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I know what you are thinking—Dr. Yoho fantasizes he is the George Plimpton of Substack. GP was a journalist who tried out for professional athletic teams and wrote about it. He was a good athlete but not a professional; he was tolerated because of his writing. He also acted in a Western, performed a comedy act at Caesars Palace, and played with the New York Philharmonic.

I am trying out alternative medicine treatments and cures. The difference between George and me is that I have a diagnosis, which is skin in the game.

Plimpton in his heyday.

HERE is the Rumble video version of this interview.

Kerri Rivera kindly returned for a second interview about chlorine dioxide and other natural medicines. She began studying natural health to save her vaccine-injured son from autism years before Kalcker or Humble appeared on the scene. This makes Kerri an OG, an Original Gangster. This phrase is a rapper complement that now means a respected or old-school source.

Kerri and me.

Kerri deserves to be heard because of her depth of experience and training with some of the best healers in the world. If you haven’t, listen to her first interview HERE. She helped me clear up some of my confusion about alternative medicine. Kerri is a homeopath who offers online consultations. Email her at [email protected] if you are interested.

I asked Kerri the difference between homeopaths, naturopaths, functional doctors, chiropractors, and the ragtag group of MDs (allopaths) trying to use these traditional therapies. She sensibly told me that results, not degrees or certifications, were what counted.

I have never met an MD who called himself an allopath. I think alternative doctors use this label to run down MDs, but we deserve it.

Here’s Kerri!

  • “Chlorine dioxide (CD) is foundational; methylene blue is adjunctive.” Long-term CD use is safe, and we do not know any contraindications.

  • How long should you stay on MB for Parkinson’s? Indefinitely, it is harmless.

  • Kerri says that MB should be dosed twice daily on an empty stomach. Others say once a day is fine.

  • I asked her the sweet spot for MB in mg/kg/day. She said 25 drops of 1 percent twice daily worked for most people. This is 1.25 cc (milliliters).

  • Swallowing MB with a straw helps to avoid staining teeth. Kerri also has used 25 mg compounded capsules, taken twice a day.

  • Kerri said roughly ten drops of each ingredient of Humble’s MMS is equivalent to 40 cc of chlorine dioxide solution as made by Kalcker. Either formula is used in a liter of water and sipped all day.

  • Carnivore diets are beneficial for Parkinson’s and other inflammatory conditions. They can profoundly improve arthritis. I have been told this repeatedly but never got the memo into my thick head. Carnivore constipation is solved by taking at least a gram of magnesium daily and castor oil as needed.

  • Kerri has experience taking up to 170 supplements daily. She says it is a mistake—no surprise there!

  • How to improve digestion and “leaky gut” is not a secret. Morning probiotics (not prebiotics), a tablespoon of black seed oil twice daily, and chlorine dioxide all help.

  • Kerri has fasted for over a week at a time and thinks this can be useful.

  • She has seen mebendazole (Povan) used and thinks it is helpful as a routine oral trial to treat many conditions. This is a general parasite killer.

  • Supplements interact with each other and should ideally be taken separately. This applies to CDS, phosphatidylcholine, boron/Borax, MB, vitamins, and food.

Click the image to access Kerri’s store.

Kerri Rivera, D. Hom. CD Protocol

[email protected]

Have a look at the products Kerri recommends at


Trying to live at peace with too many freaking supplements

Parkinson’s disease (PD) has a hundred theories and a similar number of treatments recommended by various authorities. Diseases like this are “idiopathic,” which means the doctor giving you the diagnosis and advice is an idiot. Another marker for this is when syndromes like PD are blamed on genetics. While this could be partly true, diseases that increase 300 percent in a few decades are often caused by toxins.

I have listed my supplements below. You will question my sanity as you look through the list. Keri ordered me to cut some of it out and take probiotics and blackseed oil until my stomach feels better. Goat’s milk kefir helped me recently.

DAILY (I discontinued some of this on my recent trip.)

Nailit nail toenail fungus treatment from FrontierPharm (sometimes twice a day).

Thiamine six 500 mg tablets with food.

