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For new readers, HERE are links to download my CV, my ebooks, the best recent posts, and how to search my archives. Thank you for your reviews of Judas Dentistry. HERE is the direct link for that.

The following letter is excerpted from a series of emails I wrote to a dear physician friend who is trying her best to keep me on a healing path. The tongue-in-cheek title below was the subject line of the first note. Hypomania is a step less than frank mania, where you throw your clothes off and spend all your money.

Newsflash from the hypomania space

Dear [——],

I am surfing a wave of love from naturopaths, functional doctors, and others who want to help me. They have given me dozens of suggestions for Parkinson’s, and I am studying what I can. I have tried many of their ideas, such as high-dose thiamine, for a few months without noticeable success.

Of all treatments, chlorine dioxide (CD) has the most evidence. I have spent over 200 hours studying it. If it were deployed, it would eliminate malaria, some diabetes, many cancers (even stage 4), and many neurological and cardiac diseases. Success rates with autism are high when treated early.

HERE and HERE, I explain how CD eclipses all the other medical advances developed in our lifetimes. It will take you a couple of hours to understand, but it will shake the foundations of what you know. 

Phosphatidylcholine (excellent explanation HERE) works wonders, and your extensive experience speaks for its usefulness. I am compliant with a tablespoon daily of the oral and use it intravenously every week.

No one—not me, you, or even (——, a respected colleague)—knows the entire health elephant we face. We are all blind to what we cannot touch, feel, and acquire experience with. My only advantage is that I am a full-time student. 

I am running into the practical limits of what I can survive physically or psychologically, so I now reject most new ideas out of hand. The carnivore diet is a great boon for many, but after several months, my gut has been unable to tolerate it. I now use your sensible diet suggestions, including fiber, and have fewer symptoms.

I realize I am unlike other patients, and I hope to remain your friend nevertheless and continue to be advised by you. You suggested that I obtain a US doctor, but if you discharge me, I am unlikely to do so. I must make every final decision about my health. A great ship is not held by a single rope, nor a great life by one hope (Stoic philosopher Epictetus). I accept the risks of doing too much all at once.

I greatly appreciate your help.



The OSR (NBMI) metals chelator versus chlorine dioxide (CD)

Opinions about OSR (oxidative stress relief, NBMI, N,N′bis-(2-mercaptoethyl) isophthalamide) are mixed. A highly respected naturopath with massive experience wrote me, “In my hands, it does not work.” She primarily recommends chlorine dioxide in the MMS form with carnivore diets.

Another friend worked for a careless dentist for a decade and was severely mercury poisoned. She says she was cured by oral and intravenous phosphatidylcholine (PC, which is lecithin). She took a course of OSR before starting these other treatments and noticed nothing.

Here is why.

Fifty million dollars of animal and human studies prove that OSR entirely inactivates mercury and many other heavy metals. With daily dosing, this probably happens within a month or two. After the toxins are irrevocably bonded to the chelator, they can no longer create injury, disease, or inflammation. But the supplement has no other effect, The body must heal itself, which can take months or even years.

Also, some doctors who prescribe OSR see it as a failure because they notice little during the prolonged convalescence. They may also misattribute recoveries to whatever else they prescribed months after the OSR was taken.

I am not slamming phosphatidylcholine. This replaces oxidized unsaturated fats in the body’s membranes with healthy saturated fats. It is gentle, and the successful clinical experience with it is convincing.

As important as OSR is, chlorine dioxide (CD) eclipses it. Many thousands of case reports and ten million users prove its myriad therapeutic virtues. CD actively inhibits inflammation throughout the body, and observers document that it works fairly rapidly. I have not seen explanations for its mechanisms that I fully understand—I am not a chemist—but the following is what I have read.

Chlorine dioxide spreads throughout the body and “oxidizes” heavy metals, rendering them inactive. I have not seen explanations for why CD is an oxidizer, and yet the rest of the supplement world is antioxidants. Neither have I seen evidence that it forces the metals’ to be excreted. CD is said to be drawn to abnormally acidic areas, such as cancer, infections, and inflammatory conditions, including arthritis and neurological syndromes. Its oxidation qualities render these chemically basic, which is conducive to healing and normal functioning.

