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HERE is the original post. Unbekoming’s Substack has become a torrent, and when you see how important this is, you will subscribe. We must know the enemy if we are to survive, and the Rockefellers are the spiders at the center of the web.

In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea… Jacob Nordangård

I have recently come across both Elizabeth Nickson and Jacob Nordangård, and I’m enjoying their work a lot.

Reading Nickson’s commentary on Nordangård’s book on the Rockefellers, I kept thinking of “capture”.

As Sasha Latypova recently wrote “Money is Power is Money.”

Once you have all that money, and power, and money…what do you do with it?

You capture…

Capture what?

Everyone and Everything.

When you have everything, what do you want?


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Canadian Journalist Elizabeth Nikson digs deeply into Jacob Nordangard’s epic book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.  Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission, their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world.

The Rockefeller legacy was started with “Devil Bill”. As I wrote in Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order,

Dr. William Levingston was actually an itinerant salesman with a phony name who created a concoction of oil and laxative and branded it as a cure for cancer. Since cancer was a dreaded and usually fatal disease, people would buy and try literally anything for a cure.

He would explain that if his miracle cure was strong enough to beat cancer, then it would most certainly take care of a whole lot of other diseases as well! When William came to a new town, he would mesmerize and trick people into buying his “miracle cure.” As soon as anyone questioned the his phony operation, he would ride out much faster than he had originally arrived. William was indeed a fraud and a con artist, but he somehow always managed to escape arrest or lynching. He died in 1906 at the ripe old age of 95. Earlier in life, he reportedly bragged “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ‘em sharp.” 

However, Levingston’s name was indeed a fraud. His real name was William Avery Rockefeller, Sr. and one of those ‘sharp’ sons was John D. Rockefeller, who was soon to become the richest man in America and grandfather of David A. Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

The entire fraud being perpetrated by the United Nations, with its deep roots into the Rockefeller family and with its modern genesis in the Trilateral Commission and Technocracy, smacks of the Rockefeller snake-oil legacy dating all the way up the family tree into the 1800s.

The structure of today’s con is the same even if the scale of it is far greater: Utopia is yours if you simply give up control over all your production and consumption, i.e., the entire economy of the world! Unfortunately, people are just as gullible today as they were back then. – Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

The Rockefellers created 990 “Climate Change” institutions, foundations, and activist groups

Every time you hear a “climate change” scare story, that person was PAID. He is a Rockefeller stooge. He may not know it; but his profession has been entirely corrupted

This is the most public of their estates, but trust me on this, Rockefeller houses, mansions, lodges, city palaces, beachfront estates, and dozens upon dozens of holiday houses litter America.

In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of million of dollars. They founded institutions and linked the survival of those institutions to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another.

Buy the book here

The Rockefellers have created 990 Climate Change activist organizations. They give them directions, financing, and launch them on the world. The Green Movement was started, financed, organized, and militarized by the Rockefellers. By the late 40’s the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50’s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea, as below:

Let’s just pause here and recognize that the United States and Canada are 5% developed. If it were 50%, then maybe we would have reason to worry about the effects of trace gas that takes up .04% of the atmosphere, of which 3% is currently contributed to by humans. But were we to have that level of development, our science would have long ago solved the problem. Our sense of proportion, size and consequence has been twisted, propagandized via hundreds of billions of purposed dollars. And all of it is exaggerated science done by scientists compromised by Rockefeller money.

By 1998, the Rockefeller family had swept the table clean of any opposition to this one idea. Any scientist not on board with the agenda was imperiled. Any university department not working towards this one artificial goal, was in danger of being marginalized. Infiltration had begun into every media organization, every entertainment division of every major corporation. This, as stated below, would be a generational goal. For everyone. Or get off the bus.

The Rockefellers have created 990 Climate Change institutions, foundations, and activist groups. And they fund them.

What is evidentiary, what can be proved in a court of law, rather than opinion, however, is that the Fabians started the idea of this whole one-world, no nation state. It is clear too that after the First World War, the Fabians roped in the second generation of Rockefellers. It was a major catch. It meant they had America. And it was spiritual. It was meant to change mankind, to kill off Homo Sapiens and turn us to Homo Universalis.

The New Man would be not-Christian, quietist, and self-obsessed. The economy would trend towards zero-growth if not de-growth. There is a preponderance of data, many many publications that laid out their plans. They twisted education away from practical science, engineering and building things towards social movements, the humanities, the arts, and pleasure. And via Laurance Rockefeller’s money and organizational skill, they devised and invented the discipline of cybernetics from which the internet flows.

