Liam has a fashionable name and is a modern 27 year old man. He’s my houseguest and the best friend of my son, who is on the other side of the country.
To get to know him, I asked what he did to get accepted to the Ivy League university with my boy, who was both an All American and California state champion runner. Liam answered that he wasn’t so special.
But when I explored further, I learned that he was a pianist, a concert viola player, a studious, competitive chess player, and both a varsity runner and swimmer at Trinity, his elite prep school. He told me modestly that the place was filled with entitled brats whose parents were investment banker thieves. I had to press him to find out that when he took the SAT admission test for Brown, he only missed ONE question. And that he only took it once and didn’t study specifically for the test. His result was one in a thousand or better. At that point, I asked my wife if she understood how elite this kid was?
I thought I was done, but we started chatting about Liam’s family. His siblings have degrees from Harvard, Oxford, and Cambridge, along with international research grants. And his loving parents, who hosted my son like one of their own—for weeks at a time—own a well-known international book business that they built over the past 20 years with their own hands. Mama bear, who I have never met, sounds like a polymath. After I learned all this, I told my young friend that UCLA law school was not going to be much of a challenge for him.
By then, I felt as if Liam could have been one of my own, so I asked him if he had the jab. He said he had three, and I stopped, stunned.
I asked him if he realized that he had consented to injection with a toxin that potentially turned his body into a spike protein factory that might run for years—or the rest of his life, however short or long that might be. I discussed the Watson/Crick Nobel Prize winning sequence of DNA to RNA to protein and how this is perverted and reversed by the mRNA injection. He didn’t know.
He had heard about the dying athletes and airline pilots, and he had family acquaintances who had also fallen after the jab. I told him about my friends dropping dead and my dear lifelong climbing partner who had a massive stroke and will never speak again. I asked Liam if he knew of the 85 percent plus miscarriage rate for pregnant women, or the stunning 10 to 30 percent decrease in live births reported a few weeks ago in heavily “vaccinated” countries, or that the chances against this happening by chance was trillions to one. He didn’t know.
I asked him if he understood the evidence proving the Gates foundation’s or Fauci’s guilt or the chain of evidence implicating the Chinese Communist Party in the COVID disaster. I asked if he knew Pfizer and Moderna were significantly (? majority) Chinese owned. He didn’t know.
I wondered if he had considered the VAERS fatality data that when extrapolated showed tens of thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of US deaths due to this supposed COVID vaccine. Or that any vaccine before this had been discarded after less than 50 fatalities. Or the German and Illinois insurance statistics showing the ENTIRE POPULATION’S forty (40) percent mortality increase coincident with the vax usage. Or the twenty (20) point IQ drop for little children during the lockdowns. He hadn’t.
I paused, and Liam assured me that discussions like this were normal in his family and that his ethnic group was trained to sort out truth using heated debate. So I went on in this vein for another twenty minutes.
He didn’t know about the court ordered Pfizer/FDA document dump or the analysis showing they knew two months after the rollout that their product would kill many thousands, possibly many millions worldwide. He didn’t know that Pfizer tried to get the court to release the material over SEVENTY-FIVE (75) years, an absolute badge of fraud.
I discussed the other frauds surrounding COVID and the jab. That treatments such as ivermectin would have saved millions of human lives but were concealed behind a wall of lies and coordinated propaganda. Did he remember the horse medication ads? Did he realize that the COVID “long hauler” syndrome and the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) were virtually all vax injuries and NOT mysteries? That Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) nearly always occurred within a week after childhood vaccines? That NO pediatric vaccines had been studied using placebo controls? (These will never be properly studied because vaccines were granted relief from civil liability in 1986.)
Liam asked weakly whether these examples might be correlation and not causation. So I asked him whether he knew that more than 10,000 normal US children, immediately after a childhood vaccination, had fallen to the floor, began banging their heads, and NEVER SPOKE AGAIN. Or whether he understood that childhood “autism”—neurological damage—had gone from less than 1/10,000 to 1/30 since Congress granted the vaccine liability relief in 1986. Or that the number of vaccine injections recommended by “authorities” were five when I was a kid and seventy-five (75) now. Or that the incidences of the diseases that the vaccines were purported to treat were ALL dropping like stones due to simple public health measures BEFORE the vaxes were introduced. These damning “anecdotes” made further study or usage of these injections a criminal act.
