It was deployed against us in 1975 from a research lab on Plum Island, Connecticut. Lyme has infected a double-digit percent of the world’s people, but effective treatments are being hidden.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. —Oscar Wilde
I take my admiration to extremes. For key posts like this, I simply copy, narrate, and slightly abridge like a respectful editor.
Whoever Unbekoming is, I cannot keep up with him. My comments are in italics, and the original essay is HERE.
When I first heard about Lyme, I was 26 years old and working in a Dartmouth dermatology residency. We were all fascinated by this new disease and its “target” skin rash. The dermatologists, in a typical attempt to baffle other doctors and claim a stylish new condition for themselves, dubbed it, “erythema chronicum migrans.” I saw a few cases that looked like this:
Most of what I was supposed to learn in my training was endless, picayune academics. All I wanted was to get into the New Hampshire mountains to rock climb and hike the Appalachian Trail. This was obvious to the dermoids, so they kicked me out of the program at the end of a year.
Here is the CDC’s description of Lyme
[It] is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and rarely, Borrelia mayonii. It is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system. Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings (e.g., rash), and the possibility of exposure to infected ticks. Laboratory testing is helpful if used correctly and performed with validated methods. Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics. Steps to prevent Lyme disease include using insect repellent, removing ticks promptly, applying pesticides, and reducing tick habitat. The ticks that transmit Lyme disease can occasionally transmit other tickborne diseases as well.
Spoiler: The bombshell at the end of this post. To make their Lyme bioweapon more damaging, the globalists are concealing effective treatments. It is the same strategy they use with ivermectin and COVID.
Chlorine dioxide is likely a complete solution for Lyme. You can make it in your kitchen from inexpensive supplies commonly used for swimming pool maintenance. But the government claims it is like drinking bleach.
Unbekoming’s essay follows.
Toby Rogers wrote this in Sept 2022.
Learned helplessness
Having Lyme, ME/CFS, or an autoimmune disorder is like wearing an electric dog shock collar that you cannot take off. Every time you try to engage with the world the thing shocks you and you’re worse off than if you had not tried at all. Over years and years it creates learned helplessness. What’s troubling to me, especially given the history of Lyme (it’s likely an American made bioweapon), is that the ability to create learned helplessness in a population is highly desired by governments. The peasants cannot overthrow the feudal system if they are wearing biological shock collars that constrain their ability to dream, think, and act. We have got to find ways to cure these conditions. Healing is a revolutionary act.
This put Lyme as a bioweapon on my radar.
So I read Newby’s book, Bitten: the Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons (2020).
This passage from Rancourt’s recent essay jolted me into writing this article:
I do not mean that the Department of Defence (DoD) does not fund gain-of-function and bioweapon research (abroad, in particular), I do not mean that there are not many US patents for genetically modified microbial organisms having potential military applications, and I do not mean that there have not previously been impactful escapes or releases of bioweapon vectors and pathogens. For example, the Lyme disease controversy in the USA may be an example of a bioweapon leak (see Kris Newby’s 2019 book “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons”). – Denis Rancourt
The US military weaponized ticks.
The US military used those weaponized ticks on foreign soil, against both military personnel and civilians.
The US engaged in uncontrolled releases on US soil.
A strange “mysterious” new disease emerged.
Its connection to ticks was purportedly discovered Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist. He was hailed as a hero.
Turns out Willy was one of the lead scientists who years earlier had weaponized the ticks (you can’t make this stuff up).
The US medical establishment denied the existence of a new disease and attacked doctors who diagnosed or tried to treat it.
The US medical establishment now profits from Lyme.
After learning about several other of the US government’s “theatrical productions” including Covid, Covid vaccines, AIDS, smallpox, DDT, polio, childhood vaccines, fluoride, and glyphosate, it was easy to understand ticks and Lyme.
Ticks have a special place in my heart.
We live in St Ives, one of the tick capitals of Sydney, Australia. When we bought the house, I remember the real estate agent telling us all the amazing features of the suburb (and they were all true), but he left out the ticks…
So for the last 20 years, we accumulated a number of tick stories. Our kids and cats were regularly bitten and treated. Our most serious story happened when my wife was bitten by a small army of ticks and was unwell for several months. She “luckily” came down with a kidney stone, so the hospital flushed her with IV antibiotics and inadvertently killed whatever infection she had picked up from the ticks. Thank God for the kidney stone, I guess.
The daughter of a friend of ours contracted Lyme disease but couldn’t get a doctor in Australia to diagnose it. She was forced to travel to the US to work with a doctor who helped her treat it over a long period of time.
It never crossed my mind, not even for a second, that anyone would have spent decades trying to figure out how to weaponize ticks with all manner of bacteria and viruses. But that’s exactly what they did.
I remember saying to my wife that tic design was simply perfect. They would craw up your leg without you knowing and burrow into your skin to secrete their toxins and drink your blood. By the time you felt them, it was too late.
Turns out the US military decided in the 1940s that tics were perfectly designed for what they needed to do.
One of the reasons I think the tick/Lyme story is so important is because it, via Newby’s book, supplies a window straight into who “they” are. The book names names.
It’s such a good book that I decided to make it my first book summary. Hopefully this will help a large number of people learn the story in one sitting. If you enjoy this, I think you will enjoy the book even more.
Bitten by Kris Newby: Book Summary
The following are quotes and summaries of sections of the book:
Reported cases of Lyme disease have quadrupled in the United States since the 1990s.3 In 2017, there were 42,743 cases of Lyme disease reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).4 The scientists at the CDC who study the spread of diseases now say that the actual cases may be ten times higher than reported, or 427,430 cases.5 On average, this means there are about 1,000 new Lyme cases in the United States per day.
