
The police caught them in 2019. The LA Times headline was, “Southern California Plastic Surgeon Extradited Two Years After Fleeing With Fake Passports to Israel.” Both in their 70s, he and his wife will probably spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
Morrow was a rotten apple, but his billing practices are still common among his colleagues in Los Angeles. We have heard about this for decades from our patients. Putting Morrow in prison has not helped—insurance fraud for tummy tucks and nose surgery is still prevalent.
Find more at the end of this post. It is TMI (too much info), but I could tell you far more if you bought me a beer.
Why do so few doctors see the lies?
Many less intellectual people are more skeptical than physicians, and denial operates over the whole spectrum of smarts. Wisdom or interpretive ability has a limited relationship with brilliance because creative people can make excuses so easily. Tim Hindmarsh (BS Free MDs podcast) adds, “The more theories you learn, the more common sense is pushed out.”
Tim also says, “Doctors are engaged in a cool-aid-guzzling contest.” This refers to Jim Jones convincing his followers—including their children—to drink poison cool-aid. It was a graphic demonstration of social compliance and the power of peer pressure.
One of my brilliant engineering friends (DS) claims intelligence can be a disadvantage. Bright people may have their heads so far up inside their [academic details] that they miss the big picture. It can hamper their judgment and life choices. This is the “geek” effect; some have trouble focusing on their clothes or even personal hygiene. Doctors are usually not that smart, but a lot of them have trouble communicating with people with IQs more than a standard deviation or two lower than theirs. The brightest have difficulty finding marriage prospects to whom they can relate.
The white coats are symbols of uniform thinking, and regimented training programs stamp out creativity. “Care standards” are developed by the medical industry to maximize profits and enforce groupthink rather than to foster thought.
Later in our careers, litigation injures our psyches, erodes our courage, and makes some of us worry more about malpractice than patient welfare. Physicians are in a pitiful situation—I have been there—and I would feel sorry for them if they had not colluded in the murders of so many.
Like everyone else, doctors have money pressures.
From Butchered:
Physician training is brutal, and our expectations are high. Most of us have little income through our mid-30s, and we often take out huge loans. We may be responsible for spouses and children. Everyone around us seems to be squeezing a fortune out of healthcare: older surgeons, radiologists, hospital administrators, and even the lawyers suing us. We want to claw our way up the pay scale.
Debt slavery is real, and US consumers have a growing mountain of credit card liabilities. Current medical school graduates owe an average of $250,000—the equivalent of a second house payment. Since federal law denies bankruptcy for student debt, many never catch up.
Cui Bono, the Latin phrase meaning “who benefits,” says the motive for an act or event lies with the person who has something to gain. Corporations incentivize doctors to beat money out of the system rather than to put patients first:
The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. —Arnold Relman, MD, former editor NEJM (2002)
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. ―Upton Sinclair
Never argue with a man whose job depends on not being convinced. —H. L. Mencken
Below are examples of physician bribes for giving Covid vax (thank you, MB). Arrangements like these exist through a loophole. If two physicians were involved instead of a corporation and physician, these kickbacks would be “capping,” a felony (this is true or close to it, but if it is not precise, let me know). Note: The Twitter thread where this was published was packed with Pharma trolls claiming all was well, nothing to see here.
How I escaped some of the temptations
Loose money from the insurance industry degraded physicians’ ethics, and they became entitled. Although I am guilty of many sins, I never billed insurance, had no relationships with hospitals, and had limited contact with drug companies. I bought Botox, filler, and breast implants, but my corporate bribery extended only to occasional meals for my staff.
Many doctors bend—or rather shatter—insurance billing rules. For example, after a “nose job” heals, who can say whether sinus surgery was done or not? Even surgeons have trouble telling without an uncomfortable examination. Another trick: some plastic surgeons subsidize their cosmetic breast augmentation and liposuction practices by billing surgical center fees. This occasionally pays $30,000 or more for a single procedure. The loophole remains open because the hospital lobby is powerful, and outpatient surgicenters are in their same category.
Although I obtained surgical center certifications and had a wall of diplomas as visually impressive as anyone’s, I worked outside hospitals and insurance companies. I felt friction whenever I interacted with other doctors; in retrospect, I sensed jealousy. They knew of my work from my advertising and website, perhaps felt trapped by their situations, and must have fantasized that my income was a multiple of theirs. The reality was that my overhead was always 80 percent or higher. I never got rich, and my peers who were billing insurance often made far more.
I had a secret weapon, but she had to work sixty hours a week to make our system work. Norman Mailer’s quote about one of his five wives applies to me, “With that woman by my side, no one could ever count me out.”
When medical records were mandated in 2009, I continued with paper because I never billed anyone but the patient. My colleagues began wasting forty percent of their evening time clicking boxes to get paid.
Doctors are like everyone else, and we must learn lessons from them.
