This is a synthesis of brutal information, so here is lighter fare to start.
Dick Cilley, my “dirtbag” climber friend, always chanted this post’s title while scaling hazardous rock. We would gleefully repeat his words as we ascended, laughing at the situations we put ourselves in.
A quote often attributed to Julius Caesar explains more, “As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men’s minds more seriously than what they see.” The dangers I describe here are mostly invisible, so our anxiety about them may be higher than they merit.
The worst risks are self-imposed
Climbing is hazardous, but smoking is responsible for one in five US deaths. I spent a magic decade of my life doing these simultaneously.
A “conventional” source lists the most common causes of US deaths in 2021:
Heart disease 695 k
Cancer 605 k
Covid 416 k
Accidents 225 k
Stroke 162 k
Alzheimer’s 119 k
Diabetes 103 k
You can avoid most of these
Strokes and heart attacks increase if you eat “unsaturated” vegetable fats like Crisco or margarine. These oxidize and cause diabetes, atherosclerosis, and other damage. But industrial food producers and a paid-off American Dietary Association promoted these cheap synthetics as healthy since early in the 20th century. “Saturated” animal fats, on the other hand, oxidize much less, so they are far safer (Hormone Secrets).
Eating seed oils instead of animal fats is being recognized as another cardiovascular health catastrophe. Big agriculture, fast food restaurants, fake fat makers, and corrupt regulatory groups are co-conspirators in bringing us these.
Avoiding exercise creates similar risks as smoking.
Accidents: Auto accidents kill 43,000 Americans annually. Not wearing a seatbelt doubles this risk.
Suicide: 50,000 in the US yearly. The psych drugs cause much of it and should be outlawed because of this and other reasons.
“Covid deaths” is code for people slaughtered by the Covid bioweapon, those killed by withholding standard therapies, those killed by the vax, and those murdered by doctors using treatments such as Remdesivir and ventilators. It was all facilitated by CDC and FDA lies and implemented by the Department of Defense. If you understand this, you can save yourself and your family.
How to escape modern health calamities
Studying increase your chances of survival. Never be accused of DFR or DFL.
Some of the following disasters are forced on us, and others are suppression or concealment of effective treatments. For example, iodine restriction is obviously purposeful. For the rest, ask yourself, “Could this have been solely caused by chance, greed, or incompetence?” The answer is mostly “No.”
The following hazards are in rough order of importance.
Medical abuses
Using therapies that do not work, that cause active harm, or for which simpler, safer, or more effective alternatives are available. This is at least half of modern medicine, and it is the biggest risk on this list. Butchered by “Healthcare” tells the story. For clarity, I put some in separate categories.
Why did it all happen? Early in the 20th century, Rockefeller began controlling doctors and medicine and destroying their integrity. I was shocked to realize that these medical abuses are the cause of most modern disease.
Medical “errors” are deviations from “standards of care” that cause harm. A credible study estimates that these cause 250,000 US deaths a year.
Prescription drugs kill 250,000 yearly in the US and Europe according to Peter C. Gøtzsche.
The psych drugs. These cause violence, suicide, and early death. Twenty-five percent of Americans and 80 percent of Danes have been convinced to use them. They destroy our health, empathy, and humanity and are phenomenally addictive. RFK, Jr., forced Fauci to admit in writing that they had never been studied against placebos. The “science” behind them is a tissue of fraud.
Cancer cures. Dozens of safe, cheap, and effective cures have been suppressed. For example, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies have proven solid tumors respond to mistletoe. Fenbendazole, a drug related to ivermectin, is cheap, nontoxic, and avidly suppresses lymphomas.
Chemotherapy damages health. Reviewing decades of published studies, oncologists report that their poisons improve patient survival by an average of less than two months. This is an admission of utter failure for treatments that cost $100,000 or more a year. (Some lymphomas, testicular cancers, and a few other tumors can be successfully treated.) Radiation therapy is less successful than chemo, for it does not even produce this statistically invisible outcome.
The oncos are paid well to fail; they get 25 percent kickbacks on chemo charges. This story is in Butchered by “Healthcare.”
Root canals (medical subcategory)
These spread infection through the body and must be removed if you value your health. Its inventors repudiated the procedure, but it is still universally performed by general dentists and endodontists. Root canals cause a double-digit percentage, possibly 40 percent, of all human disease.
Vaccines (medical subcategory)
Without exception, each is a net harm that creates illness, shortens lifespan, and decreases fertility. These cause more damage than other drugs because “medical standards” allege they are safe, effective, and should be forced on all of us many times starting at birth. They contain mercury, aluminum, and other toxins.
Except for the (totally ineffective) influenza vaccine, none has contained mercury for two decades. But since mercury takes years to leave the body—if it ever does—vaccinations are still the second largest human exposure after dental fillings.
Before the Covid jab, most immunizations were injected by bribed pediatricians. Over the last few decades, childhood vaccines caused the autism rate to rise from 1/10,000 to 1/30.
No vaccine has ever been studied using a placebo comparison. If they were any good, this would have been published.
The Covid jab has no medical utility. Worldwide death rates soared within months after its rollout and live births plummeted. This proves it is a bioweapon developed to weaken and kill us.
Dental amalgam poisoning (medical subcategory)
These are a bigger source of mercury than vaccines. They initially contain 54 percent, and they dissolve and release it into the victim’s body over many years. Amalgams are marketed as “silver fillings” by ignorant, unscrupulous dentists. They are a pre-Civil War technology that put a volatile, malignant toxin into the most reactive part of the human body.
