HERE is the Rumble video link to this interview.
Ms. Gregson hosts “Faithful Freedom with Teryn Gregson,” presented by We The Patriots USA. This is an Idaho-based non-profit; HERE is their website. They say:
We The Patriots USA, Inc. was founded out of necessity. In a time when all of the things we hold most dear–faith, family, health, truth, and freedom–are under constant attack, there is no choice but to stand up and take back our country.
We will not remain silent while tyrants are working overtime to strip us of our inalienable rights for WE ARE PATRIOTS. Are you? Patriots unite!
We The Patriots USA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Here are just some of the things our organization is working to protect:
Religious freedom
Medical freedom
Parental rights
Educational freedom, whether in public, private, or home schools
First Amendment rights
Second Amendment rights
Free enterprise/capitalism, unencumbered by government regulation
Military service members and Veterans’ rights, including veteran healthcare in and out of the service
Environmental safety, especially the removal of radiological and chemical toxins
Food safety
You do not have to agree with us on everything, and we welcome healthy and respectful debate. That is what makes us Americans, after all! We are happy to stand beside you and fight on any and all of these initiatives.
Teryn wrote me:
I am deeply concerned about how pregnancies are damaged by the COVID shot and the childhood vaccines. We are watching experimentation on women and unborn babies.
I interviewed a group of gynecologists who explained how Health and Human Services (HHS) bribed the American College of Gynecologists (ACOG). They took $5 million and in return agreed to push the untested COVID shot. Their patients are pregnant women, who are “category X.” This means that drug testing is never considered safe for them.
HERE is the link to watch our show below. Dr. Thorp, one of the gynecologists I interviewed, has a wife who is an attorney. She used the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to force the HHS to release documents that proved the bribery. The ACOG had to spread the government’s lies to receive that money,
The more recent development is testing the Respiratory Syncytial virus (RSV) shot on pregnant women. This common respiratory virus usually causes only mild, cold-like symptoms. Almost all children will have had a this infection by their second birthday, and it goes away on its own in nearly every case.
HERE is the link to other court-ordered documents that the court ordered Pfizer to release:
On Page 7 you will see that women were disproportionately affected. Of the 42,086 people followed, 29,914 women had adverse events, vs. 9182 men (2990 were unknown—which even if all those were male, it still wouldn’t rival the adverse events in women.)
On page 12 you will see in bullets three and four that they had 270 pregnant women in the study. Of these, they only followed 32 of them through their entire pregnancies, and saw 23 miscarriages and 5 neonatal deaths. So of the 32 pregnancies they followed, 28 lost their babies.
My latest Instagram post shows these documents.
Teryn has interviewed many of the key players in the Freedom Movement, so we had a lot to talk about. has a national conference June 2-3, and I am going to try to go. See you there!
The Cassandra’s Memo ebook is free HERE if you promise to send the download link to five or more others. Hard copies are available at Barnes and Noble. With your help, we will educate some people sitting on the fence. If you have time to write a review at Barnes and Noble, click HERE and scroll down the page until you see the blue “review” button on the right.
BONUS: I am also giving away the Hormone Secrets and Butchered by “Healthcare” ebooks using the same arrangement; you can download them free HERE and HERE if you promise to send the links to your friends. Hard copies of these are available at Amazon.
I have no copyright; you may (accurately) quote any of my essays or books in part or whole without restriction. Also, this is not medical advice as I’m retired. Use the information here at your own risk.
Substack love:
Thanks for all your work Doc. We do really appreciate it. I don’t always get to all the posts, but the quality here is undeniable. I hope to send “Cassandra’s Memo” soon to a family member. PLEASE, keep on trucking!
Great interview. I became a supporter of when they first started about three years ago. I began my residency in alternative USA patriotism in about 1990. (Used to do transcripts of audio and video for Dr. Stan Monteith, and Dr. James Fetzer as well as a few other professors and MDs in the alternative media.)
Had a special interest and focus on everything about u201Cthe pandemicu201D but lately my research focuses on what exactly u201CCOVID-19u201D and u201CSARS-CoV-2u201D is and from whenceth it cometh. Greatly admire the truth of Dr. Michael Yeadon PhD.
Everything about the pandemic wreaks of long term planning and a very sophisticated psychological operation of lies upon lies to induce fear and panic. The evils of vaccines story began decades ago in our slow road to socialism and now rapid road to communism in the USA.