Some people can never become allies, but others have potential. We must focus on where we can do the most good because time is short.
Those who refused the jab are our people. They usually have thinking skills, common sense, or both. Others have been fooled many times, which gives them an armor of suspicion and distrust. They may be shrewd even if they are not knowledgeable. The CDC claims that 92 percent of us were originally vaxed, but Tom Renz thinks the figure is closer to 60 percent. Some were coerced into a jab or two but vowed never again. About half are still following peer pressure and galloping after the herd.
Some people have little interest in right or wrong and do not substantially care about others. They are adrift in a sea of narcissism, and a few are sociopaths. Others know what is right but lack the courage to stand up. They might as well be in the first group. I drop all these people like empty magazines in a gunfight.
A third to half of the populace is constantly stoned, and we can expect little from them. Dope from the street or from a doctor has the same effects, and twenty percent of all Americans use intoxicating psych drugs. At least half are taking other prescriptions, many of which also have mental effects. Marijuana has been decriminalized in 31 states, and although this is said by some to be a net good, few sensible people believe that increased usage benefits us. Finally, up to 13 percent of us are alcoholics.
The globalist propaganda has hollowed out the intellects of at least a quarter of the population, primarily those on the left. They have allowed their minds to be inhabited by an incessant chatter of Marxist, carbon, transgender, and other frauds.
Well over half of us DFR (do not read). Even more DFL (do not listen). Innately skeptical people sometimes manage to make the right decisions anyway, but the rest have little chance.
For most people, thriving or even surviving in today’s Matrix is so demanding that considering alternative realities is too strenuous for them. Even bright and energetic people rarely have the bandwidth to look for the truth outside their complicated lives. This particularly applies to physicians.
A small group has been bribed, threatened, or aggressively attacked, sometimes physically. Most of us are too far down the food chain to warrant any of this.
So—at least half of us do not have the skills, backbone, skepticism, moral structure, or thinking abilities to help. We must not waste time on them. Instead, we should focus our information war on the minority who are the most promising.
As Peter McCullough says, once someone sees, they cannot unsee. You are drafted—but only if you give a damn—to start a Substack, upload your entire phone list, then mail them weekly as I suggested HERE in “Your Conscription Notice Into the Revolutionary Army.” You have something to say, and even if you doubt that you should copy and send out the words of others. If you think this is too much work, contemplate what it was like at Valley Forge during the Revolutionary War. You may find yourself in a situation like that soon.
The Cassandra’s Memo ebook is free HERE if you promise to send this download link to five or more others. With your help, we will educate some people sitting on the fence.
BONUS: I am also giving away the Hormone Secrets and Butchered by “Healthcare” ebooks using the same arrangement; you can download them free HERE and HERE if you promise to send the links to your friends.
Optional: more doctor stories
Chad was a friend from residency. He was 34 years old in 1986, just out of pathology training, and he found a job in Alabama for $400,000 a year. It was a lot of money, especially then, and he had a big house and a nice life. But when his wife divorced him, he started taking Vicodin to relax.
He liked it, and gradually increased his use up to 100 a day. Since Vicodin contains Tylenol, which is fatal when 30 are taken at once, Chad also dosed himself with daily Mucomyst (acetylcysteine). This is the treatment for Tylenol overdose, and it protected his liver. He bought bottles of 5,000 Vicodin tablets each from a drug wholesaler and made it through a year.
The DEA came to his door and asked him what he was doing with all that Vicodin. He admitted he was taking it, for if he said anything else, they would assume he was selling it and send him to jail. Instead, Chad went to a $40,000 a month rehabilitation program in Atlanta, where he met a lot of nice anesthesiologists. At least ten percent of anesthesia providers are addicts, and they go to rehab three times as frequently as other specialties. A survey of 260 anesthesiologists said 16 percent had been drug dependent, and a full third liked to get high. (I was in operating rooms twice where the anesthesiologist went into the bathroom and came out flushed and laughing. They had obviously been sampling their wares.)
Chad had saved money, but he learned the hard way about the rehab center’s business model. He said they never pronounce a patient cured until their money ran out, and that is what happened to him. These places base their treatment on concepts from Alcoholics Anonymous, which has a religious character. Their success rate is only five to ten percent.
When I tracked Chad down in New York several years later, he looked terrible and had gained weight. He was taking methadone maintenance and was barely functional. He had tried every other treatment, and nothing else kept him on his feet. He told me, yawning, “My opioid receptors are shot.” He had lost his medical license and was working as an HIV counselor. This was 1988, a long time before our national opioid crisis. (From the original version of Butchered by “Healthcare.”)
A surgeon owned a group practice that performed more cosmetic plastic procedures weekly than others did over months. They had several fatalities over the years, but he survived because he was tough and never intimidated. When one of his doctors sued him, he had to pay a multimillion-dollar judgment. I do not believe he was blameless in this matter (who is, ever?), but I think his lawyer was an idiot. I have been his friend for decades; his skills, tenacity, and accomplishments amaze me. He is still practicing in his mid-70s.
