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Ginger Breggin told me, “I used to worry about being polite and returning my shopping cart. Now I worry about saving the world.”

Rather than narrating this post, here is Mercola’s fantastic interview of Patrick Wood, Understanding what we are up against from Jun 14, 2023. He says a “technocracy” has been growing for decades and it is destroying our autonomy and critical thinking skills. He describes the situation and tells how we must proceed.

Wood is on the Crimes against Humanity tour with Reiner Fuellmich, Richard M Fleming, and Judy Mikovits. I went to the first of these events a year ago in Sacramento. He says that connecting in person is critical and says the “awake” among us are growing. If you liked this podcast, Mercola’s June 12, 2022, interview with Woods is HERE.

After I retired, I started to research and open my eyes.

One of my great polymath tutors kindly said that I have more ability to change my mind than anyone else he has met (thanks, JF—I listen carefully to everything you say). My wife has trouble tolerating this and claims I find a new Jesus weekly. She also says in moments of irritation that my friends are losers—but many of these brilliant losers somehow sleuthed out the truth decades ago. 

Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote: Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken with money. Wealth is powerful, but our side has critical advantages:

  • We are trying to preserve government and religious structures that have existed for hundreds to thousands of years and are still intact. Efforts to destroy them are just a thin layer of filth over their bedrock.

  • Although the psychopaths seem as if they are everywhere, they are a tiny minority. The creatures cooperating with them will switch sides in a moment when the wind blows the other way.

  • The totalitarian agenda is deeply irrational, inconsistent with human nature, and would be ridiculous if less money was behind it. If enough of us shout the emperor has no clothes, it becomes common knowledge, and everyone starts to laugh.

  • The world is waking up. Some commentators, including my wonderful friend Christian Eliot, are optimistic. He thinks the cabal’s plans—including digital currency—have little chance of succeeding and says they are losing patience and getting desperate. 

  • A core group of heroes and role models is with us, and they will stop at nothing. New leaders are arising from our ranks to replace the popes and presidents who have been bribed, threatened, or hypnotized.

    But the new problems are worrisome:

  • Our Constitution is under attack. Other countries with weaker structures and more passive people (Hello, Europe, Canada, and New Zealand) are cracking.

  • Shockingly, over 90 percent of those around us value peer pressure and social proof above all else.

  • Many people I previously respected have no ethical core or behavior standards. Their moral framework is narcissism. 

  • Many others know what is happening but have gotten the s*** scared out of them by ghost stories. These cowards still hold masks in front of their faces like religious icons.

  • Most people swallow propaganda without question; by now, they look like sleepwalkers. 

  • In the face of the above, and with the pressures of their daily lives, most people DFL and DFR (listen or read).

  • Finally, rational thinking is understood by few and valued by fewer.

Most of us have an overwhelming need to believe the status quo will continue, but the scales have fallen from my eyes (Acts 9:18). Life is too short for denial, and there are snakes everywhere.

When this guy scared the s*** out of me, I considered giving him the stoning that The Hague should be meting out to the globalist reptiles.

If you are an intellectual, and want to hear more about today’s snakes, see Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. James Lindsay’s discussion HERE. I do not know how they have the strength to crawl over the broken glass that is today’s academia.

I like Peterson and this podcast even though it is esoteric. Remember I am a poindexter. If you are not, skip it (link contributed by KEC).

My quest to learn and communicate both depresses and exhilarates me. 

I have never been a leader, but I am now eclipsing some of my mentors. My life has never seemed so vital—the challenges are immense, but so are the stakes. I am reminded of Jack London’s Call of the Wild (1903), where he wrote:

Spring came on once more, and at the end of all their wandering they found… a shallow placer in a broad valley where the gold showed like yellow butter across the bottom of the washing-pan. They sought no farther. Each day they worked earned them thousands of dollars in clean dust and nuggets, and they worked every day. The gold was sacked in moose-hide bags, fifty pounds to the bag, and piled like so much firewood outside the spruce-bough lodge. Like giants they toiled, days flashing on the heels of days like dreams as they heaped the treasure up.

I work not for riches but for the survival of my children.

What about Trump? 

