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Yoho note: The video above was from several years ago—before I understood how the globalists were guiding us over a cliff for “population control.” I respect Dr. Moore immensely, but after listening to his statements again, I doubt whether the plastic ocean narrative has any truth. Glyphosate, on the other hand, is a human toxin that psychopaths developed to damage us. This video was an outline of Dr. Moore’s book, which has 3328 five-star reviews.

The first part below is an excerpt from Jacob Nordangård’s 2024 book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game (recently featured by Unbekoming). In the second, Dr. Moore proves that climate change is unrelated to humans.

Part 1: The Rockefellers concocted climate change

They fueled the story with nine hundred ninety (990) nonprofit organizations. Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person is a Rockefeller stooge who is being paid. He may not know it, but his profession has been entirely corrupted. The following italicized excerpt is from Jacob Nordangård’s Rockefeller: Controlling the Game (2024).

The whole thing was their idea; they took a silly but interesting theory and amplified it with hundreds of millions of dollars. They founded institutions and linked their survival to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.

The Rockefellers have created 990 climate change activist organizations. They give them directions and financing and launch them into the world. The Rockefellers started, financed, organized, and militarized the Green Movement. By the late 40’s, the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea:

Man is now degrading his environment at a terrifying rate. The cumulative effects of advancing technology, massive industrialization, urban concentration, and population growth have all combined… not only to create imminent danger to the quality of human life, but even to pose threats to life itself. —Rockefeller Foundation, 1969 Annual Report

By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperiled. Any university department not working towards this one artificial goal was in danger of being marginalized. Infiltration had begun into every media organization, every major corporation’s entertainment division. This, as stated below, would be a generational goal. For everyone. Or get off the bus.

What is evidentiary, what can be proved in a court of law rather than opinion, however, is that the Fabians started the idea of this whole one-world, no nation-state. It is clear, too, that after the First World War, the Fabians roped in the second generation of Rockefellers. It was a major catch. It meant they had America. And it was spiritual. It was meant to change mankind, to kill off Homo Sapiens and turn us into Homo Universalis.

The New Man would be non-Christian, quietist, and self-obsessed. The economy would trend towards zero growth, if not de-growth. There is a preponderance of data, many publications that laid out their plans. They twisted education away from practical science, engineering, and building things toward social movements, the humanities, the arts, and pleasure. With Laurance Rockefeller’s money and organizational skills, they devised and invented the discipline of cybernetics, from which the internet flows.

The first Rockefeller, as almost everyone knows, was John D., by all accounts, a deeply unpleasant individual who, after his private army killed protestors, was advised to go into charity in a big way to rescue his reputation. Which he did, and managed to dodge the trustbusters and Teddy Roosevelt, and build his empire over the corpses of his competitors. And then, as advised, he began to buy the media. The Luce empire of Time-Life fell into step. From the 60’s on Time-Life stood astride the media world, attracting the best, the authority on every subject. I was trained there and trained well, but all the writing was done back in New York, in the Time-Life building in Rockefeller Center. It was massaged to fit the message. I wanted to write and left.

By the second generation, the family had found its purpose, the meaning for all the wealth, the path forward. John D., according to Sir Stephen Wilkinson, who has studied him all his life, believed to his core that God had favored him with so much wealth because he was good; his Baptist faith, coupled with titanic wealth, made him a modern priest. His family and his heirs would be a Royal Priesthood leading mankind to a new paradise. How the family must have fallen upon the Fabians, with their starry titled members, Bertrand Russell, all the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, Emmeline Pankhurst. How seductive socialism is to the intellectual class. It gives them the right, being so smart, to order humanity. To choose for the rest of us. Few of them could run a corner store.

The seduction of great wealth is pretty much irresistible. Everyone falls. The last time I was “in society” was at a wedding hosted by the Bostonian Cabots – so ancient they arrived in the New World in 1498. Famously, “The Lodges only talk to the Cabots, and the Cabots only talk to God.” That’s how grand they are. Their wealth spread out that weekend was like entering heaven; everything was so beautiful and absolutely perfect in every detail. It was a lush sinking feeling, utterly seductive to the ego. Any Clinton, Gore, Obama, Kerry, Bush, any impoverished scientist, any ambitious university administrator, every fundraiser, every marginalized military man, would just fall over like an ambitious 20 year old faced with her first billionaire. Take me; I’m yours.

And that’s what happened. That’s how they did it: by inviting likely servants to their houses and hunting lodges, donating buildings, buying the land for the U.N., funding organizations, appealing to vanity and greed, and above all, the human desperate need for significance. They created a super-class unmoored to reality and entirely 100% destructive of human life. It was systematic, a fierce, unstoppable, detailed two-hundred-year plan. Each generation would make its contribution.

It started with the felt need to reduce population and turn man into something other. To stress, environmentalism, neo-Malthusianism, and the ‘saving of the planet’ were the motivators for each of the following actions. If you accepted Rockefeller funding, you toed the line. There were too many people, the carrying capacity of the earth was breeched, the planet was dying, and we need a new form of human. These ideas all came out of the Fabian stable and metastasized through the culture like the most delicious poison. Every intellectual, all the universities started to promote this idea. It was heady, exciting. It celebrated Man, not some faceless distant Deity. Fabians hated Christianity and wanted, above everything, to replace it. But first, they had to command every institution of civil society.

The following is a partial list of the institutions by which the Rockefeller family built the modern world in every aspect of the culture. It was masterful. Ancient Kings and Emperors would have marveled.

In 1920, John D. Rockefeller, a major donor, co-founded the League of Nations. However, it failed because the U.S. refused to sign on. The Rockefeller family began running for office to manipulate the levers of power behind the scenes. Today, there is pretty much always a Rockefeller in power at each level of government.