A tablespoon of colostrum sometimes to settle the stomach.

CNSE “stem cell activator” in eyes: I take one drop a day in each eye; it helps with the dry eyes I’ve had since cataract surgery.

Sovereign Copper small swig every few days

Chlorine dioxide solution, 40 cc in a liter, sipped over the day.

Borax/boron 1/4 teaspoon in about 1/2 to a full liter of drinking water

Methylene blue 1 percent, 2 to 3 droppers once a day, on an empty stomach twice daily. (It upsets the stomach a little.) Kerri recommends half this twice a day.

One tablespoon of BodyBio phosphatidylcholine syrup daily at no particular time and sometimes on an empty stomach. I am planning on taking two a day soon.

I consume about a liter of Fiji silica water daily to force the urinary excretion of aluminum. Since CD does this, too, I might soon quit Fiji.

ALTERNATING DAY 1: Capsules (taken mixed with food)

K2 180 mcg (Mercola source)

C liposomal, 1 gram, which is equivalent to 3 grams of ordinary C (Mercola)

Magnesium, two 400 mg capsules (Costco)

D 50,000 IU every other day in a single pill (goal: D level 120 ng/ml)

Zinc 50 mg

Co q 400 mg (Costco)

Circumen sometimes (Costco)

ALTERNATING DAY 2: these are liquids placed in 4 oz of water and taken together at the end of a meal

Lugols iodine 2 percent, a dropper or two

B12 5000, a dropper

Micelized vit A, several drops

Selenium 500 mcg, one to two droppers

“Max B ND” dropper

Recommended by functional doctors but not started yet:

ALA lipoic acid supreme. BID

Glyphodetox BID

Black seed oil, a tablespoonful twice a day

My most recent adventure was getting stem cells from my tibia injected into 50 “meridians” around my body and also into my ankle and subtalar joints. The surgeon dripped it into my eyes, my gums, and deep into my nose to target my brain (I need help there, ha). I’m somewhat better.

George Plimpton was a beloved family member of the elite levels of American society. He went to the best schools, had a patrician manner, affected an accent, and said he was “a sort of country club tennis player.” Plimpton was enormously popular and was regarded as an all-around nice guy. No one has ever accused me of any of that.

Plimpton died in 2003.

Show me some love ❤️❤️. You know what to do.

Parting shot: Your truths are your own

I overheard a few characters in the balcony section of my theater arguing about whether reality is subjective—whether my truth is different than yours. Oprah frequently brings this up, and someone compared me to her. (Yuk!)

There is no objective reality. We each see life—and today’s disasters—differently:

  • We have different backgrounds, training, and experiences.

  • We have different core beliefs and emotional structures.

  • We are two sexes, which creates perceptual and conceptual differences.

  • Some of us are trusting; others are more doubtful and suspicious.

  • Some have religious beliefs and see the world through this lens.

  • Some find mechanistic explanations convincing. These are theories about how things work.

  • I am a trained empiricist; we look for evidence and have rules about how to do it.

I have emphasized from the start that we must all find our truths and that I am here to give you ideas and data rather than dictate what you think. Several stories are commonly used to teach these concepts:

The blind men and an elephant is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and learn and imagine what it is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a different part of the animal’s body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then describe the animal based on their limited experience, and their descriptions of the elephant differ. In some versions, they suspect the other person is dishonest and come to blows. The parable’s moral is that humans tend to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people’s limited, personal experiences, which may be equally valid. The parable originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, where it has been widely diffused (Wiki).

Image: Wiki.

The men’s blindness is an allegory for our individual views of the world, and the parable has been used to illustrate a range of truths and fallacies. Broadly, it implies that one’s subjective experience can be authentic but that such knowledge is inherently limited by its failure to account for other truths or a totality of reality.

At various times, the story has provided insight into the relativism, opaqueness, or inexpressible nature of truth, the behavior of experts in fields with contradicting theories, the need for deeper understanding, and respect for different perspectives on the same object of observation. What things exist? What is their true nature? How can their relations to each other be accurately categorized? (Abridged from Wiki).

