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Avoiding the sun damages our health, but near infrared exposure and ultraviolet blood irradiation can correct this. Sunbathing at midday is likely better but often unavailable.

Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent, and original manner possible. —Richard Feynman

Part 1: Near-infrared light treatments

I read this excellent, heavily referenced book to prepare this post. It has 3600 Amazon ratings averaging 4.5 stars. It contains technical information but is well-written for those who are not technically minded. You don’t need to learn about wattage, mitochondria, nitric oxide, or cytochrome c oxidase to enjoy reading it. If you decide to get an infrared light, you must read this book. The Kindle version is $2.99.

Author Whitten recommends certain red lights, but Sauna Space, which sells the red light sauna that I use, is not at the top of his list. I respect Mr. Whitten’s opinions, but as always, make your own decisions.

A chart showing the electromagnetic spectrum follows. The left side is the short, high-frequency waves with far more energy, while the right is the long waves used for communication. The narrow visible light band is in the middle; ultraviolet and infrared are on either side of this. Exposure to these two wavelengths improves health.

Even though ultraviolet (UV) barely penetrates the skin, its “UV-B” part stimulates vitamin D synthesis. In contrast, near-infrared (NIR) passes two inches into the body—even into the brain. Depression, anxiety, and seasonal affective disorder may be relieved, along with much more.

The following is a magnified part of the top diagram:

The curve above is the spectrum emitted by Sauna Space’s infrared lights. The parts of the visible and near-infrared spectrum that promote health are shown in orange. Thousands of studies back this claim.

Mr. Whitten supports this: “Based on the bulk of the research, you want: 630-680nm (the optimal healing spectrum of visible red light), 800 to 880nm (the optimal healing spectrum of near-infrared), or a combination of both.” Sauna Space’s bulbs cover these sweet spots. Its bulbs are powerful enough that you can be up to three feet away and still get strong effects. A four-bulb setup is $1500.

Far infrared produces heat. The graph above shows this under the curve to the right of the orange area. An enclosed space is needed to make this work best.

Warming has separate, beneficial effects. Any holistic doctor will tell you that when you sweat, you detoxify. Research on 2300 Finnish men using saunas showed that their lifespans were extended. They averaged at least 14 minutes four days a week. This was an observational study, so it is suggestive but not conclusive. 

In contrast, thousands of studies support dozens of healthy effects for the near-infrared and red light shown in the dark and light orange areas above. These radiation effects are far more well-established than the benefits of heat—and you do not have to cook yourself at 160 degrees. 

Whitten tells you what works best. He says, “99% of the red light therapy products being sold in major outlets online are a waste of money… Virtually ALL of these devices—even the ones that cost hundreds of dollars—are grossly underpowered, too small, and ultimately, ineffective or very time-consuming to use, or both.” Some of his recommended lights are under $500. 

He also writes that optimal exposure to near-infrared light may be shorter than what is best for a sauna. Depending on your device, only a few minutes every other day may be optimal for your IR exposure. In contrast, 20 minutes four days a week at 160 to 170 degrees Fahrenheit might be best for heat. Ari may be correct, but usage precision like this is beyond the interests or inclinations of most people—including me.

Ari Whitten’s book describes how NIR treatment benefits:

  • Injuries (sprains, strains, cuts, burns, fractures, whiplash, etc.). He says to use it as soon as possible.

  • Sleep enhancement/melatonin production.

  • Noninvasive body contouring: “Research has shown that LLLT [low-level laser treatment, a related modality] is effective in reducing overall body circumference measurements of specifically treated regions, including the hips, waist, thighs, and upper arms, with recent studies demonstrating the long-term effectiveness of results. The treatment is painless, and there appears to be no adverse events associated with LLLT.”

  • Medical syndromes:

    • Traumatic brain injury 

    • Spinal cord injury

    • Peripheral nerve injury

    • Painful diabetic neuropathy

    • Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

    • Cognitive performance and memory 

    • Improvement of osteoarthritis

    • Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism

    • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue 

  • Enhancing recovery from exercise with increased muscle gain, fat loss, performance, strength, and endurance.