The first Rockefeller, as almost everyone knows, was John D., by all accounts a deeply unpleasant individual who, after his private army killed protestors, was advised to go into charity in a big way to rescue his reputation. Which he did, and managed to dodge the trustbusters and Teddy Roosevelt, and build his empire over the corpses of his competitors. And then, as advised, he began to buy the media. The Luce empire of Time-Life fell into step. From the 60’s on Time-Life stood astride the media world, attracting the best, the authority on every subject. I was trained there, and trained well, but all the writing was done back in New York, in the Time Life building in Rockefeller Center. It was massaged to fit the message. I wanted to write and left.

By the second generation, the family had found its purpose, the meaning for all the wealth, the path forward. John D., according to Sir Stephen Wilkinson, who has studied him all his life, believed to his core that God had favored him with so much wealth because he was good; his Baptist faith coupled with titanic wealth made him a modern priest. His family, his heirs, would be a Royal Priesthood leading mankind to a new paradise. How the family must have fallen upon the Fabians, with their starry titled members, Bertrand Russell, all the Huxleys, H.G. Wells, Emmeline Pankhurst. How seductive socialism is to the intellectual class. It gives them the right, being so smart, to order humanity. To choose for the rest of us. Few of them could run a corner store.

The seduction of great wealth is pretty much irresistible. Everyone falls. The last time I was “in society” was at a wedding hosted by the Bostonian Cabots – so ancient they arrived in the New World in 1498. Famously, “The Lodges only talk to the Cabots and the Cabots only talk to God.” That’s how grand they are. Their wealth spread out that weekend was like entering heaven, everything so beautiful, so absolutely perfect in every detail. It was a lush sinking feeling, utterly seductive to the ego. Any Clinton, Gore, Obama, Kerry, Bush, any impoverished scientist, any ambitious university administrator, every fundraiser, every marginalized military man, would just fall over like an ambitious 20 year old faced with her first billionaire. Take me I’m yours.

The Cabots in full regalia

And that’s what happened. That’s how they did it, by inviting likely servants to their houses and hunting lodges, donating buildings, buying the land for the U.N., funding organizations, appealing to vanity and greed and above all, the human’s desperate need for significance. They created a super-class unmoored to reality and entirely 100% destructive of human life. It was systematic, a fierce, unstoppable, detailed two-hundred-year plan. Each generation would make their contribution.

It started with the felt need to reduce population and turn man into something other. To stress, environmentalism, neo-Malthusianism; the ‘saving of the planet’ was the motivator for each of the following actions. If you accepted Rockefeller funding, you toed the line. There were too many people, the carrying capacity of the earth was breeched, the planet was dying, we need a new form of human. These ideas all came out of the Fabian stable and metastasized through the culture like the most delicious poison. Every intellectual, all the universities started to promote this idea. It was heady, exciting. It celebrated Man, not some faceless distant Deity. Fabians hated Christianity and wanted, above everything, to replace it. But first, they had to command every institution of civil society.

The following is a partial list of the institutions by which the Rockefeller family built the modern world, in every aspect of the culture. It was masterful. Ancient Kings and Emperors would have marveled.

In 1920, John D. co-founded the League of Nations. He was the major donor. It failed because the U.S. refused to sign on. The family began to run for office, in order to manipulate levers of power behind the scenes. Today, there is pretty much always a Rockefeller in power at each level of government.

In 1921, they founded the Council of Foreign Relations, (CFR). David built and donated CFRs headquarters. CFR is closely allied to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London, Chatham House, itself closely allied with the British Round Table and the Fabians. When people talk about the 13 Families theory, the Round Table and RIIA feature big-time.

In 1944, they co-founded the World Bank, its ideals and purpose devised by the Council of Foreign Relations’ War and Peace Studies Committee.

In 1945, they co-founded the United Nations, with the CFR and RIIA. David Rockefeller wrote the preamble to the U.N. Charter. John D. Jr bought the 17 acres for the U.N building. Nelson chose the architect, Philip Johnson, thereby introducing the International Style. The family funded the U.N. building.