A physician who took the cosmetic surgery boards with me thirty-five years ago was seen selling Christmas trees in Florida after he lost his license.
A friend got involved in a naive income tax evasion scheme that he thought was legal. He might have gotten away with it if he had lied on his tax return, but he checked the box admitting that he had an offshore trust. So he went to the federal prison in Las Vegas for two years. He told me later that the times he enjoyed most there were when he was emptying wastebaskets at his janitor job. His wife exited during the litigation leading to his arrest, and divorce lawyers took over half of their assets. Meanwhile, he met a girl working at Jack in the Box and married her. After years of struggle, he obtained a medical license in another state and now manages a thriving alternative medicine group. He had been so thoroughly smeared on the internet that he changed his name. He does not see patients.
Another close friend tried to run an obstetrical and a cosmetic surgery practice simultaneously. (Imagine being called for a delivery during a surgical procedure.) He was good at it and did well. When he decided to quit, he called his worker’s compensation insurance policy and claimed that his moderate hand arthritis might force him to drop a baby during a delivery. This was a stretch, but after a fight, he scored $24 thousand a month tax-free for the rest of his life. His new career is owning and operating an unprofitable strip club. Like most gynecologists, he is fascinated by women.
One of my wonderful mentors from Utah was hassled by their medical board for half a century because he did a few abortions early in his career. They looked through his garbage for decades in their attempts to somehow incriminate him. When he was in his 70s, they finally managed to strip him of his license after a fatality. He was a wonderful friend, a skilled teacher, and the best overall clinician I have ever met.
Another colleague had a massive heart attack and nearly died during the worst practice stresses of his career. He wanted to retire but feared that one of his patients would hassle him. After mostly recovering, he quit work, left his home in Hawaii, and hid in another state. I thought he was likely dead until he called me out of the blue several years later. None of his patients ever tracked him down.
A senior mentor of mine trained his arrogant general surgeon son. Several of the son’s breast lift patients “necrosed” a nipple and areola, which means that the nipple and pigmented area around it died and then healed as a scar. He quit cosmetic surgery under a cloud, unable to get insurance.
A distant acquaintance was one of the most successful liposuction surgeons in Los Angeles, but he was vulnerable because he was not a member of the professional groups. With his huge practice, a patient disaster was statistically inevitable. When it happened, he lost his license and went to law school.
Note: Plastic and cosmetic surgeons both perform beauty surgery such as breast implants. These groups are about as different as labradors and golden retrievers, but the plastics have a powerful professional group they use to vilify economic rivals. They also have a far higher serious complication rate, but they perform complicated surgeries under general anesthesia more often. Sometimes this is justified by circumstances, but sometimes not, as with the sturgeon (sic) whose celebrity patient died after an all-day operation.
My vast income from working Substack fifty hours a week for a year:
“Many doctors have renounced their patient-first ethics and have fallen to fear, temptation, or indifference. They are Judases; know them by their fruits:” Doctors haven’t been patient-first for the better part of a century; they’re student loans first. No way they’re going to get fired from their job for speaking an inconvenient truth while they still owe $100,000 which can’t be discharged through bankruptcy.
That’s the whole point of usury: spiritual enslavement and control.
exactly, and the globalists are using it to enslave everyone
Thank you for this, doc. Long, but worth it.
If you were to clean Augean stables, what would you do?
They don’t realize the money they’re selling out for will soon be worthless. Because of their actions.
This was the whole point of Obamacare; to enslave doctors and other professionals to the totalitarian government. The globalist psychopaths have been putting their system in place, stone by stone, for decades. Obamacare was the keystone for the u201Cpublic health emergencyu201D they needed to deploy the bioweapons and global psyop which would vaporize the thinking capacity of the majority of the worldu2019s Homo sapiens. The GLobal psychopaths also, in this country, succeeded at licensing every small business such that they could control whether they worked or not. For example Filipino women who have nail salons or eyebrow plucking ventures or gardeners or any other menial task now falls under some sort of state licensure. As I watched these things unfold over the past two or three decades I made note of the things that didnu2019t make sense to me. In retrospect, they make a lot of sense to me now.