  • Regrowing hair in men after hair loss

  • Speeding up wound healing

  • Increasing energy levels

  • Decreasing inflammation

  • Improving eye health, including age-related macular degeneration

  • Improving cognitive performance

Ari’s tips for light usage in his own words

  • Many light devices come with a door-hanging kit. If you choose to use that, you’ll be standing (or sitting in a chair) next to the device. Many people do it this way. I personally almost always use mine while lying down. I position the lights on the ground and lay next to them either on my side, back, or front to treat the targeted area. I just find it more relaxing (than standing) to lie down while doing it.

  • Mostly, I tell people they can use these things for 10 or 20 minutes a day, and it’ll have major benefits and will be extremely unlikely to have any ill effects.

  • My hunch is that optimal treatment times are probably once every other day to once per day at the most. I personally do it every other day, because that’s what I believe will turn out to be optimal.

  • A number of studies … have shown that by overdoing the dose, you negate the benefits. If anything, the research indicates that smaller, more conservative doses are superior to very large doses… I know some people who have used red light therapy for decades and believe that it’s very hard to realistically overdo it in a way that negates the benefits…

  • Moving further away than about 3 feet from the light (as a general rule) and you’ll get little to no effect on anything below the surface of the skin. (And that’s using a powerful light. Many lights won’t provide effective doses beyond just 12” away.) …The sweet spot is generally between six and thirty-six inches.

Why does it work?

The fundamental reason that red and near-infrared light [Yoho note: and ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI), see below] have so many incredible benefits on our health is because they are correcting a deficiency. We should be getting plenty of red and near-infrared light from the sun, but since we’re not, we can apply a device in a targeted way to give us that light “nutrient” and get profound benefits from it…

While most other wavelengths of light (such as UV, blue, green, and yellow light, etc.) are mostly unable to penetrate the body and stay in the layers of the skin, near-infrared light and red light can reach deep into the human body (several centimeters, and close to 2 inches, in some cases) and can directly penetrate the cells, tissues, blood, nerves, rods and cones of the eyes, the brain, and into bones. [Yoho note: UBI permits deep penetration using the other method I describe below.]

Ari concludes

Today, research into the power of red light to improve health and treat disease is really gaining momentum. We are learning that red and near-infrared light therapy can benefit virtually every system of the body and can even improve the way you look—it can help you to shed inches of fat, reduce the signs of aging, regrow hair, increase the results you get from your workouts, reduce pain, speed healing, boost hormonal health, and lower inflammation.

Red and near-infrared light therapy is offering a new, completely safe, and noninvasive alternative to various anti-aging skin surgeries, Botox injections, and more abrasive chemical peels. And for combating skin aging, red and near-infrared light is an extraordinarily powerful tool.

After you get one of these lights, you can immediately start using it to: Increase your energy, make your skin healthier, get rid of cellulite, speed up fat loss, improve muscle recovery and athletic performance, improve mood and cognitive function, increase muscle size and strength, speed healing from injury, and improve metabolic and hormonal health.

Whitten tells you which lights he recommends. Most manufacturers give customers 15 percent off when using his affiliate code, which more than reimburses them for the book. Whitten is also paid for each purchase–a conflict of interest. To his credit, he discloses this, and his sincerity shines through for me. See what you think.

Part 2: Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) bent my thinking

This consists of drawing blood and running it through a vial that is transparent to the ultraviolet-A (320 to 400 nanometers) that is used for UBI. The blood is then replaced back into the body. The first studies were on dogs that were purposely infecting with staph bacteria. The researchers treated their entire blood volume, but they all died within a week. 

After several years of murdering dogs, the experimenter accidentally used only a tiny amount of blood from one of the animals. It survived, and the infection was cured. This result was replicated thousands of times in humans, and UBI evolved into an accepted therapy.

Only about sixty cc of blood is used currently. It is drawn out of a vein, mixed with heparin so it does not clot, and passed through a transparent quartz chamber called a “cuvette.” As this happens, ultraviolet (not infrared) irradiation is shone through the blood and then replaced into the body. Ultraviolet is on the far side of visible light from IR; see the top spectrum diagram. 

