About Cassandra’s Memo: You may download an ebook copy HERE and pay what you think it is worth. If you are short, it is my gift—no worries. The paperback is available at Barnes and Noble HERE. Please review it! As for Amazon, I replaced my transgender sections with links and changed my subtitle. Stay tuned to see if this gets me un-censored.
Note: I was alerted to the my topic by the thread HERE on Mathew Crawford’s Rounding the Earth Substack.
I have been criticized for being too hard on psychiatry. One reader compared me with the Scientologists and asked me if I would deny a (brain-damaging and addictive) antidepressant drug to a depressed pregnant woman. (YES.) I admit that my fervor seems almost religious, but this post will convince you that the shrinks deserve it.
“Psychopathy” has been removed from the psychiatrists’ diagnostic manual, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V. Narcissistic Personality Disorder was also deleted (from the newest edition, text revision DSM-5-TR). Are the psychopaths trying to conceal what they are from the rest of us?
Psychiatry has only the lamest of scientific grounding and, worse, is being weaponized to promote agendas. This LinkedIn post by a Ph.D. is an example:
The author describes racism as a mental disorder with constructs derived from DSM-5 criteria for Social Phobia, Paranoia, and Antisocial Personality Disorders. Selected criteria are merged and modified to form clinically applicable nomenclature under the proposed heading of Racial Psychopathological Disorder. Additionally, the author explains how this pathology manifests in the Make America Great Again (MAGA) sociopolitical movement, specifically, how it renders its participants susceptible to psychological denial and Delusional Disorder. A case study history contrasting Nazi Germany with MAGA culture is presented to illustrate the potential outcome of a manifested state of group psychopathology in this regard and the urgent need for American federal government Justice Department policy reform.
This loose chain of illogic goes: “racism”=Nazi=MAGA=diagnosable mental disorder=law enforcement and/or brain-damaging psych drugs required. Peter Breggin is concerned that trends like this will result in the forced medication of political opponents. When you understand this, his objections to Malone’s “mass formation psychosis” idea become clear.
To explain just how pathological psychiatry is, you need more background. I explain in a chapter from Butchered by “Healthcare,” Psychiatry is in Deep Crisis.
If you cannot afford to buy the book, HERE is a free link to download the ebook. Come back and flip me a few bucks if it changes your life. Please review it HERE. The Amazon paperback is currently on sale for $12.99, which may be below printing costs. This SECRET LINK is the audio for the first half of the book. It is free for you and your friends alone.
Psychiatry is the drug industry’s paradise, as definitions of psychiatric disorders are vague and easy to manipulate. Leading psychiatrists are… at high risk of corruption and, indeed, psychiatrists collect more money from drug makers than doctors in any other specialty. Those who take the most money tend to prescribe antipsychotics to children most often. Psychiatrists are also “educated” with industry’s hospitality more often than any other specialty. This has dire consequences for the patients.
Peter Gøtzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime (2013)
How modern psychiatry developed: A few decades ago, psychiatrists were losing their status. Then, the fabrication of new diagnoses along with the invention of medications to treat them saved them economically. First the antidepressants, and then the newer antipsychotics came to the rescue. This moved the specialty into the medical mainstream because the psychiatrists were the only ones who purportedly understood it all.
The novel diagnoses—some say concoctions—were enshrined in the psychiatric manual, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Pharmaceutical companies played a huge role in its creation.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) started aggressive disease-mongering of the new ailments. They hired ad agencies to produce “public service” drug advertising. The corporations marketed the new supposed cures alongside.
By 2008, twenty-eight percent of the APA’s income came from drug companies. According to influence theory, this made the APA virtually a subsidiary of the companies. Senator Chuck Grassley (R, Iowa) publicized the story in a congressional investigation.
Ben Furman, MD, a psychiatrist in Finland, explained how it happened in a 2018 blog:
The psychoanalytic belief system was thrown out and replaced with the DSM and the biomedical doctrine: everyone should have a diagnosis, and everyone should have medication. The psychiatrists now treated all the conditions that had been treated with therapy with medication. This became the treatment of choice for almost all mental health conditions regardless of whether the patient was an adult, teenager or child. A patient without medication became a rarity. The data system of mental health services required clinicians to diagnose anyone who sought help.
The psychiatrists and corporations ignored studies showing damage from long-term drug use. They left disparaging critics out of the debate and out of the textbooks.
Finally, long after the science matured, a few of the doctors are telling the truth. In 2012, an editorial in the British Journal of Psychiatry said the psychiatric medication revolution was at an end. Others now echo this sentiment.