While all the pieces of this public-facing story are true, they don’t represent the whole truth. Shortly before his death, Willy was videotaped saying that he believed that the outbreak of tick-borne diseases that started around Lyme, Connecticut, had been caused by a bioweapons release.9 It was a stunning admission, but it could explain why the condition we call Lyme disease is so hard to diagnose and treat—and why the epidemic is spreading so far and so fast. If anyone else had said this, I might have walked away, but Willy was the person with the most to lose. When this information came to light, his legacy would be destroyed. And because of this horrible secret, the foundational science behind Lyme disease was compromised, and patients were being harmed.
What Willy soon learned was that this lab full of researchers-who-loved-bugs was being funded primarily because of the government’s need for disease vaccines. The U.S. Public Health Service, which would later be renamed the National Institutes of Health, paid for the lab by developing, manufacturing, and distributing vaccines for spotted fever, encephalomyelitis, relapsing fever, yellow fever, and other diseases transmitted from animal or arthropod vectors to man.
On the lab tour, Kohls told Willy the history of how the lab mass-produced ticks and Rickettsia rickettsii organisms to produce vaccines. In the 1920s, researchers there injected thousands of guinea pigs and rabbits with these live organisms, then placed ticks on the infected animals and allowed them to feed for a couple of days. They would douse bacteria-laden ticks with formalin, grind them up, and use the filtered, diluted “tick juice” as a vaccine. The vaccine fluid included tiny fragments of proteins that, when injected under a person’s skin, would stimulate a protective immune response.
In her 2005 book, Biological Weapons: From the Invention of State-Sponsored Programs to Contemporary Bioterrorism, medical anthropologist Jeanne Guillemin, now a senior fellow in the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, describes the political situation as Willy became one of the 13,538 civilian employees of the U.S. chemical and biological weapons program: “The atomic bomb and the Cold War signaled a momentous change in the U.S. biological weapons program. The vision of the scale of intentionally spreading disease expanded to strategic attacks on a par with the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and with the Soviet Union and its allies as potential targets.”
To staff this massive scientific effort, the army recruited young scientists such as Willy, often funding them through the U.S. Public Health Service (later the National Institutes of Health) and the National Academy of Sciences. The secrecy of these projects was modeled upon the strict guidelines developed for the Manhattan Project, whose scientists had had to sign confidentiality agreements and had not even been informed about the ultimate purpose behind their experiments: weapons development.
There was a method behind this madness. In most cases, bacteria from one region wouldn’t thrive inside ticks from another region because it takes many generations for a microbe and a tick species to develop a mutually beneficial relationship so one species doesn’t kill the other. When Willy found a compatible pair, Fort Detrick would add that agent/tick combination to its list of potential biological weapons. The weapons designers were looking for a tick that wouldn’t arouse the suspicion of an enemy country, filled with an agent for which the target enemy population wouldn’t have natural immunity.
“On a most discreet (strictly need-to-know) basis, defense is to submit a plan by 2 February on what it can do to put a majority of workers out of action, unable to work in the cane fields and sugar mills, for a significant period for the remainder of this harvest. It is suggested that such planning consider non-lethal BW, insect-borne.” – Task 33, Cuba Project, in “Top Secret Memorandum,” Brigadier General Lansdale, January 19, 1962
“Dr. A. N. Gorelick reviewed the characteristics of viral and rickettsial agents currently in the program . . . the use of multiple agents to achieve prolonged incapacitation was also being investigated.” – Biological Subcommittee Munitions Advisory Group, October 27–28, 1966
“Advances in microbial genetics had opened up the potential of manipulating viruses and rickettsias to create more powerful weapons, both lethal and incapacitating.”5 The perfect incapacitating agent was one that made a large percentage of a population moderately ill for weeks to months. The illness it caused would have to be hard to diagnose and treat, and under the best circumstances, the target population shouldn’t even be aware they’d been dosed with a bioweapon. This would make it easier for invading, vaccinated soldiers to take over cities and industrial infrastructure without much of a fight or the destruction of property.
In the The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guidelines, chronic Lyme isn’t classified as an ongoing, persistent infection; it’s considered either an autoimmune syndrome (in which a body’s immune system attacks itself) or a psychological condition caused by “the aches and pains of daily living” or “prior traumatic psychological events.” These guidelines were often used by medical insurers to deny treatment, and many of its authors are paid consulting fees to testify as expert witnesses in these insurance cases. In some states, the guideline recommendations take on the force of law, so that Lyme physicians who practice outside them are at risk of losing their medical licenses.
Bottom line: the guidelines authors regularly convened in government-funded, closed-door meetings with hidden agendas that lined the pockets of academic researchers who had significant commercial interests in Lyme disease tests and vaccines. A large percentage of government grants were awarded to the guideline authors and/or researchers in their labs.
The US military conducted some “Large Area Coverage” vulnerability tests on an unsuspecting public over the years. For example, in the 1950s, the U.S. Navy sprayed a two-mile-long line of aerosolized “simulant” off the coast of San Francisco. Newby described how effective such an attack could be if the weather conditions were right.
I pondered why Lyme disease researchers were so much more paranoid than their rickettsial counterparts. Thinking back on my research for the Lyme documentary Under Our Skin, I concluded that there was much more money at stake with Lyme disease. It was the first major new disease discovered after the Bayh-Dole Act and the Diamond v. Chakrabarty Supreme Court decision made it possible for the NIH, the CDC, and universities to patent and profit from “ownership” of live organisms. When the causative organism behind Lyme disease was announced, something akin to the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889 began, as scientists within these institutions began furiously filing patents on the surface proteins and DNA of the Lyme spirochete, hoping to profit from future vaccines and diagnostic tests that used these markers—for example, an NIH employee who patents a bacterial surface protein used in a commercial test kit or a vaccine could receive up to $150,000 in royalty payments a year, an amount that might double his or her annual salary. All of a sudden, the institutions that were supposed to be protectors of public health became business partners with Big Pharma. The university researchers who had previously shared information on dangerous emerging diseases were now delaying publishing their findings so they could become entrepreneurs and profit from patents through their university technology transfer groups. We essentially lost our system of scientific checks and balances. And this, in turn, has undermined patient trust in the institutions that are supposed to “do no harm.” With Lyme disease, there’s no profit incentive for proactively treating someone with a few weeks of inexpensive, off-patent antibiotics. It’s the patentable vaccines and mandatory tests-before-treatment that bring in the steady revenues year after year.