Rashomon is a classic Japanese film depicting various people who witnessed a samurai murdered in a forest. The characters provide subjective, alternative, and contradictory versions of the same incident. The “Rashomon effect” is named after the film. It is a storytelling and writing method where an event is given contradictory interpretations or descriptions by the individuals involved. This provides different perspectives and points of view on the same incident. It describes the unreliability of eyewitnesses, contested interpretations of events, and disagreements of evidence. It illustrates subjectivity versus objectivity in human perception, memory, and reporting.

A children’s game in which a story is passed orally from group to group illustrates a related idea. The tale has altered unrecognizably by the time the final result is compared with the original.

The “observer effect” is a fourth relevant phenomenon. This means that watching a situation or phenomenon changes it. It has been observed in physics as well as people.

If you relate better to popular culture, consider what Anakin Skywalker said in Star Wars: “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” This means that if your worldview is narrow, you miss nuance, see all points of view as black or white, and believe everyone is either for or against you.


  • Avatar Vonu says:

    Why would a guy that died on September 25, 2003 need a diagnosis?

  • Avatar Alina says:

    I would be careful to recommend CD indiscriminately. My digestive track was burned so badly that I wasnu2019t sure if I will make it. My husband had no issues with the same daily batch of CD treated water prepared according to instructions. This happened over 2 years ago, and I still canu2019t have a toast or any harder food without chewing it thoroughly. Otherwise it hurts. I can feel the pain after swallowing and it being tossed in my stomach from one side to another. Apparently, this condition is not as rare as itu2019s presented to be. Please be careful.

  • Avatar Jewell says:

    Hi – have you ever looked into plasmalogens? They are expensive – but the results looks interesting.

  • Avatar erin says:

    They used to call conventional docs “regulars” and alternative “irregulars.” Allopathic was coined by the homeopaths to distinguish all the others. I don’t think it matters anymore, it’s just become a useful term signifying very different approaches.

    I think much about regular medicine is valuable. Where it went wrong was by becoming a monopoly. In effect, it created a totalitarian system where all others were heretics and to be persecuted and silenced. The DOs assimilated. The chiropractors fought back and remained, but all the others were marginalized.

    Just yesterday, I followed the feedback to Naomi Wolf’s substack where she offered to write about remedies she was discovering. The outpouring of interest and support was…. well, I am stuck for a word! It’s an avalanche! 🙂

    • Avatar MichiGal007 says:

      Im sure you mean Naomi Wolfu2019s substacku2026Outspoken?

    • Avatar Janet says:

      Klein is a nut job now. Participating in her own Shock Doctrine theology. She even wrote a libelous sinister book about Naomi Wolf–and that people mix her up with the good person you are writing about. That itu2019s some kind of dark plot against Klein. Naomi Wolf is one of us. Klein is sick in the head. Not surprising. All vaxxed up with probably prions doing their final job.

      • Avatar erin says:

        Yes, I saw that! And fell into the same mistake! Ha.
        She’s gone off into loony land like so many people on the left. Shame, really. But it’s helpful to know who is REALLY who. 🙂

        • Avatar Janet says:

          I have a looney toon sister. Completely hypnotized by the left media. Mouthy and suspicious. Tries to drag me into her looney bin. Still harbors resentment I didnu2019t get vaccinated. She told me she hopes I get the Rona bad cause u201CCarmas a bitchu201D. (Her misspelling). uD83DuDE12uD83EuDD14.

          • Avatar erin says:

            Well, she is right about one thing. Karma’s a bitch. She just doesn’t yet see it’s coming her way too….
            I was recently told by someone in a discussion that the kids of unvaccinated families deserve the harm and death that’s coming their way… So many of our neighbors have gone off the deep end into outspoken evil.

          • Avatar Janet says:

            She was actually sick with bad covid when she texted that nugget to me. After 8 jabs. So I see karma was a permanent resident there already. To wish sickness and death on children. That takes a sick mind and soul to say that. . Iu2019d back out of any contact with this kind of inhumane person so fast you would just see a blur. Thatu2019s why they care little for 85,000 missing children. These people are participating in the child sacrifice taking over the planet. Evil as a word doesnu2019t even cut it. Itu2019s lost its past meaning. Judgement awaits. If not close, eventually.