The inside of the cuvette has specially designed protrusions that create turbulence and push the blood to the sides of the transparent device. Since UV wavelength penetrates so minimally, this is needed to maximize the radiation contact with blood.

Because ultraviolet penetration of human tissues is so minimal, this clumsy procedure is necessary to expose the blood to enough of these wavelengths to produce clinical results. 

UBI is now available in most major US cities. The machines only cost about $5000, so the procedure should be only a few hundred dollars. Most clinical results occur after one or just a few treatments.

Invisible Cure is heavily referenced. The author spent twelve years traveling and interviewing many doctors. During this time, he went from being a disbeliever to owning a clinic and promoting the therapy.

Hundreds of thousands of patients have been treated in the 80 years since UBI was invented. Over a thousand studies have been published, and about 500 US doctors now use it. Virtually no harmful effects have ever been reported from UBI, and the efficacy rate is 60-80%. Responses have been seen in sixty diverse conditions. 

Disorders that have been successfully treated with UBI

(From Invisible Cure.)

  • David Minkoff, MD, legendary wholistic physician: “All of our Lyme, cancer, chronic fatigue, M.S., and autoimmune disease patients receive it, and I get one every week because it improves immune health and athletic performance.”

  • From Africa, a case of advanced rabies: “Rabies is always fatal unless there is an intervention… The [day after the first treatment there were] signs of recovery.  Another two treatments were administered within the following days… [and] he made a full recovery.”

  • Reports of cures for cancer, tachycardia, shingles, asthma, infections, chronic pain, MS 

  • Inactivation of snake venoms

  • Cures for pneumonia (viral and bacterial), peritonitis, polio, botulism, biliary disease, rheumatic fever, eye infections, viral hepatitis

  • Clinical Depression relief

  • Inflammatory and osteoarthritis

  • Heart disease, including vascular disorders

  • OB/GYN: reduction of miscarriages and stillbirths, increased fertility, success with preeclampsia, PID with sepsis

  • Viral infections: influenza, COVID, SARS, MERS, H1N1 viral pneumonia, viral hepatitis, Epstein-Barr, polio, viral iridocyclitis, uveitis, retro-bulbar neuritis. Shingles pain is almost always reduced after one or two treatments.

UBI studies include

  • Thousands of hospitalized patients were treated with UBI from the 1930s through the 1950s. Many of the records are extant, and the findings support efficacy.

  • A 2016 review of UBI by Michael R. Hamblin of Massachusetts General Hospital described the treatment of multidrug-resistant gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in patients at risk of death from sepsis. He also treated Covid and pneumonia. He and his colleagues produced over 350 peer-reviewed studies. 

  • UBI has been studied in treating pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and other microbes. Treatment groups recovered 5-7 days sooner. Measures of blood health improved, including an increase of nearly a third in red blood cell formation. 

  • Chronic active hepatitis with cirrhosis study: survivorship improved

  • Acute rheumatic heart disease: success in 22 consecutive cases 

  • Tuberculosis study of 222 hospitalized patients: 100% cure rate for the group with standard therapy plus UBI

  • Bacterial infections, 40 studies from the 1940s to 2002: osteomyelitis, strep, staph, E coli, nosocomial “superbugs,” pneumonia, meningitis, typhoid, Lyme


Emmet Knott was a Seattle physicist and X-ray dealer. He started experimenting in 1923 and patented his treatment in 1927. The first human experiment was performed in 1928 to treat hemolytic streptococcus. It was the same bacteria injected into dogs in the original experiments. The human patient was near death from a septic abortion. She had chills, high fever, abdominal pain, and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge. After UBI, she recovered rapidly. Other successes followed.

The 1920s were before antibiotics. Infectious disease was widespread. Heliotherapy (sunlight) was standard practice for tuberculosis. Dr. Walter Ude used this and claimed a nearly 100% cure rate for erysipelas, a superficial strep cellulitis.