I hope this is not a waste of your time. I h ave been a practicing general surgeon 45 years now. I am NOT doubting your experiences, but this is nmot the medical wolrld I have seen. Sorry – please forgive the typops I just had a stroke and my right hand does not obey me well yet. I hve no idea how many surgeons and other specialists I hjave met, worked with, reviewed, assisted, or covered for in all those years. Competence, reliability, respobnsibility were the almost universal rule. I can remember one physicioan imprisoned for income tax frau8d, and one other whose diagnoses and cardiological care were circumspect. I knew of three anesthesia providers wgho were narcotic addicts, and two nuirses. I think the situation is not quite as bad as you make itmout to bne. I think I would most certainly have found many more at fault physicians and especially surgeons if your glum wexperiences were the norm. Yes th inngs have shanged. Clinical medicine/surgery has largely been replaced by imagining. Physicians increasingly no l onger have or are allowed to jhave their patients’ best interests at heart. But I personally think the majority of physicians are honewt, compassiilnate, and competent. And BOY there are a LOT of typos above. Bob Heuermann
Thanks for your comment. Plastics/cosmetics are a wild group, but with what we have seen with Covid, few others have critical thinking abilities or the courage to do the right thing. The primary focus of this post was to let people see that doctors have the same foibles as everyone else. We can’t waste time on hypnotized people.
Thumb surgery got my fine motor skills. After 4 years of home rehab later, I have more use, but the typos are frequent. I learned it is easier to lessen them with Grammarly’s help and one-finger typing. The Baseball index finger will remain unrepaired, I’m not risking another surgery. There is only one in my area that specializes in hands. I’m extremely right-handed.
You were understandable despite the typos. And I agree there are good doctors out there, finding them is the problem. The one area of these last 2 generations of Docs is their lack of knowledge of the medications they script.
did you see typos?
Yes the paid Grammarly is the hot ticket but expensive
As a non doc I would like to comment. If a doctor gives out anti depressants, he is corrupt. Perhaps not in the financial sense. But anyone with half a brain knows these donu2019t work. NO ONE IS CURED THROUGH ANTI DEPRESSANTS. The personu2019s depression worsens over time. Statins are a joke. Cholesterol is not the bugaboo we were told. Most vaccines are not what we thought. And so on. I could go on and on. The psychotropics are arguably the worst. At this point unless you are an ER trauma doc you are probably curing almost no one and harming hundreds.
your view is too bleak on all of medicine (some of it works) but you are right about the entire psychiatric formulary and all vaccines and cholesterol frauds
Insulin. SHORT TERM use of painkillers. Some surgery techniques. Antibiotics. ER work for accidents etc. All good. Not much else.
If you took out all questionable medicines from the pharmacopoeia i suspect 90% would gone. You canu2019t get healthy until you live healthily – mentally physically and mostly spiritually.
Iu2019m a retired neurologist. I concur with your observations. At both the academic and clinical levels I found physicians hardworking, honest, intelligent and respected. In any profession, of course, there are, as my mother used to say, u201Ca few bad applesu201C but generally, I think weu2019re a damn good lot of people.
How do you explain nearly the entire profession refusing to treat COVID patients till they were very, very sick, refusing to use therapeutics, pushing the COVID shot, and now denying vaccine injury and death? Yes many are hardworking and intelligent, but I have serious doubts about honest part, and they have certainly lost a lot of respect. Like Dr. Yoho, I’m more disappointed in doctors than anyone else. They had the ability to put a stop to this whole travesty but didn’t. Many have blood on their hands.
And the way they have enabled the lies of the psychiatric profession. For decades. Denial of the injuries from drugs and shocks–often blaming it on the alleged brain disease which is used to justify inflicting more damage on the consumer. Often against his or her will. Not just shrinks. All doctors cover for them.
the shrinks should be abolished and ALL their meds
Took their “meds” religiously between 1992 and 2016. But in 2013 I ran across William Glasser and others. Completed a taper from my cocktail between March 2016 and August 2017.
Suffering autoimmune issues and (I believe) neurological and CNS damage to this day. Still can’t work and struggle to do basic chores from time to time. My executive function center never worked well- as a kid-but now I struggle to organize so hard the effort sometimes makes me break into tears. My whole life was wrecked at 18. I’m crippled and live alone in poverty so these “doctors” could make yacht payments.
I also am a physician, and although a surgeon, am now appalled at certain behaviors and mindsets STILL present amongst providers. I have not been vaccinated, one of the very few physicians that I know. I waws exposed to very early on in the “pandemic”, and both Bill Sardi and Jon Rapaport along with some stubbornness kept me unvaccinated. However, I was obviously the exception. I think most physician behavior in the beginning was governed (Regrettably; understandably??) by the media : the lies and most oimportantly OMISSIONS were devastating, and painc-inducing even im physicians. Not forgivable : Tunnel vision with respect to early treatment proptocols;, maintained ignorance of early treatmejnt protrocols,AND the complications of masks, mandates, lockdowns, and muizzling of alternate treatments, both early and late. The gene therapies (they are NOT vaccines) should have been EXTREMELY suspect from their conceptuion. They remain by and large freee of suspicion even now. There is NO questions physicians et al. should have stopped the “genme therapy roll-out very early. Even the anecdotal reports of immediate side effects and death should have puit the kibosh to this. EVEN IF YOU can excuse their behavior till this point, at no time EVER!!! shopuld pregnant women have been adminiostered this vaccine. NEVER That is to me alm,ost crimional. So yes I think many indeed do have blood on their hands. Anecdote: My outstanding, unvaccinated, now pregnant daughter-in-law, on her first prenatal visit, was URGED to receive the “gene therapy”,without even a one-=word risk-benefit discussion. Knowing her, I do not know how she managed to not STOPRM out of the office. THis URGING was weveral weeks ago, three years after the start of this horror, when it should be clear to anyone in healthcare who can read that the “gene therapy” is a dangerous menace on ALL FRONTS. Again,sorry for the typ[os. I just recently had a stroke, and my right hand no longer goes always here I tell it to go.