Did he now understand now that these fake “diseases” were gaslighting. That… well after this, I went speechless. He hadn’t heard any of it before.
Relations between sons and fathers are fraught. My son and I always circle each other like dogs, watching and sniffing warily. We love each other but he would never put up with a beating such as I laid on his friend. Our relationship is freighted by our history.
But Liam and I have no such handicap. He may have seen me as an old fool that he had to suffer. But I don’t think so. To his credit, he listened. The advantage of being twice someone’s age is the ability to read their mind. In this rare case, I am sure I showed him enough of the matrix that he saw its outline.
Current events are so complex that for those with little information—and that’s almost everyone now because most sources have been kidnapped—reading The Real Anthony Fauci and other references is the only path to the truth. The hardest part to grok is the deep evil of the actors behind the plots. Some of them care more about torturing us than acquiring fortune, which is an incomprehensible feature of psychopaths. Religious people call them devils.
Liam is the smartest guy in almost any room, even in my home. He had already worked through the start of Butchered by “Healthcare,” so he does read. I’m hoping that he gets the f**k**g memo now. We need lawyers with his talents, and he’d better not get any more injections if he doesn’t want to DROP DEAD.
I also hope—even pray—that my son listens to him. He doesn’t listen to me.
Thatu2019s nice. Thank you.
Beautifully written Robert and very touching
I thank God every day for fighters like you and Dr. Yoho. You have all become community and I pray for you daily.
Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin: I love and appreciate your work and contributions. I listen to all your podcasts and have your book. Keep up the good work! God bless you both!
Having met you and knowing you are a level headed and intelligent medical doctor, everything you said to him is chilling. It would be easier to believe everything you said was just a conspiracy, but with your background, I know that all these banned twitter conversations are real.
No more analysis is needed. The evidence is overwhelming. Our hope is in court.
unfortunately I have little faith in our courts. In spring of 2020 when I read opinion pieces in the local paper and the WSJ from lawyers on why censorship by big tech was perfectly fine, I knew something was terribly wrong. The whole point of the legal system is to argue and matters are rarely cut and dry. It took me five minutes to find the seminal first amendment case originating in California called Robbins v. Pruneyard. How any attorney could write an opinion piece on the right of private entities to censor knowing this legal precedent was there demonstrated how far the legal profession has fallen. The more I delved into current legal thinking, the more shocked I became. I have been listening to lectures on the Frankfurt School, Hegel and Nietzsche to understand their impact on society. I think we are living under the rule of the u00DCbermensche who hide behind a veneer of progressive environmental clothing promising baubles in exchange for fealty. We are the great unwashed unfit to live as we are only getting in the way of the revolution what is to come.
Iu2019m obviously not an attorney and my understanding is limited. Some progress is being made, however (CHDu2019s case apparently argues that when private enterprise conspires with government that 1st Amendment does apply to them) Getting discouraged and giving up is wrong. Here is someone else who thinks things are bleak. I havenu2019t been through it yet. As for who we face, they are nearly impossible to understand as they are not human as we define it. Best
I appreciate your candor. Here is an overall perspective of what we are dealing with. It is a historical study of science and medicine. It is by a friend who is a lawyer. James Hendersonu2019s book u201CWhisper of the Serpent.u201D.
No one in charge in that country in thst day. Looks a little like today, unfortunately.
This link works, above link failed for me.
Remember that the same f*ers that are trying to kill us own the WSJ and Bloomberg and all the broadcast media. They don’t tell you the truth about ANYTHING, including that we have had some very good victories in the courts. Trump put in a LOT of good judges, so don’t despair. Hang in there and stay hopeful & positive. These are the energies we need to put out into the noosphere.
