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HERE is the Rumble video version of this post.

For new readers

Our health, finances, and political systems are being attacked. I cataloged more than 20 health assaults in my post, “Almost Everything Scares Me These Days”, and described the aggressors in the banker chapter of Cassandra’s Memo.

The worst healthcare disasters are vaccines, dentistry, and psychiatry, in that order. These cause even more havoc and death than oncology. Vaccines have increased the autism rate from 1/10,000 to one in thirty children—an incalculable future burden. Dental “care” is involved with 40 percent of first-world countries’ diseases. Psychiatry has inflicted mortally damaging and totally ineffective drugs on a quarter of our populace. To learn about these calamities, read Judas Dentistry, Butchered by “Healthcare.”* and my vaccine posts (one is HERE); the final chapter of Judas Dentistry describes solutions. If you are unaware of all this evil, return to the links above when you can. (*Free download links.)

Today’s story is about life and hope.

Cures exist for even the most feared and common cancers—breast, prostate, pancreatic, and many others. Ms. Smith comprehensively describes the scene in her new film, A New Standard of Care: Alternative Cancer Therapies. It is free for now on YouTube—save the link.

If you, a friend, or someone in your family has cancer, stop what you are doing and watch this film. It has interviews with top alternative doctors and describes alternative cancer principles and effective treatments. It also uncovers those who oppose them. Pro tip: find the speed control in the lower right and turn it to 2x.

You can contact Megan Smith at [email protected]. Her other film is bOObs: The War on Women’s Breasts, an exposé of breast cancer screening. It won international film festival awards. Megan’s other links and references were unavailable at the time of this post’s publication, so we will put them in the comments.

An excellent related reference is Paul Marik’s Cancer Care and his interview HERE. He is the most published medical author alive and Pierre Kory’s brilliant partner at

Failed Cancer Treatments

This chapter from Butchered by “Healthcare.” tells how oncology became a malignancy. Executive summary: only a handful of chemotherapies offer even a month of improved survival, and only a single disease, prostate cancer, is effectively treated by radiation. Butchered and this film tell complementary stories and should be studied together.

The patient is in the doctor’s hands. They will trust you to do anything at all. You must use good judgment and restraint.

Bill Cook, MD

Cancer is many diseases, and cures are elusive. Slow-growing tumors rarely require treatment because most never cause problems and may go away on their own. Fast-growing tumors are discovered too late to do anything. Only cancers of intermediate growth rate, a minority, have the potential for worthwhile intervention.

Chemotherapy improves survival for only a few tumors. These include metastatic melanoma, renal cell cancer, and a few lymphomas, leukemias, and testicular cancers. Tumor shrinkage and minuscule numbers prop up other treatments, but the expenses and toxicities make them failures.

Judging what is reasonable in this problematic field among these relatively weak remedies is challenging. Communicating the facts honestly and ethically with patients may be harder. Simultaneously, the physician must manage the emotions surrounding decline and death. This work requires a special person, and most doctors are not strong enough to do it.

Dying patients reach for anything. People with cancer are tremendously vulnerable and have an overwhelming need to trust caregivers. They continue to believe in their doctors, almost regardless of the circumstances. (How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America by Otis Brawley).

Oncologists always have new, toxic, and expensive drugs. They may have seen a few patients survive long-term using some medication that rarely works and makes everyone sick. They have read studies that showed (maybe) an average of two months of increased survival with certain drugs. They can usually tell the patient that a costly chemo might help and that it is covered by Medicare or insurance.

It is a demanding job, and the oncologists have a terrific financial conflict of interest that makes it harder. They retail chemotherapy infusions for about a 20 percent markup. Inside the specialty, they call this “buy and bill.” By 2013, 65 to 70 percent of oncologists’ income was drug charges. Their pay doubled from 1995 to 2004 when it was $335,000, and then it went up again to $445,000 by 2017.