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            It’s hard to believe, but cognitive dissonance theory explains this.

          • Avatar MichiGal007 says:

            Somehow, weu2019ve lost the art of critical thinking too. Not many practice or partake in self awareness but the curiosity factor is limited to u201Chmm, whatu2019s on the menu?u201D. Looking at my coworkers (large optometry practice). Frustrating as HEDoublehockeysticks.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        Sick or paid. Wolf is one of our icons and beyond reproach.

  • Avatar erin says:

    Of course there is objective reality! We just don’t have access to it… all we have is theories about it.

    What actually truly happened in Rashomon’s forest was the objective reality. What the witnesses said was the theories (views) of limited and fallible human beings.

    Saying there is no objective reality throws everything into the waste bin of relativism and cynicism… I hate what it does to the world we inhabit….

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    I don’t think that you are offering us another choice over Pharma’s Poisons. I do better on supplements than traditional meds. Dr. Cancelled my appointment for a week, so another week of Gallbladder issues, I’m finding many foods I use to oven bake or Air Friy are still too greasy. No more stopping for a burger to bring my BS up if I’ve been fasting for blood work. I now have pure liquid honey sticks I can carry. Herbs for me are iffy.

    • Avatar Mary L. says:

      I did a couple of gallbladder flushes, which are kind of hard but I still have my gallbladder! Are you drinking lemon water first thing in the morning? Or using a castor oil pack on your liver/gallbladder? Just thought Iu2019d throw those things out to you, I know you didnu2019t ask for help. uD83DuDE4F

      • Avatar KoalaPower says:

        I don’t believe any oil is good for you, but I do believe lemon water is and also celery juice as per Anthony Williams the medical medium protocols.

      • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

        Mothers, Milk Thistle, Stone Free, Liver Detox, I now live in the bathroom. I have Gastroparesis too, so food is limited. Very hard, the bowel has cleaned out several times over. Not much sleep either. Oily stuff sets the AB in pain, and the trips to the RR go up. We each work differently.

        • Avatar Mary L. says:

          My u201Cnaturalu201D gynecologist also put me on A-F Betafood by Standard Process. I feel for you and pray you find the healing path for you! Best wishes!

          • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

            I’d not heard of that one. But they can keep their diet. Gastroparesis is slow digestion, many of the same foods that irritate the gallbladder irritate it. I Am also a Type 2. The 2 diets don’t meet anywhere in the middle. No fruit, few veggies, lean meat is the only food that comes close. Oily Fish would have me up all night in pain in the RR. I don’t do sweets, unless it is for a Sugar drop, now that I have Real Honey liquid sticks I carry them. I’ll look at it some more.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          solutions abound to every problem; keep researching and consult functional docs

        • Avatar Dave says:

          Is the Stone Breaker (Chanca Piedra) in any of those things? I had a friend with severe galbladder pain and that cleared it up after some painful passes. He then recommended it to some girls and they all passed stones after taking it.

    • Avatar KoalaPower says:

      You might get some answers from Anthony William the medical medium, read a lot for free on his webstie but I highly recommend his books (get if from your local library, e-book or hardcopy) and listening to his talks (for free). I would especially read his book Liver Rescue which is associated with your health issue.

  • Avatar Gayla says:

    As soon as you mentioned George Plimpton, I thought of the John Wayne movie he was in. I’m old enough that I saw it at a theater, when it was first released.

    I think many in the field of medicine have forgotten that above all, do no harm. They want to denigrate “alternative” therapies, but those therapies have often stood the test of a hundred years, or millennia, and needed no recalls. And there is the gem of a quote:
    “It matters not whether medicine is old or new,
    so long as it brings about a cure.
    It matters not whether theories are Eastern or Western,
    so long as they prove to be true.”
    Jen-Hsou Lin

  • Avatar Lone Star says:

    Have not finished reading this yet, but about black seed oilu2014is it supposed to taste like some sort of poison? Perhaps what diesel fuel or kerosene tastes like?