The testimony of that crazy Berkeley law professor really threw me into a tailspin. But you are correct, we need to keep persevering. During the lockdowns I read the autobiography by Dovey Roundtree Johnson. Civil rights attorneys had to keep suing – and losing – and suing to overturn the terrible decision of Plessy v. Ferguson which upheld the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ a doctrine all too familiar to us unvaxxed. Similarly attorneys had to keep suing – and losing – and suing to overturn Buck v. Bell – the decision that empowered the states to sterilize their citizens. Buck v. Bell is also noteworthy as it relied on Jacobson v. Massachusetts to hold that the state had such power. As Holmes noted, “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11.4 Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” So in truth, our country has had to suffer the consequences of arrogant imbecile judges and fight against them.
Your son is a Brown alum? Me too, a few decades ago. Have you seen this? Perhaps some of us Brown-connected folks might unite to take a stand?
And thank you for this post.
Yes Brown. Iu2019m happy to help any way I can, but the level of hypnosis or denial or mass formation is stunning.
Truly. I’ll be in touch if/when there’s movement, thank you.
a few weeks ago i saw first pandemic baby and all I could think was how lonely his life was going to be.
A lovely essay, I enjoyed reading it .
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I will put that on my ‘to read’ list, but only on a day that I feel really strong. Today is not that day LOL …
That was good, hope you told him to lay off the CNN too! uD83DuDE02
Best damn thing I’ve read today. Agree 100%. This disbelief and outrage is what’s missing from most conversations about this psychopathically planned and war gamed genocide we’re living through. When someone’s trying to kill your family and you know you can prove it, saving feelings is not even a consideration.
I can honestly say I really enjoy reading you, from the very first essay.
It think the genuine, personal slant of your work makes it for me.
Of course I appreciate. all the factual contents but that “personal touch”
makes it better. Thank you.
Thanks to pall for the feedback. This is a full time effort and your words are motivating !
Lovely, thank you!
It is part of the war we find ourselves in. With my own few family members and associates who manage to epically miss the entire point and the scaffolding it is built on I work hard to be patient. Beating them up isnu2019t going to help us or them. Humans will go on evolving after all this has turned into just another nightmare of history weu2019re going to be awakening from. Remembering that weu2019re all in the same big wind and water and star wrapped planet plunging through space and time will be real intelligence going forward.
Yes, he did listen.
But after receiving 3 jabs, will he accept what he has done to himself? Will he acknowledge how he was complicit in creating this mess and in making it more difficult for others to stand up against the madness?
He took accepted those jabs as an adult.
He had a choice and made the wrong one. I wonder if and when he will admit it.
My stepdaughter because she owns felt she needed them, and is the only employee of her IT business who services several large companies computer/server needs, has had 3 jabs, and C-Flu 3 times. This last one was worse than the first two and lingered longer. The bad thing is they are Shedding C-Flu to the non jabbed. As he is educated about the dangers and not jabbed, eldest just had a bad bout of it, after six weeks still coughing, as a Type 2 Diabetic being 52, it was hard to get over, he took just part of the Vit/Min Zinc, C, mainly with a cough cold med. Diabetics have to watch the C amount because of their BS. He tested + in 5 mins. I noticed some swollen veins spots on his legs, and a large swelling on his elbow, but he said that, that one was prior to C-Flu. He is on his feet all day, but these swollen vein spots are new.
Then he showed me the photos he took of weird Chemtrails criss-crossing over his house. This is a area I know a few basics about, but not a lot.
How much noonday sun u2600uFE0F does he get? Melatonin is key.
Very little, he works 60 hrs a week. One day off. I told him to add the missing items, and add 40 Billion Probiotics, as 80% of your immune system is in your gut. He was taking 88 mg Zinc, but no Querencine or Quinine Bark. He belongs on DSSI, but like we Seniors only got one Stimulus check, out of work for months with no income UE took months. His younger brother 42 has a 4 year old, his was in his last year of HS and will be 20 in Oct. He is unjabbed too.
I hope you order him to take his lunch outside! u2600uFE0F
No place to sit besides a hot car. As he is the manager, lunch is often interrupted.
Yes the cognitive dissonance is one of the problems. Realizing the Matrix is also a huge pill to swallow.
That is why I feel so bad for Steve Kirsh. He has even looked at his blood under a microscope and seen the odd squares, etc. How terrifying for him it must be.
Steve knows the good protocol for detoxingu2014 as much as this gunk can be detoxed. If anyone needs that, head to FLCCC detox, online.