Drug representatives stay in touch with oncologists and tell them whether they are “making their quotas.” The companies offer doctors higher percentages for certain drugs if they order more. This is an inducement to raise the doses of drugs, which can be harmful. In one egregious case, medications were promoted in this fashion to treat anemia, but they also increased the chances of premature death. Their sales were $37 billion between 1996 and 2009. In How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick in America, Otis Brawley said, “[These] drugs were not used to cure disease or make patients feel better. They were used to make money for doctors and pharmaceutical companies at the expense of patients, insurance companies, and taxpayers.”

If two physicians made a deal like this between themselves, prosecutors might throw them in prison. “Fee-splitting” is a similar, perhaps nearly identical, crime where a physician kicks back a commission to another doctor for a patient referral. Federal Stark laws that apply to Medicare and Medicaid, plus many state laws, impose criminal penalties for this. (Between lawyers and between realtors, referral fees are accepted practice.)

Regardless of the legalities, our primary priority must always be our patients. These harmful and unethical incentives distract us from this duty and should be made illegal.

New chemotherapy medications can be 300 times (not 300 percent) more expensive than old ones. (See Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare by Peter Gotzsche). Cancer treatment expenses per patient are often over $100,000 a year. Jerome Kassirer adds:

One oncologist half-jokingly told me, “Chemo is our cardiac cath, or our arthroscopy,” implying that chemo offers a profitable “procedure” for the oncologist [which is] “the dirty little secret of oncology.”  …Some oncologists… make an income of nearly a million dollars a year by pushing chemotherapy…  approximately two-thirds of the income of oncologists in community practice was derived from intravenous or intramuscular drugs…  [Quoting Dr. Eisenberg] “the financial conflicts I have identified in our discipline… are so pervasive and insidious that we continually must remind ourselves as to the real purpose of our work.”

On the Take: How Medicine’s Complicity with Big Business Can Endanger Your Health (2004)

Gleevac, for example, is effective for some leukemias but costs nearly $9,000 for ninety 100 mg tablets. In 2014, we spent $92 billion on US cancer therapies, but in 2020, costs are projected to be $173 billion. Some treatments are hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for each person. Even patients who are near death get them. They experience the grim side effects for no benefit.

Only a scant few of the expensive, toxic cancer therapies improve lifespan. Once tumor spread has occurred, most chemotherapy barely helps. Drs. Graeme Morgan and his colleagues did an exhaustive literature search that was published in Clinical Oncology in 2004. They found that chemotherapy added only 2.1% to the 5-year survival for US adults treated for cancer. Nortin Hadler wrote in 2011 that survival has been extended only a few months for the most common tumors:

Lung cancers (except small cell): 2-6 months after several chemotherapies.
Breast cancers: drugs have not improved survival time. Early diagnosis has increased the number of cases, but death rates have changed little.
Colon cancers: from 9 to 22 months for the newest drugs.
Prostate cancers: 2 months.

Rethinking Aging

He said this was a “dirty little secret” oncologists withhold from the public. There are new drugs every year, and many do not even improve the quality of life.

These opinions are dated, but Vinay Prasad, MD, evaluated the cancer drugs approved in 2016-2017. He wrote that they did not extend survival at all. He also studied oncology drugs that the FDA approved between 2008 and 2012. Thirty-six of the 54 were approved using surrogate endpoints and had no known effect on survival. Four years later, only five of them had been shown to help anyone live even a day longer. Prasad concluded that post-marketing studies should be required.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology knows all of this. Their 2014 goal for chemotherapy life extension was only 2.5 months. The 72 cancer therapies approved from 2002 to 2014 resulted in an average of only 2.1 more months of life than the older drugs. Only one in five from 2014 to 2016 worked even that well.

Otis Brawley, MD, agrees. He wrote: “I’m starting to hear more and more that we are better than I think we really are. We’re starting to believe our own bullshit.”