More than a decade after the tick bite that changed my life, I had a deeper understanding of the Lyme problem from a scientific, political, and policy point of view. I knew that the infectious disease departments at most major medical centers, including Stanford, were simply following the iron-fisted IDSA Lyme guidelines that state that chronic Lyme isn’t an infectious disease and that it can’t be treated with long-term antibiotics. If Dr. D had kept us on as patients, he might have been reprimanded or even fired. And to his credit, he was the first to test us for Lyme, and that ultimately put us on the path to wellness.
An excellent book review by David Swanson follows.
Where Lyme Disease Came From and Why It Eludes Treatment –
In July of 1975 a new or very rare disease appeared in Old Lyme, Connecticut, just north of Plum Island. And what was on Plum Island? A germ warfare lab to which the U.S. government had brought former Nazi germ warfare scientists in the 1940s to work on the same evil work for a different employer. These included the head of the Nazi germ warfare program who had worked directly for Heinrich Himmler. On Plum Island was a germ warfare lab that frequently conducted its experiments out of doors. After all, it was on an island. What could go wrong? Documents record outdoor experiments with diseased ticks in the 1950s (when we know that the United States was using such weaponized life forms in North Korea). Even Plum Island’s indoors, where participants admit to experiments with ticks, was not sealed tight. And test animals mingled with wild deer, test birds with wild birds.
Swanson’s summary:
In the book “Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons” by Kris Newby, the author sheds light on the origins of Lyme disease and its potential connection to biological weapons. Newby suggests that the most likely source of the disease-carrying ticks is Plum Island, a U.S. government facility known for conducting experiments on biological weapons, including insects. The book complements Michael Christopher Carroll’s work, “Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory,” which also points to Plum Island as a probable source. Newby reveals the research conducted by Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist credited with discovering the cause of Lyme disease, who may have intentionally infected ticks with diseases for military purposes. The book highlights the need for declassifying information about open-air bioweapons tests and emphasizes the role of profit interests and government corruption in hindering proper handling of Lyme disease.
Key takeaways from the article:
1. The book “Bitten” explores the origins of Lyme disease and its potential connection to Plum Island, a U.S. government facility known for biological weapons research.
2. Plum Island is believed to be the most likely source of disease-carrying ticks.
3. Willy Burgdorfer, a scientist credited with identifying the cause of Lyme disease, may have intentionally infected ticks with diseases for military purposes.
4. The book calls for the declassification of information about open-air bioweapons tests to address the damage caused by tick-borne diseases.
5. Profit interests and government corruption are suggested as factors contributing to the mishandling of Lyme disease.
6. The anthrax attacks in 2001, another product of U.S. bioweapons research, served to augment false narratives about the Iraq war.
7. The book highlights the importance of avoiding false blame of Lyme disease on other countries.
8. Public understanding of Lyme disease should be based on factual information and the need for proper prevention and treatment.
Excerpts from the article:
Newby claims (in 2019) that if a scientist named Willy Burgdorfer had not made a confession in 2013, the secret that Lyme disease came from a biological weapons program would have died with him…
The outbreak of unusual tick-borne disease around Long Island Sound actually started in 1968, and it involved three diseases: Lyme arthritis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and babesiosis.
And of course, Pfizer is developing a vaccine for Lyme disease. Here is an article from Children’s Health Defense
Pfizer has initiated the final phase of testing for an experimental vaccine aimed at preventing Lyme disease in individuals aged 5 and above. The company plans to develop a seasonal vaccine that can be administered during the months when ticks, the disease’s vectors, are most active. This vaccine, called VLA15, targets the outer surface protein A (OspA) of the Borrelia bacteria responsible for Lyme disease and aims to protect against multiple strains prevalent in North America and Europe. The Phase 3 clinical trial will involve 6,000 participants and will assess the efficacy of three doses of VLA15 or a placebo, followed by a booster dose. Pending successful trials, Pfizer may seek regulatory approval for the vaccine in the US and Europe by 2025. Lyme disease affects a significant number of people each year, and the demand for a vaccine is higher than ever. If approved, this vaccine could be the first human Lyme disease vaccine available in over two decades.
Key takeaways:
1. Pfizer has initiated the final phase of testing for a seasonal vaccine aimed at preventing Lyme disease.
2. The vaccine, VLA15, targets the outer surface protein A (OspA) of the Borrelia bacteria.
3. The clinical trial will involve 6,000 participants aged 5 and above and will assess the efficacy of three doses of VLA15.
4. The vaccine aims to protect against multiple strains of the bacteria prevalent in North America and Europe.
5. If successful, Pfizer may seek regulatory approval for the vaccine in the US and Europe by 2025.
6. Lyme disease affects a significant number of people each year, with about 476,000 people in the US receiving treatment.
7. The demand for a Lyme disease vaccine is higher than ever before.
8. Previous attempts to develop a Lyme disease vaccine have faced challenges in profitability, but the growing market may change that perspective.
Therapy (Yoho again)
If you think you have Lyme, you probably do. If you think Pfizer will save you with a vaccine, you likely also believe in the Easter Bunny. For the current fictions about Lyme’s diagnosis and treatment, see Wikipedia. Part of it is true.