Sometimes, I speculate that CD’s entire effect is to cure infections caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria, thus reducing oxidative stress in the process. If we believe that, it would mean that these cause all disease. This is less far-fetched than it seems. For example, the gut microbiome has a hundred trillion bacteria that influence everything from our emotional state to immunity. Chlorine dioxide experts claim that it kills “bad” gut bacteria and has no effect on “good” ones because the friendly flora have a protective layer around them.

A friend with unstable diabetes and blood sugars chronically in the 400s had used an insulin pump for decades. Shortly after starting CD, she had a severe insulin reaction and required hospitalization. She quit taking it and now sends me her blood sugar readings several times a week:

We speculate that the only way her diabetes could have vanished so rapidly was if it was due to effective treatment of infection. We do not know for sure. Kerri Rivera’s comment: She probably had a high pathogen level in her body. She needs to start low and slowly. My off-the-cuff suggestion, without looking at her, is that she use berberine, magnesium, and black seed oil.

I cannot express how optimistic this story makes me. I listened to horses**t about diabetes for my entire career and watched it be treated with drugs that lowered sugars but promoted obesity—a vicious cycle.

The diabetes miracle is just the beginning of the chlorine dioxide cures reported. Here is an article about cancer;

Aparicio Alonso Chlorine Dioxide Solution In Metastatic Cancer Case Series Copy
4.1MB ∙ PDF file



The best of both worlds might be to take a month or two of OSR to permanently inactivate most or all mercury and other metals. After this, start the CD program to aid healing and prevent more toxic problems. Boyd Haley said OSR has no drug interactions and that he would probably recommend that these steps be done simultaneously. However, since OSR is expensive and we cannot be sure, I am taking a month of it before resuming chlorine dioxide.

I am as suggestible as anyone, but four weeks after starting ORS my sleep, energy, and coordination seem to have slowly improved. I am overwhelmingly grateful to Boyd Haley, David Kennedy, and my many chlorine dioxide mentors.

OSR/NBMI published literature

Nbmi Published Research[66] (1) (1)
233KB ∙ PDF file



So many people are selling supplements these days.

Many sincerely believe their treatments work, but others are just selling. I get constant pressure to take drugs from both Pharma and the natural world. As you will see below, I have crossed the threshold of too-much-of-a-good thing into barking supplement insanity. I cannot take anything else without getting rid of some of it.

I have a low threshold for trashing prescription drugs, no matter what their purported benefits are. Metformen, for example, is a venerable off-patent drug accompanied by a host of claims including even longevity. In a black and white Rockefeller medicine world, these are convincing, but we now see colors. Lowering blood sugar as the primary aim is wrongheaded, and the damn stuff causes diarrhea. Is that enough to forget it?

Another example: some recommend the nicotine patch to treat Parkinson’s. As far as I can tell after a cursory review, its primary documented utility is to treat sympoms, not alter disease course. My tremor is almost cosmetic, and it strains my credulity to believe that cigarettes’ primary poison is good for anything. Brian Ardis and other “authoritative” sources claim otherwise—another argument against using it.

Those of us who have tried taking too many drugs and/or supplements know that this does harm. Moreover, when we have cannons like chlorine dioxide in our aresenal, we must stop bothering with slingshots. I apologize for the military metaphor.

We have enormous experience with medications that cost pennies. Some of them would save the world, including the poor, from medical “care.” Our job should not be to profit but to recommend cures that are cheap, effective, and cannot be suppressed. These include but are not limited to CD, DMSO, methylene blue, and many inexpensive cancer cures such as high dose ivermectin with fenbendazole. To learn about these, use the instructions at the top of this post to search my Substack archives.

OSR’s importance is second only to chlorine dioxide’s. It is not a universal antidote, but it cures heavy metal intoxication, a purposefully hidden, almost unrecognized problem that in some form affects half of Europe and America (See Judas Dentistry). OSR will become cheap if we support David Kennedy and Boyd Haley’s efforts. They will eiher get it approved, devise a scheme to sell it as a supplement, or sue the FDA for criminal fraud.

The sidelining and suppression of these treatments is evidence of their efficacy.