The DSM is a kind of chaotic bible used to promote mental diseases. With its code numbers used for insurance, some call it the billing bible. Created primarily by psychiatrists on industry payroll, it mutates and metastasizes every few years through a vote of the APA members. In 2017, after many editions, it was 947 pages long.
Insiders have decried its intellectual disarray for decades. It has become the perverse standard in the service of drug marketing. The following are a few inside opinions about it:
There was very little systematic research, and much of the research that existed was really a hodgepodge—scattered, inconsistent, and ambiguous. I think the majority of us recognized that the amount of good, solid science upon which we were making our decisions was pretty modest.
Christopher Lane in Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness (2007), quoting one of the DSM’s contributors.
I pictured all these normal-enough people being captured in DSM-5’s excessively wide diagnostic net, and I worried that many would be exposed to unnecessary medicine with possibly dangerous side effects. The drug companies would be licking their chops figuring out how best to exploit the inviting new targets for their well-practiced disease mongering. I was keenly alive to the risks because of painful firsthand experience—despite our efforts to tame excessive diagnostic exuberance, DSM-IV had since been misused to blow up the diagnostic bubble.
Allen Frances, lead psychiatrist, DSM IV, author, Saving Normal (2013)
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in 2013 finally tossed the DSM—psychiatry’s diagnostic system—into the wastebasket.
Bruce E. Levine, psychologist and journalist.
Of the 170 contributors to the most recent edition of the … DSM… ninety-five had financial ties to drug companies, including all of the contributors to the sections on mood disorders and schizophrenia… Not only did the DSM become the bible of psychiatry, but like the real Bible, it depended a lot on something akin to revelation. There are no citations of scientific studies to support its decisions. That is an astonishing omission.
Marcia Angell (2011), former editor-in-chief of NEJM
The DSM’s diagnostic categories lack validity, and the NIMH will be re-orienting its research away from DSM categories.
Former NIMH Director Thomas Insel
The authors of the DSM seem more preoccupied with politically correct jargon than substance. There are hundreds of psychiatry blogs where participants argue obsessively about the terminology, and there is a massive effort in each edition to update it.
For example, they changed Mental Retardation to Intellectual Disability. In 2010, this change was written into federal law. Multiple Personality Disorder morphed into Dissociative Identity Disorder for the DSM-V. Other diagnoses were hatched, for example Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. This was formerly Late Luteal Phase Dysphoric Disorder. For many more samples, scan the entire document online. I read it for hours and did not think it got any better.
To understand the DSM V better, see the following excerpt:
Criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
A pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least four symptoms from any of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at least one individual who is not a sibling.
Angry/Irritable Mood:
1. Often loses temper.
2. Is often touchy or easily annoyed.
3, Is often angry and resentful.
Argumentative/Defiant Behavior:
4. Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with adults.
5. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules.
6. Often deliberately annoys others.
7. Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior.
Parents of boys need no other commentary unless they support using medications with pernicious side effects to suppress normal, but somewhat irritating behavior.
The DSM has worldwide influence. It is the ultimate resource for courts, doctors, prisons, hospitals, and insurance companies. These diagnoses lock people into legal and therapeutic boxes, but they are of dubious benefit since the drugs work poorly and promote chronicity. Since withdrawal from these medicines is severe and mimics the conditions treated, long-term use becomes almost inevitable.
The corporations blatantly falsify research to get psychiatric drugs approved. The study deceits I reviewed in the FDA chapter are all used. Studies that show drugs do not work get concealed. Positive reviews get published multiple times, and the journals mostly only print the data that show the drugs work. These last two tricks are such standard practice that the drugmakers have internal nicknames for them: “salami-slicing” and “cherry-picking,” respectively.
Another often-used fraud is to compare massive doses of an old drug such as Thorazine with standard doses of a new medication. This makes the side effects of the new one look modest.
In proper drug studies, patients who take a placebo are compared with those consuming the genuine thing. However, in some psychiatric research, the people chosen to receive the sugar pill recently discontinued an older antipsychotic such as Thorazine. They are having withdrawal effects such as severe restlessness (akathisia) and anxiety. Placebo patients should not have any reactions. When such a trial is over, the lie is told that the treatment group using the drug had fewer ill effects—fewer side effects—than the sugar-pill group, which is absurd.
Psychiatric drugs are disasters. For example, Hengartner and his colleagues did a 30-year prospective study of 591 depressed Swiss adults at the University of Zurich. They found that no use of SSRIs (Prozac-class medications) had better patient outcomes than some use, which in turn had better results than long-term use. After nine years, they reported that the SSRIs cause more depression rather than less.