I”m equally angry and agree. Your skepticism and intellect shielded you
Exceptional people but led into the same traps as everyone else.
This is anecdotal. But I could give multiple examples. This is just my best example.
My husband had worthless chemotherapy pushed on him by multiple oncologist and doctors, more than once. I did research on the chemotherapy that they were strongly recommending and asked them questions about if there was any clinical evidence to support its use. When I asked this and presented my research, both oncologists looked ashamed and directed their eyes to the floor and both said the exact same u201Ccannedu201D answer. They both said, u201Cwe just donu2019t knowu201D.
Basically, I had caught them prescribing dangerous medical treatments that caused harm but had zero evidence of benefit. But because their little computer program suggested that this was the standard of care, (probably provided to them via the pharmaceutical industrial complex – indirectly of course) they were happy to push it. And I could tell that they felt educated and compassionate the whole time they pushed this dangerous treatment.
After they pushed it on two separate occasions over a six month period, my husband caved. They got their money. The tumor grew while my husband had the treatment and my husband learned that I know how to do simple research that medical professionals wonu2019t do. He was saved from the Covid u201Cvaccineu201D due to his newfound trust in my research ability and my skepticism of the current medical system. Thank God my husband finally wised up.
I donu2019t think any of these oncologists or doctors thought of themselves as corrupt or profiteering but they definitely were. The treatment had no benefit to my husband and cost him money and vitality, which is exactly what I knew would happen.
Going with the flow and not doing research that would compromise the doctoru2019s views of themselves as compassionate and competent is easier than allowing doubt to enter. In my view, they clearly choose to stay ignorant.
I canu2019t tell you how many of our doctor u201Cfriendsu201D thought we were stupid for not taking the vax. But I could undoubtedly run circles around them with knowledge of how the mRNA demonstrations were fraudulent. Am I smarter than them? Absolutely not. But our familyu2019s income doesnu2019t depend on staying ignorant so I can understand why we knew it was a scam and they still donu2019t know, three years later.
It hurts to agree with you. I am 75, and for a LONG time thought only thebest about physicioans ane nurses et al. Oh, sorry for the typos. HOWEVER, especially over the last threeyears,I must admit there are MANY more herd-following, State-gullible,possibly unscrupulous if not downright larcenous, physicians ouit there. IU am fairly sure Iam honest but quite gullible. But again I also feel that aGREATdeal of Pharmaceutical treatment, and vaccine prophylaxis, is VERY poorly researched, and even is safe unnecdessary. I think physicians as a group are probably worse than their view by the public, but better than bad. At sometime the public needs to be enormouisly educated, and perhaps AT SOME TIME set up their own private, self-funded advisopry group of trusted physicians et al, much on the lines of Underwriters’ Labs, or Consumer Reports : State-funded, State-staffed “Watchdog” groups simply cannot EVER be trusted.
I think you are correct about state-staffed watchdog groups not being trusted. They begin with good intentions but it doesnu2019t take long for corruption to take over and then the very watchdog groups end up wielding power against the people they were intended to serve and protect. This seems to be the nature of bureaucracy.
My personal strategy is to try and live in a way that makes it very unlikely to ever need medical care for chronic disease. Hopefully I will be successful. Iu2019ve made a lot of diet and lifestyle changes, which have been hard but they have paid off. I havenu2019t seen a doctor in 10 or 15 years, since I figured out that the system was corrupt and I was on my own to figure out good health.
But a medical system is still very important. I think there are groups trying to form independent medical systems. There is a group called The Wellness Company and it seems to be headed in this direction. I hope they are successful!
“VERY poorly researched.”
actually read fraudulent
I explain how it works in Butchered
I have the audiobook and it is an excellent book. Thank you for laying it all out. I knew most of the scams but there was also new information that I was not aware of. It’s so depressing. But it’s also good to know what’s going on in order to protect ones self from such a corrupt system.
Nice post, thanks Robert.