In 1948, came their statement of purpose:

If the world government cause is to triumph it will need more than sympathetic endorsement by the majority. People must be made to feel that their own security, freedom, and prosperity, yes, their own survival, depend on the creation in our time, of a world rule of law. They must be made to believe that the establishment of a World Government is more urgent than the maintenance of a high domestic standard and as, if not more, practical than the pursuity of a deceptive security by full military preparedness. – Atomic physicist, Edwin Rabinowitch, a Rockefeller client/servant, 1948

In 1948, in league with Julian Huxley, Mr. Population, a leading member of the British Eugenics Society and the British Humanist Society, they formed the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, (IUCN). Stated goal: better distribution of the world’s population (which is behind the migrant crisis) and fertility control. The IUCN has systematically cleared tens of millions of traditional and indigenous peoples from their lands in Africa and the East.

In 1948, they founded the Conservation Foundation. In 1953, they funded it with $53 million, the equivalent of $650 million today.

In 1954, they founded, with Bernhard of the Netherlands (thought to be the apex child predator) the Bilderberg group.

In 1955, they cofounded the International Meterological Institute (IMI)

In 1959, the first publication of the Rockefeller Institute Press included a section on “Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere and Sea due to Fossil Fuel Combustion”.

Laurance Rockefeller was purposed with the spiritual arm of the operation. Starting in the late 40’s. Laurance founded fifty environmental organizations including the World Wildlife Federation, the World Resource Foundation, the IUCN, and UNESCO. Laurence is behind Esalen and Lindesfarne Association, and is responsible for coining the term “New Age”. He founded and funded the Fund for the Advancement of the Human Spirit, the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, the Conservation Foundation. He was a board member of the National Resources Defense Council, the National Geographic Society, Woods Hole Geographic Society, Resources for the Future, and the Sloan foundation. He was a board member of the Environmental Defence Fund and the WWF. He co-founded the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and served as its chairman from 1958-1979. Laurance Rockefeller founded Cybernetics as a discipline by funding its study.

This man created the New Age, the climate scare and the Sixth Great Extinction scare

He stood up and funded most of the New Age gurus followed today by tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions. The New Age says “Stay out of the battleground, don’t worry about your neighbor, your family, your town, your country. Worry about your personal spiritual advancement, your tolerance and forgiveness. Work on yourself. Do your “shadow work”, you are everything, everything is a reflection of you.”

He funded the Disclosure Movement, which claims that aliens walk among us, and that their technology, liberated from the Naval Research Labs (another Rockefeller genesis) will save humanity. He was a ferocious, destructive nut.

Next, the family founded, financed and organized the European Commission, OPEC, and the UN Development Program.

In 1973, they founded the Trilateral Commission.

The plans for Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study had been drawn up by Tom Jones from the British Round Table, intended as an American version of All Souls at Oxford which is primarily an academic research institution with particular strengths in the humanities and social and theoretical sciences. The Rockefellers were closely involved via funding the Institute and funding all of its heads and especially, significant scientists, providing grants for their work.

Here the science of climate forecasting was developed using climate modelling during the 1950’s Initially it was thought that geo-engineering would be the principal method used, rather than reducing emissions. They were math freaks, one of whom made the following convenient prophecy.

The climate scare well entrained, the family turned their attention to art and architecture. The breaking of architectural tradition was deliberate. Modern architecture, the International Style was created in order to disrupt and make uneasy Homo Sapiens.

The International Style suited the Rockefeller brothers’ internationalist aspirations like a glove. It also inspired radically new zoning laws and urban planning models, leading not only to a boxy skyline of rectangular high-rise slivers, but to extensive sprawl and automobile dependency— which also happened to be highly profitable for the oil and auto industries.” (Nordangard)

In New York alone, they commissioned the following buildings, all built to be intentionally unsettling, deliberately destructive. Modernism deliberately erased the the past. It was purposed to make the human walking by and through these buildings, a sense of himself as base, insignificant, submissive and subject.

Some of the Rockefeller-financed buildings:

  • Rockefeller University

  • The U.N. Headquarters

  • Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

  • Riverside Church

  • The Cloisters

  • Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts

  • Empire State Plaza in Albany

  • One Chase Manhattan Plaza

  • The World Trade Center

Kissinger, then a professor at Harvard, was one of the family’s most treasured assets. He believed “a new political architecture would be required, better able to offer long-term governance.” He became part of Nelson’s “portable brains trust”, the Rockefeller Brother’s fund, the Special Studies Project. The SSP worked from 1956-1961 to build that new political architecture:

They co-founded Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

They co-founded the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

They co-founded the Atomic Energy Commission, the Office of Naval Research, and the National Science Foundation while Nelson Rockefeller was in power.