How to save your life with OSR, MMS, and commercial CD products

OSR is available through PurifyWater LLC, a licensed ProAdvocate private buyers’ group. Contact Dr. Kennedy at [email protected] or 619-247-5738. The online imitators illegally using the Emeramide name are selling impure products that have caused injuries.

300 mg of OSR daily for a month would permanently inactivate some or all of the heavy metals in your body. This may improve or cure MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, autism, Alzheimer’s, vaccine “long Covid,” and much more. If your friends and you buy it together, it is less than $500.

Download the OSR instructions here:

Nbmi Purifywater Llc Contact
250KB ∙ PDF file



If I were in charge of the world, I would publicize Boyd’s manufacturing method. This would eliminate the knock-offs’ quality disasters but abandon the original investors.

To make MMS, the most active form of chlorine dioxide, read THIS and THIS post. Order the two part sets at Amazon HERE.

Preformulated products from Frontier Pharm and Snoot! are “gateway drugs” that let you easily incorporate Cl02 into your daily life. These products will quickly convince you of the benefits of this compound and encourage you to learn more. My affiliate link HERE takes you to the Frontier website to get a discount on their mouthwash and other products. THIS ONE is for the Snoot! Spray nasal “cleanser,” an active chlorine dioxide product. If you want to help spread the word and make money, join the Frontier affiliate program HERE and Snoot!’s HERE.

What I take

  • I will be back on oral chlorine dioxide after I have finished a month of OSR.

  • Testosterone cypionate 200 mg intramyscularly once a week (see Hormone Secrets).

  • Chlorine dioxide 300 parts per million eyedrops three times a day with DMSO eyedrops 15 percent immediately following.

    I take these supplements off and on to my gut’s tolerance:

  • Magnesium—glycinate and oxalate

  • D: 50,000 IU sometimes every other day. My levels are 100-130 ng/ml.

  • K2: 200 mcg a day

  • C: powder or Mercola’s type most days.

  • Iodine about 50 mg; I use nascent or Lugol’s (I notice an energy boost). If you have a glandular cancer such as breast, consider taking 200 mg a day if you tolerate it without getting hyper.

  • Selenium 300 mcg a day. I am considering taking more.

  • Co Q and zinc off and on.

  • Boron: a quarter teaspoon in water every few days; this could be taken daily if you can stand it (1/8 teaspoon is a woman’s dose).

  • I am starting a bifidobacteria supplement (my stool tests showed a deficiency).

  • I eat kimchee, yougurt, sauerkraut, and drink kefir mixed with colostrum. These seem to help my tummy.

  • I have boxes of other pills and herbs that I cannot stand to look at.

    Katrina Lewis cmmented: you are on too many d*** supplements. If you cut some out, you will feel better. My answer: I’ve had stomach trouble, so I am taking this only twice a week now.

    My other practices

  • I do not use a red light in the summer, but I sunbathe a half hour to an hour at midday. This makes me sweat as if I was in a sauna. I also sungaze several minutes a day.

  • I go to a climbing gym once a week. I’m lame—my peak grade is rarely higher than 5.9. I also hang on a bar or device almost daily until my hands are hammered. It only takes about a minute these days. A more rational approach would be to do six to eight sets of hanging on a 2 cm hangboard twice a week. This would require enough weight attached to my body to force finger failure at 15 seconds—likely only 30 pounds. As I write this, I have decided to do it. (I apologize to readers who are not climbing geeks.) I use THIS gym:

    The “auto belays” on the left make safety almost foolproof even for the eight-year-olds surrounding me.

  • I do an hour or two in the weight gym nearly daily, I warm up for 20 minutes by pushing and pulling a weighted sled to rehab my feet and ankles (see the knees over toes guy). Sometimes I use a treadmill or bike. My workouts may include weight machines, various free weights, and back squats with the bar low on my trapezius as described HERE. I work up to over 200 pounds for about 8 reps and occasionally do deadlifts with a little more.

  • Using a kettle bell, I sometimes do swings and/or front squats with up to 80 pounds. I often do the farmer’s walk for about a minute with the same weight in each hand. I finish with 20-30 minutes of Baptiste/Bikram flow yoga. (See the exercise chapter in Hormone Secrets and Baron Baptist’s fantastic book Journey Into Power. I am like a happy cat on an exercise wheel (video HERE).