He said specialties that make money on diseases should not be deciding what is reasonable for testing or therapy. For example, radiologists should not be on panels deciding about the use of mammograms, and urologists should not determine radical prostatectomy standards. As obvious as this sounds, it is a radical idea for doctors.

Cancer ads make exaggerated claims about treatments that barely work. Although many therapies do not help people live longer, TV commercials typically promise “a chance for longer life.”

Dr. Prasad reviewed contemporary news stories for words like miracle, breakthrough, game-changer, and cure. Fifty percent of the time, they were used to describe drugs not approved by the FDA, and 14 percent of the time, they were talking about drugs that had only been tried in mice.

Timothy Turnham, former director of the Melanoma Research Foundation, an advocacy group, said, “There is a disconnect between what researchers think is statistically significant and what is significant for patients. Patients hear ‘progress,’ and they think that means they will be cured.” He was referring to chemotherapy approved for surrogate outcomes—a reduction of tumor size or some other result not affecting longevity.

Ad spending for cancer treatments has doubled in the five years ending in 2018. The total spent by cancer centers was $54 million in 2005 and $173 million by 2014. One group, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, did 60% of all the US cancer marketing that year.

Another strategy is to frighten the public by telling them that the number of cancers is increasing. Most times, however, the fatality rate, which is the best measure of any cancer’s actual occurrence, has been unchanged for decades. Thyroid cancer, for example, is being discovered much more often, as seen in the top line of the graph below, but there has been no change  in the death rate since 1992, which is the lower line⁠1:

thyroid cancer.png

You can access the original book to find more explanatory charts like this.

Thyroid cancer

One explanation could be that we are curing more cancers and saving more lives, but this is impossible—most of our treatments are ineffective or barely effective. These diseases are being discovered earlier and earlier by aggressive screening, which accounts for the increase in numbers. We promote anxiety, and we sell drugs. Most of the newly discovered tumors would go nowhere, even without treatment.

In South Korea, ultrasonic screening diagnosed 15,000 people with thyroid cancer, resulting in thousands of radical thyroidectomies, all of which required lifelong thyroid hormone replacement. The surgery caused vocal cord damage in two percent. However, mortality rates were rock-stable. This proves that this early diagnosis had no benefit and harmed some⁠2.   

Kidney cancer shows a similar pattern. Increases in diagnosis (top line) make the incidence seem to rise, but this has helped no patients. The cancer deaths (lower line) are the same year over year from 1992 to 2014⁠3.

Kidney cancer

Ineffective or barely effective cancer treatments are costing us a fortune. In 2014, US spending on oncology was $88 billion, and patients spent another $4 billion. Other estimates are closer to $100 billion now. The newest medications, often offering only a few months of progression-free survival, and not extending life at all, cost an average of $171,000 a year (2016). Some are $100,000 a dose (An American Sickness). As I published this book, the prices were still higher. They seem to reflect an attitude of “grab what you can.”

The industry mantra is that the newest is best, problems are a thing of the past, and that we must trust modern therapies. However, physician experience with many decades of new drugs debunks this. It takes years and thousands of patients before a medication can be deemed reliable. Failure or newly found toxicity is the most likely outcome with any novel treatment.

For example, the FDA approved a novel chemotherapy, the heavily hyped chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. This uses genetically modified T white blood cells to kill cancer. The first drug in this class was approved in 2017, so long-term patient survival is unclear. It is mainly used for blood cancers, it sometimes has neurological side effects, and it may only work once. Then, the tumors recur. One estimate of the costs, including hospitalizations, is $1.5 million per patient.

Chemotherapy causes fatalities and dementia. For example, Avastin may produce a few months of survival advantage, or possibly the surrogate outcome of a few more months of disease-free survival. Unfortunately, when combined with certain other chemotherapy agents, it may make breast cancer patients die sooner. The FDA carelessly allowed it to be marketed for breast cancer in 2008, but three years later, follow-up studies showed heart attacks, bleeding episodes, and high blood pressure. The agency took the rare step of recalling it.