The benzodiazepines (Valium-class drugs) relieve anxiety for a few weeks. But after about a month, they stop working. After this, patients require higher dosages to produce the same effects. Later, if the drugs are discontinued, months of agonizing dread, sleeplessness, and crippling nervousness commonly occur.
The original studies of Xanax for anxiety were for 14 weeks; after four weeks, it was working; after eight weeks, it was not; and at the end of the study, as the experimenters withdrew the drug from the patients, they got much worse.
The psychiatrists and the drugmaker ignored the longer-term results and claimed there was a net benefit based on the first four weeks. (See Robert Whitaker’s YouTube.) The FDA approved the drug, and it became not only the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepine but the most frequently prescribed psychiatric medication. But Xanax is addictive, and most physicians are well aware of this by now.
Other benzodiazepines are also hard to discontinue. Klonopin (clonazepam) is a chemically similar drug. One patient I worked with had used this 17-hour benzodiazepine to sleep every night for a decade. He decided to stop it. I wrote a compounding pharmacy prescription for smaller and smaller doses, so he tapered it over three months. He suffered with anxiety and sleeplessness the whole time, but felt better at the end. He said his energy and creativity both improved.
Another example: bipolar patients’ outcomes are profoundly worse in today’s medication era than they were before. Prior to the drugs, the disease often went away on its own. But now, we treat children who have psychological ups and downs with a stimulant or antidepressant before their first severe mania develops. The ones treated with antidepressants have four times increased chances of becoming “rapid cyclers,” which means they have frequent recurrences.
Robert Whitaker, a distinguished journalist, summarized the horrific medication problems in Anatomy of an Epidemic (2010):
Given what the scientific literature revealed about the long-term outcomes of medicated schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression, it stood to reason that the drug cocktails used to treat bipolar illness were unlikely to produce good long-term results. The increased chronicity, the functional decline, the cognitive impairment, and the physical illness—these are usual in people treated with a cocktail that often includes an antidepressant, an antipsychotic, a mood stabilizer, a benzodiazepine, and perhaps a stimulant, too. This was a medical train wreck…
Whitaker learned that most patients in emerging countries could not afford psychiatric drugs. Doctors there may even leave psychotic people unmedicated. The result is much less chronicity and some spontaneous cures. Almost half of the people with schizophrenia recover if they never get antipsychotics, but in the US, with treatment, this happens rarely or possibly never. History is also encouraging: before the drugs were developed, some studies showed the same thing. But since Americans now medicate practically everyone, comparison with placebo has become impossible.
In the US, mental illness, disability, and drug prescribing rose in tandem. Our psychiatric disability percentages have grown over tenfold during the modern medication era. Whittaker built a cautiously stated and well-referenced case that the medications were the cause. He also reported studies showing that within a few years, antipsychotics caused brain shrinkage in both monkeys and humans.
Psychiatrists have pressures to pass out medications. I interviewed one who said, “We cannot support our families unless we see a patient every ten minutes and give them the latest drug. Most of us know these are unproven, ineffective, and sometimes harmful, but people will not pay us just to talk with them anymore.”
David Healy further describes this circus in Pharmageddon (2012). The industry’s interest in funding psychiatry picked up when Prozac became available in 1987. As these SSRIs and other inventions became lucrative, corporations spared no expense for psychiatrists. They cater food, pay for meetings, arrange free hotel rooms, and sometimes provide first-class plane tickets for them. Lectures, trinkets, social events, limousine service, and massive exhibit halls are all available courtesy of the drugmakers.
These companies give some working psychiatrists $300,000-$400,000 per year. This creates the desired effect; for example, one group from the American College of Neuro-psycho-pharmacology published a claim (2004) that SSRIs did not cause youth suicides. They were discredited after the discovery that nine of the ten doctors on the panel had a financial relationship with the industry.
The psychiatrists have credible excuses. The phenomena they treat are chronic and poorly understood. No labs, physical testing, or examination findings help make the diagnosis. Studying treatment is difficult because every detail is subjective. I felt sorry for them until I read about their misbehavior.
Since nothing seems to help, in their frustration, they have historically tried about anything. Ice-water baths. Electrical brain shocks—electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Overdosing with insulin to crash the blood sugar. Even a destructive brain surgery called lobotomy, for which the inventor received the 1949 Nobel prize in medicine. These were all discredited. ECT, for example, is no longer believed to be effective and at least a third of treated patients suffer substantial memory loss. Worse, the fatality rate is 1/1000.