  • I brush my teeth with coconut oil and then oil pull. This is miracle for oral health. I have rarely flossed since I started that.

Judy tells me my program is random

But I am modifying what I do as my understanding iterates. This means developing successively closer approximations to a problem’s solution.

No man is a hero to his wife.

Whenever I am wrong, blast me in the comments

If you do, other readers will help us learn. Some have said that emailing me is more respectful, but since we are having open academic debates, please use the comments. No critique is excessive unless you are disrespectful or seem gratuitous.

DISCLAIMER: I am retired, this is not medical care, and it is for entertainment purposes only.

Try to treat your traditional doctors with respect, for they often have something to offer if you listen. If you are rude, they cannot work with you. If I am teaching you something, please scratch up a few subscribers for me. I’m gaining over a thousand a month, but it’s nothing compared to a normie YouTube channel.

Parting shot #1

If you have expertise in a relevant topic, please reply to this email and pitch it to me. You might end up with a byline on a post with a link that you can send your friends. You might even be inspired to learn to write, start a Substack, and join the revolution.


  • Avatar Vonu says:

    My late RN mother always told me that the worst patient was a doctor.

  • Avatar A Midwestern Doctor says:

    One thing most people don’t appreciate is how many different side effects most antibiotics have, whereas chlorine dioxide does not have those issues.

    • Avatar Cynthia weiss says:

      Yes almost all drugs are poison

      • Avatar hrabmv says:

        those that are not…with positive side effects are sidelined and almost banned , i have written about that too. If you get anything from fungi! it can not be healthy……antibiotics are exactly that….while natural stuff that are powerful antibiotics…like oregano oil! are discarded…so there are great supplements! i do not agree with author, just not those that he takes and not in such amounts, medicine is like cooking…its an art, not mechanical auto repair…one has to have a touch for it!

      • Avatar Masaki Fujii says:

        Chemistry and pharmacology scholars are saying the same thing as you. It is thought that it has been 1 to 1.4 billion years since organisms became multicellular, so if the substances we call medicine today had no side effects and were only beneficial, I think we or they would have evolved to be produced in the body.

  • Avatar hrabmv says:

    Sometimes, I speculate that CDu2019s entire effect is to cure infections caused by fungi, viruses, and bacteria, thus reducing oxidative stress in the process. If we believe that, it would mean that these cause all disease.:YEP this is pure logic and evidence is all around us, COVID 19 opened up my eyes, diseases have cause it is not in your genes, like Celine Dion so much energy super healthy and suddenly some syndrome, that resembles parasite infestation. I can lower blood pressure in 3 ways at least, my cousin MD runs to ER when his blood pressure is above 200,as Jesus said… your neighbor as yourself, this means i trust to you and to myself the same way! i will lean your way only if you show better evidence for what you say….i can not care less about anybodie’s title anymore

  • Avatar Cynthia weiss says:

    My step-dad a urologists was an awful patient.. I am a type of patient who asks lots of questions Dr’s do not like this.
    I am learning so so much in these Substacks thank you

  • Avatar sue says:

    Ah, now I’m confused. “To make MMS, the most active form of chlorine dioxide.” I was reading your prior articles and you said chlorine dioxide was better for most things and pointed to sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid.
    I haven’t trusted mainstream doctors for decades due to my history. I have a lifetime of mold illness including chronic fatigue syndrome, many hundreds of infections, many years on antibiotics, mercury poisoning, numerous surgeries, then turbo cancer from the vax, and was just diagnosed 60 years late with a primary immune deficiency. Fortunately I declined the 6 chemos that are standard of care and have had no evidence of cancer or any circulating tumor DNA for 2.5 years since surgery. Unfortunately my lymphocytes dropped in half from radiation and never recovered.
    Snoot is the best thing I’ve ever used for my sinuses and tooth infections. And I’ve been taking itraconozole the past month to kill fungus and that has been amazing. (I also still take ivermectin and mebendazole to prevent cancer recurrence.) I’m about to start immunoglobulin but have trepidation due to potential spike contamination. If ever there was a person that chlorine dioxide would help, it’s probably me.