Even if patients survive, post-chemotherapy mental impairment or “chemo brain” affects 30 percent of everyone treated. This can include memory loss, visual changes, and even brain shrinkage. Tamoxifen, the anti-estrogen drug used for breast cancer, also causes mental impairment. Estrogen is vital to many human systems. Women need it to function at their best, and it is essential for men also.


I tried to become a dermatologist once. These specialists cleverly stay in their own world, avoid dealing with serious problems, and make a lot of money without losing sleep. It seemed like a masterful concept. I was an annoying young man, but through family connections and somehow conjuring a fragile veneer of charm, I got accepted into one of their most selective training programs. I thought this feat qualified me for the dermatologic lifestyle and wanted to spend my weekends hiking the Appalachian Trail. My mentors, however, thought I should spend 70 hours a week learning about skin diseases. After a year, they exposed me as a poseur and kicked me out.

I viewed it as a personal failure, but I smelled something fishy the whole time. I was too close to see clearly, and I had plenty of problems, so I could not put my finger on it. Like the dermatologists who were unsuccessfully trying to train me, I did not know the history.

The modern era for skin doctors started in the 1980s when the American Academy of Dermatology hatched a plan to contrive an epidemic of dangerous skin cancers. A Madison Avenue public relations firm charged them two million dollars to develop the idea. The proposal was for them to disease-monger themselves from foolish pimple poppers into fierce cancer fighters. After this, they evangelized about patients coming to their offices for a complete skin examination. This would supposedly prevent a plague of skin cancers. The USPSTF later exposed this idea as worthless and said the screening frenzy was promoting lucrative skin surgery rather than preventing cancer.

One ploy involved proclaiming the skin bumps they call actinic keratoses or AKs precancerous (dermatologists love names and acronyms). Many seniors have dozens, if not hundreds, of these. Since then, armies of skin doctors have been billing Medicare for treating millions of AKs with liquid nitrogen devices resembling tiny blow torches. Studies show that over half of all these bumps disappear on their own. Only one percent change to skin cancer after a year and four percent after four years, and these are virtually all slow-growing and easily treatable.

At about the same time, to handle this pandemic, dermatologists dreamed up the most expensive skin procedure ever seen, “Mohs” surgery. Many of these specialists bill Medicare hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for this alone. I have an acquaintance who does ten of these cases every Friday and gets paid about $15,000 each.

Patients spend up to a full day sitting around an accredited surgicenter operating room while dermatologists remove slices of their tumor bit by bit. They examine each morsel under the microscope as it comes off. A bill is submitted for each cut. There is another for processing each bit into a slide and yet another for each look into the microscope. This goes on until they have removed all diseased tissue.

After this, the area is “reconstructed.” This involves a lot of sewing, sometimes in areas as small as a dime. Insurance pays more if this is performed on a separate day, so the patient often gets sent home with a hole in their face. Sometimes, the patients get referred to plastic surgeons, who may use surgical center charges and other tricks to make even more money. In return, the plastics try to dig up skin cancer cases to send to dermatologists for Mohs treatment. These get bounced back to them for reconstruction.

At first, dermatologists did Mohs only for selected patients using careful criteria. Some body areas are critical for function and appearance, and their preservation can be essential. For example, this procedure produces excellent results for skin cancers of the nose and corners of the eyes. Other tumors have an octopus-like spread with indistinct borders. Here, Mohs is used to remove just the tumor with as little normal tissue as possible. These issues have all been worked out by dermatologists and published in their journals.

The older methods involved scratching, burning, or cutting away skin cancers. The holes were often left to heal without stitches, and we would then follow the patient for recurrence. Using a greasy antibiotic ointment a few times a day, normal healing regenerates the skin within a few weeks. The results are typically reasonable, even on the face.