For better advice, contact Ken Stoller, MD. His interviews with me and his website are HERE and HERE. He says that a double-digit percentage of US citizens are infected. He makes it sound like this number is nearly on the order of root canal illness. How many are symptomatic is unknown. To treat the disease, Dr. Stoller uses hyperbaric oxygen and Alinia, a benign anti-parasite drug that you can buy from Indian pharmacies.
Chlorine dioxide (CDS) is likely to be a cure. It is cheap, safe, and easy to make, but heavily suppressed, which is evidence it works. See my draft post about it HERE or wait a few days to get it in your email.
When you kill Lyme spirochetes, toxins are released that can make you sick. This is a Herxheimer reaction; both Alinia and CDS potentially provoke it. So you should get treatment help from Ken or another experienced doctor. If you do not, your initial doses should be low. (I never give medical advise; use your best judgment and practicing doctors for that.)
The following is a beautifully filmed video about tic history and life cycles. It describes the discovery of Lyme disease in Lyme, Connecticut and spread to Germany. It describes how they bite and infect mammals, vaccines for tics (what kind of an idiot would believe in these?), the eccentric scientists studying tics, and how the tics carry and transmit the Lyme disease spirochete. No mention is made of the disease’s origin as a US bioweapon, or it would not be on YouTube.
Gifts for you
Cassandra’s Memo ebook is free HERE, Hormone Secrets is HERE, and Butchered by “Healthcare” is HERE. Hard copies of Cassandra are on Barnes and Noble, and the other two are on Amazon. Please write reviews if you like them.
I claim no copyright; you may quote any of my essays or books in part or whole without restriction or permission if you credit me. Also, because I am retired, I never give personal medical advice. Use the information here at your own risk.
I write full-time to help my readers avoid being butchered by “healthcare,” to help them understand the world we face, and to encourage them to join the resistance.
This article just came in and I received a notification on my phone. Going to read today but I just wanted to toss out the supposed tick-borne or caused disease that cause humans to have severe allergy to red meat. I don’t buy it. I suspect it is coming through injections and/or other vectors but will wait to see what else we learn. We can count on one thing – the “Network” that wants total control of us and far less of us is probably behind it.
I think the C19 injections can cause it too. My mom unfortunately had the jabs and now canu2019t eat meat.
Wow. I wonder how many others with this condition are jabbed with the bioweapon?
Bob, I believe the injection is THE cause of this disease, and it was intentionally inserted in the vaccine. It would be a good question for Judy Mikovits
However, now hearing that ticks themselves have been weaponized, the allergy can come from them too.
Before I met my primary care doctor, he had been working with Lyme, very well. At closing one night in mid 2010 decade, he got a knock on the door from literally black hat trench coat bullies. He was terrified to continue treatment after that. He didnu2019t want to be in court defending every Medicaid Medicare bill. Threatened with it..Heu2019s waiting for retirement. I only see him for pleasing disability , I see an integrative medicine doctor for actual help. Ft Myers Florida
Iu2019d say his name but heu2019s a nervous wreck now.
And probably way too afraid to write prescriptions for Ivermectin. It works. Read Pierre Kory’s book: The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine That Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic
My integrative medicine doctor let me take it once a week for a year, I was shook up by shedding ( bleeding in menopause). He was very quiet about it and we had to find compounding pharmacy willing to ship .
Your IM MD is a good man! I get my IVM from
It’s marketed as pet meds because, well, you could imagine. But it’s 100% pharma (human consumption) grade. The co. is in Fl so I get it fast.
Shedding Is Real: FLCCC Weekly Update (Nov. 01, 2023)
My functional doctor prescribed 17 mg of Ivermectin a day. Dr. Pierre Kory doubled that dose. Currently, I am back to 17 mg once a day. I am 71, severely immune suppressed, and have not had COVID to this day. I have had my antibodies tested twice, and both were negative. Ivermectin works.
If you are interested in an entirely conflicting theory on COVID, watch this:
I am now buying nicotine patches, cutting them in fourths, and wearing them daily. Dr. Bryan Ardis gives very convincing documentation that nicotine is not addicting, and there were addicting substances added to cigarettes.
Deborah Butler:
Thank you so much for sharing that link! I almost didn’t click on it, very happy I did!
Here’s another link to the same video if folks like the Rumble platform:
Jason Shurka and Dr. Bryan Ardis: “THE ANTIDOTE” | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19
Yes, I agree. Dr Ardis was very compelling citing sources as well. Could you please keep us updated as to your results with the nicotine patch usage? Which symptoms are you experiencing currently which led you to try the nicotine? Or, is it just as a preventative?
Could you elaborate on your usage? Were you restored to a normal, balanced state of health after the 1 year of IVM? I won’t live without Ivermectin. I’m astounded by its multi-faceted application and broad spectrum healing properties.
I have so many autoimmune issues & chemically sensitive, chronic inflammatory response syndrome. So ,yes ,it helped me. Iu2019m making progress with biotoxin mold illness too. Iu2019m not taking it right now because of a mold treatment Iu2019m on , the treatment can stress the liver.
I’m sorry youre suffering so much. I hope you heal and your auto immune issues resolve!
Thanks, I am fortunate, average person with cirs sees 15 doctors before they get the help they need, & many never do. I have hope now, that makes a huge difference . & my husband is supportive-he sold his dream house for me because it had water damage.
ivermectin is available from Indian pharmacies
Thank you!
* 2 years, weekly ( but I followed the instructions to take on an empty stomach for the first year. Started taking it with a fat or fish oil.
Very interesting and maddening.
It’s dark as hell.
& the insurance industry part of it keeps so many afraid to leave the system, by design. My doctor used to talk about writing a book, I havenu2019t heard him mention it since lockdown.& the office is currently always understaffed, taking turns being sick, but I digress.
Damn! Another dayu2026another bioweapon. uD83EuDD2C
Plum Island is closer to Long Island than Connecticut, FWIW.
All of its nefarious activities have been moved to the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas.