Dentists have no pretense of following even the ruined science of mainstream medicine. They regard themselves as mouth carpenters rather than physicians with responsibility for a sensitive biological system.
When they “drilled, filled, and billed” my 17 amalgams, I was too young to say no. The mercury likely caused Parkinson’s, gave me scoliosis, and affected my personality. Dentists have damaged most of you as well. Read about it when my book, Butchered by Dentistry, is released.
Watch Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man here (three minutes) to witness dental sadism. Robert Gammal says this type of cruelty is real. You will only think this is gratuitous if you are new to the study of dentistry.
Opioid abuse (medical subcategory)
It is being thrust on us from the outside and causes more than 100,000 US fatalities yearly. Changing the “physician standards” and predatory, opportunistic doctor prescribing contributed as well.
Bioidentical hormones suppression (medical subcategory)
Doctors seldom prescribe these because medical “standards” discourage it. Conventional “medical science” about hormones is a pack of FDA lies and defamations.
Few seniors take them, and most of those who do receive inadequate doses. Bioidentical hormones, the only ones worth considering, prevent premature aging and extend healthy lifespans. Their use preserves muscles, intellect, and emotional stability.
Testosterone can cure advanced breast cancer. It was placed in the scheduled drug category despite its negligible toxicity and profound benefits. Contrary to censored sources like Wikipedia, it benefits the heart. See Hormone Secrets for more.
This is the second most toxic metal to which humans are commonly exposed. Fortunately, you can easily avoid it and force its elimination from our bodies if you read and listen HERE and HERE.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
These come from sources such as WiFi and unshielded wiring. The dangers are better recognized in Russia and Europe than in the US. Our knowledge is limited because the telecom juggernaut suppresses research and information flow.
Some people cannot tolerate EMF. To mitigate it, WiFi can be replaced with ethernet wiring, which is safer and faster. But solutions like these are ignored in the quest for sales and convenience. The result? We now bathe in electrical fields. But with care and study, we can decrease our exposures.
EMF may deserve a higher place on this list. See my posts HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Fluoride poisoning
This is deliberately placed into US, Australian, Canadian, and other water supplies. It is a neurotoxin; studies prove, for example, that babies born to mothers who consume it have lower IQs. Industrial fluoride producers give the American Dental Association millions yearly to claim that this poison improves teeth. Agents of the Biden cartel are blocking ongoing lawsuits against its use.
The vegan cult promotion
Until recently, this could have been mistaken for a grassroots effort, but Gates, the World Health Organization, and the captured media now support it. Those who are fooled blindly damage their health. See Hormone Secrets.
Lyme disease (medical subcategory)
This tick-borne spirochete (syphilis is another) infection is a bioweapon developed by our government and released upon our children and us. The evidence for this includes the deathbed confession of Willy Burgdorfer, Lyme’s most prominent researcher.
Lyme has chronic, insidious symptoms. It is hard for “mainstream” doctors to diagnose and treat because knowledge of the natural history and therapies are suppressed. But there are many promising “alternative” treatments including hyperbaric oxygen, chlorine dioxide, and Alinia, an anti-parasite drug that can be used off-label.
Infected ticks are now ubiquitous in wooded areas of the US and parts of Europe. Ken Stoller estimates that a mid-double-digit percentage of American citizens have been exposed. Most of the symptomatic ones have no idea what is wrong with them. If not recognized and properly addressed, Lyme can cause profound disability.
Sun exposure suppression and sunscreen promotion (medical subcategory)
This has been a bizarre dermatology psych-op that lined their pockets and damaged anyone who believed them. It started when a Madison Avenue marketing company told the Derm leaders to change their image from foolish pimple poppers to fierce cancer fighters.
Skin docs were soon charging millions more a year for office cancer checks and pricey “skin surgeries” that could sometimes be performed with nail clippers. They developed the “standard” that every bit of skin removed must be looked at under the microscope and billed. And they began using the same type of codes that surgical pathologists employ when examining systemic cancers. Question: Which specialty makes the most money? See * below.
The truth about the sun was sacrificed to marketing lies. Contrary to what the dermoids** claim, sun exposure is profoundly healthy—if you have the minimal level of judgment required to avoid roasting yourself. Consider:
Women who are outside regularly have a far lower risk of breast cancer than those who avoid the sun.
Safe, regular sun exposure can eliminate or reduce depression.
We are told that melanoma incidence has multiplied even in this era of sunscreen and sun avoidance. But this is dishonest reporting, for the true measure, melanoma deaths, has remained the same. The dermatologists use this lie to whip us into fear of walking outside. They recommend instead that we scurry into their offices clutching our hats and have “suspicious lesions” clipped off at great expense.
Cancers, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, the flu, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and infertility are reduced by sun exposure (my emphasis).
Sun exposure increases the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Women who get sun have only one-eleventh the risk of a hip fracture as those who do not.
Sun avoidance and sunscreen might be as hazardous as smoking.
See The Sunlight Institute website for references and more.
*Answer: Some dermatologic pathologists have billed $40 million in a year.
** A dermoid is a cyst filled with stinky dead skin; it is also my pet name for dermatologists. I know about dermoids because I was in one of their training programs for a year. To my credit, they fired me, and you can read about it in Butchered by “Healthcare.”