This is only a partial list. Every single one of these institutions are neo-Malthusian, bent on fewer humans, and taking us off the land into giant pens, controlled, measured and monetized.

In 1989, illustrating the family’s reach abroad, the Hague Declaration (with 24 signatories) called for a new international institutional authority that could preserve the Earth’s atmosphere and fight global warming.

Thereafter, in that same year, 1989, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund under the leadership of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger founded the United Nations Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). and funded it with near unlimited resources going forward.

In the appendices of Norgangard’s book, he lists all the institutions founded by the family. Skimming them, I found myself jumping out of my desk chair and shouting into the void. The dog vanished, the cat hid. It is infuriating – they used their power to corrupt every institution that would serve their end game. Here is one page.

The End Game

In 2012, the U.N. Climate Fund announced the establishment of the model for the cities of the future, outside Seoul, Korea called Songdo. Songdo is failing. No one wants to live there. Those who visit describe the place as soulless, with no people, no vivid life. Billions were spent creating it.

Nordangard describes:

“Traffic flow and citizen behaviour is monitored in real-time via five hundred surveillance cameras. Household waste is automatically transported via the pneumatic system under the city and converted into energy. All apartments have smart locks, with smart cards which can also be used for loaner bikes, parking, subway, and movie tickets. All apartments have smart meters (enabling residents to compare their energy consumption with that of their neighbors) and built-in cameras everywhere. Floor sensors detect pressure changes and automatically alert an alarm service of a suspected fall. Systems are tested where residents via the TV screen can receive language lessons or communicate with their physician as well as neighbors and relatives, and bracelets for locating children via GPS.7 In other words, a futuristic dream straight out of the World Future Society’s 1970s vision—or Orwell’s 1984. And this is South Korea. How successful, environmentally friendly, and inclusive Songdo really turned out to be has been questioned. It was built primarily for an affluent middle class expected to be able to afford the higher standard and the new technology. The electricity comes from coal-fired power plants and the buildings are completely glazed with windows that cannot be opened, which requires air conditioning all year round.8 Also, the pneumatic waste disposal system does not always work properly. As of March 2018 there was still no cultural life, no street vendors or old people, public transport, transport systems were empty and three-quarters of the homes were empty.

Evil has a human face, but despite the billions thrown at the people of the earth, fewer and fewer of us are falling for it. This latest Facebook-hysteria-the-sky-is-falling post from NASA’s Climate Change Center, received 5,600 reactions. 5,300, including mine were laughing emojis. And the top comment cited Torecelli, with one man’s work refuting every single flatulent government propaganda machine theory. Facebook, remember, is controlled speech and still, the people win.

You can buy Jacob Norangard’s book here

Please consider an inexpensive annual subscription to fund my work [Elizabeth Nickson]. I am grateful for each of you who do so, and in many cases, floored by the messages and notes.

No government, foundation, think tank or corporation pays me. Self and patron-funded journalism is the only honest work being done today.

Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here:

Elizabeth Nickson –

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  • Avatar Crixcyon says:

    The super rich are so bored and also beyond boring.

  • Avatar BugGoo says:

    To all these filthy rich / powerful families of Evil people doing evil deeds under the guise of NGOu2019s and corrupt institutions built deliberately to manipulate towards their goals ( NWO)for their sick deranged evil grasping poisoned minds to own it all and to control it all.You should of listened to God instead of his enemy.

  • Avatar Gary B Myers OD says:

    The Climate Change Scam ginning up fear to make money and establish a One World/Globalist Empireu2026..the agenda needs to be exposed and defeated

  • John D., true to his father’s “snake oil” heritage, was also very involved in creating the “health” care system we seem to be stuck with. They were also very involved with nazi Germany, along with the Bush family, helped bring Hitler to power. And praised by Hitlertheir American Eugenics Society (also Gates family) – Hitler commended the AES for giving him good ideas about how to rid the world of “unwanted” populations.

    • Avatar Dachsie says:

      Important facts, dubbydove1. Thank you.

      I guess it depends how deep down the rabbit trail, rabbit hole, we want to go.

      I just watched a video on Need to Know show, part of Dr. James H. Fetzer’s Bitchute video platform, where Joe Olson, one of the regular contributors to the Need to Know show, said that President ‘McKinley had recently selected Teddy Theodore Roosevelt as his Vice President because [Teddy} the Roosevelt family and the Rockefeller family, which they were cousins, and the Rothschilds. So bottom line is….’