In 1921, they founded the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). David built and donated CFR’s headquarters. CFR is closely allied to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London, Chatham House, itself closely allied with the British Round Table and the Fabians. When people talk about the 13 Families theory, the Round Table and RIIA feature big-time.

In 1944, they co-founded the World Bank, its ideals and purpose devised by the Council of Foreign Relations’ War and Peace Studies Committee.

In 1945, they co-founded the United Nations with the CFR and RIIA. David Rockefeller wrote the preamble to the UN Charter. John D. Jr. bought the 17 acres for the UN building. Nelson chose Philip Johnson as the architect, thereby introducing the International Style. The family funded the UN building.

In 1948 came their statement of purpose:

If the world government cause is to triumph it will need more than sympathetic endorsement by the majority. People must be made to feel that their own security, freedom, and prosperity, yes, their own survival, depend on the creation in our time, of a world rule of law. They must be made to believe that the establishment of a World Government is more urgent than the maintenance of a high domestic standard and as, if not more, practical than the pursuity of a deceptive security by full military preparedness. – Atomic physicist, Edwin Rabinowitch, a Rockefeller client/servant, 1948

In 1948, in league with Julian Huxley, Mr. Population, a leading member of the British Eugenics Society and the British Humanist Society, they formed the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The stated goal: better distribution of the world’s population (which is behind the migrant crisis) and fertility control. The IUCN has systematically cleared tens of millions of traditional and indigenous peoples from their lands in Africa and the East.

In 1948, they founded the Conservation Foundation. In 1953, they funded it with $53 million, the equivalent of $650 million today.

In 1954, they founded, with Bernhard of the Netherlands (thought to be the apex child predator), the Bilderberg group.

In 1955, they cofounded the International Meteorological Institute (IMI)

The first publication of the Rockefeller Institute Press, published in 1959, included a section on “Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere and Sea due to Fossil Fuel Combustion”…

Part 2: Dr. Patrick Moore uses geological science to debunk these insane ideas.

My post with more slides is HERE, and Dr. Moore’s fantastic original 20-minute video is HERE. His key concept is that climate fearmongers spread panic based on a few decades of inconsistent data. When viewed through the lens of geological time—hundreds of millions of years—these trends are nonexistent.

Moore received a Ph.D. in ecology in the mid-1960s. He was a radical environmental activist and the co-founder of Greenpeace. He played a critical role in stopping hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska. To save whales, he once put himself in front of the harpoons of Soviet factory ships. Worldwide, whale populations are still recovering because of work like this.

He was also arrested trying to save baby seals:

Greenpeace’s original mission was to save humanity from nuclear war. Dr. Moore left them when they became violent and sensationalistic.

They abandoned any pretense of rationality:

31,000 US scientists and professionals signed a document repudiating the CO2 theory of climate change.

The purple line below is CO2, and the blue is temperature. Note that the purple line has the modern era’s tiny uptick at the end. There is no correlation between the two over hundreds of millions of years.

Today, we are experiencing one of the coldest periods in Earth’s history. Our ancestors lived through a 20-degree Celsius warmer period.

The graph below shows modern times since 1840. Climate activists say humans are the cause of the warming since 1980 due to carbon dioxide production. However, the same warming trend was seen earlier in the century when there was far less CO2 production.

Temperatures have remained the same for the past twenty years, even though 20 percent of all the CO2 we have ever emitted has entered the atmosphere during this period.

From 2005 to 2014, it is cooling:

Arctic ice has been shrinking since the early 1990s. However, the Antarctic icecap has recorded its highest ice levels, which more than offset the northern shrinkage. Global ice has not decreased overall.

For 300,000 years, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have followed rather than predicted temperatures, which proves an absence of causality. A much bigger phenomenon, the Milankovitch Cycle, causes cooling and major glaciations every 100,000 years. It is correlated with the globe’s tilt on its axis.

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels follow temperature changes rather than leading them. When the sea warms, gases escape, and when the sea cools, gases enter.

We need high levels of atmospheric CO2 for life on Earth to prosper. The lowest CO2 levels (red arrow) were only 30 PPM over the levels where plants start to die. This information is from Antarctic ice sampled by drilling a 3,623-meter-long ice core. It is 800,000 years of data.

The following is the rise in sea level over the past 24,000 years. Nothing has happened for the past 8,000 years.

Likewise, by geological standards, California is not in drought today. It is wetter than 800 years ago and has become wetter over the last 1000 years.

Plants need 150 or more PPM of CO2 in the atmosphere to live and 1000 to 2000 PPM for optimal growth. That is why growers put exhaust from heaters or bottled CO2 into their greenhouses. The map below shows the world’s greening due to improving (higher) CO2 levels. The excess CO2 we put into the atmosphere is causing a massive increase in global biomass, which is 90 percent trees.

CO2 is an essential nutrient and the very currency of life. It is what everything on earth is made of. Claiming it is a pollutant is crazy.

This is the carbon cycle. Seventy times more carbon is in the sea than in the atmosphere, and they exist in equilibrium. Plants and soils contain more carbon than the entire atmosphere, and fossil fuels contain still more. The earth’s crust contains a hundred million billion tons of it, all derived from living creatures.

If we had not been “polluted” by burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere over the past 200 years, life might have been nearly extinguished by carbon starvation. We may have unknowingly saved ourselves.

References from a comment below

CERES by Willie Soon

Climate the movie


If you liked Dr. Moore, don’t miss his other episode HERE, where he tells you twenty environmentalist lies you should stop worrying about.

I know this is a review for some of you, so let me know in the comments if it is worthwhile. The lies perpetrated by the Cabal using environmentalists go on and on. I do not claim that we should ignore the destruction of our natural world; instead, I say that we must only deal with the truth.