Ivermectin suppression (medical subcategory)
If used correctly, ivermectin would have—by itself, even without other treatments such as vitamin D—saved millions of lives from Covid. But during the initial “pandemic,” a massive publicity campaign claimed it was “horse medication.” It was used to discredit this safe, effective, Nobel Prize-winning medication.
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) suppression (medical subcategory)
This non-toxic drug has been used since 1955 to treat inflammatory autoimmune diseases. Although patients typically take it safely for decades with little monitoring except for eye exams every six months, sources such as the CIA-run Wikipedia claim its side effects are severe. A study in the Lancet “proved” it did not help Covid, but it was withdrawn after the fraud was immediately recognized.
Suppression of Vitamin D and other supplements (medical subcategory)
D is the most crucial nutrient for good health, but the doses available have been a flim-flam designed to decrease consumption. The units used to measure it were changed from (the tiny-sounding) micrograms to “International Units (IUs),” which are measured by the (perceptually huge) ten-thousands. The commonly available doses are 1,000 to 5,000 IUs, but we now have 50,000 IU capsules, which can be taken once or twice a week. These are the same size as the ones containing insufficient D.
The National Institute of Health claims that vitamin D levels of 20 ng/ml are “adequate for most people.” However, for people with levels over 60, Covid and other viral illnesses are rare to nonexistent.
Zinc, quercetin, and vitamin K2 can successfully treat and prevent deaths from viral illnesses such as Covid. This has been suppressed.
Iodine has been recognized to promote health for more than a century. A program to discredit it and substitute toxic alternatives such as bromide has been ongoing for about 20 years.
The US RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) and other sources claim we need little or no vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, selenium, thiamine, and boron. And the wonderfully therapeutic effects of large doses of Vitamins D, C, and magnesium are suppressed or ignored. These three and others such as thiamine should be given intravenously to nearly every sick hospitalized patient, but they are not.
Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal) promotion
This artificial sweetener is available everywhere. A review says, “Dozens of studies have linked aspartame—the world’s most widely used artificial sweetener—to serious health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, seizures, stroke, and dementia, as well as negative effects such as intestinal dysbiosis, mood disorders, headaches, and migraines… [plus] weight gain, increased appetite, and obesity-related diseases.”
Chlorine dioxin suppression
This story may be the most important on this list and will be posted soon.
Heedless use of industrial toxins
These include DDT, glyphosate, paraquat, Agent Orange, and trichloroethylene. Due to these and others, neurological diseases such as ALS, autism, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s redoubled over the past few decades.
Glyphosate herbicide is universally used in the US even though it causes cancer and creates dependence on psychopathic agricultural corporations. It is mostly banned in Europe. Dr. Klinghardt says you can make your body excrete it by taking powdered glycine daily. He describes how to reduce other hazards as well.
Cut your risks
Your health is not a casino. It is your body’s precious natural immunity minus all its toxic exposures. Mark Kennard explains how it works in a five-minute video here. He says stresses are additive and describes how you will get sick if you cross your resistance threshold. Healing yourself might be as easy as adding one supplement or decreasing a single toxin, but functioning at your best may require many changes. Words to this effect should be in the preface of every functional medicine book.
Almost everything still scares me these days, but I know how to avoid dangers. If you listen and read, you will too.
No one is coming to save you
Although some of this must be greed or incompetence, we have overwhelming proof that malign hands directed the rest. Joe Plummer’s Tragedy and Hope 101 is a history of how the globalists created disasters to weaken and destroy us. They are covert, for they fear exposure.
As I tabulated these calamities, I was repeatedly stunned by physicians’ central role in the crimes and systematic collusion with the criminals. And shocked by the conspiracy’s scope and organization and by the other weapons deployed against us.
As I uncovered story after story of physicians’ ethical perversions, I recalled Cicero’s maxim: “Nothing is so strongly fortified that it cannot be taken with money.” Business people understand this, but physicians, who are trained more like academics, pretend their behavior is kosher.
Litigation is beating back some of it, but this is sluggish and unreliable, so you must take matters into your own hands. The first step is to realize that nearly every public story we hear is a lie. Learn as much as possible, change your thinking, and correct what you can.
Reservoirs of strength remain to us, and we have hope. Our bodies are so resilient that our death rate never increased until we allowed poisonous needles to be thrust into us. John Dryden’s words about his battle apply to ours: I am sore wounded but not slain. I will lay me down and bleed a while, and then rise up to fight again.
History teaches us that leaders appear when times are the most desperate. Dire need and the press of events forge these people. We are witnessing this now.
The rest of us must use the time we have to spread truth and expose the criminals. As long as we are living and breathing, we can do more. We just have to be strong enough.
Aurelius again
Work steadily at that which is before you, following right reason seriously, vigorously, calmly, allowing nothing to distract you, but keeping your divine part pure, as if thou shouldst be bound to give it up immediately. If thou holdest to this, expecting nothing, fearing nothing, but with the heroic truth in every word and sound you utter, then you will live happy. And there is no man who is able to prevent this.
Parting shot
My writing is general commentary, and because I am retired, I never give medical advice. Make your own decisions about your health and use the information here at your own risk.
Hi Dr. Yoho! Hope you are doing well. Thought I’d pass along some info.
In September a young (35?) reader of my blog told me about her AD experiences. This was about the time of your aluminum post, coincident with me starting to get mild tremors in my right (dominant) arm (I’m a few months younger than you). She said she got out of her major symptoms using Prodrome products by Dayan Goodenowe, PhD. He’s published about 76 papers, primarily about plasmalogens, a subject about which I knew nothing. So I started to investigate.