Knott spent decades promoting UBI; by the 1940s, there had been 25 trials. Many studies were done in hospitals where the record-keeping was the best. The results were staggering—the procedure saved lives. Even today, many disorders that do not respond to drugs improve with ultraviolet blood irradiation.

The American Medical Association (AMA) concealed and sidelined UBI.

Morris Fishbein ran the AMA and was the chief editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) from 1924 to 1950. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, he tried to purchase the rights to various treatments. If the owners would not sell, he labeled them quacks. As UBI was gaining ground in many hospitals, Fishbein offered Emmet Knott $100,000 (about 1 million dollars in today’s dollars) to buy the rights to the device and perform a study supporting UBI. Knott refused.

In those days, Fishbein supported tobacco companies’ claims that their products were healthy. In return, they advertised in JAMA. Fishbein approved slogans including “More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette” and “Just what the doctor ordered.” 

[Then, in1953,] the Congressional Investigation Committee determined that… twelve alternative treatments were actively conspired against by the AMA and organized medicine. It castigated the AMA for its dishonesty and conspiracy against non-orthodox treatments. Specific rebukes included in the Fitzgerald report had this to say: “There is reason to believe that the AMA has been hasty, capricious, arbitrary, and outright dishonest”… “Behind and overall, this is the weirdest conglomeration of corrupt motives, intrigue, selfishness, jealousy, obstruction, and conspiracy that I have ever seen.”

Do you see the patterns? Fishbein was willing to promote cigarette smoking as healthy, and tobacco companies continued this marketing for another half-century.

Despite its promise, Fishbein also discouraged light therapy. After he was labeled a fraud, he was hired by a tobacco company.

Rockefeller’s attempts to rule healthcare began during this period. He discredited holistic methods and promoted treatments that made money and could be controlled. None of these had the almost universal applicability and near-panacea qualities of UBI. Many died because the knowledge suppression limited available therapies.

It was mass murder—eugenics. But compared to the open war during the deployment of Covid and the “vaccine,” it was an amateurish, innocent era.

How does UBI work?

It theoretically destroys DNA in the virus’s and bacteria’s nuclei, preventing replication. Red blood cells are not vulnerable to this because they have no nuclei. White blood cells do, but they are a tiny minority. Even with the cuvette’s internal protrusions mixing the blood and presenting more surface area to irradiation, some estimates are that only .05 percent is exposed to the light. How could treating such a small amount of blood work so well? No one knows. 

How many treatments are needed? Between 1933 and 1952, Knott’s therapy was used for thousands of patients. Many had only one treatment and recovered. Polio, acute hepatitis, pyogenic (pus-producing) infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pelvic inflammation (associated with pregnancy), and septicemia have all been cured after only three or four treatments. 

Yoho editorial

I am stunned by how well both UBI and NIR light treatments work. The claims about each nearly mirror the other, which may mean they do the same thing. Ultraviolet blood treatment is invasive but requires far less exposure time than infrared. My strong impression is that UBI is far more effective than NIR.

Ari’s theory is that near-IR’s profound effects is likely due to our sun deprivation. UBI probably has impacts for the same reason. Our bodies are so starved for even a minimal exposure, that when we get it, dramatic improvements ensue. And we feel fantastic. 

I felt sick after learning all this. My ladder has been leaning against the wrong wall my whole medical career.

NB: I did not read the primary literature, and much of it is observational. Nevertheless, the evidence favoring these treatments is credible.

Selected references

Both these treatments are available to you. If you have health problems, order your IR light and check out local UBI providers. While sitting in a waiting room or shopping for your IR light, sign your friends up for Surviving Healthcare by typing their email below.

Appendix: How UBI is performed today

From Ken Dillon’s Healing Photons, The Science and Art of Blood Irradiation Therapy ( 1998).

Sixty ccs of blood [about one percent of the total blood volume] are drawn and mixed with 500 IU of heparin in a 60cc syringe. A 250 ml saline bag is attached to a cuvette. After an appropriate volume is discarded, the blood is mixed into the saline (making it about a third blood; other protocols use only 20 percent). The cuvette is placed in the UBL machine, and the drip speed is set to 10ml/minute. The blood mixture returns to the patient after it goes by the light in the machine. It takes about 30 minutes.