This post is critically spectacular and needs to be seen by EVERYONE. Painful to read, I appreciate you sharing these personal details. My daughter is a biomedical engineer who graduated in 2019 – last real u201Cnormalu201D graduation for the history books. She designs kidney dialysis equipment for a major pharmaceutical firm in NYC and has, to date, 4 patents under her belt. She has 3 Moderna jabs with an already pre-existing neurological condition and up until the carnage that has destroyed us in countless ways, we had a very loving and wonderful relationship. No longer. She has kicked me and my husband, her dad, to the curb u201Cuntil we get vaccinated.u201D I canu2019t get through to her but I feel as the tide is turning, albeit imperceptibly, and with support from posts like this I feel there is still hope for our Families. Itu2019s appalling he knew none of this. My younger daughter, a real regular kid with a great heart just graduated with a BS in Health Sciences from an ok institution. She actually did some measures research on her own and said she wasnu2019t getting it because she was afraid it would hurt her fertility. And because she went to school in FL she was able to get through school without the jab, but the pressure was horrendous
After all the great feedback, Iu2019m going to try to get this post on other platforms. Best
That hurts my heart. We r at the point where we are enjoying the company of our adult children and their families, but we are also a huge support to them as they navigate this stage of their lives. I feel for your loss and also for the loss your daughter volunteered for. She has isolated herself from one of her biggest support systems.
Has your daughter come around yet? It’s rather hard to miss the death and disability in most people’s personal spheres these days. A good friend’s sister, aged 42 and no prior health issues, is fully vaxxed with two Pfizer jabs *and* a booster. She had a heart attack and now has two stents, but she still refuses to acknowledge the connection to her jabs. She was warned repeatedly not to get them, however, complete with links to interviews with such luminaries as Dr Yeadon and Dr James Lyons-Weiler, but she fell for the propaganda, and now continues in her delusions of the vaxxes being “safe and effective”.
Has your daughter come around yet? It’s rather hard to miss the death and disability in most people’s personal spheres these days. A good friend’s sister, aged 42 and no prior health issues, is fully vaxxed with two Pfizer jabs *and* a booster. She had a heart attack and now has two stents, but she still refuses to acknowledge the connection to her jabs. She was warned repeatedly not to get them, however, complete with links to interviews with such luminaries as Dr Yeadon and Dr James Lyons-Weiler, but she fell for the propaganda, and now continues in her delusions of the vaxxes being “safe and effective”.
Has your daughter come around yet? It’s rather hard to miss the death and disability in most people’s personal spheres these days. A good friend’s sister, aged 42 and no prior health issues, is fully vaxxed with two Pfizer jabs *and* a booster. She had a heart attack and now has two stents, but she still refuses to acknowledge the connection to her jabs. She was warned repeatedly not to get them, however, complete with links to interviews with such luminaries as Dr Yeadon and Dr James Lyons-Weiler, but she fell for the propaganda, and now continues in her delusions of the vaxxes being “safe and effective”.
Great story filled with facts, you didn’t touch on Plaquenil or Ivermectin. I live in Red Tennessee, we were promised Stromecal or Ivermectin would be OTC, when the new laws took effect in July. It’s NOT WHAT WE GOT. I’ve been raising Cain over it, no replies. With my Hearing disability using the cellphone is difficult. So I have to use their email form, which is another way they hide from the public. You can contact your Senator, Rep, or the governor, but no other politician in DC or your State.
Tennessee law would allow over-the-counter sale of ivermectin
Please make a phone call (615) 741-2001 or form email
Ivermectin is easy to get from several sources including the one at the end of this post:
If you believe that Veternary sources are no better or worse than what our marvelously trustworthy Pharma supplies for humans (I make no recommendation here), then the Tractor Supply three blocks from where you are sitting now has it in stock.
I took IVM from Tractor Supply after the source of our pills began having them confiscated. We have horses. I know the rigor their meds must pass. It helped a LOT.
I feel for you! My sons are both in the major tech industry in CA and have told me straight out that I am being misled by charlatans on the internet. How evil it is that they prey on the weak minded. HA! They are fully jabbed, and also injected their children at the first opportunity. I thought I raised them to distrust drs, and think for themselves. Obviously I failed.