Here is the followup post about chlorine dioxide that will drop in 4 days,
I have been making my own chlorine dioxide for two years now and recommend that people learn about it. Jim Humble, the man who discovered that chlorine dioxide treated malaria just passed in Srptember. He was in his 90’s. Andreas Kalcker is a researcher who has published much on chlorine dioxide.
Can you please advise how much you are taking? I am at a very low dose, and dosage recommendations vary widely. Or, is there a reliable source that provides recommended dosage?
Thank you
read the books you can download in the next post
Robert, thank you for everything you do. Are you aware of how EMFs create bacterial and viral resistance, especially in the case of Lyme?
Wow Dr YoHo u2014 these posts on Lyme and Chlorine Dioxide (have yet to get to that but looking for it for years) are so amazingly helpful u2014 I am grateful to you for these knowledge sources and your view of them. uD83DuDC9C
the CDS draft post URL is in my comment above.
Well it seems like too much of a coincidence that the local bioweapons lab was studying this organism and tic. This disease is well defined serologically and the brush off diagnostic process and therapy by mainstream seems like a conspiracy to keep it going. See the CD post soon.
My great great uncle Arvid Afzelius discovered the vector for Lyme at the turn of the last century, hence Borrelia afzelii, the tick most common in Europe and Asia. How did they weaponise it exactly? It occurs naturally…
Long socks tucked into your trousers in woodland, you look a bit funny, but a great preventative barrier…
I read this one before finding “Bitten.”
It is also very good.
“Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government’s Secret Germ Laboratory”
Paperback u2013 August 9, 2005
That is indeed a good read with well documented sources. An interesting note is that the collapse of the Eastern Flyway (duck migration along the East coast) is probably because of a disease released from Plum Island, and not because of duck hunters.
Me too.
Great summary, Thank you!
Wanted to comment on few things:
1. Willy Burgdorfer’s name for the causative agent of Lyme, implies already quite a bit.
2. when one reads the stage 2. symptoms of Lyme at
namely, quote:
“It can affect the heart causing myocarditis, as well as arrythmias such as atrioventricular blocks (which if significant enough may require the insertion of a pacemaker). It can affect the musculoskeletal system causing non-inflammatory transient arthritis and / or arthralgias. It can affect the nervous system manifesting as facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy, classically bilateral), fatigue, and loss of memory.”
one has the feeling one deals with covid injection side effects..
3. ANd when one looks at the picture of the “bull’s-eye” in erythema chronicum migrans and then compares it to the most recent picture of that ladies hand (AFTER Pfizer covid genetically modifying injection) in Dr. Makis presentation at
one has the feeling, they look the same, all the round circles with the central red dot inside.
4. Crazy thing, during a visit in Kaiser Permanente, I was ‘bitten’ by something, what caused my hand to swell ~2-3 times, almost like after snake bite, with a slow color change on its ~half to almost grey, and disappear after few days.
After that I went for a trip to Germany, on the first day there got bitten again by ‘something’ on the same hand, inside of the palm, and a red/brown perfect circle with a red dot inside showed up, for almost one month, the entire time of my trip. The red dot disappeared as the last thing. Strange coincidences.
5. I worked for NIH all the productive years of my entire professional carrier, never patented anything or even heard from others about doing the same… Didn’t know anyone with patent, except for one person who worked for Big Pharma and used NIH facilities. This experience implies it is not very well spread phenomenon or the reasons for patenting are more complicated/hidden..
this is my friend BAC
search engine gives me Blood Alcohol Content, for that BAC…
And once again, INFINITE thanks with these bites back then;)
Oh, the medical/scientific names are frequently very provocative, so that LY-ME could well be one of those cases.
Brilliant Academic C———
Thank You, for being too nice.
Wikipedia is not a reliable source for anything. Anyone can go on Wikipedia and alter the contents.
do you have a reliable source for the stage 2 Lyme symptoms? If so, go and try to change that wiki entry….
Everyone knows that wiki is part truth, part lie, in this case, I didn’t think about which one would apply for the Lyme entry. Here another source, pretty much overlapping with what wi-ki says:
=> both your statements are part truths, like wi-ki is…
Another good one Robert. I have been diagnosed with Lyme twice. Both times I had the quintessential “bullseye” lesion around the bite site. I have been lucky that both times were at military posts and the Army doc just dosed me on antibiotics. I have seen some stuff recently on Lyme treatment without antibiotics, which included CDS. Please stay on top of this. Lyme is insidious and prevalent.
far more serious than the ruined mainstream narrative says. Only in the first weeks can it be usually treated successfully with short term antibiotics
I have read that antibiotics administered quickly can cure tick borne illnesses, but their are individuals that have undergone this approach, and had it recur. What we don’t know for sure is were they reinfected somehow. Tick diseases can be transmitted sexually.
In 2018 in the Cairngorm mountain range of Scotland uD83CuDFF4uDB40uDC67uDB40uDC62uDB40uDC73uDB40uDC63uDB40uDC74uDB40uDC7F I was bitten
Over the weeks that followed was quite unwell, to cut a long story short after a few years of weakness and brain fog I come across the klindhardt institute through following dr Judy mikovits.I bought some cistus incanus tea uD83CuDF75 from a company here in the uk called ki science.
After drinking the recommended 6 cups a day for six weeks I can honestly say I woke up , I felt like Iu2019d been in a daze of tiredness and sleep with no mental of physical energy but now Iu2019m back uD83DuDE4Fgreat product
God bless Judy mikovits and ki science uD83DuDE4F
Klinghardt seems to be a genius. Search for his Mercola interviews at
Great doctor I we use his advice with a nebuliser using food grade hydrogen peroxide uD83DuDE4Fanother true hero in the fight for truth
Thanks for your link , Iu2019m a novice with this social media uD83DuDE02
Thanks for that info on tea…I learn a lot from the many comments in the substacks I read!