I bought a month’s supply of their glia product using her doctor’s JWHITCOMB25 code to get a 25% discount. Tremors stopped after three weeks of standard dosage, so I bought another 90 days of that glia product and 90 days of their neuro product for further testing.
I’m cautiously proceeding. Goodenowe isn’t the next Jesus as your wife would say, but he knows more about plasmalogens than any other researcher. Posted the below to introduce my readers to him:
thanks will ck out
Have been hearing good results with these as well. Keep us posted on your progress. Glad it is helping!
First two weeks:
TY so much for sharing…
It would be interesting to hear about the 35 y.o. fatty acid consumption patterns from the last 5-10 years. Was it very high in Omega-6 and lacking Omega-3 and other types of fatty acids would be a big clue with AD type expression and clearing the symptoms with a regular supplement non-Omega-6 fatty acid. Many studies report just adding coconut oil to diet can improve AD patient from further decline.
She has a recent Recovery Journey blog post with a linked Stack post. They reflect less than a 5-year intake.
Crisco or margarine are not “unsaturated” vegetable fats, but rather partially- to entirely hydrogenated which makes them saturated, by definition. Only the fluid industrial seed oils are mostly unsaturated.
The #1 cause of death is medical malpractice
Most of the modern Allopathic medical system IS medical malpractice (verging on malfeasance)! And yes, I consider it THE number one cause of death, particularly when the hundreds of thousands of deaths are factored in that would have been prevented by COMPETENT MEDICAL CARE. Most cardiovascular disease and cancer deaths are avoidable, so we must also add those in to the total!
not strictly true, but it is the compilation of all medical practices
Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! All involved in medicine must read this for a morality wake-up call. I would add the Great Statin Scam to the list as well.
The subject that started my questioning of medicine and drugs 12 years ago. Covid was the nail in the coffin of trust. Iu2019m not sure my functional medicine doc is correct on much now as well. Iu2019ve dropped mucho money there. Backing off as Iu2019m learning to treat myself. Iu2019ve always thought dentists were highly paid butchers.
Yeah. I always thought of dentists as people who couldnu2019t get into medical school.
true but it is worse. here is my draft book about them
Not necessarily.
Hilarious! I’ll tell 2 of them in my family. Mind go boom. Actually, 1 did peruse “Butchered by Healthcare” when I presented it.
I was married to one! But it got me thinking – particularly about orthodontics. I was appalled by the pain caused by regular tightening of the screws. I heard of 2 Dutch dentists working out of Anthroposophical medicine. I relayed my concerns. The one confirmed my worries. Orthodontics,he said, was a rape of the mouth… He only used therapeutic Eurythmy exercises to subtly realign the mouth.
Since then I’ve also become intrigued by the recommendations and insights of Mike Mew.
Even proper breathing techniques can change your jaw structure for better. Our diets and ultra processed food have changed structure. Iu2019ve looked at Mew. Weston a price traveled the world, and the peoples with the most natural diet and lifestyle had strong teeth and proper facial and jaw proportions. I have had maybe one dentist I could trust. I had one decades ago that pinched my lip as he was pulling a tooth. I was trying to let him know to no avail. Another left the whole side of my face black and blue. I was young so that instilled some fear in me.
Hi Everyone – REACT19 is a non-profit dedicated to helping the vaccine injured get treatment.
Recruitment is now OPEN for REACTu2019s patient-led research collaboration:
The study will help all of us understand many aspects of what we are experiencing, including treatments that people have tried.
The study is a collaboration between React19 and the University of Maryland, Baltimore. We plan to publish the results in top research journals and through our platforms.
Many have already joined and interesting patterns have already started to come out.
However we need all your contributions to send a clear message through the scientific community! You can truly make the difference if you participate.
You do not have to take the survey in one sitting. You can start the survey and save your progress so that you can continue when you prefer.
Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions.
#Vaccinelnjuries #CovidVaccine
Thank you so much for helping to gather this knowledge!!!!
Take good care of yourselves, and be well.
Excellent compilation!
Excellent information, Doctor.
Love reading great articles/research like this.
Danes have normally been at the top of the u201CHappiest countryu201D graphs. That 80% figure is interesting. But then we canu2019t believe any of that garbage anymore.
they are reputed to have seasonal affective disorder
As does much of Irelandu2014including my sister which she treats with GnTs and mild opiates for chronic pain. uD83DuDE31uD83DuDE31uD83DuDE31. I live in USA.
Iu2019m in Florida but when I was in upstate New York, I had to use a lamp ( sleep clinic got it for me) in the winter for u201Cseasonal affective disorder u201C, it really helped, 10 minutes a day. My cat liked it too.
I got one in 1996 after struggling through every winter. A big box that cost $400.00 then but it worked within a week and hubby wondered who this new woman was.
The SAD has dissipated mostly as Iu2019m outdoors a lot even in the winter, Vit D high and leading a happier more fulfilled life. The lights can be very effective for many.
I was on disability and didnu2019t have to pay for mine, a counselor found a loophole & hit me a grant for it. It helped so much!
Thank you!
Fabulous summary. Should be the first week of medical school and go from there.
SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won’t commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can’t get rid of the ‘useless eaters’ fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many ‘sheeple’ are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by ‘education’ institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death – I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to ROBERT YOHO MD (RET)’s heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE – being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS ‘SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS’ JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this ‘wish I were dead’ endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don’t shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos – ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse – THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of ‘useless eaters’ and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Thats a whole substack!