I think one of the problems is that ‘education’ teaches them NOT to think for themselves. The young man is highly obedient – an orchestra cannot have independent thinkers, for instance –
If you recall, the most obedient category of sheep is MASTER’s degrees. They have had years of conditioning to do what they are told.
PHD’s are the lowest conformists … I guess at the point of defending your argument you finally learn to think for yourself?
Thank you for sharing your experience. We must continue to try to tell people. I have to be careful, because I get so wound up and try to tell them everything all at once. The longer this goes on the farther behind the normies fall and the more they need to be told LOL It is difficult to take it slowly.
I’m so sorry about your son and my sons and grandkids and all the sheep in the world.
Take heart. Reality is percolating into the mainstream.
We must continue to cause ripples in the formation. I take issue with people who say “speak out if you’re comfortable doing so” – NO – WE MUST SPEAK OUT – even if it makes your heart race and your stomach hurt!!! YOU MUST SPEAK OUT!! Even just to make a comment in passing that might make them think. I often speak to the person I am with a bit loudly so that the others nearby will hear it and maybe think about something. (yes, I am THAT annoying old lady)
As Desmet said, it was when people went underground and stopped talking publicly that countries fell to communism, etc.
SPEAK OUT!! You can do this!!! You are not alone!! There are many of us – and we are with you!!!
We have no choice but to act. Our feet are in the alligatoru2019s mouth.
Desmet is unfortunately a fence sitter who wants to blame his theories rather than the global criminals.
Interesting. I have only seen his explanation of the mass formation. I did not get that impression from what he said. It seemed to me that he was explaining how the formation occurred and that it was definitely manipulated by malignant outside forces. He did openly encourage people to continue to speak out. His explanation of why you can’t reach these people with logic and facts made sense. (For the most part, although you seem to have found the exception) Certainly I can’t reach my kids with logic, info and the fact that Pfizer has been fined over and over for malfeasance. I have not watched/read any more about Desmet, so he may be singing a bit different song now. Or – gasp- I may have heard what I wanted to hear … naw, that can’t be it.
Peter Breggin explained this but I donu2019t have the link. Desmet doesnu2019t seem to believe in bad actors, he quotes Harari in his intro, and like any u201Canalystu201D is unduly fond of his theories.
Huh … probably the one saying “Trojan Horse” well I should have the link, I get Breggin’s articles, so don’t bother looking. I just haven’t read it. It’s far down on my list of reading matter LOL .. I will move it to the top. Thanks … however, in the original interview I listened to Desmet was outlining the various steps necessary to create mass formation – and they are definite and orchestrated by some force or leader.
I found his theory very helpful, in any case. I don’t believe or follow everything that is told to me, so his relying on his theory to the exclusion of evil forces, doesn’t affect my ability to use his theory to explain why seemingly intelligent people will not listen to facts.
I’ve finally gotten around to listening to Dr. Breggin’s analysis. Seems the interview I heard was not at all like the book version. How odd. Too bad, because I found mass formation to be an acceptable explanation of the inability of intelligent adults to critically process information such as vaers and wholeheartedly agreeing that censoring drs and scientists was a great idea. In response to my concern that linked in had removed all of Dr. Malone’s info I was told “Yeah, we don’t have any patience with that.” …
I did think that Dr Breggin did not take into consideration the amount of interaction people have on the internet. I think a group cam be formed digitally and the pro vaxxers I interacted with were certainly not quiet and depressed, they were vituperous. Also in the interview I heard he set out various steps that had to be followed to induce mf which implies some controlling factor.
Desmetu2019s theories seem to apply but heu2019s def shilling for WEF somehow. He prescribes passive resistance. Iu2019m not at all sure this is best.
We could so
p.s. I designed some little busines cards you can print out that give facts because it makes my stomach hurt to talk to people LOL. I have them posted on my site – wackypup –
Everyone I hand them out to has read them … so we’ll see if it makes a difference – ripple ripple ripple.
If you have any ideas for other cards I could make, please let me know and I will design them and put them up on the site too.
u201CStop wearing muzzlesu201D from your siteu2014excellent.