First vaccine for chikungunya virus, an ’emerging global health threat,’ gets FDA approval Big Pharma wants More of your money, for a mosquito bite that will itch longer than a week of some achy muscles in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Indian and Pacific Oceans?
ANOTHER SCARE TACTIC. What are the chances of being Mosquito bitten by say Lupus or Zika as the models vs Chikungunya virus? Younger children are outside the same number of hours. Or did they want to avoid the Backlash of a new vaccine being used on children as happened with Covid?
Before the FDAu2019s approval, the vaccineu2019s safety was tested in clinical trials that included 3,500 adults. Five million cases reported over the past 15 years. Hmmm, sound familiar? Participants most commonly reported headache, muscle pain, fatigue, joint pain, nausea, fever, and tenderness at the injection site as side effects.
*Most people who contract the virus get better within a week. In rare cases, the virus can cause severe and long-lasting joint pain. * You basically take Tylenol for, oh, they do have a drug for it too. What is Paracetamol? Paracetamol (Panadol, Calpol, Alvedon) is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is used to temporarily relieve mild-to-moderate pain and fever. It is commonly included as an ingredient in cold and flu medications and is also used on its own. Good RX pulls up generic OTC Tylenol as the name for Paracetamol.
Gee so does a Shoulder tear, Fibromyalgia, or OA. I have all three. Why would I risk your new vaccine with mRNA in it that are basically unproven, and basically located in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans?
If I described the symptoms to my Primary, he’d ask which of the 3 existing conditions was acting up. And prescribe ice/heat or a round of PT. Thus a totally unnecessary vaccine in the USA. BTW I am doing PT for the entire C3-S1 Spinal Stenosis. So every muscle is sore.
This is a reply. I posted the article on Pasheen Diva’s Sub.
Chikungunya is a tropical disease, contracted during the beginnings of the rainy season: one gets a fever (chills) and a definite, but mild pain in some of the major joints (elbows, knees, wrists, heels). once one’s had it, uD83EuDD2C it will probably occur again the next year. uD83EuDD2C The cure? rest, sleep, and lots to drink. it’s not contagious, just tiring for a few days. The lady had a bout of it.
Any thing to get mRNA in you.
Thank you once again for being a brave voice in this increasing wilderness. I have read both Bitten and Lab 257. Thanks for the refresher course! You are doing god’s work.
The absolute craziest part for me?
Realizing that at 61, this insane nonsense has been going on since BEFORE I WAS BORN!
It’s kind of extraordinary that humans are still here, if you have any awareness at all of how crazy this evil is.
And sidebar… I’ve completely given up on “standard medicine.” Not just because of covid, Lyme, suppressed protocols, etc. No, for me it was finding out about the BILLIONS of animals that have been maimed, tortured, and killed in all these labs … in the pursuit of “progress.”
Amen. Why don’t more people talk about the cruel, unnecessary vivisection that happens in labs across the globe ad infinitum? That is a very dark–but wholly necessary–subject that needs light shone upon it. Don’t get me started. I could talk and cry for days as well about a whole host of other cruelties inflicted upon non-human animals: zoos, factory farms, etc. It’s endless.
Thanks so much for your important and compassionate comment.
It’s crazy, isn’t it?! I’m 70 and all this blows my mind.
That’s 2 of us…
Amazing photography in the film. I have read Bitten and also had Lyme twice. Both times I was healed with Ledum – a homeopathic remedy.
Please expand on Ledum!
I wonder if the mosquitos Bill Gates has created are flying around with a bioweapon too? How would we find this information out? And, why would any state allow Bill Gates to release mosquitos in their state???
Great job reporting Doc! Theyu2019ve been at it for quite a while. Itu2019s terrifying. No government should be allowed to do this.
Dr Y How do you find these things???
Topics I mean. Unbelievable and mind blowing. Had Tick bite/Bullseye twice in the past. First episode Tx with Doxycycline x 30days. Awful on the stomach.
Second time treatment had changed to 10-14 days.
Amazon has the CDS ingredients as of tonight.
Ellen for no Rx Ivermectin & Doxycycline.
I take IVM prophylactically from the above link.
writing and the research has become a compulsion for me and I do it 50 hours a week
All my research indicates that antibiotics do not cure tick borne illnesses, merely puts them into remission. Now, treatment immediately after being bitten, I am not sure of. But, how often do people develop symptoms immediately after being bitten? This is something I have to look further into.
I started antibiotics as soon as I developed the bullseye the first time.
Second time I started immediately after pulling the tick.
Stock up on antibiotics and Ivermectin. There has been, will be and there actually currently is a shortage of anti-biotics (Penicillin). Syphilis, especially congenital, is EXPLODING world-wide. What changed? Oh, experimental Gene Therapy Injections aka DOD bio-weapons administered world-wide causing an exponential rise of autoimmune diseases, immune dysregulation and suppression disorders!
“PetMectin” Pharma grade IVM “FishCycline” Pharma grade DOXY.
Safe & Effective – for real – for humans!
“The infamous bullu2019s-eye rash that some get when a Lyme-carrying tick bites them doesnu2019t show up on everyone. My theory is it shows up on those individuals who already have Lyme disease, making the three weeks or so of a single antibiotic that their physician may prescribe them an unfortunate undertreatment. There is more than one way to treat Lyme, but three weeks of a single antibiotic is not the way, even if one was recently bitten and didnu2019t have Lyme before that recent bite.”
Stoller, K. P.. Incurable Me: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice (pp. 2-3). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.
“The infamous bullu2019s-eye rash that some get when a Lyme-carrying tick bites them doesnu2019t show up on everyone. My theory is it shows up on those individuals who already have Lyme disease, making the three weeks or so of a single antibiotic that their physician may prescribe them an unfortunate undertreatment. There is more than one way to treat Lyme, but three weeks of a single antibiotic is not the way, even if one was recently bitten and didnu2019t have Lyme before that recent bite.”