Your books have taught me so much this last year thank you uD83DuDE4F
Thanks Julie. Give the ebooks away!
Get a sunlamp ha
Wow – climbing El Cap in running shoes!
I was going up the rope there. I put my shoes on when I lead.
Glyphosate is one of the most common ingredients in General Mills Cereals, especially kids’ ones. The FDA hides under the new Bio-Engineered label. Dyes in higher levels that adults can tolerate. What else are they hiding? Carrageenan a seaweed, if you google it is harmless. It is Not for GI patients. Or those who develop cancer from ingesting it. Healthline The same goes for Keto products. I learned it the hard way. It is often not listed on the thousands of products it is in. Oh, that small amount in toothpaste not listed on the label is not going to harm you, are you sure? Dairy is its big target, and not listed. Used as a thickening agent for centuries. Even that Soy Milk has it in it.
Harmful or Harmless: Carrageenan
Reports from the different food podcasts I watch taste, texture, and freshness are being noticed widely. Few know why. CLIMATE CHANGE, AND SHORTAGES OF INGRIDENTS. Mold, rotting faster, Salmonella, and more.
Children’s food recall after kids suffer “potential acute lead toxicity”
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned people to avoid several brands of applesauce pouches designed for children and toddlers over lead poisoning concerns.
Again not new News. If spices are being contaminated during manufacturing, what about our other food items? He questions if this isnu2019t the reason lead poisoning is so prevalent in children. Thatu2019s an excellent point to consider. As they have not used lead paint in decades.
The FDA warned parents in October to avoid purchasing and feeding children WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches due to “elevated levels of lead.”
Popular Spices Found to Contain Heavy Metals Are Still on Store Shelves
This is not new news, it’s been happening for some time now.
If spices are being contaminated during manufacturing, what about our other food items? He questions if this isnu2019t the reason lead poisoning is so prevalent in children. Thatu2019s an excellent point to consider. As they have not used lead paint in decades.
Tyson recalls 30,000 pounds of Dino Chicken Nuggets
U.S. food company Tyson Foods has said it was voluntarily recalling approximately 30,000 pounds of frozen, fully cooked dinosaur-shaped chicken u201CFun Nuggetsu201D or Dino Chicken Nuggets.
Tyson recalls 30,000 pounds of Dino Chicken Nuggets
U.S. food company Tyson Foods has said it was voluntarily recalling approximately 30,000 pounds of frozen, fully cooked dinosaur-shaped chicken u201CFun Nuggetsu201D or Dino Chicken Nuggets.
When Walmart’s Ole Roy was recalled it affected 150 brands. Tractor Supply is the usual source for Victor Dog Food. Not sure about Chewy. Not the first time TS has been linked to animal feed, Producers’ Pride may or may not have caused hens to stop laying for months.
Multiple brands of dog food recalled as FDA warns of salmonella risks
Dog owners should check the labels on what they feed their four-footed friends, as three brands of pet food have been recalled in recent weeks after testing positive for salmonella. Mid America Pet Food of Mount Pleasant, Texas, is recalling three lots of Victor Super Premium Dog Food, Select Beef Meal & Brown Rice Formula after random sampling found salmonella, which can sicken pets as well as people who come in contact with it, according to an Oct. 30noticefrom the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Sold by retailers across the U.S., the recalled products come in five-pound, 15-pound and 40-pound bags with…
Bill Gates-Backed Lab-Grown Meat Company Gains USDA Approval Amid Poultry Industry Woes
People Will Stop Eating Meat for the Planetu2019s Health If Not Their Own NO! IT IS A CONTROL MECHANISM OF THE FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE.,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/141/432/818/original/d18d462ebdae07e1.jpg
We must eliminate BEEF. Is your food real or fake? It won’t be labeled.
Lab-grown, Climate Change Hoax. Is it healthy, NO!
Next to Covid Jabs HPV-Gardasil is the most dangerous vaccine your boys or girls can get. Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will u2018Unleash Mass Casualty Event,u2019 Critic Says
The Gates Foundation co-founded Gavi and is one of its four permanent board members. UNICEF, the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) u2014 whose second-largest donor is Gates u2014 hold the other permanent seats.
The Clinton Health Access Initiative also sits on the board.
James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a critic of the global HPV vaccine campaign, suggested mass vaccination will cause a devastating number of serious side effects among young girls, even though there are still no studies showing the HPV vaccine prevents cancer, despite claims to the contrary by vaccine makers and public health officials.
Lyons-Weiler, head of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge, told The Defender:
u201CIn 2009, we were told the Severe Adverse Event [SAE] rate of HPV vaccines was 6.5%. But a study we published in Science, Public Health Policy & The Law showed that the adverse events profile of the HPV vaccine is far worse than has been reported.
If Biden Gets His Way, Your Next Adventure Out West Will Be Canceled
There is a plan underway to close the great open spaces of the American West to you, me, our children, and our childrenu2019s children. The federal government u2014 which owns most of this land u2014 is determined to move from a u201Cuse and let useu201D system of accessing Western public lands to a permission-based system that will mean reservations, permits, and closures.