Psychiatrists customarily use medication combinations. They prescribe Topamax and Lamictal, which are unpleasant anti-seizure medications, to treat various symptoms and side effects. Depression, drug abuse, anxiety, and bipolar disease are all treated off-label using these. Military psychiatrists are fond of giving these seizure treatment drugs to combat troops. They often throw antipsychotics into these “drug cocktails.” The side effects of all these medications include fever, hair loss, nausea, mood changes, dizziness, diarrhea, double vision, loss of appetite, and suicide.
Brexanolone is a steroid hormone approved in 2019 for postpartum depression. It requires sixty (60) hours of medically supervised intravenous injection costing $34,000.
Progesterone, a female hormone that rises during pregnancy and goes nearly to zero postpartum, can ease these symptoms. The 100 mg dose is a patent drug, but compounding pharmacies can inexpensively provide the larger doses required for this condition. There is little interest in this because there is no huge price tag.
Hallucinogens such as ketamine (which is used for date-rape) or LSD are recurrent fashions in psychiatry. Recent trials are underway to treat depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder using small doses of these, and there is a lot of enthusiasm in some circles. LSD has been considered disreputable and classified Schedule I since the war on drugs in the 1970s, even though it has no fatal dose and its toxicities are modest compared with many prescriptions. Although these therapeutic uses may have merit, I fear they are further abuses, even though there is no patented way to profit from these older drugs—yet.
The mental health industry’s ambition—now mostly realized—is to be the universal solution for every problem, and to use the drugs for nearly anyone. The National Institute of Mental Health says one in five US citizens “live with a mental illness.” Wikipedia (2020) noted that: “Worldwide, more than one in three people in most countries report sufficient criteria for at least one [psychiatric disorder] at some point in their life. In the United States, 46% qualify for a mental illness at some point.”
They were citing (respectively) the Bulletin of the World Health Organization and a 2005 paper by Ronald Kessler in Archives of General Psychiatry. He is the most widely cited psychiatric researcher in the world. He said in his paper: “Interventions aimed at prevention or early treatment need to focus on youth.”
Industry financing pushes this narrative. The money passes back and forth, and it is hard to tell what is industry propaganda and what comes from legitimate psychiatric sources—if there is such a thing. For example, MentalHealthfirstaid.org (accessed in 2019) is a link-farm for dozens of psychiatric groups of all genders and species. It says: “In the United States, almost half of adults (46.4 percent) will experience a mental illness during their lifetime. Half of all mental disorders begin by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24.”
They emphasize that besides fifty percent of adults, children, who are traditionally off-limits, should be drug candidates as well. The following chapters explain how seventeen percent of the entire US populace came to be using psychiatric drugs.
I agree with you completely on all points.
Not sure if you included this in the links. but here is a very revelatory lecture on the origins and history of the DSM https://www.google.com/logos/2021/petanque/r0730b/cta.png “Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed – Dr James Davies, PhD”
“Why, without solid scientific justification, has the number of mental disorders risen from 106 in the 1960s, to around 370 today?
Why has the definition of mental disorder expanded to include ever more domains of human experience?
In the first part of this lecture, Dr James Davies will take us behind the scenes of how the psychiatristu2019s bible, the DSM, was actually written u2013 did science drive the construction of new mental disorder categories like ADHD and major depression or were less scientific and more unexpected processes at play? His exclusive interviews with the creators of the DSM reveal the answer.
The second part will address why psychiatry is such big business, and why, on the whole, it may be doing more harm than good. Youu2019ll get insider knowledge on how psychiatry has put riches and medical status above patientsu2019 well-being. The charge sheet is damning; negative drug trials routinely buried; antidepressants that work no better than placebos; research regularly manipulated to produce positive results; doctors, seduced by huge pharmaceutical rewards, creating more disorders and prescribing more pills; and ethical, scientific and treatment flaws unscrupulously concealed by mass-marketing.
Youu2019ll learn the true human cost of an industry that, in the name of helping others, has actually been helping itself.
Dr James Davies graduated from the University of Oxford in 2006 with a DPhil in Social and Medical Anthropology.