Stoller, K. P.. Incurable Me: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It into Clinical Practice (pp. 2-3). Skyhorse. Kindle Edition.
Not everyone presents with symptoms, not everyone gets the “bulls-eye” rash. Not everyone gets the Borrelia Burgdorferi. Ticks transmit a variety of virus, bacteria, parasites. It’s crazy.
Dr Steven Phillips coined the term “Lyme +” because of the co-infections often found in his patients. The antibiotic Doxycycline, broad spectrum and generally very safe, in combination with Ivermectin (and other OTC herbal nutraceuticals) have been met with great success. Ivemectin: the elephant in the room.
Ivermectin–Upon Neutral Ground (Dr Steven Phillips):
I gotta say, Doc, whenever I read about Lyme disease there seems to be little actual science. And this reads the same way. My suspicion is that environmental poisons (from a hundred different sources) are the cause of many problems that the medical community prefers to blame on micro-organisms. This way they make money from treatments. And the polluters get to pollute another day.
If you look into Polio you will find that the evidence for a Polio virus is flimsy (a monkey died after great volumes of fluid, supposed having virus in it, was injected into its head. Did it die of the fluid injected in the brain or from a virus?). And the peak of the Polio epidemic correlates perfectly with the peak of use of DDT. Once DDT was banned Polio cases dropped quickly.
yes polio was DDT
Yes, correct! The Polio vax saved nobody, it only harmed. And the Spanish Flu correlates with the initial introduction of a specific band of EMF radio waves en masse that was toxic at a cellular level. Not to mention all the upper respiratory illnesses caused by — wait for it — the wide use of face masks!
This ain’t their first rodeo, yo.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.u201D
u2015 Nikola Tesla
Thanks for posting this article. There are many parallels between Lyme & Covid symptomatology.
Lyme, known as the great mimicker, has been upstaged by Covid. But for those who had the Lyme experience as a precursor, a boot camp if you will, were better prepared to deal with the absurd narratives regarding Covid and the so-called vaccine.
Has anyone used Ivermectin to treat Lyme disease? It’s actually part of the protocol for many LL (Lyme Literate) MDs. Dr Steven Phillips is one and also a substack content creator:
Treating Lyme Disease and Co-Infections: A Molecular Biologist’s Journey & Getting Better With Ivermectin!
I’ll ask Ken stoller about the ivermectin Lyme idea
Alinia is the anti parasite drug Stoller uses
Thank you for posting this article, doc!
Here is what he wrote: Yes. I historically have used it for Morgellans Orally and topically with tea tea oil Morgellons is dermatological Lyme
Thank you, I hadn’t heard of that pathology or Ken Stoller before! So much to learn, so little time.
Thanks Dr! I’m looking forward to listening!
On June 5th, 2023 I had my root canals removed. The teeth were sent to a lab for testing. They came back positive for Babesia microti, Babesia duncani, and Borrelia recurrentis (recurring fever). My husband had the symptoms of Borrelia recurrentis twelve years ago, in fact, he was hospitalized, but I never did. However, these illnesses can be transmitted sexually. have been taking Ivermectin since September 2021, prescribed by my functional doctor. I was taking 15 mg twice a week. In October 2022 I was instructed to take 17 mg every day for six months, but in December, Dr. Pierre Kory told me to double the dose to 34 mg every day. My symptoms from the tick borne diseases I tested positive for have only gotten worse. The nerve damage I am experiencing is extreme. The hair loss is even worse. Joint pain, muscle pain, irritability, just to name a few. The Ivermectin had no impact on my tick borne diseases.
Could the dosage be too high, causing a massive die-off of pathogens, the Herx effect? Not everyone resolves or responds to Ivermectin. That sounds terrible and I’m sorry you’re suffering that much. I hope you find substances — herbal, pharmaceutical etc — that alleviate your condition.
Lyme was / is the pregrame to Covid & “long covid” & “long vax” aka DEATHVAX.
Chronic: The Hidden Cause of the Autoimmune Pandemic and How to Get Healthy Again:
Development of an mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccine against Lyme disease
u2026 u201Cresearchers there injected thousands of guinea pigs and rabbits with these live organisms, then placed ticks on the infected animals and allowed them to feed for a couple of daysu201D
To abuse animals in this way is the work of sick, twisted, soul-less beings. I am disgusted by the human race.
Gaslighting by clue-less, NPC MDs is nothing new. How many people are now suffering from “chronic post covid symptoms” and are getting the run-around and told it’s all in their head, referred to psychiatry, etc.
Lyme & Reason: Dr. Steven Phillips and Dana Parish full interviews
Putting 30 years of Lyme Disease into Remission by Switching from Vegan to Carnivore or
Seemed to really help this woman!
Dr Yoho,
Have you ever had a discussion regarding the STI potential of Lyme?
Dr Steven Phillips has stated that Lyme disease can also be transmitted sexually.
And furthermore, people who are walking, talking, non-stop 24/7 SARS CoV2 spike protein producing factories are also not to be bedded.
For anyone interested in Lyme desease I would recommend researching dr klindhardt from the klindhardt institute in Germany
He is working on some groundbreaking treatments.uD83DuDE4F
Just and FYI on Plum Island. It is located 1.5 miles off the North Fork of Long Island NY. It’ an animal disease research facility. Most recently was up for sale . Lee Zeldin former NY congressman and former candidate for NY Governor was helpful in stopping the sale and preserving it . I would contact him if you’d like more info and perhaps he has more insight into the Islands use over the years. Born and raised Long Islander I have heard many conspiracy type theories about Plum Island. None have ever been substantiated. I do know for a fact that deer who sometimes make their way by swimming to the island are killed and destroyed.