Insiders who know him told me that the virus scared him to death. This is understandable since he was at the center of the action. We seniors all have mortality fears, but because of my background, I knew that few viral illnesses were significant. For example, I immediately understood that the RSV hype was a pack of lies. And later, that a vaccine for it was a ridiculous fraud. 

Putting the Trumpian stick in the eye of the globalists seems like a righteous idea, and he has been sharpening it during his wilderness years. Presumably, he has learned from what happened and has plans. His stance about the vaccine is likely realpolitik, but who can be sure? Tucker Carlson said THIS after Trump’s arrest.

The prosecution of Donald Trump is transparently political. He’s literally Joe Biden’s main political opponent. He’s polling at over 60% of Republican voters right now.

So, Joe Biden is doing what no other President has ever dared to do: He’s using law enforcement to lock up his chief rival. That’s happening right now. Anyone who denies it’s happening is lying to you.

The next day, a Fox newscaster showed this and was immediately fired.

Kennedy has larger huevos than Trump, and leadership is everything. RFK has a nearly perfect platform (though what’s up with those global warming opinions?), and he may not be electable, but we have to live through these times and will see what happens. We face so many critical issues that I counsel anyone with a “litmus test” like abortion or climate to feel the heat from the burning house and join the bucket brigade.

Given the election fraud, the whole thing may be solely a spectator sport. I have no more clarity than that, but I will share other thoughts as things develop.

Self defense

The first principle is that weapons are no longer optional. Although your part of the US may still be safe, this will change because of what is developing on our borders and cities. Your problem will be intruders.

The most basic protection is a $10 pepper spray, which comes in a plastic case slightly larger than a lipstick. It instantly transforms almost any man or dog into a crying pacifist for an hour without harming them permanently. Order the “stream” type now from POM or Sabre. Some other brands lack trigger protection against accidental discharge and can go off in your pocket. Spraying your junk is the last thing you want.

You will need extras for your kids and your car’s steering column. (Sadly, pepper spray is illegal in Australia. I hope we can save you, dear friends, but we have our own troubles.) 

Study pepper spray and guns at John Correia’s YouTube channel “Active Self Protection.” Also, scan my article about handgun carry HERE. Although the geeks dispute everything, I recommend you buy a nine-millimeter Glock handgun, a Kydex holster that protects the trigger against accidental shootings, possibly an AR-15, and a shotgun if you can afford it. I got a 20-gauge because I am not macho enough to handle a 12-guage. These all require study and practice.

Guns are legal in the US, and over half of our jurisdictions are “constitutional carry” with few or no restrictions. Familiarize yourself with the laws where you live and get a concealed carry license if required locally. Firearms are a fun martial art that seniors can master, even if they are as crippled as me. Like almost everything else, instruction from the University of YouTube is close to the real thing.

The following will motivate you to follow my advice. Correia has reviewed 15,000 violent encounters on video and says that your 25 % chance of getting hurt in an armed robbery drops to six percent if you are armed

The reasonable prepper

The US is the breadbasket of the world. Although we produce nearly twice the calories we need, the Mormons’ idea of storing at least three months of food against uncertain times seems less foolish now. They rotate their stocks so they remain fresh. If your resources are short, buy inexpensive dried grains, whey protein powder, and canned animal fats like lard and ghee. Remember that most adults’ health improves if they fast for up to a month.

Online resources describe other strategies. Getting prepared is not expensive, but it requires an uncomfortable mindset. Man up about that.

Moving to a rural area may become attractive once you understand what is happening.

Basics of a mini-farm if you decide to do it

Raising chickens is the first step. They are filthy but become pets, and “layers” can turn out an egg a day for years. Twenty chickens more than supports a family’s protein needs. You must feed them, protect them with an inexpensive coop, and lock them up at night. It is another basic learning curve. Here is what happened one morning to a few of my little friends. Watch it only if you do not mind blood.

I dined on them that evening. Pigs are a bigger hassle, but they act like dogs. The cuties below have by now suffered misfortune at the knacker’s hand.

How seriously should we take all this? 

It is easy to get discouraged after hearing stories ranging from beam weapons starting forest fires to chemtrails. How much of this is designed to discourage us and how much is true is unknown.