A good rule of thumb is that the more status a person has, the more sensitive they are to the dangers of being labeled low status, which could risk their careers and preferred place in society. Using the amount of education as a proxy ( ) , consider the over-conformity of doctors, lawyers, and other working professionals to government propaganda. Imagine these people losing their jobs, with degrees costing hundreds of thousands of dollars plus years of training, with many being crushed under enormous debt loads, for listening to disapproved views? It would be ludicrous. The safe course of action for well educated individuals is to consume only officially mandated sources of information within the narrow (and ever narrowing) range of acceptable public discourse at any particular moment, called the Overton Window.
Now, these people often do experience cognitive dissonance to mass media propaganda u2014 but only in their own area of expertise. They compartmentalize their dissonance and refuse to apply it to other areas of life. Michael Crichton created a term for this, the Gel-Mann Amnesia effect:
u201CBriefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backwardu2014reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.u2028u2028In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.u2028u2028That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I’d point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all. But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper when, in fact, it almost certainly isn’t. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia.u201D
Curtis Yarvin argues that the Gel-Mann Amnesia effect is rational because the costs of generalized dissidence is too high for most people. He states, u201CGiven Conquestu2019s lawu2014u2018everyone is reactionary on the subjects they understandu2019u2014many adopt a craven, but all too human, corollary. After taking a bold stance in their own specialty, they have no stomach for any other fight. Reactionary enlightenment in one field should cast Bayesian doubt on other fields. Instead, local enlightenment reinforces global ignorance. Logically, the specialist should reason that if his own field, which he knows closely, is corrupt, other fields which he cannot examine in detail may be corrupt as well. But emotionally, the cost of a general dissidence far exceeds the value of extending the inference. The sweet spot is general compliance, local dissidence.u201D
I copied this to read it again. Thanks for your contribution.
Very interesting. However, I found that a lot of doctors that I know didnu2019t even figure out this was a scam.
Hi Brandy, yes, the Overton Window is the range of acceptable thought within respectable society, and during COVID it was *only* respectable to get the vaccine and push it, hard, onto others.
The best way for people who have higher status, including doctors, to avoid the dangers of cognitive dissonance is not to listen to wrongthink (such as COVID vaccine dangers) in the first place…
I guess I was referring to this statement, u201C Now, these people often do experience cognitive dissonance to mass media propaganda u2014 but only in their own area of expertise.u201D Maybe it was there in the doctoru2019s minds and we just didnu2019t have a window into their thoughts. But the actions of the majority of medical professionals did not show that they knew something was very wrong. Which was crazy because the recommendations were the opposite of what former research had concluded.
But perhaps Iu2019m not seeing what you were saying.
Anyway, my thought on your last suggestion is that I donu2019t know how doctors can avoid listening to u201Cwrong thinku201D because wrong think is literally build into the entire medical system. CDC, NIH, HHSu2026 this is where the wrong think was originating (as far as we know publicly) and those organizations are the titular head of the entire medical system. They would have been fired if they hadnu2019t listened to u201Cwrong thinku201D. Thus the dilemma. Or, thus the perfect set up, depending on your perspective.
Hi Brandy, “wrongthink” is a defined term, created by Orwell. “wrongthink” means “Beliefs or opinions that run contrary to the prevailing or mainstream orthodoxy.” , not “thoughts that are wrong/against truth”. See here:
In the case of doctors, wrongthink would occur if doctors listened to/were influenced by alternative sources — such Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Alex Berenson, Simone Gold, etc. Even Joe Rogan to a point. It is “wrong” in the sense that it is against establishment propaganda, and hence dangerous for their continued employment…
I see what you are saying. I should have read again before commenting.
Yes, they definitely avoided any credible sources of disagreement with the narrative – or u201Cwrong thinku201D. To me, thatu2019s a choice that reflects either their love of truth or their love of comfort (income, social acceptance etc). Maybe choice isnu2019t the best word. But it definitely revealed the inner character of many people.
Itu2019s been so disheartening to see how few people love truth. The medical community is rife with this but Iu2019m sure itu2019s prevalent in many areas of society. Primal survival instincts? Selfishness? Blissful ignorance? Whatever it is, a lot of people died over it.
those who know are often wrapped up in their own situation rather than thinking about others and many are fooled
Yes, I could see examples of both situations. Each of them is tragic in their own way.
Interesting, a visit with my primary ended with me asking if he had read Ed Dowd’s book. He said he had. We both smiled. OTOH, it took a while to get him to stop recommending a PSA. I accept the finger wag and the diagnosis of mild enlargement. At 83 I’m way beyond allowing any correction in that area. We also laugh about him still working when he and I are about the same age – he points out that I have had more going medically wrong. I dread his retirement.
Hi Brandy, one more point…check out the political affiliations of doctor specialists:
Infectious disease specialists are by far the most liberal of all doctors, likely due to its focus and stress on government interventions. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail…
Wow! What a fascinating chart. And it actually matches up to my friends and acquaintances, anecdotally. The whole world definitely turned into a sea of nails.