Just last month, the Bureau of Land Management issued a final decision to close 317 miles of historic and popular off-road trails near Moab, Utah. For decades, these trails u2014 which are mostly old uranium mining roads u2014 have been enjoyed by everyone from Jeep owners to dirt bike riders to base jumpers looking for a place to land. They have evocative names like Gemini Bridges, Mashed Potatoes, and Dead Cow Trail. They appear in guidebooks. Some of them are even featured in the hugely popular Easter Jeep Safari.
u201CUnleashing this vaccine on millions of girls and young women will lead to a mass casualty event these countries do not now have, and do not need. SAEs will occur at the rate of 65,000 per million women vaccinated, and the claimed net benefits of the vaccine are just not there.u201D
BPA Linked to Autism, ADHD: This Is How to Help the Body Detox the Chemical
Natural remedies such as folate, probiotics, and sweating may help eliminate this ubiquitous toxin.
I am grateful to have found you and this post. I need to order your book today. Will share it when Iu2019m done. Thank you so much!
Lori I live for posts like yours!
The seat belt iusse jumped out. And yes, it is indeed critical to wear it – in highway traffic. From experience, there is one use of belts that can be deadly. Those of us who spent our lifetime on the railroad tracks for maintence and inspection need to get out of the vehicle quickly when not on the highway. Why? Called hi-rail vehicles, trucks with retractable rail wheels ride on the tracks to perform maintenance and inspection. Occupancy of main tracks requires a carefully scripted set of communication between the truck operator and the train dispatcher. Mistakes happen. If a train is barreling down on a hi-rail by mistake it is time to self eject. An engaged seat belt takes precious seconds to unbuckle. Since these operations are not on the highway, motorist laws and regs do not apply. For railroads that have rules requiring seat belt use while on track, self preservation kicks in. When traveling down a track in that case, I would keep my hand touching the seat belt button, just in case. Jumping out is better than staying inside when a 10,000 ton train collides. If on a bridge, if there is deep water, that is still better than staying inside what will become instantly and effectively a tin can. If no water, kiss your … bye. Of course there are modern techniques developing to address this, such things are post Fredu2019s time on-track.
Another thing to worry about ha!!
I always intellectually vacuum up every word, phrase and sentence that come from each and every post of yours Dr. Yoho, and am about to pull the trigger on buying all of your books.
I’ve never come across such a thorough warning list of all the dangers to us from “modern healthcare.”
Thank you kind sir for this thoughtful and well researched essay #275 “Almost Everything Scares Me Today.”
Caveat Emptor! – Let the buyer beware!
You can get my ebooks free. Amazon has the paperbacks and Barnes and Noble. Here is how to obtain the complete versions of my ebooks. Either buy them on any book platform or click to download Butchered by u201CHealthcare.u201D This is a minor viral hit. For Hormone Secrets, the download is Cassandrau2019s Memo is, and a podcast about it is Paperback versions of the first two are on Amazon: Hormone Secrets is and Butchered by u201CHealthcareu201D is Here is the secret link on Amazon for Cassandrau2019s Memo:
It is also available on Barnes and Noble here:
I remember about a year ago you were looking for ways to increase engagement. You did it!,,,,and helping people must feel amazing. Thank you.
Thanks for following. Im learning every day.
It would be so helpful if we could approve a paid subscription from the app.
Approve? I don’t understand. You can buy one for yourself or anyone else.
We are currently dealing with hospice care for my MIL (dementia) and too, family, who always trusts the medical staff although the inconsistencies and errors?, and crazy are everywhere. I thought I knew things, but this circus has shown me a whole u2018nother level of the game. The psych drugs all lined up in a pretty row…We are fighting to get her to our home. Prayers appreciated.
Psych drugs–none–have been studied against placebos which means they are worthless.
My humble opinion here, but hospice is just the system’s way of quickening the inevitable. It’s a business and they make more money, the more people they “churn” through it. Research it.
I agree. I kept my own father out of the death camp in 2012, but my husband has siblings who go along to get along. We have to be there all the time to keep an eye on things, and we have to be at home to prepare her room when and if we can extract her. But I really had no idea how blatantly they use and sequence the drugs to get to the next level to hasten demise. Then they call it the disease process! The laws that would apply in the hospital donu2019t apply in hospice. Father of lies at work in nearly full view despite the fog.
She died peacefully in our home after successfully taking her off all the psych drugs and getting her home. Family visited her through the evening and her vitals were pretty good until they werenu2019t, early this morning. Thank you to all who prayed for her.
Dr. Yoho, Do you know anything that suppresses the development of pancreatic cysts to becoming malignant? The medical establishment says they know of nothing, but pancreatic CA is pretty much a death sentence and they have no interest in preventing it.
Look into mistletoe. It works for many solid tumors. Tijuana alternative docs can help. Consider standard chemo also as it prolongs survival.
I give no advice.
All pancreatic cysts, i.e. IPMN, do not develop malignancy, but currently mainstream medicine has no idea how or why some do, nor do they have any idea on how to prevent the development of malignancy in these cysts. Health people would not take chemotherapy to PREVENT cancers. I was hoping there might be some research on preventative modalities for these, as I haven’t found any. Thanks for your help.
I’d be interested in this also. I’ve been diagnosed with a pancreatic cyst and had it drained years ago. I was advised to have it checked annually only to have the insurance company deny such because cm” it’s not causing any problems”. Well, YEAH! That’s the point of keeping an eye on it, to catch it BEFORE it does “cause problems”. In addition, my dad passed from pancreatic cancer so…
I have been reading up on Essiac tea lately.
Look also into iodine and selenium , as well as Robertu2019s suggestions .
There are many things to try including the IVM, FenBen, Laetrile, alkaline diet and baking soda…seek them out and do the research. The data is out there and also in many FB groups now.