And the psychopaths want us to argue about everything. The following is an example sent by a close friend:

And if the virus was deliberately released, the facts don’t fit. I have NO doubt it was engineered by humans. That’s what they DO at Wuhan. ‘Gain of function. And it may WELL be true that they INTENDED to release it at some point.

But the actual release in 2020? Almost certainly an accident. The Chinese aren’t stupid, and if they intentionally released the virus it would have been anywhere on Earth BUT just near the Wuhan lab. They’d release it in Germany…or Singapore, etc. This is the overwhelming clue….and it doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to work it out.

I hope you understand that his point is moot.

We are in trouble, but the time course is anyone’s guess, and we must hope to get it turned around. After some preparations, our energies are best spent publicizing what the cabal is doing. After Churchill told his people, “Something always happens,” the US entered the war. We are all praying for an unexpected win, the Deus ex machina event that might happen if we all work to expose the evils.

I often think of Edmund Burke’s quote, “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little… Never despair, but if you do, work on in despair.” 

I also contemplate what Victor Neiderhoffer said after he lost many millions in the currency markets. This is from The Education of a Speculator (1998): “I have my resolve, and there are many things that I can do.” Here are a few of my resolutions, all of which require continuous effort:

  • Operate ethically. 

  • Tell my truth. 

  • Resist the evils. 

  • Make my life worth living. 

  • Make my behavior worthy of a good man. 

  • Never look back.

  • Rise above jealousy, pain, and pleasure. 

  • Never be small about the flaws of people I love. 

  • Always remember that my time is short.

    This is another post-graduate post that may be too much for some. My book links or the dental posts might be better for your naive friends.

When patients and families are butchered by “healthcare,” I suffer along with them. So I write to teach others about the world we face and to encourage them to join the resistance.

Thank you for subscribing to Surviving Healthcare. Please accept my ebooks as gifts: Cassandra’s Memo (download HERE), Hormone Secrets HERE, and Butchered by “Healthcare” HERE. Hard copies of Cassandra are at Barnes and Noble, and the other two are on Amazon. Write reviews if you like them.

I claim no copyright, so you may quote my essays or books without restriction or permission as long as you credit me. Also, I am retired, so I never give personal medical advice. Use the information here at your own risk.  

Parting shot: I get an optimism fix from Christian Eliot every few weeks. Although he is at least as knowledgeable as I am, he has the gift of keeping his thoughts sailing true north. Although Christian’s business is counseling, he “treats” me for free because I am his friend. Find him HERE if you need him.

PS: RR, please keep your sense of humor about my responses to your emails.

Readers: Please help me by writing your thoughts in the comments.  


  • Avatar Joseph Kerner says:

    Excellent points, I agree with you on nearly all of them.

  • Avatar Ellie Fournier says:

    Just want to point out that you quoted a “future” date, instead of a “past” date in your 1st paragraph. You should probably correct it.

  • Avatar Verve says:

    I had one issue with the Mercola podcast- he said people will need to get out of the major cities and go rural because they will be decimated if they release another pandemic and globalists are destroying the cities intentionally – I donu2019t have an issue with that but he then went on to say we should leave the country. And gave no explanation where we would go. This makes no sense – where would we go and why would we leave our own country?- we would have less power, less protection and access to resources, not to mention most of us donu2019t speak a second language. I felt that was irresponsible of him to say so. Just my 2 cents.

  • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

    The new problems. Are not all that new. When you look at the issues you highlight, peer pressure, getting the sh!t scared out of them, swallowing propaganda, most people DFL, DFR, few rational thinking, etc, all of these things most of us experienced growing up in schools and in the classroom. Everything we need to know about life, the human experience, we learn in grade school.

    To wit, think back to sitting in class, how much students interacted with the information being taught? How many just sat through it, slept, daydreamed, learned how to mimic and parrot for grades but didn’t truly understand or retain. And then there were the students who engaged with the teacher, asked probing questions, pointed out inconsistencies or information the teacher was mistaken on. That student who most every other kid in the classroom rolled their eyes every time the kid interested in learning raised their hands to ask a question, especially earning the sighs and groans when asked just before the bell rang when many students were hoping to get released a few minutes early to meet friends, work a crush, completely uninterested in the class subject. Sometimes there were kids who got mad, said mean things about the braniac, taunted, mocked, usually by the least smart and laziest kids in the class, while other kids laughed, nodded their heads in agreement.