I say u201Ceveryone here is wearing slave masksu201D within earshot of these morons. WTF can they say to that. If they get obnoxious I just tell them to stop eavesdropping.
I would be so very honored if you put a link somewhere – or have any suggestions – I am a hermit – use NO social media – have no followers, and have not gotten much traction on getting these out. You may steal any or all that you want of anything – or I will even create handouts to your specifications. I just feel I need to fight to save humanity from the brutal evil that is so evident.
Post anywhere on my substacku2019s comments with your website and explanation. Go back and use my posts as your ad vehicle. Do this for other substacks. I suggest Paul Alexander and Steve Kirschu2019s. Maloneu2019s. Mine has a limited reach of less than 3000.
I like your term slave mask. I am going to start using it. Around here it is mostly black and hispanic people wearing them. Very weird. And young people.
So true! My Harvard-graduated, retired teacher, brother-in-law responded to a simple FB post from The Epoch Times. Itu2019s obvious he didnu2019t read the attached article, but only commented that The Epoch Times are really u201Cout thereu201D in their reporting. They arenu2019t considered a valid news source, in his opinion, apparently.
However, the same basic material in the article had been discussed by an approved physician on an NBC news show (I checked for other sources). This shows me that the bulk of society is stupid; being ignorant means one doesnu2019t know or know how/where to learn about information to support and/or argue a fact based on oneu2019s willingness to search for the truth. Stupidity is being well-educated and simply sticking oneu2019s head in the sand rather than look at potentially supported arguments to what youu2019ve heard because itu2019s easier to go with what you feel is acceptable based on your one-sided ideology. Truth seekers are willing to see other sides, opinions, ideas that perhaps do not support their predisposed opinions and then come to a conclusion of what they believe about a given thought, idea, etc., based on the available information.
Of course now, when I do what research I can on Epoch Times Iu2019m more confused to read of the apparently, somewhat shady origins, ownership and reporting management (by/of Falun Gong worshipers), with not a strong backing of any independent (if there is such a thing) sources. How does one find truth in reporting anymore? What is one to believe? Who can we trust when it appears all the usuals sources (government, media) are compromised by money or power?
Epoch seems sensationalized. I get all these substack posts by independent authors. CHD and Mercola are two of the best.
Epoch can be good and sometimes not so
much. They get into the weeds and yes, seem sensationalized. Hit or
miss with a dash of
overkill. CHD and Mercola are fabulous. Many have told
me how u201Coffu201D they are (BOY has somebody done terrific smear jobs on them and Wakefield!)
My reply is to PLS stop being a parrot, saying what you have heard about so&so. PLS spend 8 min. listening to RFK on ANY subject from CHD and then tell me he isnu2019t brilliant. THEN think for yourself and speak for yourself as to whether he is smart, articulate, seemingly
knows the material. I have a LOW tolerance for parrots! If they keep on, I say, u201CThatu2019s right. Those poor Kennedy kids just werenu2019t able to travel, are not well read, couldnu2019t rub elbows with some of the brightest among us, probably were unable to attain a decent education, why, I bet he is a real loser in the courtroom too! Bless his heart. Maybe if heu2019d been born into the upper crust, he couldu2019ve had more
opportunity to really
make something of himself.u201D And then I feel better. uD83DuDE02
This is excellent. You presented the facts clearly and compassionately. I will share this widely as it covers it all, and will be hard for people to dismiss. Iu2019m not sure our hope is in the courts. Iu2019ve lost confidence in all institutions. I think we have to hope for more and more people waking up and as deaths and disabilities mount, truth will be impossible to deny. Iu2019ll continue to fight and help spread truth as will many others, but we also have to brace ourselves for the tragedy that is about to unfold (that is already well underway). The Holocaust was just a warmup for this horrific crime against humanityu2014only this time the victims didnu2019t need to be rounded up and put in freight cars, they willingly rolled up their sleeves.
If we win, it has to be the courts, the elections, or violence. Iu2019m hoping for the former and there are promising trends.
I hope you are correct about the courts. What I’m seeing are parallel societies and realities forming. Unfortunately, the other side will not only have to face being wrong, many of them will die.