Editorial help: Jim Arnold of Liar’s World Substack.


  • Avatar Barb L says:

    Itu2019s almost impossible to keep up with the information thatu2019s hitting us these days. Much of it is instinctive and it feels like it is the truth and some of it is simply amazing ! Iu2019m concerned how to incorporate God in all this .

  • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

    I think readers will be fascinated by this old news story. About eugenics. Involving Rockefeller, Bernays and a fascinating list of VIPs at a eugenics play in 1913:

    Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

    JD Rockefeller, Jr Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

    Social Workers Approve

    Think the Drama Will Impress the Moral of Eugenics – Proceeds for Education

    New York Times, Sunday, February 23,1913, Page 13

    “White Slavery” was the term for human trafficking, prostitution. The objective of the play was to stop wealthy men of privileged genes from sleeping around with lower class women, breeding with them. No mixing of the high class gene pools with lower classes. Eugenics. Population control. “Evolutionary Design.”

    But the real story in this is who the VIP’s are. Next comment.

    • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

      – JD Rockefeller.
      – State Senator Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

      – Edward Bernays, father of modern propaganda, advertising. Both Joseph Goebbels and Madison Avenue, informed by his teachings. Coined the phrase “quack medicine” to discredit natural healers. Successfully.

      – Simon and Abraham Flexner. Authors of the “Flexner Report.” Used by legislators and congress to criminalize natural healers, put natural healing schools out of business, asserted allopathic (western) medicine as the only real “evidence-based” healing, effectively killing homeopathy, herbalism and naturopathy:

      – Rabbi Stephen S Wise. He is an enigma. He was the Jesse Jackson of American Jewry in the first half of the 20th century. A Zionist who’s early work to establish a Jewish homeland in the British Palestine Mandate eventually led to the establishment of the State of Israel. He was FDR’s most senior Jewish influencer. Did a lot of good for Jews. But…he also was who helped conceal the true horrors of the Holocaust from FDR and the public, and opposed efforts to expose it. I found this Wikipedia write up on him interesting. Particularly the section “Criticism”:

      And Rabbi Wise was an ardent eugenicist. One of the early faith leaders to advance it. As highlighted in the following book link. It’s not to say that Rabbi Wise supported the Holocaust. But it shows how even Jews can co-author their own holocaust with their grandiose ideas about “fixing” mankind:
      Preaching Eugenics: Religious Leaders and the American Eugenics Movement

      “She specifically documents how Protestant, Jewish, and a limited number of Catholic religious leaders contributed to making American eugenics the foremost eugenics movement in the world by the 1920s and sought the creation of a ‘good society” in America by means of those methods that the eugenics movement advocated: sterilization, immigration restriction, incarceration, intelligence testing, and statistical analysis applied to the racial/ethnic/genetic backgrounds of families.”

      “The American eugenics movement became the model used by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, who turned their zealousness for eugenics as the means of preserving the health of the nation into, first, the murder of the disabled, and, subsequently, the brutalization and murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children in the final solution.”

      Both Rabbi Leon Harrison of Temple Israel in St. Louis and Rabbi Stephen Wise publicly expressed opposition to intermarriage, but some Reform rabbis objected. The advocates of intermarriage did not view Jews as a race, while the opponents did (pp. 106-7). In 1915, Rabbi Max Reichler (1886-1957) wrote an essay seeking to reconcile the divergent views and reconcile Judaism with eugenics.”

      “Rabbi Wise subsequently followed Rabbi Reichler s lead in seeking accommodation (pp. 108-9). In the same way that Protestants and some Catholics had come to support eugenics, Jews also came to be numbered among the advocates of the movement in the early twentieth century.”

      – William J Schieffelin – Descendant of John Jay, first Supreme Court Chief Justice of the US. Family owned the oldest pharmaceutical company in the US, headed up early Big Pharma trade association. Eugenicist:

      – Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association. and a leading eugenicist:

      – Paul U Kellogg – another enigma. He is the father of the modern “Social Justice” movement. And supported eugenics. But it’s hard to reconcile with his work to help blacks and other minorities. I suppose someone can be a eugenicist without being a racist. Just get rid of the undesirables, disabled, antisocials without regard to race?:

      – Yale University Civics Club. Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush was a student at Yale in 1913. And had been president of his high school civics club in 1912. His family was already tight with the Rockefeller’s, his father, Samuel Bush, worked for Frank Rockefeller, John D Rockefeller’s brother. Prescott Bush was a eugenicist, who was also “Hitler’s Banker.” And was one of the six Yale students in attendance.

      – Mrs. W K Vanderbilt. Aka Anne Harriman who married into the Vanderbilt railroad dynasty. Daughter of Oliver Harriman, from a railroad tycoon family himself, handled the finances, went into banking. Brother of Edward Harriman. Partner in bank Prescott Bush worked for as “Hitler’s Banker.”

      But wait, there’s more! Next comment.

      • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

        Of note, another invitee, sponsor was the American Society on Medical Sociology.

        Medical Sociology. Are you familiar with it? Obama’s top advisor Valerie Jarrett is.

        “Medical Sociology.”:
        “Medical sociology may be traced back to the late 1800s in terms of intellectual development. Sociology and allopathic medicine, two embryonic sciences, began to make contact in modest but major ways in the late 19th century.” [and the “science” of Eugenics]

        Medical Sociology is also tied to Marxist “Conflict Theory”:

        And Medical Sociology gave rise to an organization, “Association of Internes and Medical Students,” that was disbanded and scattered to other medical sociology movements after it was associated with the Red Scare during the McCarthy Anti-Communist hearings:

        “Association of Internes and Medical Students”: (AIMS)

        AIMS helped midwife Disease Politics:

        Valerie Jarrett, long time top advisor to Barack Obama, deemed The other side of Obama’s brain,” her father was a leading member of AIMS. And a eugenicist:

        The rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper.