I suspect the vast “mental health” system was the blueprint for what is going on today with the insane, cruel “public health” crisis. It destroys lives and harms the overall economy. But it enriches the chosen industry and the few who bribe the officials to grant them more powers to force others into consumer roles. Klaus Schwab loves to refer to us nobodies as “consumers” too I noticed.
consumers of poisons and ze bugz
Very astute comment! Our mental states , mental health, sense of well being, our general health and personal security or whatever way one chooses to describe it, all of these had to be controlled and manipulated; and what better way than through the ongoing promotion of pharmaceuticals, especially when endorsed by the psychiatric profession; a drug to cure any and all psychological, psychiatric or emotional ills (whether real or not!) created the environment to pursue “vaccines” as the cure-all for any physical ailment , again using unproven drug concoctions for profit and control; psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald describes this total and ongoing corruption of medical science and patient treatment in his book, “The United States Of Fear”.
Also in Canada, a few months ago, they tried to label people as crazy/refer them to a psychologist for drugs if they didn’t want to take the vaccine. This was the initial guidance: https://imgflip.com/i/71fp4k However I think it was revised after public outcry – again, only after they were caught.
Good luck with the new version of the book on Amazon. Hopefully it gets past the censors.
A lot of the vaccine injured have become suicidal. Coincidence?
the microclots have been found in the frontal lobes, home of executive function and decision making
I should have included more descriptors of the function of the frontal lobes. It is where our personalities reside, so illnesses that present as a disordered personality like psychosis, schizophrenia, suicidal ideation, as well as people whose behaviors suddenly look off or disordered after the jab, could have this microclotting that does not show on imaging until it can be identifiable damage.
That could maybe explain the continued mask wearing
Maybe the sentence should stop at u201Cto people sufferingu201D?
If you are enjoying a nice hike in the woods and you see a tarbaby sitting on a log with an open DSM in itu2019s lap, NEVER, under any circumstances, speak to it, and you will be fine.
Both the Nazis and the commies loved using shrinks to “treat” dissidents.
and now, the Canadians…they also want Jordan Peterson to be re-educated to keep his license
Exactly! The pattern is painfully clear that our medical and psychological associations have become totally corrupt, are bought and paid for and controlled by pharma and political influence; Peterson mustn’t give in and neither should we because it is an open battle for our bodies and souls; and it is not just about power and money but the stated agendas of evil psychopaths who want us to believe that THEY are the healthy ones…don’t fall for it!
I read Peter Goetzsche’s book some time ago (before covid BS), as well as “Murder by Injection” by Eustace Mullins, and material from the notebooks of Bechampe and Pasteur (Bechampe was correct with the terrain theory, as REAL scientists are re-discovering). Thank you for your articles and books. What is happening now just makes me think of Monte Python skits, but so much more dangerous in this odd little hologram we live in. (Jude Currivan, Paramahamsa Tewari, Amrit Goswami, the Vedas in general….) I am an ecologist, btw, but definitely a post-materialist!
Goetzsche is the best
Unfortunately those “real scientists” are still very much in short supply; the facts and the truth have long been hidden in medical history and the real scientific discoverers such as Bechamp are to this day mostly unknown or vilified so that the lies and deception can continue to dominate all of medicine.
Medicine is a small part of our problems now
All should never have been approved. The most corrupt specialty.
Really Robert, what about Virology and Vaxinology?
Not medical specialties
25 years for me.
This is one of the most valuable posts that I have had the blessing to have read. It is proof of the destruction on all aspects of medicine for the sake of power. Thank you Dr. Yoho. uD83DuDE4F for all.
Here’s a copy of Butchered for my readers. https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4kliod8a9z
Free if you are short these days. The rest of it is just as good IMHO but I’m the author ha. Took 3 y to write. And review it here: http://amazon.com/review/create-review?&asin=B08FVMK5GY
Amazon rejected my review, they want fiction not truth or fact.
You just saved my son from being ‘forced’ into a Stent on to little info, or tests. And knowing he was put on the wrong heart meds, to bad it didn’t stop him going back on that Crap Metformin. No insurance.
Thank you again, Dr. Yoho. You hit another one out of the park. Wish I had known this inany years ago.
Thank God for good doctors.
When I saw that narcissism is related with psychopathing, had to share a rent post of mine .
Feb 6
this was great.
When you mentioned the term narcissist I thought of Tony the Rat Fauci.
The walls of his home office are covered with pictures of himself.
Michael Knowles does a short of this psychopath narcissist.
On the boat to the US from Europe, Sigmund Freud told his traveling companion “They think we are bringing them a panacea, but we are bringing a plague.”