    • Avatar LisaR says:

      I put mine in my morning kefir. Itu2019s not so bad that way.

      • Avatar Janet says:

        Are not most injected capsules or liquid oils subject to rancidity like all the other seed oils? How do we know they are still stable. Manufacture, storage , shipping, all can affect its quality. I donu2019t supplement any oils or omega 3s anymore because of the rancidity problem.

        • Avatar LisaR says:

          I don’t know but Life Extension capsules agree with me at dinner. I put the oil in my breakfast kefir. I notice improvements in my gastrointestinal tract.

          • Avatar Janet says:

            If it works greatuD83DuDE01. . I never saw any difference and I am concerned by oil rancidity. The retail purchase space canu2019t really know what happens to it before they get it. But everyone needs to decide for themselves. I wouldnu2019t trust the Walmarts or Walgreens, etc. The qualities there on all supplements are sketchy. Also, better brands may be skimped on to fall under the big box stores price demands. Walmart does that I read. Amazon? Probably. Iu2019ve dropped many supplements and jacked up my diet as clean as I can without being crazy about it. Iu2019m 75 and I have some damage Iu2019m sure. uD83DuDC4DuD83CuDFFB Lisa

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            I’m going to speak to Kerri again soon, and I’ll ask her how long her experience is with blackseed oil and post it. thanks

    • Avatar Alina says:

      It is beyond horrible – like Old fried/burned tiresu2026.
      I am hearing itu2019s all just hype, snake oilu2026. Letu2019s look into it. It surfaced very quickly. Suspiciousu2026 Some cases reported kidney failure after useu2026 In ancient times used for mummificationu2026. I have it and used it, but reconsidering.

    • Avatar Awaken The Lions In Truth says:

      It is nasty tasting, I take mine in capsules, but you’ve heard the saying, that it cures everything except death?

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I have yet to try it but ordered

      • Avatar Janet says:

        Take into account the rancidity issue. Like most seed oils they are exposed to instability by manufacturing, storage, shipping, etc. I quit taking oils and especially omega 3s. Research shows they are harmful instead of good. If research is showing opposite of whatu2019s being crammed down our throats and in our minds, then itu2019s probably on the right path. Aspirin was my most recent eye opener. 4 long shelves stacked with NSAIDu2019s but 3 tiny spaces for good old fashioned white aspirin. Lies there too. There are very few oil supplements that are not oxidized and rancid by the time you get them. Consider the olive oil issue as well.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Great comment. Kerri is a credible source, but no way to be sure. Animal oils are great health promoters of course. I eat butter plain sometimes.

      • Avatar Lone Star says:

        Have you now tried it?

    • Avatar JustANobody says:

      It tastes like olive oil with lots of black pepper to me! I take a teaspoon daily. No more joint or knee pains.

  • Avatar Diane says:

    The elephant is also an analogy for the truth that is an objective reality…the elephant would agree it exists. C.S. Lewis talked about the difference in perspective between looking on a beam of light in a dusty shed, to standing in the beam of light. I haven’t thought it though…so don’t ask me for answers…but it seems to me that subjective/relative realities existence relies on the presence of one objective reality.

  • Avatar URsomoney says:

    I was diagnosed w/dry eye about 8 years ago – I could barely see believing something was in my eye but it was just dry. One of my ophthalmologistu2019s specialties was dry eye. I was put on restasis – an extremely expensive eye drop that I was to use 2x/day for life. When covid came around I added vitamin D 5000 mcg/with K to my daily supplements. Long story short my seasonal allergies were greatly reduced & I no longer have dry eye. I havenu2019t used restasis in 2 years. My D level was at 95 & when I researched last time it was taken in 2014 it was 42. In the last 2 yrs every time I or someone I know asks for D level to be added to routine blood work tests the drs say u201Cinsurance doesnu2019t cover itu201D. This is a new response. My last appt I said thatu2019s ok Iu2019ll pay it. The dr/hospital charged $150 for just that single test; insurance adjustment for the test was $25; my portion was $6. So that was a lie that they have the unassuming drs say to patients. I just saw a news story on fox that a man died from vitamin D overdose – pharma is beyond corrupt. Read this:

    • Avatar erin says:

      Interesting. I was at 37 a year ago, added supplements and lots of sun exposure. Then wanted to get retested to see how I’d done. The doc told me they would not cover it, and that my own cost would be $600!!!! The lies are just piling up.

      • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

        D blood testing is about $40 without a doctor’s prescription from Life Extension. Mine was recently 130–right where I want it to be. I take 50,000 IU about 3 days a week. When you take a lot, you need testing to see where you are. Short of levels well over mine, it is safe.

      • Avatar URsomoney says:

        The dr that did put it thru said u201Coh are u deficientu201D – obviously clever so he could put it down as necessary. The range that they use is also intentionally wrong 20-30 deficient; 30-60 good range. In reality anything below 50 is deficient & how can you go from 29 deficient to 30 in range? My D is now 110 (never take more than 5000mcg w/K) & I got 2 warning calls from the nurse to immediately stop my supplementu2026.whatever

        • Avatar erin says:

          So much of conventional medicine has become imprisoned in these dogmatic demands. When I told my doc that I wanted to be over 50, she scoffed and said something disparaging about stuff on the internet. It’s all about painting by the numbers now, any deviation is dangerous (for the practitioner) and will no doubt be punished…. 🙁 — so they are obsessed about toeing the line…

          • Avatar URsomoney says:

            Yes one dr tried to tell me that they really have no proof that vitamin D does anything. I held my tongue. Not worth arguing with misinformed u201Cexpertsu201D. Sad but so many under the spell of their education not knowing who m/what is behind that education.

  • Avatar Awaken The Lions In Truth says:

    I remember George Plimpton! It’s been quite awhile but thanks for the memory Dr. Yoho! We are close in age, but I am no retired physician like yourself, just a retired working guy.

    Great interview and essay as usual doc, I always enjoy reading and listening to you.

    I was very late to the party at 71 first taking bioidentical hormones, but I am very glad I did, as it eliminated a lot of my health problems, 18 months later.

    Kerri Reviera is a very nice lady and knows some health stuff, but not everything despite her doctorate in homeopathy, she merely sounds amatuerish to me. Surprised she did not touch on the early unexpected deaths,and damning injuries from the bioweapon vax and how to treat this widespread growing holocaust such as with EDTA, etc.

    I was very surprised at her feeding her autistic kid 120 supplements a day, and I do take such myself , but not near as many! Nutrition is something Rockefeller medicine definitely glosses over with Allopathic docs in school in addition to other vital things.

    I am surprised too she did NOT touch on bioidentical hormones as those now on them know the benefits first hand and as you cover in your great book(s).

    Yes CD is kryptonite to so many things including Rockefeller medical and a host of other diseases. Time to get back onto CD & MB.

    I have just begun taking fenbendazole which is a generic parasitic treatment compared to the much more expensive name brand stuff Kerri is taking to treat my brain fog along with Ivermectin, as an experiment.

    I purchase 3 of these supplements including what I just mentioned from another substacker; 2nd Smartest Guy, easily found on substack and always listed for sale at end of each of his posts. His versions are labeled “for animal/pet use only” to circumvent prescription b.s., as these fit for human consumption meds are available at airport vending machines worldwide including in Mexico so I understand.

    PS: 2nd Smartest Guy has essay articles on successfully treating cancers and Alzheimers with the aforementioned products. Never mind double blind studies, you know that 99% of prescription meds including vaxxes are NOT TESTED AT ALL FOR SAFETY or efficacy, only for “whats the bottom $$$$$$$$ line.

    Read about these and decide for yourself good sir!

    You are a national treasure doc, keep on writing, love your style and the subjects!