      • Avatar Kim DiGiacomo says:

        Edward Bernays, often hailed as the u201Cfather of public relations,u201D is a fascinating figure whose influence on the art of persuasion is undeniable. Born in 1891 in Vienna and later relocating to the United States, Bernays was ahead of his time, drawing on psychological principlesu2014many of which were inspired by his famous uncle, Sigmund Freudu2014to shape public opinion and consumer behavior.

        Bernays understood that the public is susceptible to influence, and he cleverly harnessed this understanding to create groundbreaking PR campaigns that left a lasting mark. One of his most controversial yet impactful initiatives was branding womenu2019s smoking as a liberating act, coining the term u201Ctorches of freedomu201D to promote cigarettes as a symbol of independence. He also played a significant role in establishing bacon and eggs as the quintessential American breakfast, forever changing the nation’s culinary landscape.

        In his 1928 book, *Propaganda*, Bernays laid out his strategies for shaping public sentiment, making it a cornerstone text for anyone interested in the realms of PR and marketing. His work paved the way for modern advertising, demonstrating how media could be utilized to mold social norms and influence consumer habits.

        Yet, despite his successes, Bernaysu2019 methods have sparked critical discussions about ethics in public relations. His tendency to prioritize persuasion over transparency raises important questions about the responsibility that comes with such powerful tools of influence. Bernaysu2019 legacy is a blend of innovation and controversy, still relevant in today’s fast-paced media landscape.

        • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

          More Bernays-inspired eugenics: “Gender-affirming care” is a Madison Avenue ad agency makeover of landmark eugenics sterilization case Buck v. Bell, 8-1 majority decision that said “three generations of imbeciles is enough” upholding mandatory sterilization of undesirables. Cited by defendants at Nuremberg, “But you Americans do it, too, what’s the big deal?” They were right.

          Still standing law. But modified in Skinner v Oklahoma to include consent element. However coerced and manipulated it may be gained. Enter the Madmen —>”gender affirming care” marketing campaign for the ‘consensual’ sterilization of imbeciles.

          Medical doctors now leading the charge for the ‘civil right’ of imbeciles to be sterilized. Eugenics starts and ends with Rockefeller “health.”

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        this is a post not a comment!!

        • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

          Guilty. I get carried away when Bernays and Rockefeller are used in same story. That 1913 NYT article is jaw-dropping with 20-20 hindsight. And then I get going…and going…and going…

          I hope there’s info of value for you, others curious. We’re all trying to put pieces of the puzzle together.

      • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

        Whoa, how can one be a eugenicist without being a racist? They want to destroy people based on some aspect of some group or race. I would have to ponder that statement.

        • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

          Yep, I had to double take that myself. Reading a bit about each of the invitees, their values, most make sense. That seeming contradiction stands out, hard to reconcile with how we think of the subject.

          Did he believe the best of any race belong in the gene pool? Did he have a soft spot, like, say, see them as a favorite pet to tend to and care for?

          Yes, makes us ponder.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Interesting! The battle vs. Alternative practitioners included Chiropractic. It was many generations before I started practicing that DCs were being imprisoned.

      • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

        Yep. Even within Chiropractic thereu2019s the old traditionalist practitioners and the more medical hybrid practitioners. Not all wanted to adopt the medicalization for licensure of it. Same phenomenon happening in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Asian modalities. All have practitioners trying to incorporate u201CEvidence-Based Medicineu201D concepts of health on top of their traditional alternative practices. They lose what makes them distinct and better alternatives, imho.

        • Avatar DrTamara says:

          Excellent reply.!

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          I see these fields as coming together in many of their modalities

          • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

            The mistake is making believe that healing is a science. Health is an individual concern. Maybe science, “EBM” can get 80% of the healing process calculated into a scientific proposition. Maybe. Big maybe. But each of us has the other 20% that isn’t possible to calculate in a scientific equation, because we have individual health systems going on inside our bodies that defy scientific precision. That’s where the *art* of healing comes in. Art. Individual tastes, ideas, definition behind what is art. Not one-size-fits-all. Can’t be “EBM’d.” The alternative fields have a lot of crossover, different terminology, variations, but more in tune with how our bodies (and minds) interplay with the natural world we live in harmony with. How we restore that harmony when we’re out of balance with it. That’s art, not science.

            I’ll take my chances with a healing artist before I turn to a medical “scientist” exactly 100% of the time for dis-ease, chronic illness, etc. I do my research to determine if I appreciate a particular artist’s work or not. Only time I’d consider a medical scientist is for trauma, car accident internal injuries and deep flesh wounds, gun/knife wounds, broken bones. Medical care that involves butchery and invasive repairs. Pretty much just when a butcher’s skills are needed. Definitely not for dis-ease.

          • Avatar Freedom Fox says:

            How allopathic medicine “science” problem solves:

            Trends in Alcohol Use After the COVID-19 Pandemic:
            A National Cross-Sectional Study

            “Our protocols of antisocialization to “stop the spread” of dis-ease disrupted and devastated so many lives that we now have a big substance abuse problem. So we have to design better psychological coping behavioral programs to help mitigate the disruptions and devastations we caused with our massive antisocialization campaign.” (My translation of their ‘scientific’ study)

            Instead of just not disrupting and devastating lives pretending to “slow the spread” in the first place.

            This is the poster child of “EBM” medical ‘science.’ That treats the symptoms, not the source of dis-ease.

      • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

        Or killed

  • Avatar INGRID C DURDEN says:

    the best presentation I have seen so far was on CERES by Willie Soon
    And here is Climate the movie

  • Avatar rtko says:

    Glyphosate has been described as an antibiotic. Putting glyphosate on the soil damages or destroys the microbiome of the soil.

    The jury on the lawsuit against Monsanto on behalf of a groundskeeper harmed by glyphosate decided to award the victims over 2 billion dollars.

    Not sure about his other statements but heu2019s either lying or ignorant about glyphosate. Now I canu2019t trust anything else he says.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      glyphosate is inactivated by chlorine dioxide, and since anyone who eats wheat gets it in huge quantities, we should all be taking CD. My urine levels are in the highest 25 percent

      • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

        I donu2019t know where to get it. I have some three year old two bottle and mix stuff but even tho Iu2019m a health care practitioner and do lots of science experiments, I find that confusing.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      You are right about glyphosate but wrong about the rest. I had forgotten about glyphosate when I posted this and so I went back and modified the post to reflect my views. Best and thanks

      • Avatar rtko says:

        Iu2019m a grateful paid subscriber and I always read your posts first. My wife is a homeopath and in our 42 years sheu2019s opened my eyes to many things. I believe youu2019re either establishing or tapping in to a community of people who want to grow, learn and seek truth. I grow through every mistake, especially the embarrassing ones. Keep it up, weu2019ve got your back.

        My question for the climate change folks is to see where they stand on regenerative agriculture. I personally donu2019t think co2 is such a big deal but regenerative agriculture is the best solution and one that has many other benefits. If regenerative agriculture isnu2019t front and center, then I know theyu2019re selling something.

    • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

      If you saw u201CWhat Happened To The Wheatu201D, I think thatu2019s the name, you surely understand how badly he lied.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        thanks, I got it the first time and missed it for this post, sorry. I think his lies were limited to glyphosate, GMOs, and plastics, but let me know if there was more. The slides in the main body of the post seemed balanced.

  • Avatar Dachsie says:

    Did not read this one. I stopped fighting the “global warming” / “Climate Change” evil about twenty years ago. I won’t say I get triggered but I turn off when I hear “evolution” and “billions anr billions of years.”


    I read, really listened to, a few very interesting articles last 24 hours.

    Here are the links. For articles, you can get a certain separate view screen on the article and click on the earphones little symbol on the upper left and some AI entity will do a pretty good job of reading.


    Here is the url where there is an audio reading option of the above reference article



    The CIA Murder that Exposed MK-ULTRA | The Frank Olson Assassination


    Here are two recent interviews done by Candace Owens


    interviews Bishop Athanasius Schneider


    Candace Owenss interviews Kevin Shipp, whistle blower former CIA agent

    Everything you n ever wanted to hear about the CIA.


    Very informative article anout tradition Catholic teaching I was ner taught.


    Have a lovely Sunday afternoon. 83 degrees here now.

  • Avatar STH says:

    I agree with most of what heu2019s saying. However, my aunt owned (for decades) many acres of wheat downwind of Hanford Nuclear Plant in Walla Walla WA. She said there were lots of u201Cradiated rabbitsu201D from the nuclear waste contamination of the Columbia River where they get their irrigation water. I wish I had thought to ask how she knew? Nowu2019s sheu2019s long dead. Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      all he said was that low levels of radiation were hermetic. This is seen in x ray exposures too.

    • Avatar Sam Hall says:

      There are nuclear reactors called fast reactors that use molten lead as a coolant instead of water, and recycle nuclear waste by using spent uranium u2013 the vast majority (94%) being uranium- and plutonium as fuel. These are mostly used in other countries (France, Germany, Russia and the UK while a few others have prototypes or plans to build them- the US being one that has several fast reactor designs using different coolants, including molten salt, that are under development.)

  • Avatar SwissGentleman says:

    Brilliant, thank you so much!

  • Avatar Susan Boyce says:

    Gregg Braden has been talking about this and more for at least 8 years now. 5000 years ago we had the same type of cyclic climate change, the last time it was hotter. We have not created it! Gregg knows the answers to what this green peace man does not know the answers to, please take the time to interview him.

  • Avatar Kat Bro says:

    22,000!!!! uD83CuDF8AuD83DuDC4FuD83DuDCAA woohooooo! Have always been skeptical of CC and followed my instincts. Will listen soon. Thanks for all your research.

  • Avatar Catherine Parker says:

    Loved your presentation although I canu2019t
    wrap my head around the Monsanto
    Round Up being safeu2026 what about causing lymphoma etcu2026?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      you are right and I modified the post. I forgot to listen to this again before posting.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Monsanto was able to get away with the development of Round Up because glyphosate studies did not show specific affects on human health (this has been contested). But it is generally known that the microbiome can be disrupted in humans, leading to an array of health conditions. It is difficult to stay away from ingesting or breathing in Glyphosate. Most of the patient’s that I have tested (sick people) are in at least the 80 th percentile for exposure to it.

      • Avatar Sam Hall says:

        My understanding is Monsanto – the company which had the patent on Round up/glyphosate and a clear conflict of interest- did a 90 day feeding study (using Round up on their GM corn) to determine the effects of glyphosate on health and the environment before asking for approval from the FDA in 1974. The FDA (which we know has been corrupt and in the pocket of Big Pharma and Big Ag for many decades) approved it against the many concerns of the agencies own scientists, who stated 3 months was not nearly long enough to determine any deleterious effects it would have on humans, other species and the environment and who strongly cautioned the FDA that there needed to be a much longer study before releasing it into the food supply (the GM corn) or the environment. Money talks. Always follow the money.