    Remember that experience, whether you were the braniac or the bully, the disinterested, the kid who laughed with the bully. That’s humanity. That’s who we share this world with as adults. The same human ordering and roles we experienced in the classroom are the issues you highlight as new problems. Not new. Just not felt, seen by adults as acutely as felt, seen by kids. Which makes it feel new.

    Most students didn’t DFL, DFR. Few rationally thought. Many believed whatever information they were taught without pointing out inconsistences, mistakes, believed the propaganda. Many succumbed to the peer pressure, laughing and nodding their heads with the bullies. A few were scared by the whole experience and just wanted to get in and out of school without being noticed.

    My bet is many who are aware and standing up were the kids who engaged in school, would ask questions, didn’t back down to the bullies, were unafraid. And if they weren’t in school they’ve learned and grown into more confident beings, less concerned with the opinions and beliefs, taunts of others. Not even those in authority, like a mistaken teacher or one teaching an agenda, not the subject.

    The world of humanity is that school classroom. Knowing that, what strategies are the most likely to be effective at getting more of the classroom to reject the bullies, engage with the subject matter and think rationally? Were we already confident beings in school? Or did we grow our confidence? And how did we grow our confidence to think for ourselves, unfraid?

    • Avatar Ellen says:

      Public school in my area have bully boxes where kids can anonymously report u201Cbullyingu201D. Teaching kids early how to monitor others…

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Almost everything coming out of public schools is pathological

        • Avatar Prof. Fred Nazar says:

          That’s the mason genius: they drill by constant repetition of their lies through all means (formal education, media, academic research, manuals, etc.), so many times, that you grow with them embedded in your mind, without questioning because even your parents, teachers, pastors, those who you trust u201Cthinku201D like that. We are born in an invisible mental cage/labyrinth designed by them.

          It takes a while to realize their lies because we take everything they jammed for granted, even more when the education collective/socialistic system was designed by masons to make us accept the data by authority, never questioning neither the authority nor the information pushed by authority, never corroborating the answers, never developing creativity, individuality and self-propelled drive, never finding your own creative solutions out-of-the-BOX built by them.

          What do Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and all the billionaires in the Giving Pledge have in common? Love for depopulation policies.

          Think about it, if you were a billionaire, would you spend a single cent in killing human beings or would you just enjoy the good life and/or making more money? So, if itu2019s not for the money, why is that elite obsessed with killing us all? How did they connect across countries, races, beliefs, social classes, etc.?
          For instance, Tedros was on the inaugural board of Gatesu2019 IHME (The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington) BEFORE he became the head of the WHO. 1

          Thereu2019s only one logical answer: Freemasonry (Luciferianism).

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Great to see my acronyms catching on. The newness now is that we are in a fight for our lives. The urgency is palpable for anyone w their eyes open.

  • Avatar Ellen says:

    I used to think like your wife especially in my 20s. Smug with my Ivy League degree, entry level job on Wall Street, living in u201CThe Cityu201D, reading u201CThe Journal and The Timesu201D! I thought anyone outside of this bubble was inferior because if they u201Cknew anything u201C they too would be living in The City etc.
    The u201Csmall timersu201D indeed figured it out a long time ago.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      It’s been painful to learn what is happening

      • Avatar Prof. Fred Nazar says:

        Dear Robert, we are thankful for your ethos, but you still need more redpills.
        1. No one would shoot his own foot, unless having an armoured boot. Evidence shows that once out, even if it was premature lab leak, it triggered the plans prepared for a deliberately released pandemic. 1 The fact that there was a cure supports a deliberate release, not a lab leak.