Shedding appears to be acknowledged as something that is true and actually happening but many of the MDs seem to closely adhere to u201Cpeer reviewed studies and datau201D and the medical and science journals have become captured too. I remember Dr. Lee Merritt
telling about becoming ill herself with a moderately severe upper respiratory infection and she said she thought the shedding happened from her having touched the skin of her vaxxed patient. It is difficult to find even good anecdotal accounts of this shedding phenomenon.
Dr. Yoho, will trade the following links in for a link to that good search engine you know about. Searched on term u201Cbuy at-home red light therapy appliance.u201D
let’s chat. Please reply to this post (go to the end of the email and hit reply) and we can exchange phone numbers and find a good time.
That sounds great. I am sure you have my email from my being a member here on your substack. I am not sure I have a secure private email address for you. As they say, I go way back in the USA patriot movement.
I sent a recent email to ou at
with title
from Dachsie Important video about Remdesivir FYI
hope it reached you.
I have a listed land line phone number and kind of an unusual name and have been around on the web for many years.
Here are notes I compiled from collaborators. I have not investigated. The Russian one (.ru) might be the best.
Ecosia – the search engine that plants trees
Theyu2019re not heroes of the Truthosphere, but I have decent luck.
Iu2019ve done a few side-by-sides with Google and been mildly impressed.
I use Bing as a starting routine.
Sometimes Google gives a surprise result just because they have the most data, and they canu2019t kill all of it.
Anyway, I hate Google and only use it reluctantly.
Search Engine List: Top 50 Search Engines in the World in 2023 (
Hereu2019s some more Formerly SearchFree – The worldu2019s first conservative and libertarian search engine Billed as an AI search engine you control I did this a little over a year ago Searching u201Cholocaust is a hoaxu201D in various search engines and ranking the first result from a u201Cholocaust denialu201D site: Google: 46th Organic Result Yahoo: 2nd Organic Result Bing: 2nd Organic Result Yandex: 1st Organic Result DuckDuckGo: 4th Organic Result Searching u201Cvaccines cause autismu201D in various search engines and ranking the first u201Canti-vaccinationu201D result: Google: >50th result Yahoo: 19th Organic Result Bing: 16th Organic Result Yandex: 1st Organic Result DuckDuckGo: 1st Organic Result Itu2019s called u201C Tusk u201C browser Another good one is exalead Newslookup letu2019s you search just news is a very cool super dictionary Million short is cool bc it lets you filter out very popular websites Faganfinder offers lots of different search engines to choose from
SearchFree – The worldu2019s first conservative and libertarian search engine
Billed as an AI search engine you control
I did this a little over a year ago
Searching u201Cholocaust is a hoaxu201D in various search engines and ranking the first result from a u201Cholocaust denialu201D site:
Google: 46th Organic Result
Yahoo: 2nd Organic Result
Bing: 2nd Organic Result
Yandex: 1st Organic Result
DuckDuckGo: 4th Organic Result
Searching u201Cvaccines cause autismu201D in various search engines and ranking the first u201Canti-vaccinationu201D result:
Google: >50th result
Yahoo: 19th Organic Result
Bing: 16th Organic Result
Yandex: 1st Organic Result
DuckDuckGo: 1st Organic Result
Itu2019s called u201C Tusk u201C browser
Another good one is exalead
Newslookup letu2019s you search just news is a very cool super dictionary
Million short is cool bc it lets you filter out very popular websites
Faganfinder offers lots of different search engines to choose from
Thank you so much I remember using google in the late 1990s and it was so amazingly grood and could find anything. Now it requires II have a password and sign in before searching.
Thanks DR. Yoho. Outstanding post Sir!
Thank you sir for being a voice of truth in the dark
Many suffer injuries and don’t connect them, and some are warned about them, but need the job, or want to go see their Grandkids in long-distance Blue States. I ran into one of these in Walmart, with blood clots in her leg and lung issues. Knew nothing about the Vitamins/Minerals she needed. Another ignorant person said Vitamin A was a Micronutrient. I read Earl Mendells Vitamin Bible in my late 20’s. Yes, the UI has been changed recently, which has caused some confusion, but never has A, D, E, C, or Zinc been a Micronutrient that is in the MCG range like Folate or Selenium and many others.
I didn’t realize the change in my Thyroid med from 1.37 to 1.50 would be a 3-skin disease DISASTER. That was a year ago, My skin is still recovering. ENDO still wants to raise it. NO WAY. My scalp still itches from the Psoriasis, and my face breaks out in red blotches.
When one comes to the realization that God knows nothing about the world. That it is strictly a projection of the ego. This will become nothing more than a movie