Another great article!
Dr. Yoho thank you!! This is one of the most important postings to date on Substack.. a comprehensive examination of our Predatory Sick Care System..Hats off! Kudos! You have really done your homework … though I have been aware of most contained here there are some new critical additions to my knowledge base.. powerful..
I have been fortunate and understood Big Pharma to be little more than a Cynical for Profit enterprise for 40 years.. never took the poison jab nor any of Big Pharma trash since the Marine Corp vaccinations 50yrs ago.. today I am still a health nut and very fit and continue to climb Big rocks [ have climbed El Cap in every season in every condition] and ski the Sierra Backcountry at 74.. a little arthritis but no biggy.. the body is fragile but can still rock and roll…
Thank you again for this Masterpiece! Keep Crankin!
Great job on that speed ascent on El Cap too.. Strong Brother!!
I’m 70 and unless some miracle happens my body doesn’t tolerate outside climbing now. I’m still in the gym. El cap in winter wow. How many ascents of the Captain do you have?
Excellent article. Nothing to add but a hearty “Amen!”.
Youu2019ve taken a complex topic and summarized it superbly ! Thank you .
First of all- LOVE the climbing shot!! Tim and I were mere novices compared to you.
Iu2019m sure margarine and Crisco killed my grandparents- they had a steady diet of that plus smokingu2026 BOOM!
Drill , fill and billu2014Iu2019m sure my teenage mouth was used for this racketeering nonsense . Still on the fence about widening and drilling out healthy remaining tooth structure and weakening what is left to change out the filling- thinking on this..
Have you listened to Jack Kruse on Rick Rubins podcast??? AMAZING stuff on light, sunlight and healing disease!
Doc. Letu2019s add to this list one more item that may make all the others moot. Weaponized migration. The entire US population is soon at risk. War here in our midst will be filled with random terrorist attacks. Simple chaos and resulting panic amd fear will decimate wide swaths of this once great Republic. Our vaxxed military is overseas. Our police are gelded. 911? Most remaining police will be home protecting THEIR families. Thatu2019s just for beginners.
This was health related but thanks and you are right
such a great post…TY
Really a good article, although depressing how many good things are suppressed and how many bad things are encouraged!
Wow. Excellent article & info. 15 yrs working in healthcare and none of it ever sat right with me… always felt more like slow death care. Just couldn’t put it all together and was busy raising 2 boys while working. Shameful. Ill never go back. Thank you! Ordering your books now!!!!
A fantastic post with so much helpful information. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Dr. Yoho always offers a Substack filled with helpful information Iu2019m not coming across elsewhere, at least not in terms of breadth.
Robert, I just found your Stack and am enjoying it immensely. Please keep up your…”commentary.” A request is one devoted to sleep apnea and the various natural ways to deal with it. Also, anything about A-Fib and natural removal of arterial plaque.
A fib: you should be on as much magnesium as you can tolerate orally (you get diarrhea when you cross your threshold) and use topical as well. I bought fish tank powdered magnesium. It’s supposed to be pure but this is not advice for you to take it. You almost cannot get too much. I tolerate about 3 grams or more a day. This is a nice oil you can get on Amazon:
I said a lot about coronary artery disease in Butchered by “Healthcare.”
not medical advice etc etc
Outstanding! I am already supplementing magnesium, but not that much. You must have been hell on wheels when you actually gave advice…uD83DuDE02uD83DuDE02uD83DuDE02
Age 81, status retired Special Forces officer and currently running a small shooting school including unarmed defensive tactics vicinity Durango CO.
Recently attracted to the Carnivore world, an awful lot has come my way as has your site. As soon as the government came out against HCL I knew there was something off, way off. I and my peers had been issued Chloroquine primaquine for our time in the tropics, and a few involuntary bowel movements, it was taken once/week and safely. I remain unvaxxed!
My own research led me to Quercetin as a substitute/ for HCL as an ionophore, Dr. Z, and so on.
God bless you and keep on pushing.
Here’s a draft post on CDS. It’s critical info that’s being hidden.
Brother. Thank you. We have become an increasingly paranoid world where we think science and chemicals can save us. They cannot. We are told day after day how and where to live.
We are earths creatures. I am not afraid of the sun. At 66 I still dig in the earth with my hands, walk on the beach and grass in my bare feet. And yes I step in dog poo. It washes off. I dont like snow but will endure.
I will die in my own bed.
Excellent! Just excellent!
I really get a lot out of your Substacks and want to read as soon as I see one. Thank you! I am curious about upcoming info on chlorine dioxin. Do you mean chlorine dioxide? I recently learned about it from someone elsewhere posting this link We are learning about it and seems harmless if dosed properly. Interested in it for allergies strangely enough it might be helpful.
here’s the draft
let me know any corrections please
Here is a suggestion for the cover of your book: A picture of Ren from the cartoon Ren & Stimpy. His mouth is a rotting mess, but he grins like he just hit the lottery.
Dirtbag climbersu2026..good for you. I loved climbing, at 72 yo now, that was many years ago. Smith rocks mostly for me.
I appreciate the info youu2019ve put together, and have either confirmed it for myself or am working on it. About Whole Foods plant based eating, though, I am convinced itu2019s a good thing. Have been doing it for 15 years, and believe it is a good way to eat. T. Colin Campbellu2019s experiments are compelling. He had to hide the true intent of his research to get funding, because the meat/dairy industry owned the USDA.
the vegan thing potentially leads you away from the horrible standard American diet. I’ve been to Smith and climbed (barely) up to 12 a there.