Two questions: First, why would you say that yesterday you acted like a jackass? You lovingly spoke truth to someone you care about. That’s not being a jackass, it’s being a good friend. Second, are you sending this to your son? He might be more open to your comments in this context.
My kids get all my posts.
Beating up on my kidsu2019 friends over these issues isnu2019t generally acceptable behavior, but in this case my wife sat mute, an unusual state for her.
Doc, you weren’t beating him up! You were speaking truth on the most important issue of our lives, perhaps in human history. This isn’t some mild political disagreement, this is doing everything we can to stop the genocide.
Excellent work. Thank you for sharing your experience. Iu2019d send all my nieces and nephews your way if theyu2019d be willing. Every second they are on any social platform theyu2019re being gaslit and brainwashed. If they want to go along to get along itu2019s a lose lose situation. Iu2019m glad to be approaching 50u2026 where that shit just doesnu2019t matter anymore (not that it ever did for me). Communicating with family is especially difficult. In my experience conflict results in high emotional responses or complete shut down – the result of highly stressful family situations early on? Anyway Iu2019m glad you had access to your sonu2019s friend and he can spread more truth – through your unwillingness to stand down! Iu2019ve tried sharing information with my family and it falls on deaf ears. Truly perplexing. But they were all in on inoculations – 2 of my 21yr nieces now have heart arrhythmias. I guess Iu2019d have to go into a state of denial if I had supported them getting poked. Truly a sad time to be alive. Thanks again!
How sad it is that someone so intelligent knew nothing of the things you shared. I’m left believing people are simply not reading beyond the MSN, Google or Twitter feeds. The big tech social media platforms have truly been successful in not only censoring the other side of the story, but also in demonizing any opposition – and evidently for a large swath of society. Deceive, divide, destroy.
Exactly my point. But he was smart enough to not put his fingers in his ears.
Or too polite – a rarity these days.
He started reading RFKs book
I have found myself unable to tell that which I’ve learned -about the criminals and these concoctions- to anyone who has already had the shots and is ill, or contending with a new disease diagnosis, or sharing about the unexpected and sudden death of family. It seems like the ‘closing the barn door after the horse got away.’ It’s an odd feeling and my mind wanders while in such conversation, screaming, but, in many cases, there’s no point. Help.
The only luck Iu2019ve had is gifting the RFK book. Itu2019s only 3$ on kindle. But they have to be readers.
Lately, 4 mo. after your post u2014 Iu2019ve said anything and everything on twitter with zero repercussions this far. Idk abt Elon in the long haul, (no
pun intended) but so far, so freeing! Iu2019m
practically a noVAX evangelist.
Dr. Yoho,
Thank you for your work.
Tremendous article. Great points you made to Liam.
It appears we canu2019t assume all vials contain the same thing. Perhaps Liam was spared the worst of them, like Russian roulette?
Worst in usa. A massive experiment.
Stats better in Europe.
Hey Doc,
Youu2019re on a mission. And a good one!
Donu2019t beat yourself up.
My porch light is still on for you and Judy.
Charlotte Long-Mason
Thanks Charlotte!!
I somehow came across this post this morning and boy does it hit home when it comes to the relationship between sons and fathers. If I bring up any current event, my son (34) immediately puts out negative energy or will just say outright letu2019s not go there. He has a 4-year degree and I barely graduated HS in 81. I knew immediately that the jab was bad, but he didnu2019t. I learned in a science class of some kind at some level of my public-school education that it takes years, sometimes decades to develop a safe and effective vaccine. He apparently didnu2019t and took 2 shots. I didnu2019t.
Iu2019m not saying my education was the only reason I didnu2019t get jabbed. I also just had a gut feeling that if I got the shots, it would harm or kill me. My son didnu2019t and gave in to peer pressure by fellow employees at a business he OWNS.
Like you and your son we love each other and have in the past as you said circled each other like dogs but could always discuss, even politely argue about various controversial topics. That changed sometime in 2016 and got really weird in 2020 after the jabs started rolling out. Now we can only talk about the weather, golf and what latest show or song one of us might enjoy. Itu2019s boring as hell to be honest.