Although this is adequate for the vast majority of skin cancers, dermatologists now perform Mohs indiscriminately. Robert Stern, a Harvard dermatologist, said, “The decision to utilize [Mohs] is likely to reflect the economic advantage to the provider rather than a substantial clinical advantage for the patient.” He reported wide variations in usage by the practice and region and estimated that the costs of Mohs surgery in the US were $2 billion in 2012. A panel that developed reimbursement criteria produced vague guidelines that justify almost anything. The experts making money made the rule—that they could do nearly anything they wanted.

Mohs is primarily used to remove basal cell or squamous cell skin cancers, which rarely leapfrog to other areas of the body. It is not appropriate for melanomas, which surgeons remove along with a sizable chunk of surrounding tissue to prevent these metastases. Mohs’s primary advantage is that it reduces the chances of having to perform a second procedure for local recurrence. It also allows the surgeon to leave as much healthy tissue as possible.

The older, much less expensive method is to have the patient return a few months after cutting the skin cancer out to be sure there was no regrowth. This follow-up check takes only a few moments if no further work is necessary. Subsequent removal procedures are usually straightforward.

Mohs surgeries are medically minor procedures that require only local anesthesia. However, the fees are often higher than those for complex, lengthy, and hazardous general surgeries. Dermatologists spend money on lobbyists, who do their job defending exorbitant reimbursement for skin procedures.

Melanoma is the only skin cancer that routinely metastasizes and kills people. The dermatologists almost universally refer these cases to plastic surgeons for removal and then to oncologists for chemotherapy. Few skin doctors want to get involved with a fatal disease.

But when the dermatologists became cancer slayers, they began crying about the exploding numbers of melanomas along with the other skin tumors. As a result, they discovered so many that they claimed that melanomas were increasing faster than any other cancer. This epidemic now seems to be at the point of slaughtering anyone who dares to walk outside in the sunlight.

Left unsaid was that small, early tumors require only a simple procedure rather than an overpriced, supposedly complicated plastic surgery. Treating low-grade (thin) melanomas in seniors does not prolong their lives, either. However, once discovered, since progression into a fatal disease is unpredictable, they are cut off.

Because of all this, far more melanomas are being identified, but the total deaths are not increasing. Like thyroid and kidney cancer, the disease-specific mortality for melanoma has not gone up one iota (Worried Sick by Nortin Hadler). All the extra procedures to chase them, however, cost us time, pain, money, and anxiety.

The top line on the graph below is the number of tumors found. The lower line is the number of deaths, which is unchanged (National Cancer Institute).


A generous observer might say that the above analysis has not entered the dermatologic consciousness and that there are no wrongdoings here. But the specialty’s ringleaders understand it—they orchestrated the entire thing. And they made the story terrifying through disease-mongering.

People over 85 years old get twenty percent of all Mohs surgery. Many are performed in the last year of life and even the weeks before death. Demented people in nursing homes get frozen, biopsied, and operated on. These procedures hurt.

The skin doctors even got approval for a code to bill insurance for pimple-popping or “acne surgery.” During my training, when I reached a particular stage, they slapped the specially designed pimple extractor into my hand. I felt like a general surgery resident who was finally being given the scalpel to do my first appendectomy⁠4.


Honest physicians place their patients’ interests ahead of their own. This does not always happen in cancer treatments. To an outsider like me, much of oncology seems like a toxic, expensive failure. Some of these treatments prey on people during their defenseless time at the end of their lives. But some work, some are cures, and a few are miracles. You have to do your research, make your decisions, take your chances, and stay hopeful. This field may be changing more rapidly than any other, and some of the outrageously expensive new drugs work.

Dermatologists self-promote and disease-monger. Most of the diseases they handle are cosmetic or nearly cosmetic.

Like the others, these specialties cannot resist reaching for all the insurance money stacked around them.

1 National Cancer Institute

2 Gilbert Welch, MD, described the debacle in the NEJM (2014).

3 National Cancer Institute

4 Much of this material came from dermatologist David Epstein’s online blog and a 2017 NY Times exposé of dermatology by Katie Hafner and Griffin Palmer.