    PS I had a couple back and forth unsavory comments / emails with the “ex-spurt” aircraft engineer ‘George’ you had on, who is the ONLY one on this side of the propaganda fence trying to “normalize” jet engine chemtrails – like these nefarious for hire sky jocks are merely spraying us with “vitamins” nothing more worse. Beyond Dane Wiginton, there are TONS of photos and essays as well as full articles on the toxic shyte including aluminum, barium and worse they are laying down on us, all over the world nearly everyday since 1990. Grrrr! Liars! Whores like money bags depop advocate Billy Gates who supports geo-engineering among other evil plays…

    He never addressed the point that little ol’ me made about “do all aircraft stop flying and go on vacation ” on rare totally blue sky days with zero checkered chem trails? And “Why does it ALWAYS rain water & chemicals (established) a day or two AFTER the chemtrails are seen laid down”?

    Over 220 geo-engineering slick patents issued since the 70s. Nice. Just what we need, eh?

    Sorry to disagree with you sir, but in my non important opinion this guy is just another degreed a*sh*le propagandist deceiver ex-SPURT of which there is no shortage in this world.

    Anyways Godspeede to you and your family.

  • Avatar Mary L. says:

    Dr Yoho, you just donu2019t put out enough content for me. Love your style and subject matter and this is another very informative interview!

  • Avatar Val MacGyvers says:

    While I have not insight into the George Plimpton effect, I do regarding the use of CD. The purpose of CD is to increase the available oxygen in the body, which helps with healing. However, Antioxidants diminish that effect and should not be taken together. If you are doing CD, discontinue your antioxidants until you finish your 21 day cycle of treatment. Consider alternating 21 day cycles if you are concerned about having enough antioxidants. In the first cycle I completed, I did not know this, and there was very little effect of CD on the problems I was trying to address. I learned about this about 1 week into my second sequence and discontinued all antioxidants. Now 2 weeks later, I am seeing some significant changes to my health. Positive changes. I am hopeful. I am continuing my CD for at least another week to see if things change some more. Thank you!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      You have convinced me to take Kalckers course

    • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

      Do you mean in supplement form and food sources? I ordered CDS and plan to start Kalckers beginner protocol soon. It would be very challenging to avoid antioxidants from whole food sources.

      • Avatar Val MacGyvers says:

        Mostly just the supplements. I eat carnivore mostly, but stopped all the supplements that were antioxidants. I was taking a lot! I am often confused by what the “experts” say we are supposed to eat, but going off of grains and other vegetable foods (I do miss them sometimes) has really helped my gut and a good gut is the key to health and well-being. And now, the ClO2 is helping bring down my BP which started spiking into the 200s after I had covid. And the carnivore diet is making my blood sugar stay low. So I will continue on this path. It is easy to follow, as I am never really hungry. Maybe I will lose some weight too, but my goal is to control the BP first, and the diabetes second. So I will continue until progress stops or I reach my goal of being off of all pharmaceuticals. Taking fewer pills every day is a definite plus of the protocols.

        • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

          Okay, good to know on the supplements when using CDS. I can’t avoid them in food since I have a large salad every day and do not feel right without it and just started adding fruit back in to get more carbs. Glad you are seeing results.

  • Avatar Jim Reagen says:
    Just got his English book– amazing information.

  • Avatar KoalaPower says:

    I think we have to be careful with supplementation recommendations, every one is different and has different heavy metal/chemical loads in their bodies. Our liver has a big job to clean out toxins every day. When you have toxins floating around it can cause all sorts of health issues. I highly recommend Anthony Williams the medical medium, he has some great advice about supplements too. Be careful of fillers in supplements is one big thing to look out for.

  • Avatar Dingo Roberts says:

    It’s interesting following your new path. There may be some things of interest here:

    There are a lot of vital B vitamins. I take the Pure Encapsulations complex, but it doesn’t have that level of thiamine. Have your read Derrick Lonsdale’s writings about it? He’s been on that target for many decades. In fact, as a physician who joined a group that specialized in nutrient therapy back in 1982, you can say that he was WAY ahead of the curve. He used to use nutrients when he was a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic, much to the annoyance and sometimes anger of colleagues. He has a lot of tales of case studies to tell. He’ll be 100 years old in April and he’s still writing. You may be interested in reading about the various thiamine types and in particular, lipothiamine. Also, as his co-author (an entire book about thiamine) Chandler Marrs wrote, when you get enough thiamine on board, other deficiencies may show themselves, so it’s a good idea to take a B complex or a good multivitamin.