I don’t know if you’ve heard of “Alpa Gal syndrome”. I have been diagnosed with it from the lone star ticks that have infested LI specifically the east end. Approx 16 years ago the symptoms started. Now that I have moved off the island ,5 years later I can eat red meat again this year with out anaphylaxis! My current location we do not see lonestar ticks just deer and brown legged ticks. Very interesting disease.
Do you know if the chlorine dioxide can been given to canines? I am interested in the dosage for both human and canine. While I do not have Lyme I know many people and pets that do.
Voluntary removal of popular cold-and-cough medications from store shelves fuels conspiracy theories
And they can’t prove it doesn’t work. Most have been around for DECADES! Beneydryl even works for winter dog allergies, children’s size for small dogs, go by the weight. Musinex is a Reaction OTC for me. Pushing their new mRNA RSV injection.
Biden says you’ll be censored if you speak out about the Plandemic. Biden Warns Americans Not To Question His New COVID Jabs
Here is great research on Lymes Disease has been totally ignored
Superb Eye opening Work! Thank you Robert!
I had no idea… what a place Big Pharma has turned America into… looking forward to your next!
Sincerely thank you.
This comment is late in coming, but I wanted to be confident that I had researched the topic thoroughly prior to posting. Additionally, my schedule has been overwhelmed by unusual circumstances recently.
On July 5, 2023 I had my root canals removed. The teeth were sent to “DNA Connexions” lab for testing. The results came back positive for Babesia microti. Babesia duncani, and Borrelia recurrentis, three tick borne diseases. After searching the internet for each of them, the third one, Borrelia recurrentis, was the only one that I could identify with. I never had the symptoms, a 106 degree or higher fever which then crashes and recurs, but my husband did, twelve years ago. He was hospitalized for three days, and they could not identify the cause. Well, now we know. Either we were both bitten by ticks carrying this disease, or it was transmitted, most likely sexually, from him to me.
I had several health related issues during that time period. Eleven years ago I had my knee replaced, four days later my tibia cracked and a rod was inserted into my leg. I developed a curvature in my neck and my upper back shortly after that. I didn’t know I had any tick diseases, so I was unsure of the cause.
On June 9, 2021 I was in a vehicle which was hit and my femur in my right leg, the same leg with the knee replacement and rod, was broken. I had surgery and was initially recovering successfully. Within six weeks things began to take a turn for the worse. I spent two years searching for the cause of my declining health. I first delved into my MTHFR genetic SNPs because my B12 level has been extremely high for some time. I did everything doctors in the know advised mt to do. I may have had some minimal results, but my health continued to decline. I then began to consider that perhaps metal was the issue. I spoke to Dr. Scott Schroeder and my symptoms correlated with metal poisoning, so I had my root canals removed. Again, minor improvements.
When I received the results of the lab tests done on my teeth I was shocked. I should have mentioned earlier that I have been having numbness (neuropathy) throughout my body ever since the crash. When I began researching tick diseases I discovered they cause nerve damage.
So, tick diseases can remain dormant in your body indefinitely, until triggered by a trauma of some sort. Antibiotics DO NOT eradicate tick diseases. If taken immediately after contraction, there is a possibility they may cure it, but if you develop a bulls-eye rash, you already had an existing tick disease, and antibiotics are useless. I suspect this is what happened to me. The trauma of my broken femur activated the tick borne diseases, and all the symptoms appeared. I have recently began taking chlorine dioxide. I am confident this is my best chance of reversing this insanity.
In conclusion, there is a Facebook group on Lyme disease with over 25,000 members. If you are in the mood to get depressed, check it out. The stories of these poor individuals is heart-wrenching. I had to quit reading them.
You will be interested in the story of Plum Island (usa) ground zero for the tick research I believe. And also great book Under Our Skin (i believe that is the title). Regarding treatment the US Armed Forces Pathology institute (before being dissolved for ‘funding’ issues, weird right?) said that the treatment for Lymes at the very start of its ‘outbreak’ was 6 weeks of doxycline. Not 2 weeks. 6 weeks. And in the annals of the Road Back Foundation (look it up) (6) six week cycles of doxy cured all sorts of things, Lymes, Arthritis, Poly rheumatic disease…and now we know doxy also works on cancers… go figure
Antibiotics have zero effectiveness on viruses. Get a grip
Lyme’s is not a virus stupid. It is a bacterial pathogen, a spirochete. This is a fact my friend and not a ‘conspiracy theory’. So yes, anti bios do work for it. 🙂 G’day mate!
It wasnu2019t dissolved. It was moved into the middle of the country. Kansas City Kansas.
Lyme disease was no doubt originated on plum island as its spread from their outward and across North America to the west is obviously visualized easily by a simple graph of his timeline progression. It was, however a legitimate hybridization process and not any form of Jean modification techniques.
Your claims about Covid or simply a proven and absolute incorrect statement. 10,000 virologist who happen to understand basic and genetic possibilities are not for some reason conspiring against the entire world and somehow keeping this a secret from the other 8 1/2 billion people over
u201CAfter learning about several other of the US governmentu2019s u201Ctheatrical productionsu201D including Covid, Covid vaccines, AIDS, smallpox, DDT, polio, childhood vaccines, fluoride, and glyphosate, it was easyu201D
In a just and truly civil society such as Caesars eternal city, your head wouldu2019ve adorned a pike in front of the Senate, until it rotted to a bleached white skull, removed only when your lower mandible fell through the Earth.
To label you a morally bankrupt cretinous tool would insult the morally bankrupt cretinous tools I know …..
I never said otherwise. Youu2019re inferring, really Laemmle I might add, that this wouldu2019ve also helped with Covid. Youu2019re terrible at this agitprop shit
Very informative video about Lyme treatment
Just the other day a friend of mine found a tic on her dog’s ear… she sprayed some chlorine dioxide on it… and it let go.. and died.. in seconds. She was amazed… as was I!