        u201CThe Chinese aren’t stupid, and if they intentionally released the virus it would have been anywhere on Earth BUT just near the Wuhan lab. They’d release it in Germany…or Singapore,u201D2 wherever but in China. True. What if the release was done by a CIA mason? Malone recognized they had an agent in Wuhan at the time. Even the Chinese authorities blamed the USA.
        If it was a a leak, it was also pretty close to schedule. Everything was already prepared: the government, media and medicine infiltration and co-option in hundreds of countries, the lockstep planning, the lethal COVID response, the lethal Remdesivir, the butcher hospitalization protocols, the mRNA vax tech, the lipid nano-particles, the DNA rings to hack the cell nucleus to produce vaccine shedding/self-replicating vaccines, the nano-routers to communicate through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) the bodyu2019s data through your hacked phone to a human ID multinational website. Everything was ready for the planned wild-fire, except the spark.
        Also, the WHO Pandemic Treaty is a key part towards total world control by 2030. Why would they wait longer if they also need years for:
        1. the Big Hack to implant censored and nonymous internet access
        2. a couple more plandemics
        3. the financial crisis to implant CBDCs

        There is unequivocal evidence of collusion between China, WHO and deep state agents like Fauci 3, in allowing the virus to spread outside China (like denying man-man spread, initially saying the virus wasnu2019t dangerous or closing domestic but allowing international flights) and blocking the information about the cures. 4

        Suddenly after one year, in early 2021 the lab origin was un-freezed: did they keep the lid until it blew off? To hide that the u201Cleaku201D was in fact u201Cdisseminationu201D and that the Chinese Communist Party spread the virus on purpose? 5 Or was it because a high ranking Chinese defector confessed it, and therefore, continuing the charade would discredit mainstream media?

        Fauci is so implicated, that under the request of Chinese scientists, the NIH deleted scientific files proving the virus originated prior to the alleged Hunan wet market initial contagion. 6 The NIH answer: an undisclosed scientist supposedly deleted it to repost it later, but that reposting never occurred. The deletion of a file in a NIH scientific repository is unprecedented and it shouldnu2019t even be possible: in science, traceability is key to credibility, reproducibility and falsifiability. This also questions an accidental lab leak.
        More here:

        2. Chicks will be no good: with CBDCs you won’t be able to buy them food.

        3. You need to understand is who you are fighting and what are their weaknesses:
        Your life depends on it, because there’s a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050u2026 written on the mason Georgia guidestones:

        – Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)

        – 9-11: 2 “planes”, yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)…

        – J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!

        It’s such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:

        – At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
        1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
        2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA u201Ccontaminationu201D by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkinu2019s lymphomas)
        Check or videos at bottom after this page:

        – COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:

        – Wake up videos:

        – It’s genocide for depopulation:

        – Itu2019s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
        ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard’s confessions:

        Now, are you really ready for this?:

        The full PLAN exposed:

        16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
        Politics got us in, politics is the way out … after prayers!

        PS I’m sorry I’m linking to my own substack. Itu2019s not self-promotion: I couldnu2019t find better links but if you find anything better, I’d be glad to replace.

  • Avatar Ellen says:

    The u201Celitesu201D for lack of a better word attract those pursuing money and power, those who want to be in the u201Citu201Dcrowd. Some will achieve money and power but most will be used and allow their children to be injected with poison.

  • Avatar CST4U says:

    Thank you for your common sense. It is greatly appreciated.. Most of my doctors don’t make common sense. I am 86 now and on a fixed income, so I cannot contribute, but I so appreciate your information.

  • Avatar Ellen says:

    At my sonu2019s private school they have a mitzvah (good deed) box where students anonymously report good deeds they have witnessed. Totally different mindset.

  • Avatar Susan says:

    This is all good, but my concern about having guns in the house is the increasing number of people getting Akathisia from psychotropics that makes them want to kill themselves however they can, and if a gun is anywhere accessible, they will find a way to use it. Akathisia is a horror from the disaster of psychotropic prescriptions. Gotta stop the psych drugs!

    • Avatar LucyNeo says:

      Gun Safe. Psychotropics aren’t going away anytime soon. Its an INDUSTRY, like all meds. We shouldn’t accommodate the inappropriately medicated (victims) or their prescribers (criminals) by comprising personal safety. The invaders are HERE and they will show no mercy.