12a, quite an accomplishment. 10c was my best. Those were the days!
Yes, the SAD diet is horrible. Iu2019m not sure Fuhrman, Esselstyn, Campbell, Barnard, McDougall, and the rest have everything figured out, but itu2019s the best I know at this time. As important might be the quality of the water one drinks, fasting, and such.
Astroman and Crucifix ha begone days…
I did vegan for a year and my strength evaporated. I’ve been convinced that animal fats are critical and seed oils are damaging. See FOOD: MERCOLA DISCOVERS THE ROSETTA STONE
You might consider lacto-ovo diet instead of strict vegan for health benefits. True vegans rarely persist indefinitely. They are strictly a small, mostly American, 20th century phenom. Most people who call themselves vegan aren’t perfectly strict and this helps their health.
Hey Dr Yoho! Just 5, on El Cap, Salathe – full conditions verglas last 2 pitches, Scorched Earth 2nd ascent, Zenyata 6th, the Shield, and the East Buttress with 2 other old buzzards 2019.. last few years been climbing in T Meadows, avg about 4 routes a season on Fairview for the last 7yrs. and various other formations up there. I work summers at Tioga Pass [Seasonal Ranger]. Not leading much beyond 5.8 outside now.. without hanging all over it.. but still having Big Fun!
A subscriber sent me this
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We were lied to about FIBER – Neuroscientist Chaffee (to fight censors, follow on Substack)
Lied to about cholesterol too!!!
Follow on rumble
This is what I use to remove metals we are all exposed to in foods, pharma and more
click link for $50 off – $13.83 free shipping.
ZEOLITE HEAVY METAL DETOX mineral is mined from the earth, cleaned, remineralized, nano-sized then suspended into water molecules using sonic technology so that it can travel everywhere throughout the body and exchange a mineral ion for a heavy metal ion, which is then u201Ccagedu201D and escorted out of the body in 4 to 6 hours. Link asks you to set up auto ship, cancel anytime but why not try few months for family.
Thank you! Fantastic information as usual! I will speculate any amelioration of allergies would come from cleaning up the gut and helping immune functioning. We will try it at some point. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars through functional medicine trying to get my son to be less allergic (has EoE.). He is very disciplined in his early twenties and manages without pharmaceuticals via an elimination diet and lots of supplements. This means he eats safely only about 25 to 30 foods. Never eats at a restaurant. He has environmental and chemical allergies as well. EoE was unheard of 40 years ago. It has exploded along the timeline of the increase in childhood vaccine intake. LDA and LDI (low dose allergen) therapy are also suppressed treatment for allergies but unfortunately did not work for my son. They are available through independent practicing integrative medicine MDs.
Robert great article as usual. Thank you.
I noticed an error you may want to correct . You wrote glyphosate pesticide and itu2019s a herbicide.
great pickup and I just corrected many thanks!
Dr. Y thank you for your honesty and excellent writing skills.
I recently attended a reunion lunch with several ER nurse friends. Sad to report most took the Covid jab. DFL and DFR.
I restacked this post Dr Yoho- thank you. We need the unvarnished truth. You should consider attending the Florida Covid Summit next year- it was outstanding this weekend and hereu2019s the link- all the best to you.
What a fantastic summary/list. Bookmarked
60 years of ever increasing use of big pharma drugs have resulted in rising death rates on virtually all fronts. Say no to all big pharma drugs, for starters. Your body does not like this garbage and in many cases that is why they murder you.
One of the best health article I have read.
Thank you for this. I’ve been taking D, C and Magnesium/Zinc daily for years and I haven’t been sick at all for a very long time. I’m 53 and neither I nor my husband are on any meds whatsoever. I have to give credit to God for this, but we also do what we can.
Everything we’re taught is lies – thank you for confirming this. I know so many people with cancer and people who get regular dermo screenings and breast cancer screenings just looking for a problem. Meanwhile, they won’t listen to anything that goes against the mainstream narrative. I care for these folks so it’s frustrating to witness.
Covid really made clear how most medical professionals are either snake-oil peddling liars or unscrupulous fools (most likely both). However, come the next “emergency health crisis” most folks will go running back to them.
Thank you for being truthful.
Hi Dr Yoho, I just came across this via G. Edward Griffin’s site: B1 thiamine for Parkinson’s.
Wishing you the best!!!
Do you have Parkinsonu2019s ?
Great to find your Substack. Specially as you are in Australia. Your list of scary things is my list too. Iu2019ve been thinking about writing something similar called u201Cthings I wish my children knewu201D u2026.
My adult children took the jab and now itu2019s really hard for me to talk to them about the realities of the jab and the whole pharma industry control of our world. And all the other horrors that you and I already know..
Along this line my daughter (who I did beg not to have a booster as she wanted to have another baby and she didnu2019t get it and now has a beautiful six month old baby) is planning to get the baby a u201Cflu shotu201D. Soon.
Iu2019m so upset and full of dread.
Which led me to finding your page. Looking for useful research studies on side effects or dangers of the flu shot specially on babies / children.
Iu2019ve just read info on how this year they have changed the way they make the flu shot to use dog cells not eggs u2026 which worries me even more.
I appreciate that you donu2019t give medical advice.
But Iu2019m wondering if you know about this and could direct me to studies, research, papers, other doctors, etc on the flu shot used in Australia.
Thank you so much for your writings and efforts to share honest truths.