      @ 20:24 to @ 20:42


      Dachsie has not yet able to fully research and verify Mr. Olson’s assertion that the Roosevelt family was blood related to the Rockefeller family, but he is a reliable informant and I will keep searching for more support of that assertion, but it sounds right to me.

      Powerful dynasty families have been steering the USA since the founding of the USA.

      Dachsie’s timeline begins in the Garden of Eden.

      • Avatar Pippi says:

        Look up the Delano family. Their history in China and the opium war. Ties in with other American politicians families and of course Canadian Trudeauu2019s great x 5 grandfather in the created port of Singapore for such opium War.

        • Avatar Dachsie says:

          Thank you, Pippi. Very helpful to know deeper knowledge of history and, more importantly, how these historical facts are interpreted, not how these facts are used, because that knowledge will help us understand correctly how our government and all of our government’s institutions have been infiltrated and captured.

          • Avatar Pippi says:

            u2026and how these facts are omitted. How they link to the slave trade, drugs and decimation of cultures. Very old template.

      • Thanks for the information. I will check it out. I wanted also to comment on the weird fact that IBM is the company that made the holocaust so “efficient”. And years later became the organization that made it possible for the distinctly uneducated, uncreative and highly predacious Bill Gates to become a billionaire – from someone else’s invention.. I guess that qualifies as a “conspiracy theory”. But it is to wonder.

      • Not this again! The Protocols of Zion has long since been proven to be a fake crafted by Jew haters in orrder to feed and justify their bigotry. Congratulations, you join the ranks of the well-known anti-semite Henry Ford who was responsible for giving air to this lief 100 years ago for which he was rewarded with the highest civilian medal awarded to him by Hitler himself. With all your research, you might have come across that this is a long disproven lie. But finding a scapegoat is so much more convenient than actuall thinking. There’s enough evil and predatory people on this planet for all races and ethnicities to share. Funny though how the majority of beneficiaries of this system turn out to be white anglo-saxon protestants. Just a coincidence I’m sure. And I still would not be so stupidly simplistic to say all WASPS are colluding to own the world.. There’s also enough good to share among all people.. We’re all ultimately earthlings’ – we share this planet – not all of us are hateful, tut too many are, so you’re not alone.

        • Avatar Thaddeus Robinson says:

          Yep! This again. Has nothing to do with “hate” and everything to do with the state of the world, Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. This document was ferociously attacked, and every means to suppress it were employed, including depriving printers, who could stand against financial assault, Paper and ink, which is indicative of the financial clout, as well as social importance, of the entities opposing promulgation. This has the same earmarks of Covid suppression of information. NO TRUTH Allowed!!
          The “Jews” in this case are not Jews but the Khazarians who adopted the religion for strategic purposes. These were the Zionists who traded the lives of Orthodox and assimilated Jews for permits that allowed friends and relatives to emigrate. They allowed murder of their fellows to build sympathy for the creation of the Jewish state, Israel.
          These characters have infiltrated every government, and openly control U.S. government, with Israeli Citizens filling many cabinet posts, the “news” media and financial institutions. So many politicians at every level bend the knee to them. Putin has a personal rabbi. Thomas Massie said that Every Republican Representative has an AIPAC rep shepherding them.
          I forgot, all of those names that Netanyahu etc. are known by are pseudonyms, totally made up. Check it out!
          And this is where it’s all heading:

          You can continue to pretend that you’re in possesion of knowledge, or actually acquire some

        • Avatar Thaddeus Robinson says:

          Whoops! I forgot this link. Please read and respond.

        • Avatar Thaddeus Robinson says:

          And lastly, I’ve been overtly targeted by some entity in possesion of electronic weapons, have had my life’s work stolen, driven from my home, harassed 24/7 by said mind invasive and physically destructive devices for 18 years, and I’m not angry and I have no hate for anyone or anything but EVIL!
          You may apologize, if you have any intellectual honesty.

        • Avatar Thaddeus Robinson says:

          still waiting for a reply to my reply…. Here’s a video that you may find to be informative.

  • Avatar Annette says:

    Fucking SHILL

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


      • Avatar Dr Margaret Aranda says:

        You are a class act. Thank you for all you do; when we understand this kind of history, it empowers us to keep fighting the evil. Happy to be in this battle with you. I will always stand by your side uD83DuDE4F uD83DuDE4C uD83DuDD4AuFE0F
        Keep shining the light on the darkness!