  • Avatar Prof. Fred Nazar says:

    Dear Robert, we are thankful for your ethos, but you still need more redpills.
    1. No one would shoot his own foot, unless having an armoured boot. Evidence shows that once out, even if it was premature lab leak, it triggered the plans prepared for a deliberately released pandemic. 1 The fact that there was a cure supports a deliberate release, not a lab leak.

    u201CThe Chinese aren’t stupid, and if they intentionally released the virus it would have been anywhere on Earth BUT just near the Wuhan lab. They’d release it in Germany…or Singapore,u201D2 wherever but in China. True. What if the release was done by a CIA mason? Malone recognized they had an agent in Wuhan at the time. Even the Chinese authorities blamed the USA.
    If it was a a leak, it was also pretty close to schedule. Everything was already prepared: the government, media and medicine infiltration and co-option in hundreds of countries, the lockstep planning, the lethal COVID response, the lethal Remdesivir, the butcher hospitalization protocols, the mRNA vax tech, the lipid nano-particles, the DNA rings to hack the cell nucleus to produce vaccine shedding/self-replicating vaccines, the nano-routers to communicate through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) the bodyu2019s data through your hacked phone to a human ID multinational website. Everything was ready for the planned wild-fire, except the spark.
    Also, the WHO Pandemic Treaty is a key part towards total world control by 2030. Why would they wait longer if they also need years for:
    1. the Big Hack to implant censored and nonymous internet access
    2. a couple more plandemics
    3. the financial crisis to implant CBDCs

    There is unequivocal evidence of collusion between China, WHO and deep state agents like Fauci 3, in allowing the virus to spread outside China (like denying man-man spread, initially saying the virus wasnu2019t dangerous or closing domestic but allowing international flights) and blocking the information about the cures. 4

    Suddenly after one year, in early 2021 the lab origin was un-freezed: did they keep the lid until it blew off? To hide that the u201Cleaku201D was in fact u201Cdisseminationu201D and that the Chinese Communist Party spread the virus on purpose? 5 Or was it because a high ranking Chinese defector confessed it, and therefore, continuing the charade would discredit mainstream media?

    Fauci is so implicated, that under the request of Chinese scientists, the NIH deleted scientific files proving the virus originated prior to the alleged Hunan wet market initial contagion. 6 The NIH answer: an undisclosed scientist supposedly deleted it to repost it later, but that reposting never occurred. The deletion of a file in a NIH scientific repository is unprecedented and it shouldnu2019t even be possible: in science, traceability is key to credibility, reproducibility and falsifiability. This also questions an accidental lab leak.
    More here:

    2. Chicks will be no good: with CBDCs you won’t be able to buy them food.

    3. You need to understand is who you are fighting and what are their weaknesses:
    Your life depends on it, because there’s a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050u2026 written on the mason Georgia guidestones:

    – Both Churchill and Roosevelt were masons and plotted to get the reluctant USA into the war by provoking the Japs and letting Pearl Harbor (left the whole fleet defenseless and concentrated there as an easy candy to be taken from a kid, no radar warning from outer islands, etc.)

    – 9-11: 2 “planes”, yet all 7 World Trade Center towers destroyed, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center, and the owner with his 2 grown up siblings failed to show up for work (never skipped work before)…

    – J6: The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!

    It’s such a mason manual that they organized the same play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:

    – At least since the 90s, vaccines were weaponized to reduce the population, for example:
    1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries
    2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA u201Ccontaminationu201D by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkinu2019s lymphomas)
    Check or videos at bottom after this page:

    – COVID was designed as a primer for lethal COVID haccines:

    – Wake up videos:

    – It’s genocide for depopulation:

    – Itu2019s the masons, who create counterfeited currencies (trillions of dollars and EUROS) and bought the listed corporations, media, healthcare, universities, parties and political careers:
    ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard’s confessions:

    Now, are you really ready for this?:

    The full PLAN exposed:

    16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
    Politics got us in, politics is the way out … after prayers!

    PS I’m sorry I’m linking to my own substack. Itu2019s not self-promotion: I couldnu2019t find better links but if you find anything better, I’d be glad to replace.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Thanks for your effort to put this together. I was loosely aware of much of this but you are right, I need more red pills. I try to never waste time looking back, instead focusing on the road before us, but understanding this history is critical. I subscribed to your blog and am examining your archives. I would like to chat. If you are willing, reply directly to this email. Best and thanks.

      • Avatar Prof. Fred Nazar says:

        An honor! send me your preferences I’ve got many interesting things to share that I haven’t have time to publish yet. scientificprogress at

  • Avatar Vonu says:

    You need Jesus as your Lord to be able to withstand the misdirection of your wife.