    Regarding borax: in light of your using silica water, obviously you have concerns about aluminum. Before I jumped on the Borax train, I wanted to know if it was refined to any aluminum content. I asked at Earth Clinic and received no reply. I asked if Prescribed For Life’s USP-NF grade borax had aluminum refined out of it and received no reply. Aluminum is one of the most prevalent substances in the earth’s crust, so it stands to reason that it could be in the Death Valley area where borax is mined; I find it odd that some people don’t seem to be interested in determining whether or not it’s in the box. I did find a water analysis from a Death Valley hot spring and yes, there is aluminum in it.

    Incidentally, I make Dr Dennis Crouse’s silica water at home (I don’t want the plastic from the Fiji bottles). I make it in 5 gallon batches, but it does have to be upscaled in a specific way.

    And what the hell, you may as well add another supplement to your list! Also from Dr Crouse, you may want to include some PQQ to go with that CoQ10. You can read about why on this page, which quotes info about how it works from Crouse’s first book. Scroll down to u201CPQQ And CoQ10 To Improve Memoryu201D.

    Re: alpha lipoic acid. ALA contains 50% R-lipoic acid and 50% S-lipoic acid. Given that R-lipoic acid has a higher bioavailability, you may just want to buy R-lipoic acid instead of the alpha lipoic acid.

  • Avatar Dave says:

    I’m a yuge proponent of Robert Naviaux’s Cell Danger Response theory, which includes a possible Parkinson’s explanation. My friend had Fibromyalgia and I used the treatments outlined in Robert’s papers to stop the CDR and his horrifying pain vanished immediately and hasn’t come back in over a month. The gist of the theory is that most modern incurable diseases are autoimmune in nature, and that autoimmune diseases are your natural healing process being stuck at some stage and not moving on.

  • Avatar Gaslighted says:

    My only quibble is your take that there is no truth. I can declare myself to be a kumquat, proffer many reasons that I declare makes it so, and demand everyone else call me a kumquat, but that does not make me a kumquat. The objective truth is that I am a man, and that doesn’t change even if everyone agreed with me. We would all still be wrong. There does indeed exist Objective Truth which doesn’t change with the blowing winds.

  • Avatar Glen Young says:

    Magnesium carbonateu2026made inexpensively with carbonated water and magnesium hydroxideu2026better absorption

  • Avatar Nan says:

    I hope you will watch this interview with Dr. Ardis – the last part addresses Parkinsonu2019s reversal and recovery specifically. New information with amazing results for so many uD83DuDE4FuD83DuDC9A.

  • Avatar GingerRRT says:

    Have a grandson with adhd Will CD help?

  • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

    As a nutritionist I’m not on board with her long-term keto or carnivore diet. A diet that causes constipation is not a healthy diet. If you aren’t moving your bowels regularly, you are not consuming enough fiber but also you are not eliminating toxins which is vital if you have PD. Also, based on questions you asked of her in the interview, why don’t you test for increased intestinal permeability and gut issues (GI MAP), food sensitivities (ALCAT), organic acid test, mycotoxins (mold) and so forth if you have not done so already.
    She mentioned structured silver and I use silver hydrosol. I’m not sure if that is the same-did she provide a brand you can share?

    • Avatar Dave says:

      Speaking from anecdote, keto does not cause constipation. Keto/Carnivores pass their stool fairly quickly with a nice clean mucus coating. I actually chalk that up to reduced gut irritation from lowered fiber.

  • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

    Based on what I quickly read ( will look into it more), the term structured silver is a deceptive practice and is NOT different than silver hydrosol. I may be incorrect but this is what a preliminary search revealed.

  • Avatar Denise says:

    Have you seen this episode by Dr. Bryan Ardis on how to heal/reverse Parkinson’s Disease?

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