  • Avatar Susan Boyce says:

    I do not agree that plastic is good this is ridiculous!
    As for climate change please interview Gregg Braden

  • Avatar Ellen says:

    Wow. Great interview. Dr. Moore knows his stuff!

  • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

    This was very interesting but Iu2019m not aware that Roundup is harmless and GMOs are fine. I need more information about this before I can accept his quick statement.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      He’s wrong about roundup; I should have clarified.

    • Avatar URsomoney says:

      I agree with you about his statements about gmou2019s & plastics. The environmental/climate change/carbon info was illustrated by his research but then it appears heu2019s just made general statements where I donu2019t believe he has expertise. How does he know that our overuse of gmou2019s & plastics is not harming us biologically? The recent Calley & Casey Means interviews & the subsequent roundtable of health experts(??) by Senator Ron Johnson was in complete disagreement with his statements. Iu2019m not saying who is right or wrong (Iu2019m just confused), but he did not present evidence to support his claims.

  • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

    It was interesting but I have to toss it all out for now.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Great, succinct point of view. I understand and frequently do this also when I see problematic content. Moore’s background is compelling, and I may analyze the whole thing better in a subsequent post.

  • Avatar Cathy says:

    How do you know the round up “science” was not done without money attached to it?

  • Avatar Roger says:

    Its a myth that oil is a fossil fuel. It has been found in geologic levels below life.
    The Soviet Union drilled deeper and found it.
    Wm Engdhal would make a great interview. He has written a great series of books, “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation”, “Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century”, “A Century of War: : Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order”, “Myths, Lies and Oil Wars”, “Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order”
    Or you could have Jeffrey Smilth on who wrote “Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating”
    Or bring on Dr Seneff author of “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment”. She is an MIT professor who has devoted many years now to investigating glyphosate. Any one of them would give a more nuanced understanding of what genetic modification and glyphosate are doing to our food and health.

    • Avatar Roger says:

      Dont you remember the studies that Seralini did with rats fed either GMO or glyphosate corn? He used the exact same strain of rats that Monsanto used to “prove” their GMO corn was safe, but he ran the study for many months instead of the 90 days that Monsanto did. His gmo and glyphosate fed rats developed all sorts of horrible cancers that the control group didnt. Of course he was viciously attacked by the industry hacks. He repeated the study to address the critics, and got the same results. That Dr Moore ignores this makes me very suspicious of him.

      • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

        Yes and more. Iu2019ve seen the studies showing how GMOs widen the gut to such extremes that it widens the entire torso. Thatu2019s why so many people are more than obese. I know the studies On this one.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      great stuff and I have not found the time to analyze it, although I am aware of it. I have saved it.

    • Avatar Sammie0627 says:


  • Avatar Kevin says:

    Summer of 1974. 220 miles south of north pole. No ice. Same in the 80s 120 miles south of north pole. Alert NW territories. My friend went for a cold swim. In fact it was in a harbour. Winter 1982. Ice. Solid. 25 years in the Canadian military as a meteorologist. Same rhing every year. Worked in the Navy and air force. Climate change is bs.
    I used reference materials in the late 90s for weather forcasting that were written in the 20s.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      using stories of the past 50 years has no relevance for geologic time

      • Avatar Kevin says:

        Lol. They use this canard all the tjme. There is a storm. Climate change. They start forest fires, climate change. Repeatedly telling the masses it is hot. Etc etc etc. Destroying centuries of weather data is a sign it is a lie.

  • Avatar Roger says:

    There was no measurement of the radiation released from 3 Mile Island nuclear plant accident near Hershey Pennsylvania (enjoy your chocolate). So no one knows what mortality occurred. It came very close to a melt down. Light Water Reactors are a terrible technology. The metals in the plants are embrittled by the radiation, risking ruptures. There is much safer better nuclear tech. We should be shutting down LWRs and building Thorium or other nuclear technologies.
    Microplastics are being found in our food – animal and plant! Plastics have phthalates that are endocrine disrupters. It is certainly toxic. The Materials Safety Data sheet on phthalates says Suspected of causing cancer. May damage fertility or the unborn child. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
    My guess its contributing greatly to gender dysphoria, along with all the other endocrine disruptors we are dumping in our food and water – PCBs, Atrazine, etc, etc..
    To dismissiely say plastics are non-toxic because we cover our food to protect them from germs is willful (deliberate?) ignorance. Has Dr Moore ever heard of Cancer Alley in Louisiana where all the oil refineries and chemical plants are located? Most of our epidemic of cancers (prior to Covid vacs) were around our chemical industries. Plastics are a big part of that.

    • Avatar Roger says:

      The neo-Malthusians in power in the West have stopped investing in nuclear technologies including fusion tech. But our existing LWR tech is a disaster waiting to happen. We could easily have a meltdown with massive radiation release upwind of one of our cities that would be a disaster. Loss of coolant would cause the core to melt down to groundwater which would cause a massive steam explosion breaching the containment dome. Even without a meltdown, they still cant enter the Fukishima plants because the radiation levels are too high. All the robots they send in to investigate die in short order from the intense radioactivity. They have just dumped all the accumulated radioactive emergency cooling water into the ocean to unknown effect (probably not much but who really knows). Meanwhile China is developing better nuclear tech. Have a guest on who can intelligently discuss nuclear technologies.

    • Avatar Roger says:

      Bring on Hargraves who wrote the book, “Thorium, Energy Cheaper than Coal” (also extremely clean and safe). Its a very inspiring book. He is much more informed on nukes than Dr Moore. Btw the Chinese are hoping to harvest a mineral (Helium/Hydrogen ?) on the dark side of the Moon that could provide nuclear power for their economy for centuries. No plans for that in the West.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        So you believe we have been to the moon and that it is technically feasible?