  • Avatar George says:

    Dear God, please let us stop the rockefellers climate scam immediately.

    • Avatar Pippi says:

      God answered:
      Stop allowing grants and subsidies to come into your community with conditions attached. These are legally binding. That is how change occurs , rights lost, bypassing any democratic process. Called Reflexive Law. The conditions can be kept from the community.
      Subsidy sniffers loose rights for all.

    • Avatar Steve Mitzner says:

      Did you know that Rockefeller Medicineu2019s, 50 billion in fraud fines, Big Pharmas, kills 684 to 2191 people each and every day? I.e. 12.5 to 40 million in just the last 50 years! [Fact!] (Depending on who you believe) E.g. the Johns Hopkins [low-ball] iatrogenic study or the well-documented book, Death by Medicine by Dr. Null!) (All with no prosecutions or jail time!) The Bible tells us, u201CDeath is the wages of sin, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.u201D So who will you trust, USA’s big government & big pharma, or God/ u201COur Creator,u201D [as our founders put it, and trusted!]
      Can you notice how those facts can’t sink into a confidence bios brain?

  • Avatar Dr Margaret Aranda says:

    Another great article that provides such good reading you have to stop your jaw from falling down! LAYERS and GENERATIONS of evil.

  • Avatar Dawn says:

    I am a huge fan of Elizabeth Nickson. She does her homework!

  • Avatar Brenda Ping says:

    I must have missed the original description of the Fabianu2019s. Who are they?

  • Avatar Jewell says:

    Yes, this is true – but who funded the Rockefeller? Need to go back much further – no one rises out of nothing to hold such enormous power in such a short period of time. If I get a loan to purchase property – they want collateral and I have to agree to many restrictions With businesses they survive by short loans – the holder can call these in. Rockefeller’s collateral was his soul – he was put in a powerful position by the person/people who controlled him. At some point he transitioned to the big table. But to continue to sit there you need etiquette otherwise your bad table manners will be exposed. IMHO Rockefeller was initially a front man who could get things done for the group at the apex who were unable to act directly for variety of reasons. JP Morgan was another one who was groomed for the position. The Creature from Jekyll Island – exposes many of these connections.

  • Avatar Thaddeus Robinson says:

    we definitely need to know who the enemy is, and why all politicians across the globe are bowing to these guys:

  • Avatar Bob martin says:

    Wonderful to see and read , Bob Martin Happy to have contacted Robert lets talk on Zoom or? soon! Bob

  • Avatar JohnnyBGood says:

    This is an excellent video series on the history of the Cabal

  • This again! What did “The Jews” do now? The Jewish population on the entire planet is 2% as opposed to two billion Christians and two billion Muslims. So why do peoplel like you invariably need to scapegoat the Jewish people for all the sins of the world? Israel was created in 1948s so does that mean for the previous 2000 years of Jewish persecution, oppression and killing -more by the Christians than the Muslims – that life was a paradise on earth – unlessof course you were Jewish? The myth of the Khazarians was created by Arthur Koestler, a Jewish writer who seemed to think that if the goyim perceived the Jewish people as white and European they’d stop oppressing and killling them. Now it’s used to claim that the Ashkenazic Jewish population has no right to the land of Israel. I figure they have more right to Israel than current day people living in the western hemisphere including U.S. and Canada, have a right to this land.. I consider most governments ,including perhaps especially, the U.S. and Israel to have more in commmon with crime cartels than governments. Government’s main agenda is to maintainn power, not to make the lives of those paying their way better. You may not realize this but Jewish people are not the zombie apocaplypse. We don’t all think with one brain. We’re actually individuals, much llike everyone else on this accursed planet. That means we actually are in control of our own minds and think for ourselves, not as a gang of coonspirators [plotting to get back at the Christians for 2000 years of persecution. We’re a forgiving people. And by the way, Ashkenazic DNA is for the most part half Levantine, half southern European so yes, we were exiled from the Levant. Don’t know if that jusitifies a takeover 2000 years later, but it is hardly the only country in which this happened – except with people who had no history in the area that theytook over and when I see as much concern for that as for the crimes of Israel (which I don’t dispute, , that would be a refreshing change. We can start with the American Natives who have been defeated, oppressed, robbed and killed for a hella longer time than 75 years. In fact it’s going on 532 years but whose counting? Nobody, just like nobody living in the west has any problem with it. Only Israel where they’ve never been.

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