    • Avatar sue says:

      BTW, I am also a pain in the ass with my questions, I guess to bloggers too 🙂

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      it helps most people; look in my index and search for all the chlorine dioxide posts
      MMS is the most potent form of CDS
      It kills malaria and autism, and CDS does not
      the only tumor that radiation oncology has ever changed longevity for is prostate cancer. A totally failed specialty.

  • Avatar hrabmv says:

    i have published 3 works on vit D, one hit Life Sciences magazine! and bare in mind this is NOT my expertize, but i learnt everything on my skin, and if i may suggest you take WAY TOO much of vitamin D!!! you should mimick levels of people in Africa at best! all the rest is too much, just use the logic…..supplements are great! but not that great, also the vitamin D from the skin is of much better quality! and you do not take some great supplements that would help you much more than what you take 🙂 but ….who am I to tell you that lol…but not just vit D, selenium, and other stuff you are just out of balance! no wonder you can not tolerate aspirin……boy 50 000 i.u. scientists that colaborated with me also had this idea of bolus doses of vit. D! i told them, it makes 0 sense! it took them couple of years to come to senses lol, now they are looking for vit D overdose, which you certainly HAVE!! this is not good for your bones

  • Avatar Kaylene Emery says:

    Appreciation and blessings from Sydney Australia.

  • Avatar KSB says:

    Dr. Yoho, In reading Judas Dentistry, and again here in your post you refer to (oil) cocoanut pulling. It was my (mis?) understanding that you indicated avoiding brushing (or abrading) the amalgum fillings and further releasing the mercury vapor. Since you had yours removed, you still advocate from the research on the topic that “pulliing” is better for oral health? Thank you for your writings as I am enjoying learning from them.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I use a waterpic, brush the heck out of them with coconut oil, then oil pull. It’s easy b c I’m writing all day. Best

  • Avatar rickrolled says:

    Great post. Thank you.

  • Avatar Tina Marsan says:

    I only had a brief time to scan your newsletter this morning and am awed by the incredible service you humbly provide. Thank you. I look forward to diving into the information with gusto this evening.

  • Avatar Jorder says:

    Thank you Dr Yoho for sharing your journey. I’m sure many of you readers can relate to your experiences, frustrations and the highs and lows of living with an illness. Traveling the road with others makes the road seem less arduous. You have certainly made mine less daunting.

  • Avatar George says:

    Loved your post today. Especially the fact you cover that there is so much stuff out there.

  • Avatar nobody's says:

    I’ve been mixing chlorine dioxide and putting it into a bucket of distilled water (with other things) that I soak my feet in. Should I expect it to be absorbed that way?

  • Avatar erin says:

    So… nothing you’ve tried so far has made a difference in the Parkinson’s?
    And besides the oil pulling for teeth/gums, there were no other positive effects anywhere?

  • Avatar Yvonne M Abernethy says:

    Clorine Dioxide seems so very complicated to me. I have looked into it periodically for some time…listened and read much about it.

  • Avatar Be This Person! says:

    Hang in there Doc! I so appreciate your dedication and diligence to your wellness and your willingness to share what you learn and/or try. As for all the supplements: I am in a battle with multi-nodular thyroid disease and goiter. Of course, no doctor (including my husband) ever told me about iodine or the other minerals needed to support my thyroid. I was just given Levothyroxin. I read at least a dozen books about Hashimotou2019s and was consuming a dozen more supplements. None of which seemed to make any difference and I was weary of taking them. I decided to toss the supplements and consume foods that were rich in those minerals instead. What a difference! Seleniumu2026Brazil nuts; iodineu2026sea kelp; magnesiumu2026eggs & dairy; etcu2026. I donu2019t worry about u201Chow muchu201D I am consuming, I just listen to my body. If I want 3 eggs for breakfast or extra servings of fruit, then I eat it. I feel much better than taking all the supps. I have been able to reduce my Levothyroxin dose a little bit by consuming L. Reuterie yogurt that I make myself, which was mentioned in a pubmed article here.
    Iu2019m also going to try MMS next week. Iu2019ll report back my results.
    Best of luck to you on your health journey!