        • Avatar Roger says:

          No. I think the photographic evidence makes it pretty clear we didnt get there with a manned landing. Those fotos were staged. Just like the un-manned Chinease mission to the dark side of the moon, what landed on the moon from the US space program was probably unmanned.

    • Avatar Roger says:

      LWRs were developed in the Cold War in large part because the military wanted to make bombs from the Plutonium byproduct of the Uranium fission, not because it was a better technology for civilian power production. So now we not only have dangerous reactors, we have cooling tanks full of “spent” Uranium contaminated with Plutonium which could be used for a dirty bomb and cant be discarded and must be cooled for the next 450,000 years (half life of plutonium). They say it can be turned into glass but No one wants it in their back yard. And of course we have to include the dangers of mining Uranium and what it does to the poor communities in the surrounding area, that breath the radioactive tailings dust.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      thanks and I’m stuck looking into all this now because I posted this wrong content. Plastics have been on my radar.

    • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

      Thank you. I donu2019t trust anything he says. I am aware that some of it is absolutely true but heu2019s got some agenda here. Not good to let him have time to continue spreading nonsense, we are done with this. Itu2019s time for truth. Iu2019m glad I didnu2019t buy his book.

  • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

    I know too much to buy into GMOs good, roundup good. Sorry but with that all else flew out the window

  • Avatar EK MtnTime says:

    There will be no stopping the Net Zero agenda because the machine is to vast. I donu2019t understand why anyone would want to do this to the world. If you want to depopulate the planet and not often bump into other people, good for you, but to kill off the beautiful and glorious nature in the processu2026you will be left with a hellscape not paradise!

  • Avatar Roger says:

    Dr Moore’s take on GMO is completely ignorant. The weeds are becoming resistant to all the glyphosate pesticides as well as newer combined pesticides. Its a completely failed paradigm. Glyphosate is an antibiotic (damaging our microbiome), a chelator (binding necessary minerals), it interferes with the Shikimate pathway, it damages our gut tight junctions causing dysbiosis. They are creating soil that is concrete. More pesticides is not the answer!!! Regenerative agriculture is the answer. You should have Joe Salatin on for an interview. He would sink Dr Moore’s BS.
    Glyphosate is essential amino acide glycine that has been bastardized with a phosphate group. When it is incorporated into a protein it causes that protein to misfold and become disfunctional.
    Golden rice produced minimal amounts of beta carotene, not enough to make a difference. A few green leaves produce so much more beta carotene. You could hand out a few vitamin pills for pennies.

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      I could not have responded better myself!

      • Avatar Roger says:

        Thanks! I have a single Moringa tree that could provid a whole village enough vitamin A, along with C, Bs, amino acids, etc, etc. GMOs are a solution looking for (and creating) a problem. They dont live up to the hype. They were supposed to reduce pesticide usage and instead its use has skyrocketed, and ultimately they are failing with resistant superweeds.

  • Avatar Roger says:

    Dr Moore should stick to climate issues, where he is absolutely right on. The rest of his rant is BS. Get people who know these issues.

  • Avatar Laurie Winogrand says:

    I agree that climate panic is unfounded and economically and control motivated and has displaced environmental concerns about other types of pollution and planetary concerns. I’m concerned about the plastics in the ocean debunking – how can this be verified? I can’t accept this just on Dr. Moore’s say-so. Please provide substantiation for this claim.

    As for the safety of nuclear power – I know either directly or peripherally many people who live or have lived downwind from nuclear power plants that developed cancers. This is of course purely anecdotal. However studies have been done and I think it likely that statistically higher rates of cancer occur in populations that live in the vicinity of nuclear power plants. I cannot speak to the veracity of the studies however –

    Additionally, Dr. Moore’s pronouncements on the safety of both glyphosate and GMO products are either based on lack of information or prejudice. Monsanto has been successfully litigated against for damages caused by glyphosate and so far there have been about154,000 cases filed. GMO products cannot be categorically considered safe. The nature and types of genetic modification done to different types of food products can drastically affect the possible downstream effects, many of which may not be known for a very long time and are not likely to be effectively studied, quantified and analyzed. Some studies done do show that serious harms and even deaths have occurred from consumption of GM food products.

  • Avatar Shona Duncan says:

    I can make it make sense. The Rockefellers are Satanic, they worship Satan. Search for the book Bloodlines of Illuminati and you will find a link to it in the CIA Library. Or just click on this link:

  • Avatar DrTamara says:

    This was an interesting read? Some of the topics that he discussed with you seem a little off. In the ensuing years, do you have specific insight that you want to share? For example, the concept of radiation and hormesis? CT scan? What are your thoughts now, Robert?

  • Avatar K.E.C. says:

    Another noteworthy former member of Green Peace is Bjorn Lomborg. In the 90s, he sought to dismember an economist’s skepticism of environmentalism but instead was persuaded by it. Those with integrity and curiosity change their mind when presented with facts; fools and charlatans hold on to them like a drowning swimmer grasping an anchor. Unfortunately, if they are in power, they drag us all down with them. Historian Nail Ferguson makes the case that those in academia are more prone to authoritarian ideology, not less. So the next time you see your gardener or mechanic, be appreciative that they are blessed with wisdom and not faux intellectualism.

  • Avatar Sam Hall says:

    He’s 100% correct about the climate change crap. However, he’s 100% wrong about Round-up. Glyphosate is toxic to living organisms exposed to high concentrations or through repeated exposure, both of which happens in big farms using it. I suspect Big Ag has Moore on their payroll. Very sad.

  • Avatar ted shipman says:

    in over 20+ languages – take it very seriously

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    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Got it!