Thanks for all your love and comments. My only request is that you join the Awareness Army part-time. Please sign anyone you know up for this platform.


  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


  • Avatar Teresa says:

    Excellent information – THANK YOU! uD83DuDE0A

  • Avatar ron vrooman says:

    Robert: please have a conversation with our Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record on Skype in the very near future We have had a legitimate Grand Jury. I think #5 on the Health Administration on Oregon an Industry aka OHA. Our Grand Jury have sent Presentments and True bills to the de facto governance State of Oregon and the provisional government on Oregon. We have had a trial with verdicts that have no appeal in fact. The de facto has done Jack-Shit. we have had over 450 shows on Portland Cable TV. We publish on youtube and Brighteon. One removal from youtube. We corrected the word and republished., [email protected]

  • Avatar Craig says:

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. Upton Sinclair

  • Avatar mejbcart says:

    Thank you for this LONG docu… with all the same faces as with the very first ‘The Truth About Cancer” from 2014… It is good to have more and more of those documentaries and spreading them especially among MD’s… Seeing here Dr. Bark makes me very sad, why did she need to die of cancer, while knowing so much about these scams..?
    Just recently there were cancer series made by Jonathan Otto at
    There was a story about DYING oncologist himself, very last stage brain cancer. After he was send to a biological dentist and all 5 TITANIUM IMPLANTS were removed, with further detox protocols, all his cancer markers improved.. Zirconium, yes, Titaniun NO. Which metals are ok is extremely important.

  • Avatar erin says:

    I am normally a big fan of the market, but more and more these shenanigans convince me that we need to take profit out of medicine… or redirect the profit as a reward for health restoration and maintenance, not for disease-care.

    • Avatar FREED0ML0VER says:

      To the extent government is involved, itu2019s not a free market.

      • Avatar erin says:

        Well, of course.
        But the wrong motivation would remain in a free market as well. As long as doctors get paid for disease maintenance, and not for keeping people healthy.

        • Avatar Chris says:

          There is absolutely no benefit in allopathic medicine to keeping people healthy zero zip nada Real Health is simple stupid eat raw animal product meat, milk eggs you name it eat it work out with weights twice a week like your life is on the line in a safe manner sleep and sleep some more thank good thoughts no matter what deal with your problems immediately cod liver oil sunshine magnesium never ever take pharmacological of any kind the world economic forum means to murder billions of the earths population because of our naivety Modern medicine is done all of the doctors are injected with lethal poison and many of them know it they have myocarditis and pericarditis blood clots out the Yazoo every one of them needs a d-dimer test to wake them the fuck up

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Contagions do not exist, viruses or a farce of the farcical in criminal u201C scienceu201D of virology. Bacteria are not germs, but rather janitors

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Medicine is not a market situation. Were there no insurance reimbursement the whole thing would shrink

  • Avatar FREED0ML0VER says:

    My mother had three cancers beginning in her sixties – colon, uterine and breast. She opted for surgery each time, but refused chemo and radiation, because she had seen the damage chemo and radiation had done to her older sisters. She died just before her 90th birthday from a stroke.

  • Avatar Kat Bro says:

    I’ve been using horse paste on my face and it has significantly reduced a few spots deemed “cancerous”.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      What’s thst

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        Ivermectin. Prior to the plan/scamdemic, treating animals for parasites was done with an ivermectin paste that they put on the animals tongue and forced them to swallow it. It was used primarily for horses, and became known as horse paste when the vilification of ivermectin began.

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Right. I’ve taken it, and it tastes like apple…

        • Avatar ZuckerRat says:

          Don’t really even have to force them, mine like it. Pretty hard to force something to do anything when it outweighs you by ~1000 pounds uD83EuDD23

        • Avatar Xmen442002 says:

          Ivermectin was just added to the list of approved medications to fight covid by the FDA.

          How many people should be held accountable for murder or maiming others when they refused to prescribe a FDA approved medication since 1992??