I suppose its time for dentists to remove all reference to toothache, periapical infection, abscess, acute pulpitis and let the politicians and their kids suffer as if it just isnu2019t recognized. Those evil Chinadian hospitals would have to inject oxygen into the hallways for the crowding. Or let them die like they did to so many seniors with covid.
start a substack
Butchered by Healthcare was the best $5.00 on kindle I bought and read, it was hard to put down. And have used it many times to avoid medical and Script errors. It helped keep me of Metformin and the other pill forms they use to treat Type 2 Diabetics.
read Hormone Secrets; its more of the same
Female Hormones hate my GI tract. OA drugs polished it off. I did get some Saw Palmeto and Neem both capsule and oil based gel, it’s made a difference in the white hair facial growth. Started off slow to check for reactions.
One great canadian export is the book by Jason Fung who is on YT getting out the truth about the stupidity and lucrative biz that is diet-caused diabetes. A disease that should not exist. The Obesity Code. Oh, and The Diabetes Code.
Thank you Robert.
Just an observation from the viewpoint of an applied linguist (retired Prof. in Japan), the strong version of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (linguistic relativity) was never really explored in my graduate programs, and never came up in my thoroughly pragmatically confined career. But I was influenced through a stable of other thinkers such as Spinoza, Emerson, D.Suzuki, Jung, Jospeph Campbell, Einstein … and a respect for the integrity of culture from earlier ‘primitive’ communities.
Though I suspect a subtle continuum, people seem to fall into a divide between the bluntly literal minded, and those who see all language (and I might add logic and mathematical models) as necessary, but provisional social constructs through which we filter and make sense of the infinite information bombarding us which we shove under the label of ‘reality’. Jill Bolte Taylor’s TED talk and book give a short but powerful and secular take on the mystery of this phenomenon.
In the best case scenarios, those constructs are a necessary bootstrapping for collaborative problem solving. In worst case scenarios, those in bad faith presume to ‘construct’ reality to take advantage of others who all to easily mistake law for morality, ideologies for ideals, authority for our best interests. Just another tool for predators to herd the lowest hanging fruit of humanity. From the ancient scribe-gatekeepers to the present, that has always been the case for humanity, but I think there is good reason the current Tower of Babel is in such disarray for Mirriam-Webster to have decided ‘gaslighting’ as the ‘word of the year’ for 2022.
The institutionally defined definitions of ‘mental health’ that other institutions such as the legal system, the health ‘care’ system, corporate business and banking, and governance legitimize themselves with is the equivalence of room full of tailors, sewing the emperor’s new clothes. Ha. Good premise for the first of a new series of childrens’ stories for future generations in the manner of ‘Just So Stories’, ‘Uncle Remus’, ‘Mother Goose’, and ‘Hans Christian Anderson’.
Cheers from Japan, and keep up the good fight.
I’m a little lost but keep trying with me
The PSYCHOPATHS who have infiltrated Psychiatry have – just by accident – collectively decided that psychopathy DOES NOT EXIST!!!…How convenient FOR THEM!!!
At this point, the DSM isnu2019t suitable even for wrapping fish. Iu2019d be hesitant to use it during a toilet paper shortage. Itu2019s utterly vile and pointless as a diagnostic tool. Itu2019s lost ALL credibility. Ignore it…and its authors. Psychopaths HATE that.
Fake news, see my comment above
Well said!
Maybe because the only cure is a gunshot to the head?
DSM is the “billing bible”
My sister is a prime example of how Allopathic and Psychiatric medicine can derail a person to the point that they can’t get out of bed, take care of their children, and function in the home. She went through a divorce, moved hours away from family and lived in a beach shack for years, became a hoarder and lived on food stamps and the dole. She finally decided to wean herself off of the meds and that took a few years. Then she decided to go get a job in sales and slowly got her self together over several years. She was then able to move close to me. She of course still struggles with poor health as she ate crappy foods for years and does have problems dealing with reality and is trying to repair her relationship with her grown children. And to think that all her troubles were due to starting on anidepressents and sleeping pills is a crying shame.
these stories are legion
Like virology, psychiatry is a hodge-podge of accepted nonsense that can never be scientifically proven. It’s been invented to market and sell drugs.
Not true, manic depression is a real condition known for thousands of years, as is depression
both could be studied but are not
I am the reader you mentioned at the start of the article. Some corrections-
I asked about denying antidepressants to women with postpartum depression not pregnant women. Many women who have actually had the condition would disagree with you. I cautioned that your antipsych bias risks you sounding like a Scientologist and indeed your denial of treatment with an antidepressant to a woman with PPD is exactly like what Tom Cruise said about Brooke Shields. Women with PPD should have access to all possible treatments with real evidence behind them. Progesterone may be such a treatment but I wouldnu2019t advise the Scientology approach. The DSM 5 TR personality disorders have NOT changed. The cluster B or bad ones are still:
Antisocial ( long been the other name for psychopathy), Borderline, Histrionic and Narcissistic.