      • Avatar ted shipman says:

        All about angels – chapter 39 – FREE – 1 of 196 very interesting chapters
        39:5.11 (438.4)Your conventional idea of angels has been derived in the following way: During moments just prior to physical death a reflective phenomenon sometimes occurs in the human mind, and this dimming consciousness seems to visualize something of the form of the attending angel, and this is immediately translated into terms of the habitual concept of angels held in that individualu2019s mind.

        39:5.12 (438.5)The erroneous idea that angels possess wings is not wholly due to olden notions that they must have wings to fly through the air. Human beings have sometimes been permitted to observe seraphim that were being prepared for transport service after death, and the traditions of these experiences have largely determined the Urantian concept of angels. In observing a transport seraphim being made ready to receive a passenger for interplanetary transit, there may be seen what are apparently double sets of wings extending from the head to the foot of the angel. In reality these wings are energy insulatorsu2014friction shields.

  • Avatar Brandy says:

    He lost me at “plastics are good for the ocean” and “I am not going to drink glyphosate because it is not a beverage, but it is perfectly safe.” Well, then. Drink it for science? If I was trying to assure the world that glyphosate was perfectly safe, I would have absolutely NO problem chugging it down, even if it tasted like rotten sewage. This not a serious answer as to why he wouldn’t drink it. It’s a lame excuse in my opinion. If he isn’t going to drink it, what studies is he basing his assessment on?

    Please consider inviting Stephanie Senneff on to site studies on the harms of glyphosate in humans.

    GMO’s are generally a horrible idea for many reasons, one of which is that they are primarily crops used for cheap, low quality, ultra processed foods. But increased pesticide and herbicide use is clearly carcinogenic to the people eating these foods.

    One thing to ask yourself while listening to someone like this is, if he is correct, we should all be getting healthier with the increased chemicals, GMO’s, plastic in the ocean, etc. But we aren’t.

    I do think he makes good points about carbon dioxide. Carbon trading seems to be a money scam imposed on us by the elite. But caring about chemicals in the environment is actually what they seem to be distracting us from buy focusing on the carbon neutral thing.

    ‘Better living through science’ is taking us down strange and unknown roads and our children are showing some of the effects of it.

    Did you ask him about MRNA? Did I miss that? Would be interesting to hear his opinion on that.

    Jay Feldman of Jay Feldman Wellness is a very interesting health enthusiast/researcher that has completely disavowed the theory that harmful things are good for us in certain doses. He thinks hormesis is just an excuse made for chemical companies to pollute and get away with it (that’s my view of his take on the theory, which fits well with this guest). He would be another great guest. He studies Ray Pete’s work and helps people embrace a carbohydrate-rich diet to help keep the cells machinery healthy so that are weight can stabilize while eating a natural diet without denying ourselves of calories all the time. It’s more complicated than that but I find it an excellent theory to live by and have gained many benefits, including not having to starve myself of things that my body is telling me to eat.

    Thanks for this thought provoking interview.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      You are right, and I put the reasons why I agree in the first comment. Thanks for watching out for us. Stephanie Senneff is the brightest person in any room, and I have written about glyphosate before and mentioned her work.

  • Avatar grain of sand says:

    If glyphosate is not bad why is everyone wheat intolerant in US where we use GMOs and glyphosate. I disagree with this

  • Avatar DrTamara says:

    Stephanie Seneff is an excellent lecturer/writer. One believes her. Jay Feldman espouses ideas about hormesis that I tend towards. Sounds like he would be interesting to hear from.

  • Avatar Sammie0627 says:

    While Iu2019m aware some of what he said is true itu2019s pretty well known.
    I have moved out all his information because he had an agenda in my mind. He began with lots of truth that is well known. He then tossed out some more truth not as well known but then he dropped dirty bombs at such a rapid pace it feels like that was his agenda. Thatu2019s just my interpretation and I thought it was surprising you have him such a great platform to cause confusion for many. It didnu2019t turn out that way because this is an educated group with no qualms about calling him out. It didnu2019t make you look your best so I vote you remove it completely. I have read so much of your information and trust you didnu2019t intend to give him space to lie but then didnu2019t you read his book before you allowed him to speak to your audience?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I was at a much less sophisticated stage when I posted this, and his climate stance was well documented, consistent with other people I respected, and his background was authoritative. The environmentalists are full of it on so many levels that taking them apart has some appeal. I have Moore’s lies written up at the beginning of the post and call him out as a limited hangout. This may do more to destroy his platform than getting rid of him altogether. Yours is the only vote so far. I can just kill the video and leave the rest, but I’m still thinking about it. Go to and see how I roasted him at the start of the post. Best and thanks for your help.

  • Avatar Dustin Peintner says:

    When someone goes on about hundreds of millions of years, I almost immediately tune out. People can’t possibly know what happened 100,000 years ago much less even one million. Have people stopped to think how long a million years is? Do we really think the earth would look anything like what it does now? NO. It’s silly to speak authoritatively when using long periods of time. If people want to know who came up with milions of years to explain our past, look into the Freemasons.

  • Avatar AsaTBear says:

    Thanks again. The Rothschilds make the Rockefellers look like rookies but both have inverted most good things. Unbekoming did an expose on them that is worth lookin at. TGIF!

    • Avatar Rog says:

      One has to wonder “who came up with this place?” Did the Creator fashion a ball of playdough, populate it with a deeply flawed critter known as man and throw it out there to float around an angry star? Does He understand what a mess he’s made? Why would a small group of men decide to trash the place with the certain knowledge that once the sheep are gone their ill gotten booty would be worthless? Why would they shit in their own bed just for power, that illusive illusion of dominance that drives them to even more acts of depravity? WTF! Maybe Huxely was right that maybe this world is another planet’s Hell. I deeply resent having to spend another moment in this Hellhole.

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