Parting shot: A few snarky comments

Ari Whitten uses jargon to describe how light “charges the cellular battery.” His description makes sense and is referenced, but I think it is irrelevant to a patient, clinician, or casual student like me.

You may disagree with my assessment. But you may be smarter than I am, or maybe you are starstruck by “scientists.” I am not; I am contemptuous of them based on the lies they have told us over the past decades and how easily they have been bought.

I see the world through the lens of a 1900-era doctor. I am trying to learn what works by observing patients and listening to others—empiricism. After the frauds I’ve witnessed, I am contemptuous of academics, the bribed journals, and their “randomized controlled trials.” I do not give a damn about theories or mechanisms, either. 

In our post-science era, only experience is clean; only empiricism remains. To dismiss patient stories as “anecdotal” is a baldfaced globalist lie.

If I don’t understand something after studying it, I quickly label it false. I have felt academic medicine was fraudulent for most of my career but have only recently have understood why. Here is my explanation from Butchered by “Healthcare” (2020):

Three “Blue’s Clues”—practical heuristics—will help you decipher anything.

1) The updated Golden Rule is that those with the gold make the rules, so learning the funding source explains a lot.  

2) If you do not follow the reasoning, someone is likely lying to sell you something. You are as smart as the storyteller, so do not let them fool you. This applies to financial advisors and lawyers as well as to medical studies. You do not need to be an academic to judge complex data—in fact, learning too much detail obscures the truth. 

3) Controversy, confusion, and contradictory evidence about small numbers prove that whatever it is does not work. Do not fall into the trap of believing “reasonable people disagree” or “the science is developing.” Always remember Rule 1—follow the money.

The following are examples of ideas that I quickly dismiss. First is Ari quoting another source:

“Thus, we feel justified to assume that the [red/NIR] irradiation upregulates ATP turnover by reducing the viscosity of the nanoscopic interfacial water layers which seem to control the efficiency of the mitochondrial nanomotor…

Based on their findings, the researchers of this 2015 study suggest that it may be due (partly or mostly) to how light affects the water viscosity in the mitochondria and allows for easier rotation of the ATP synthase pump.”

This refers to a fashionable recent theory. I heard enough gibberish like this in school, so give me a break now.

The following is interesting. Although Whitten cites references, I remain doubtful.

A recent study has actually found that other organisms—including mammals that are biologically very similar to humans (like rodents and pigs)—have now been shown to be capable of taking up chlorophyll metabolites into their mitochondria, and using those metabolites to capture sunlight energy and amplify cellular energy production! The research suggests that some animals can use these chlorophyll metabolites to speed up the rate of energy production and increase the overall volume of ATP produced by fairly large amounts in many cases… Here is a chunk of the abstract from this fascinating study… “Sunlight is the most abundant energy source on this planet. However, the ability to convert sunlight into biological energy in the form of adenosine-59-triphosphate (ATP) is thought to be limited to chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts in photosynthetic organisms. Here we show that mammalian mitochondria can also capture light and synthesize ATP when mixed with a light-capturing metabolite of chlorophyll.”

With all the stories we must now ignore, these ideas seem like prime candidates.


  • Avatar kitten seeking answers says:

    this sounds like a good Christmas gift.

    think this is the first place I heard about infra-red saunas. also healthy strategies to deal with emfs in general:


  • Avatar Latasha says:

    Ari Whitten puts out amazing health information. He also teaches about breathing, which the majority of us have disordered breathing and it has health consequences. Highly recommend his books and website.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Breathing is incredibly important in autonomic dysfunction healing ( among many other areas ). I also recommend breathing techniques in clearing the lymphatic system .