    • Avatar Kristine says:

      Iu2019ve been making the Reuterie at home for more than a year. Itu2019s totally changed my digestion for the better

    • Avatar UnExperts Inc. says:

      ” I decided to toss the supplements and consume foods that were rich in those minerals instead. What a difference!”

      Amen. A BIG uD83DuDC4D Although I do take MMS1, 9 months now. And will continue. MMS1 = much, much better than gassing the CDS.

      “Seleniumu2026Brazil nuts; iodineu2026sea kelp; magnesiumu2026eggs & dairy; etcu2026. I donu2019t worry about u201Chow muchu201D I am consuming, I just listen to my body. If I want 3 eggs for breakfast or extra servings of fruit, then I eat it. I feel much better than taking all the supps.”

      Amen. uD83DuDC4D, too. I also eat lots of eggs (4-6 a day), lots of whole milk, fruits, vegies, nuts/seeds, beans and meat. Since day one. In spite of doctors consistantly telling me in my 20’s I’d be fat, sick, heart problems, high cholesteral, etc. Quite the opposite, to all …. 40+ years later.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        I’m sick of the darn supps

      • Avatar Carol says:

        We too tossed all our supplements, diet is fruits, veggies, eggs & raw nuts, trying to get away from all cooked foods though. Distilled water for drinking, they make countertop models.

    • Avatar Elizabeth D. says:

      Iu2019ve been doing research on hypothyroidism as Iu2019ve been taking Synthroid for over 20 years and now have arthritis. Apparently itu2019s a cascade effect of autoimmunity. I take a lot of supplements. I would like to try the MMS. It helps to read about others such as yourself who try different approaches. Please keep us posted.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        see the comment above about thyroid references. Porcine thyroid is superior to T4; read about that in Hormone Secrets.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


      Take at least 50 mg of iodine and be sure to study stopthethyroidmadness website and buy the book

  • Avatar Yvonne M Abernethy says:

    I would love to see a video where you mix the MMS and consume it. I am having a hard time with the HCL part of this. I have looked into it a lot and it is very confusing

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      drip your drops into a clean glass, both HCL and sodium chlorite. Mix them by tilting the glass back and forth for about a minute. Add 4 oz of water and drink. Use one drop every hour for the first day (2 drops total) two drops the second day, and work up to 4 drops. An aggressive program is 8 hours a day, each hour.

  • Avatar Kathryn says:

    Wow! Thank you.

  • Avatar Ann Gimpel says:

    In a very old book titled, Love, Medicine, and Miracles, Bernie Siegel, MD, makes the point that cancer patients who are prickly and who question everything are the ones who survive. Versus the ones who just say, “Sure, thing, Doc. Whatever you say. Bernie was an oncologist and light years ahead of his peers. In fact, he still is. In my limited circle, I’ve never run into a competent one. I’ve been fired from onco clinics for asking questions and not going with the program. One gal who I’d driven 3 hours to see and waited 30 minutes in her dreary waiting room, gave me a whopping five minutes before she stood and ushered me out of her office. My crime? Coming prepared with a question list and a small power point presentation about alternative chemo dosing regimens…

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


    Hi Bob,
    I always enjoy your emailsu2026 and am sorry to hear about your Parkinsonu2019s.
    Honestly, if I understand your training program, it seems like you might be spending a little too much time and effort on a lot of random stuff.
    If I were training you in your current state, I might have you focusing on the following:
    1. Supinated pull-ups..3×5
    2. Traditional pushupsu20263x10
    3. Alternating body weight squats with lungesu20262x20
    4. Assault stationary bikeu2026 Tabata protocol x 4 minutes.
    I might have you check out Dr. Eric Cobbu2019s Z-Health mobility protocols from their website site.
    Hope you donu2019t mind my inputu2026 stay well my friend.