Psychiatry and all medicine deserves criticism but you are throwing the baby out with the bath water
sorry the psych meds are a net bathwater.
A great good would be done by banning them
did you quote Tom Cruze or was I mistaken
“When you understand this, his [Breggin’s] objections to Maloneu2019s ‘mass formation psychosis’ idea become clear.” I guess I can be talked into this being plausible but isn’t this a bit of a stretch? Did Breggin actually come out and say this? And if he did, that should be a part of Malone’s $25mm lawsuit against the Breggins, I’d think.
And was it ever “Maloneu2019s ‘mass formation pyschosis’ idea” or was it simply Maloneu2019s interpretation (right or wrong) of Mattias Desmet’s The Psychology of Totalitarianism?
read all the references start with Breggin.com
All this does is give me links to a series of circular arguments, Dr. Yoho (e.g.: Overall, many are concerned that the concept u201Cmass psychosisu201D will blunt the health freedom and the overall freedom movement by blaming u201Ctotalitarianismu201D on the victims rather than on enemies we can identify and defeat.3…with the “3” linking to the original page at breggin.om; but I promise to devour this site once again…end even read the Breggins’ book–again!). Maybe I can dig up something new by turning over the same dirt.
Having said that, I guess I’m convinced of Charles Haywood’s rejoinder “No enemies on the right!” when it comes to all of this infighting. Am I fighting to restore the character of Desmet and Malone? Absolutely not. I’m just questioning the validity of the Breggins’ outsized attacks along with others. And vice versa, to be clear.
Sharing hypotheses used to be “a thing” amongst professionals. I, for one, do NOT believe that the observations by Malone, Desmet, et al will “blunt the health freedom and the overall freedom movement by blaming u201Ctotalitarianismu201D on the victims” to an extent that will destroy the movement (which I totally support) nor does it justify the in-fighting. At least not for me, anyway. It’s all just an unfortunate diversion for some of us. Hope that puts my comments in a different context for you. Love your work.
PS: Just finished Naomi Wolf’s “The Bodies of Others.” Man, that woman is a great writer!
Malone has done a lot of good. I have no direct connections with him so I will not speculate about the lawsuit. I know the Breggins and their work intimately and they are saints.
Malone, Riscsh, Kory, Cole, Ioanidis, Bhattacharya, Gold,Kulldorff, Alexander, Prasad, Hou00E9g, you….the list goes on…have all done great work in the trenches. Breggins, Wolf, Tucker, (Jeffrey), Poulos, Metaxas, Haywood, Hanson, Peterson, Desmet, et al, have done great work in that other important area: humanity’s collective brain. Plenty to debate in both areas.
“No enemies on the right,” imo, btw.
I have a friend who is responsible for her grandchild. Heu2019s five years old. Sweet little very active bright little boy. Heu2019s on five u201Cbehavioralu201D medicationu2018s. Iu2019m debating on whether or not to send her this. I donu2019t want to end my friendshipuD83DuDE31
The powers that should not be, want to commit all their unimaginably gross and wicked crimes with impunity and no consequences! That cannot be tolerated!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos – ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse – THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of ‘useless eaters’ and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io
start a substack and study the issue of using ALL CAPS
You might call oppositional defiance disorder, single mother syndrome. Single mothers are notoriously bad at raising young men based on the evidence of statistical outcomes. The latest fad in psychiatry is simply to chemically castrate them.
Just bought your book and Iu2019m already nodding in agreement!
I recorded a podcast episode yesterday titled u201CNurse Lindsay Clancy killed her three children, why big pharma should be on trial for their murderu201D it airs Monday 10am & 11pm EST on America Out Loud talk radio, the show is called Nurses Out Loud. It goes to podcast in case you miss it.
I really wish I had a chance to read your article before I recorded to add additional references!!! This Boston L&D nurse is on trial for killing her 3 children and was allegedly given 12 different psychiatric drugs to manage her u201Canxietyu201D all the while her providers kept telling her she didnu2019t have postpartum depression. uD83EuDD14
So many people have no idea how absolutely corrupt these pharma companies are and what the research actually says and does not say about the efficacy of these drugs. Your book title says it all.
these stories are many thousands but are suppressed
For info about the kids and amphetamines, read the amphetamine chapter in Butchered.