  • Avatar The BarefootHealer says:

    Ari is very on track with most of the photobiomodulation science, especially re the effects of NIR and FIR, however, even he is still slightly behind okn the more cutting edge.uD83DuDE09 I suggest you dive down the rabbit hole and go deeper on the optogenics, light therapy and you’ll find yourself in cymatics territory because ultimately light is vibration and vibration is sounduD83DuDE09uD83EuDD14uD83EuDD28
    Re your snarky comments- I suggest you delve into the agricultural plant research before you completely snark off the mammalian ,”chlorophyll” functionality. As well as the “interfascial” water and rotation of the ATP generator in cytochrome C- go investigate Deteurium and the impact on the mitochondrial function, then you’ll be sufficiently informed to then decide.uD83DuDE09

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    Why don’t human doctors use infrared on wounds like Veterinarians do, the Zoos do, as do better house pet Vets do? It took a month for Hub’s wound to begin to heal, his skin is very thin, and a 3-inch cut and skin that wouldn’t hold stitches, it would have benefited the healing. The Hematoma is still fairly large. He is still icing it.

  • Avatar Lisa@eatrealfood says:

    Yep lies like sun causes cancer and the planetary geoengineering is safe and effective. Thank you for pulling this info together. I have followed mercola for ~20 years and never read about UBI to this depth. uD83DuDE42

  • Avatar Art says:

    Healthy skepticism is a great attitude to have. It would have kept one from believing experimental mRNA would be safe (no manufacturer liability, legal immunity when administered as directed) and effective (at causing illnesses).

  • Avatar Lisa says:

    How are you doing post-dental work?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      In the middle of a two week detox in Germany complete with colonics and IVs. Labs still pending but since my PD got worse the week after amalgam removal, mercury must be the primary issue. Doc wanted to do fecal transplant but donors likely COVID vaccinated, forget it! I’m working up chlorine dioxide now. I have lots of material but if readers have links to the simplest home manufacturing method, please send them. Best and I’ll post on it all.

      • Avatar Lisa says:

        Nice! Germany is the place to be. Can you have someone make sure there is no mercury left in your mouth? And also go to a Klinghardt trained practitioner or uses ART (autonomic response testing). They will find the mercury or other toxin and help you get it out. There is also aphoreis there in Germany, no? And for IV’s are you using DMSO, DMSA, DMPS?? I’m sure you are in good hands. Wishing you the safest recovery.

        I use cd everyday, so I make it about every other day. You can buy it here Instructions to make at home are very easy: use 1 part MMS to 1 part Activator (e.g. 1 drop of each), as drops and drop into a shot glass. Use a glass bottle (like a used kombucha bottle) and fill with 8oz distilled, R/O or filtered water. Then pour the cd solution from the shot glass into the bottle. No need to shake. When I started long ago, I started with 1 drop of each in the bottle and drank 1 oz every hour. Now I make 20-drop batches and use it for everything: cleaning produce, soaking tooth brush, whatever I want sanitized or cleaned (counters, sink, etc). When I’m getting a scratchy throat, I’ll dose for a couple of days until it’s gone. I also dose after getting insect bites to clear out the bugs from the bug. I also use it in my chickens’ water on a rotating basis with other herbs or remedies.

  • Avatar JesusIsTheWay says:

    My husband and I (and our dog) began using a Mito red light and a platinum red light therapy devices a few years ago. They WORK. Everyone ought to have one.

    • Avatar Pirate Studebaker says:

      Thank you for listing the brand you use and that it works for you. I took a look at Mito and that’s what I’m going to purchase. I don’t have money to waste, so this is great.

      Also, I really like your handle. I follow Jesus as well. God Bless.

      • Avatar JesusIsTheWay says:

        Youu2019re welcome Pirate. Hope you enjoy it. Our Mito is more than 4 years old and is used everyday. Youu2019ll find a lot of of helpful information for a multitude of conditions and the benefits of red light on . Like I said, we even use it on our dog who has arthritis. Happy to hear you are in Christu2026He IS the way, the truth, and the lifeu2026keep your eyes and your heart focused squarely on Him and pray that the hearts of the masses turn to Him. uD83DuDE4F May the Lord bless you and keep youu2026

  • Avatar DrTamara says:

    Thank you for this excellent review of an under-appreciated therapy . I now keep a recommended red light at home and in the office . Itu2019s an affordable therapy for patients to do at home .
    Just this week I decided to utilize UBI for an ongoing infection resistant to antibiotics . Your post is very timely !