    You are an amazing wealth of knowledge and I truly hope you know how appreciated you are.
    I absolutely agree with your statement … “when we have cannons like chlorine dioxide in our arsenal, we must stop bothering with slingshots”…
    which is the absolute truth, brilliantly stated.
    Upon my eagerness to believe all the “Ardis Hype”, I stopped treating with CDS and began the “highly recommended” arsenal of supplements three months ago.
    I have now realized this was not a good decision, as my health has deteriorated and my neurological deficits have returned with zealous.
    Upon reading this message, I am definitely returning to my CDS/MMS regimen immediately.
    I thank you for sharing your knowledge, experience and honesty. Reading your journey has provided me with the clarity to reconnect with my own.
    Wishing you healing and peace.
    Kind Regards,


    I am familiar with the PIA syndrome in the medical field . My husband was a radiologist and decided to diagnose his own lung cancer . He recovered with surgery , requiring no chemo or radiation. Unfortunately a year later he died from Pancreatic Cancer diagnosed on NY E he succumbed after one run of completely ill advised chemo . On February 18th 1997. He was just 60.


    You may want to try testosterone/anastrozole pellet implants u2013 anastrozole is critical. They are superior to IM testosterone.
    The first patient I ever treated was my father, who had Parkinsonu2019s disease.

    Rebecca Glaser M.D., FACS


    Hello, Dr. Yoho:
    I don’t know if you’re already doing this but here are two helpful actions:
    – eliminate anything grown or harvested with paraquat – there is currently a lawsuit in the U.S.A. where hundreds of farmers are suing the makers of Roundup because not only is it used as a herbicide and pesticide in growin, but even worse is it’s used just before harvest to dessicate the crops, especially grains, in order to reduce the wear and tear on the harvesting machinery.u00A0 u00A0An easy step is to only ingest organically grown crops because they do not harvest with paraquat.u00A0 So, paraquat attaches to the lectins which are desposited and attached to your nervous system.u00A0 u00A0Our body tends to try to deposit the lectins in the extremities first, but eventually the lectins get up to the brain area.u00A0
    – Reduce lectin-containing foods for general health, but also to stop the paraquat from attaching to the lectins.u00A0 u00A0A good book on lectins is Dr. Steven Gundry’s “The Plant Paradox”.u00A0 u00A0I have been experimenting with lectins for years and the absolute worst is the wheat for me and for many other people.u00A0 Second is rice and any other grain because they often use a lot of paraquat before harvesting.
    – My father, mother and brother have all died of brain disease, my father, specifically, Parkinsons.u00A0 I get migraines when I eat commercially grown and harvested wheat.u00A0 u00A0 My health has improved 1000 % since I started removing lectins:u00A0 u00A0all of my “aging” symptoms practically disappeared.u00A0u00A0
    I’m sure you’re getting great advice from doctors, naturopaths, etc.u00A0 u00A0Dr. Steven Gundry has had great success with brain diseases – perhaps make an appointment with him.u00A0 u00A0He’s actively helping patients/
    Best of luck and keep up the great work!


  • Avatar Brenda Ping says:

    I have been using the CD mouthwash for a few months. No noticeable difference that I can see but I like it. I buy the 2 separate bottles from Frontier. Is that the same strength that you are taking internally? I sometimes get lost while reading your post, but I live the information. I donu2019t know if Iu2019ve been rude to my doctors and dentists(holistic thanks to your guidance) but I ask a lot of questions and have argued with them a few times. I donu2019t like being treated like a piece of meat for them to experiment with.

  • Avatar Dachsie says:

    Just a (late) word about the “carnivore diet” that I have recently been learning about. (There is still one big concern/interest of mine about what I understand to be the “carnivore diet” and the “ketogenic diet, but won’t ask/comment on that now and here).

    Regarding the subject of “increased” cholesterol and time when statins were new and big, this cardiovascular surgeon said he/we were “misinformed.”

    “The carnivore diet is a great boon for many, but after several months, my gut has been unable to tolerate it. I now use your sensible diet suggestions, including fiber, and have fewer symptoms. ”

    Here is another YouTube video on the carnivore diet lifestyle.

    Heart Surgeonu2019s TRUTH about Carnivore Diet & Cholesterol

    Jul 13, 2024

    26:44 video runtime

    Dachsie suggests start watching at about 14:12 to end to save time and get to the meat of the matter. Couldn’t resist.

    Healing Humanity The Power of a Proper Human Diet = YouTube channel

    Follow Dr Ovadia here:

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