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Ivermectin is poison itu2019s a chemical and should never be taken it is the way the conspirators get those who are unwilling to take the chemical weapon Covid injection to make themselves gravely ill

          • Avatar Anonymous says:
          • Avatar Chris says:

            False my ass off I never lie everything I said is fucking true youu2019re just a fucking idiot

          • Avatar Chris says:


          • Avatar Chris says:

            You donu2019t have to like how I see it but I say it like it is drugs or fucking poison anybody who takes him is a fucking idiot.

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Ivermectin is a toxic drug and can cause a myriad of pro problems . It is the way the world economic forum can get those who are not willing to take the chemical poisonous injection to kill themselves

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Ivermectin should never be used itu2019s a false prophet cancer is simply a disease of wrongful living clean up your diet clean up your sleep build muscle eat raw food stay the hell away from Oncologist, they will kill you. This is why they are the most highly paid positions out there they couldnu2019t sleep at night unless they counted their shekels

      • Avatar Trying hard says:

        I too have successfully used iver horse paste on precancerous lesions on the tops of my hands . It works! I do not have warts but recently wondered if it would treat warts which, is my understanding, caused by virus also. A number of papers and studies using iver and fenben for various cancers. We used it on a dog with hemangiosarcoma. We were told untreatable, take her home and she’d be gone in 2 weeks. Extended her life with great quality for 7 more months. That’s when I thought of using it on my skin cancer lesions!

    • Avatar Chris says:

      Just look at all the negative affects of ivermectin. You should not use it you should clean up your diet in your lifestyle and all cancers will most likely go away cancer is a disease of civilization, a disease of living wrong. Once you acknowledge this your chances of survival increase many fold. Leave it up to the oncologist or the fake Naturalpaths you sure surely die

      • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

        What negative effects? Iu2019ve been taking it for three years and havenu2019t had any issues with it

        • Avatar Chris says:

          What , ivermectin. Where do I begin all times itu2019s a drug not Pellet bowl for human consumption. But the real question is, because there is no virus viruses do not exist why would you take that for something that does not exist if youu2019re sick you were detoxifying poisons from your body for any number of reasons but not because of viruses or bacteria probably because of stress brought on by fear

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Things like ivermectin or just one more way that the controllers get people who are unwilling to take the chemical weapon Covid jab to harm them selves . If they canu2019t get you to commit suicide with Covid jab theyu2019ll get you to take something like ivermectin to make you sick and sicker and sicker one drug after the another there is no better living through chemistry that is a lie

          • Avatar Chris says:

            There is no drug on the Earth, no not one that can cure any so-called disease i.e. detoxification all drugs to our current symptoms which you need to experience in order to regain your health. Itu2019s like cutting the cord that says your engine needs oil simply because the dummy light doesnu2019t go off anymore does that mean your engine doesnu2019t need oil ???Detoxification what most people call being sick, sucks itu2019s no fun but it is necessary and you need to allow it to happen

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Somebody has tricked you into taking pharmacological. Eat raw food, meat eggs milk exercise with weights sit in the sun think good thoughts forget allopathic medicine they are done remember they are the ones who are sticking a chemical weapon into your body to murder you ! Miss over that. Then think why the hell would I listen to anything they had to say if there are that wrong that they are giving me a chemical weapon to kill me and they donu2019t even know that they are doing it these people are fucking idiots! Really I would ask anyone to argue that point with anyone

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Keep in mind this is not a course in theory this is your fucking life you donu2019t get to redo. These stupid motherfuckers are sticking shit into your body after many many years of medical training and they still donu2019t fucking get it I wouldnu2019t take any advice from any position ever and I train doctors all week long they donu2019t know anything about health and they donu2019t know anything about disease they are totally fucking clueless and you should dismiss anything they say at this point your life depends upon you screwing your balls on real tight and taking charge of your life dismiss these idiots and they are fucking idiots ! And if theyu2019re not fucking idiots then they are conspirators to commit murder ! Which the fuck is it

          • Avatar Chris says:

            It is a very very serious question, are you just Forrest Gump stupid or are you a member of the world economic forum and youu2019re actually trying to lower the earths population with a chemical weapon ,doctor???