From the beginning, I could feel the collectivist undercurrent running through this entire debacle. Peoples’ sense of morality was preyed upon like nothing I’ve ever seen. Those who feel the collective should be put first (the left) are the ones who were most easily swept up by the pandemic propaganda. If someone had told me a few years ago that in the future the left would be championing a massive wealth transfer from the poor to the rich, government sponsored censorship, forced toxic gene therapies, profits for the most lucrative private industry on the planet, discrimination – I would have laughed at what funny thought. But here we are. All you have to do is tell them that it’s for the good of the whole.
the brainwashing started long before the “pandemic” of course. I started seeing anti- anti-vax messages sweeping through the culture on social media starting in about 2018. You could tell that none of the people passing on the memes against anti-vaxxers had ever read a scientific study challenging the idea of “safe and effective” but there people were, laughing at the “flat earthers”. They had to paint all anti-vaxxers as selfish, ignorant, deplorable humans who just want children to die. I’m sure that sentiment against vaccine critics has always been there since the invention of the small pox vaccine but it took on a bold public-shaming stance starting then, in preparation for future planned events, no doubt. Whoever is running this monkey show tapped into the psychology of the left masterfully. AI makes Psy-Ops so easy to roll out. It will be a miracle if we can stop whatever it is that’s taking over. They can clearly shape popular public opinion with very little effort.
Fascinating reading. Totally absorbing. Thank you for your insight and for your willingness to share.
Fire. u2714uFE0Fu2714uFE0Fu2714uFE0F
Interesting and Engrossing! One of your best yet! Thank you.
When I turned 60, I realized I was going to die. Someday. I could go easy and live healthy until that moment or visit a doctor.
During my 50s I realized that doctors are human and pretty much represent microcosm of society.
Thank you.
In a small bit of info toward finding truth to save our destroyed USA medical system.
Show the connections of philanthropic moneyu2019s connections to healthcare and public health and the COVID false flag bombing event. Show Bill Gates and Leslie Wexnersu2019s connections to Jeffrey Epsteinu2019s human trafficking and pedophilia enterprises.
Here is a 2023 big lies-packed piece that exemplifies CIA-grade psyop and propaganda. It is loaded with sketchy words and phrases that make up the official narrative of the PLANdemic.
‘COVID Isn’t Over’: Here’s What Experts Expect The COVID-19 Pandemic To Be Like This Year
Nina Golgowski
Note reference to the reference to the Wexner Medical Center in Ohio, a gift to the university from Jeffrey Epsteinu2019s mentor and benefactor.
Hopeful leads on these connectionsu2026
Billionaire Les Wexner Uses Bodyguards to Dodge Subpoena In Scandalous Jeffrey Epstein Sex Trafficking Lawsuit Against JPMorgan: Court Documents
u2022 Lingerie mogul Les Wexner is allegedly using burly bodyguards to dodge a subpoena in the scandalous lawsuit accusing JPMorgan Bank of helping Jeffrey Epstein run his child sex trafficking operation, has learned.
u2022 The U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) want to interrogate the billionaire founder and former CEO of The Limited and Victoriau2019s Secrets, who is widely credited for helping Epstein amass millions in the mid-1980s by hiring him as a personal money manager.
u2022 But the crafty 85-year-old tycoon has allegedly given the process server the slip, and the USVI filed a motion asking a Manhattan federal court judge overseeing the case to have the subpoena issued by certified mail.
u2022 u201CThe Government seeks documents concerning the transactions and relationship between Wexner and Epstein and communications with JPMorgan regarding Epstein,u201D according to a motion filed in U.S. District Court in New York seeking the judgeu2019s help.
u2022 u201CEpstein and Wexner had a longstanding business and personal relationship until Wexner terminated Epstein in 2008, facts of which JPMorgan was well aware.u201D
Epstein was involved in some secret genetic engineering schemes as well, covered in one of u2018s shows.
Gates made several flights to Epsteinu2019s evil Little Saint James island compound.
Which is why I still use the Free one.
Quite enlightening. STOP AND FRISK NO, LA CRIME LA Sen John Kennedy (R)
Sen John Kennedy, R-:A Budget a number too big to pay off in generations
The globalists have the collapse planned. Our job is to avert or even just postpone it. Other considerations are secondary. Medicine has been manufactured into a corrupt mess, but it’s just one part of the picture.
Please comment:
Docu2019s apology? No way!
Sure explains what is behind the medical pharmacy industrial complex.
This wasnu2019t an interesting read, it was a fascinating road trip with twists and turns and so much to learn. Maybe if people still wearing masks read this it would pierce the veil of obedience to Fauci and friends?
Thank you for all your hard work putting this together. Sending to friends.
I just finished listening to “War is a Racket” written by Smedly D. Butler a retired US Marine General and available on YT as an audio. He wrote it in 1935. It is a brutal indictment of the corruption and profiteering underscoring so many wars that the US has fought. Your essay is like a counterpart to General Butler’s assessment in the medical field.