  • Avatar erin says:

    Well, hm. I have shied away from irradiating blood, because letting my blood out into someone’s machine, and putting it back, seems repugnant and iffy. But I will read up on it a bit. It would help if you found people who obviously profited by it. Maybe someone among the readers/commenters here?

    • Avatar erin says:

      I second your snarky unease, doc. As far as UBI, I would like for someone to interview all living patients of the Midwestern Doc who received this treatment. How did it help? Was it durably curative? How many were not helped? How many were harmed?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Your skepticism is what we all need. The literature is comprehensive and you should get that book.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Iu2019m in agreement with you Erin . After researching various ways to get rid of a stubborn infection , Iu2019ve decided this is the route Iu2019m going . I have an appointment Thursday . Iu2019ll let you know !!

      • Avatar erin says:

        Awesome. Hope it works out. Will be looking forward to your experience. 🙂

      • Avatar Butterfly2510 says:

        You got the blood irritation therapy? Was it for bronchitis or a cold if thatu2019s not too nosey? Howu2019s you do? I just read this article and thought I need to get this done stat for my bronchitis which is now on day 12. Iu2019m going to google Drs in DFW who offer this!!

        • Avatar DrTamara says:

          Actually, I ended up not needing it for bronchitis. The following is not medical advice but sharing of my personal information. I used CDS multiple times per day (6) and it cleared up !

  • Avatar Bob Paine says:

    I love the mystery and synchronicity of how life seems to go. Just this morning after repairing my wife’s Lumen photon therapy device (she is a retired chiropractor) which she has had for about twenty years, I used it on myself in different areas and while doing so, read an email from James Roguski pointing me to Dr. Yoho’s Substack uD83DuDE00uD83DuDC4D

  • Avatar Michael Angel says:

    Fascinating newsletter this week! Interesting how these therapies *both* might have an overall positive effect. Also, the three u201CBlueu2019s Cluesu201D are brilliant and simple.

  • Avatar jacquelyn sauriol says:

    I had no idea that UV treatments were available from the 1940’s. Thanks so for your work.

  • Avatar jacquelyn sauriol says:

    I had no idea that UV treatments were available from the 1940’s. Thanks so for your work.

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    Thanks for your commebts. Here’s a preview post for you:

  • Avatar Nama Paula says:

    With regard to neuroplasticity & PD ( Parkinsonu2019s Disease), I hope you have read Dr. Norman Doidgeu2019s u201CThe Brain That Heals Itself!u201D The anecdote about the man with PD is amazing!! u2764uFE0FuD83DuDE4F

  • Avatar BigAl5000 says:

    Iu2019ve read Ari Whittenu2019s book a couple of times. A little more accessible and more detailed recommendations on red light panels is Mark Sloanu2019s book u201CRed Light Therapyu201D

    Another interesting read u2014 Cure Your Fatigue by Morley Robbins. One of the first books highlighting the importance of bio available copper, which the medical industrial complex has convinced everyone is toxic.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Thanks so much for naming that book by Robbins . It is covering a topic that is frequently overlooked in fatigue !

  • Avatar Tatertots says:

    Which brand/model are you using/recommending? Please share

  • Avatar Pirate Studebaker says:

    Thank you so much for this article and your snark. Thanks to your comment section, I found Mito Lights and it seems they have a good grasp and a good product.

    I’m going to give it a try. God Bless.

  • Avatar Kim says:

    Thank you for writing this substack. I subscribed awhile back and then cut you loose – too many substacks, too little time. But you keep writing about interesting and constructive health ideas – so I had to come back.

  • Avatar Mary L. says:

    I read 2 books by Mark Sloan, one on methylene blue and the other about red light therapy. Do you have any thoughts on these books, using MB with red light therapy or Mark Sloan? Anybody?
    Also, in addition to having CD on hand for first aid and use Apex Water. It is as miraculous as CD and it doesnu2019t have to be mixed/activated.

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