Even though my son did say after 2 shots he was done due to the fact that he got the China virus 3 weeks after the 2nd shot and maybe again a 2nd time a few months later I am going to make a bullet list of your discussions with Liam just in case he or someone else starts going off the rails regarding the shots.
I also read your open letter to your children. Brilliant. Iu2019m sure I will borrow a few lines from that as well. My wife and I also love our son and other brainwashed family and hope they are all still here in 2 years.
So based on all of the available evidence, both taken broadly and down to each facet and critical detail, it is all consilient with the inference that a massive hybrid warfare operation was conducted using the target country’s own “Whole of Government” emergency apparatuses to facilitate a full spectrum dominance social engineering assault in a de facto coup of the country. Or it is just a series of events that would have only comical explanations and inane dogmatic rationalizations otherwise. It’s a Fifth Column assault combined with foreign actors with a result that makes all perpetrators to the act come out ahead of the targeted populations.
De jure they are an extortion racket engaged in fraud in many forms along every major social axis of power (economic, media/culture, establishment bureaucracy) which are all nestled around a de facto power structure that passes off the extortion racket as a de jure structure of authority into which they use the lackeys and turnkeys to guide the dupes into predetermined outcomes of violence engineered to appear merely as what they will use the apparatus to demand people understand that it is, while actively and openly censoring them on no basis other than their opinion that it is their right and duty according to (insert hotbutton word).
Whatever the emergency, they are using it as cover, whether it is in part an event they didn’t start or don’t control or whether it is all their doing and something goes awry now and then or in places. The point is that they have the initiative and the capital to maintain it efficaciously. The whole situation is amenable to straightforward analysis according to ponerology and history and a nose for something out of order.
How easily they took his life. Every acquiesence to them is a harm, no matter the substance in the syringe or the degree of infringement or on which right. It is a matter or rhetoric in any event. They can use terms like “positive cases” and then do a Tik Tok dance, but it looks corny to anyone with any sense of context outside of twitter echo chambers already pre-engineered by, I have good reason to believe, well-trained AI which manipulate communications topologies in what is current internet speed, and do so for the purpose of augmenting the aforementioned hybrid warfare operation. This operation has many facets, and it is itself but an outgrowth of earlier kakistocratic ventures down back through the centuries.
And you might compare it to a supernatural horror western gothic surrealist piece known as “High Plains Drifter”, which is like revenge of the spaghetti western trope if it were mutated through a Twighlight Zone effect. It may even be an actual anomoly which these youngsters would call an “SCP”. What a zany world that the REAL “SCP” just happened right in front of their eyes and they didn’t notice it. Must be that “amnestic effect” or “cognitive hazard”. All they can do is criticize the rape scene and toxic masculine violence culture blah blah blah. They can’t see that they are just some of the town fodder about to be served up a massive wallop of Karma, but no matter what they will never ascend to “bandit with a backbone”. Even the villains in HPD are more upstanding than the institutional and turnkey players in these operations. Foul people.
I act like a Jacinda A lot.
I apologize 15 percent, after carefully weighing it all.
Btw, here’s my new health care provider. Don’t give a damn about bullshit medical state boards. Ivermectine… No freaken problemo
My biggest jaw drop moment was when a co-worker with an autistic son, who commented weekly on the evil of vaccines as having caused the autism, was fully injected faster then you can say “Rumplestiltskin”.
join the club. My 2 adult sons have never taken my advice and pretty much dismiss all the data that doesn’t fit into their world views especially when it’s contrary to their “teams” narrative. There are maybe 2 people in my world who actually care about what I think. I’m a guy without any tribal allegiance , one who makes an effort to think critically , and though out my 6 1/2 decades on this earth , i have seen a pattern that people truly can not handle the truth. They just “see what they want to see, and disregard the rest.” After a while you have to ask yourself, why even bother.
Great one Robert. I read this a couple weeks ago and just now scanned it again. Your last line is memorable and reflects my exact experience with MY son(and daughter).
“I also hopeu2014even prayu2014that my son listens to him. He doesnu2019t listen to me.”
By the way I am almost done with Cassandra. . . thorough job there, thanks again. We may have to add you to the list of warriors: Naomi, Steve, Jessica. . .