My mother-in-law was a supervisor at a state hospital. She loves pharma.
unfortunately, you are a sensitive animal
I cited jason Fung in Hormone Secrets download here. This is my gift to readers who are short https://dl.bookfunnel.com/p7dvqow83g
I downloaded the DSM Manual 2012 and the latest adjustments they made recently and I found everything you said had been removed was still there for the psychiatrists to diagnose with.
I spoke with one who said this is the version they use.
Am I missing something? Please help me keep my faith in you and what I still believe is good work..
I referenced my source. As I recall, this was the latest revised interim update of the DSM. I didn’t check it. It may be an error.
They take their own condition out.
They add “Oppositional Defiance Disorder”.
Dr. Yoho. Thanks for all of your incredible work & posts.
I was lucky enough to be pharma aware when I sought counceling for my interaction with a Luciferian. I could not understand the psycopathic behaviour or the hate so thought it was me. They wanted to medicate if I could get treatment. Almost all docs refused treatment when they found out she was an attorney. Reporting her crimes was impossible, no lawyer would discuss it. Its unbelievable how sick and warped these professionals are.
terrible… fyi, acupuncture can have a profound affect on mood, both for anxiety and depression. And it can help with withdrawal from many drugs.
Just wanted to share an article that shows exactly how opposition will be controlled through psychological means: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/our-emotional-footprint/201512/the-denial-reality
Just purchased your book. Look forward to reading it.
“Either you support psychiatric ‘mental health’ or you belong to the church of Scientology.”
This is known as a false dilemma. I advise against joining either cult.
Found a nice paper on it.
“How To Eliminate Narcissism Overnight: DSM-V and the Death of Narcissistic Personality Disorder”
More nuanced abstract:
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition appears likely to eliminate the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder. There are significant problems with the discriminant validity of the current narcissistic personality disorder critiera set; furthermore, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition’s narrow focus on “grandiosity” probably contributes to the wide disparity between low narcissistic personality disorder prevalence rates in epidemiological studies and high rates of narcissistic personality disorder in clinical practice. Nevertheless, the best course of action may be to refine the narcissistic personality disorder criteria, followed by careful field testing and a search for biomarkers, rather than wholesale elimination of the narcissistic personality disorder category. The construct of “malignant narcissism” is also worthy of more intense empirical investigation.
Dear Robert, I am currently in a bad situation relating to psychiatrical medical malpractice. Please read my response. I need your help – my email is [email protected].
My name is Ryan Tanner. I am a 21 year old college student at Vanderbilt University who is currently being prescribed to take 0.5mg of Lorazepam and 20mg of olanzapine daily. I have only been taking these drugs for two weeks but knew that something was off with my experience. I’m well read on the current corruption in society and was immediately suspicious of these drugs, especially given my experience with the psychiatrists who prescribed them. They seemed all to eager to categorize my experiences into their pre-conceived notions of reality and mental illness. It felt like an interrogation more than treatment.
Essentially, I had a profound religious experience, and when I began to tell them of my experience, they began asking me questions like “Do you think you’re God?” Their line of questioning was obvious, and my honest, genuine answers of my spiritual experience were subverted into obvious signs of mental illness. My parents actually believe this nonsense as well, and are the ones who are encouraging me to take these medications. They are completely unaware of the reality of Big Pharma’s corruption.
I’m a free thinking adult, so what are my rights here? My parents are the ones paying for this medication. Am I free to chose another ‘therapist’ who I trust more? Can I disavow the treatment entirely, and what would this process look like? I’m willing to ‘disappoint’ my parents who have been unfortunately captured by fear into believing that I will regress into some other ‘mental illness’ unless I take these medications. My mental clarity, purpose, and commitment to Jesus Christ the LORD is more important.
These ‘doctors’ have diagnosed me with having a ‘brief psychotic episode’, which is complete and utter bullshit. These people are just corrupted, soulless, and don’t believe in God.
What can I do? How can I be free of this nightmare? What are my rights? What about informed consent?
Please let me know your thoughts as soon as possible.
Reply to this post like an email and give me your phone number if you want to talk. I will gift you my books and point you in the right direction but I’m no longer practicing so I’m not going to tell you what to do. I think you already know what’s right and just have to man up enough to do it. That said, there’s no need to worry or antagonize your parents. Sometimes deception is the most ethical and even loving course of action, and from your words I think you know what to do. It’s always your decision like everything else you will face.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for getting back. My phone number is (949)-230-6785. And I think you might be right. Part of the equation is just being able to talk to someone frankly about this to help me make sense of it all.