Great anecdotes, Robert. Sounds like surgery is a war zone. For doctors like you (and me) continuing medical education has meant far more than CME’s: it has meant coming to grips with the immense corruption that has come to pervade the medical profession in the past 40 years. When I started my career in the mid-1980’s, things were just starting to get bad. It became worse in the 90’s and since then it’s been a s–t show. I escaped into alternative medicine around 2000, and have found a happy home there, practicing homeopathy, herbalism, Bowenwork, nutrition and functional medicine where I can help people in spite of my medical background.
Nothing beats homeopathy in the right person right time right remedy. It is simply amazing.
Like everyone else.
From the beginning of the u201Cpandemicu201D, the thought that kept going through my mind was that the only people who could stop this was the doctors. Because doctors went right along with all the ridiculousness, the general public just assumed that everything happening was legitimate. The few doctors that spoke up were cancelled.
What is clear to me is that the last thing on the industrial medical complexu2019s agenda is health and wellness. Health and wellness just doesnu2019t make money. Iu2019ve known this for about a decade but through the pandemic, I was shocked at how completely corrupt the system is. Itu2019s so unbelievable.
And now Iu2019m getting constant messages in my social media feed that children need their vaccines. Looks like they cooked their golden goose and many parents are aware of the scam. At least there is a silver lining.
Please comment:
Docu2019s apology? No way!
Yes this is an excellent coverage of the same topic. The only quibble I have is: “Since college, doctors are fed the lie that they are superior.” This is not a lie. They are the largest group (a million in the usa) with IQs of about 130: super high. Unfortunately, this does not save them from all the other factors.
That’s the problem…a higher IQ does not make anyone superior. Let’s see how many of these high IQ-ers survive in the real world where they have to live on their own.
One of my sons has a 176 IQ. One other son taught himself to read when he was four. I caught him reading a teen aged level book to his four year old buddies. Reading it very well. My youngest son is quite smart and very fast. I doubt though he is genius level IQ. On a test. He is in charge of my estate. He is 20x as successful as his two brothers. We know doctors learn well. How many are actually good thinkers? Apparently very few. My youngest is a better thinker than his two brilliant, as they are, brothers. IQ is not meaningless, but it doesnu2019t measure Intelligence as we believe intelligence to be.
Thanks Dr. Yoho. Been years in the corruption of doctors & so called “medicines”.
From ex Pfizer scientist
Thank you dr. Yoho this explains a lot. Nobody’s perfect but there is a lot to be said about human decency and just plain greed.
I believe about half of what docs do is reasonable. Your cynicism is warranted but closer study would yield a great deal more medical good.
Really interesting. I can sympathize with the lengthy program of learning and training and the grueling hours and the risks and choices that are made every day. However, many doctors are well compensated for their career choices. One is not forced into this employment or business.
…”Current medical school graduates owe an average of $250,000u2014″… really does not compute since over any 10 year period, a doctor could make $3-10 million or much more.
The only solution I see is to get big pharma out of the doctoring business as well as government and special interests. What was once an honorable profession has sunk to the lowest depths and is still sinking. Doctors are human you say, and yet none will go to prison for some of the dastardly deeds they perform, including murder. Money, prestige, power and the lack of ethics buys them a free pass.
There’s a new, free, powerful tool for anyone to easily search VAERS Covid-19 reports and see summarized results. You can search by batch number or symptoms, as well as location, age, vax date, and more. Check it out and share with anyone wondering if their batch(es) had VAERS reports submitted and the associated symptoms or severity.
I hope the medical community makes use of the tool too.
Quite clever visuals.
Good dude; you’re lucky. I’m not sure how anyone who is working has time to read, much less listen.
Thank you for this post. I quit General Surgery when liability insurance was going to be 1/3 of my gross income in 2001; I now do General Practice and Integrative Medicine and have no dealings with the hospital; it has has been very gratifying. I am literally surrounded by physicians who are hospital employees just towing the line and doing algorithmic medicine with no regard to the individual patient ( while paying lip service to this). COVID was one heck of a red pill; I stayed open for business, while those offices around me closed in fear, I prescribed HCQ and IVM, even oxygen as needed and kept and cared for at home and alive. And now I wonder: how was I able to survive for 25 years putting patients first, following the original Hypocratic oath and so many of my colleagues sold out. Et tu Brutus indeed. And if I took that red pill, why did so few others? There is no way to justify what went on in our once noble profession. One last thing: being away from hospital based medicine, Iu2019m hard pressed to understand just how and when things went bad. As a symptom, I noticed that our local medical society meetings went imperceptibly from standing room only to just a few old timers like me to recruiting nurse practitioners to just dissolving. How very sad.
Information exists, sometimes from traditional sources, but skepticism should rule. Mercola is a great place to start. Best