  • Avatar Brandy says:

    Trump is owned by big pharma. Anyone failing to see that at this point is as brainwashed as those still wearing masks in their car and getting booster shots. I could believe Trump was hoodwinked for a few months but three years? Is he a child? If he is still ignorant of what is going on with Operation Warp Speed, why would anyone want him near the presidency? He knows. Many people have had conversations with him about what is going on. I still laugh when I hear people like Mike Adamu2019s make excuses for his ridiculous stand on the vaccine. Trump sold out.

    They (Globalists) want Trump back in office again (thus the over-the-top political persecution) so that he can once again, give lip service to what conservatives want to hear while doing everything the globalists need him to do. The Liberal media needs him in the news because he is the only person who can raise their ratings that are in the toilet.

    Trump played the most important roll in the plandemic (calming down those who would have had an open revolution had Hillary Clinton tried to lock down the country and suspend the constitution by declaring emergency powers) and they probably need him to roll out the coming CBDCs. We should have learned during his first four years but the fact that people still support him shows that brainwashing is effective in both sides of the political isle, the globalists just have to use different tactics.

    RFK Jr is the only anti-establishment candidate in the race. He doesnu2019t pretend to be child-like and not see what is going on. Heu2019s been speaking out against the tyranny from the onset.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      There are different ways to interpret all this but most of your ideas are probable. I see shades of grey rather than flipping switches on people who do some obvious good works.

      • Avatar Brandy says:

        I wasn’t sure it was happening during his presidency but I was suspicious At this point, it seems like the probability is close to 100%. No one is that stupid. (Biden clearly has dementia so stupidity is not the issue.) If Trump is elected, I guess we will find out.

  • Avatar TheRabble says:

    Re getting prepared with chickens and/or pigs, I’d love to get your reaction to a Netflix documentary titled, “What the Health?” Knowing Netflix is beyond woke, I gave it a whirl after reading about a woman SO inspired by it that she changed her diet and lost 100+ pounds. I lasted about 15 minutes.

    Of course, the documentarian began his healthy-eating quest with W.H.O. dietary guidelines (!) Then he moved on to the heart Association and diabetes association, which oddly enough, contradicted the W.H.O. and stonewalled any questions. Interviews with physicians specializing in heart disease and diabetes followed. The contradictions will make your head spin. Surprisingly, “the charred flesh of poultry and EGGS” got the brunt of their criticism.

    If you have the time, please comment on this 2017 documentary and weigh in on it. Thanks!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Can’t accept reading assignments ha…. I’m following Mercola, who has advocated keto/high fat diets. These def help obese people. But recently he’s switched to a more balanced mix of protein/fat/carbs. See my Rosetta Stone article in my archives for more.

  • Avatar dar says:

    Alas, Jordan P- he’s- not-the-hero-we-thought-he-was dept… /article/475106-Zionists-have-captured-Jordan-Peterson-and-are-hijacking-western-conservatism
    ‘…To stand against the compelling of speech enforced by the state in his home country, while allowing state and settler dominance over an entire population in another part of the world is the greatest of inconsistencies.’

  • Avatar Tonya K Lemoine says:

    I wish it were possible for all of us u2018losersu2019 to gather in person so our spouses, who donu2019t care as much, could be comforted by the normalcy of our kind. Thank you for sharing the fruits of your work. Please keep doing what youu2019re doing.

  • Avatar Ellen Fitzgerald says:

    Great article. Thank you Dr. Y!!
    We are the only country left I think that hasnu2019t given up our guns. NEVER do that

  • Avatar George says:

    Thanks for posting this. It was a very informative podcast from Mercola.

    I am not as dark minded about the likely outcomes as Mercola is. I’m not convinced they can create a disease that would kill so many people. I think SARS-COV2 is a great demonstration of the best they have. I believe the laws of nature preclude allowing both high IFR and high transmission rates to co-exist.

    Great discussion.

  • Avatar Fed up says:

    Well done indeed. Thank you Dr. Yoho for all you do. Your work is a treasure. I donu2019t comment much – there is so much to read – but I do appreciate your work. God speed.

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