          • Avatar Anonymous says:
          • Avatar Chris says:

            Read between the lines fuck you

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Controlled opposition pushing toxic drugs and scared people are a piece of shit

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Please up your dose of ivermectin as much as possible

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Anybody have problems with what I say the truth here is my phone number 858-382-4517 prefer to get stumped

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Liver, Need I say more? Only got one

  • Avatar mejbcart says:

    boy, I wrote my own story here, but erased it, but now after seeing what was done to Dr. Forsythe, just can’t believe it.. He was the only MD whom I contacted with my own cancer… Was scheduled to drive down there, but was not able, my own fiancee was dying of cancer…

  • Avatar mejbcart says:

    GCMAF a quackery in alternative medicine??? A total misinformation!!! And why this docu has to put this acustic sign in order not to spell it??? Is this even real???
    Go look up murdered JJ BRadstreet!! Macrophages, the only one which eat up cancer cells entirely do it ONLY after Vit D activation! ANy wonder super doses of VitD can heal almost anything, including the damn covid? Any wonder the sun dimming is happening on this planet?
    This is VERY GOOD, but old documentary. Pity I never saw it before.
    Thank You Robert.!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      My recent D level was 130 and i take 50,000 IU 3 x per week.

      • Avatar Dr Linda says:

        Mega doses rather than daily doses? Are these infusions or oral? No problems?

        • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

          Just oral, and they are approximately the doses and the levels Dr. Marik recommends in his wonderful new book, Cancer Care. 50,000 IU capsules are available on Amazon. Check your levels after a month. D prevents cancers and many other illnesses. It helps Parkinson’s.

          • Avatar Dr Linda says:

            Thanks! I do have my vitamin D checked routinely. I have neither cancer or parkinsons but have struggled with lupus. Methylene blue seems to be helping with that. I take 10,000 units orally about 5 days a week. I appreciate your response

          • Avatar DrTamara says:

            Don’t forget that taking Vitamin K2 with the D3 is absolutely essential. Don’t just increase your D3 without knowledge of this .

          • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

            From the guru herself…

        • Avatar Faith says:

          NO PROBLEMS! “Toxicity” requires levels in EXCESS of 300 ng/ml, and any toxicity is probably just a symptom of a vitamin K2 deficiency induced by the high D3 (reversible elevated serum calcium).
          For four months beginning in March 2020, because of COVID, I started taking ~100,000 i.u./day of D3. Four months later my serum D3 was about 200ng/ml with my serum calcium still perfectly NORMAL!
          Our highly criminal, Big Pharma-run medical system (NOT “health”care system) is deliberately fear-mongering about vitamin D because it cures too many problems and makes people too unprofitably healthy!

      • Avatar mejbcart says:

        Great, the only thing I’d like to add, never buy from Amazon… There are local manufacturers
        who sell it directly. Stopped trusting amazon, long time ago after having extremely strange experiences with one particular item, and then few more. Look who established these criminals taking over the entire world supply of human goods, CIA. Just my opinion..

        • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:


        • Avatar Fed up says:

          Iu2019ve wondered this too as well. How well do they vet their u201Csellers?u201D I think some items are adulterated. I did find a good quality vit D, 50,000 IU caps, on iherb. Iu2019ve used them for years and they ship everywhere.

    • Avatar Ryan Selda says:

      Hi and good day to you, mejbcart. Good observation regarding super doses of vitamin D, which also illustrates in the given article below.

    • Avatar ZuckerRat says:

      Yes, it is. Those chemtrails contain silver oxide particles, which reflect the sons light back out into space.

    • Avatar Faith says:

      Macrophages also need at least 1,200 mg of vitamin C per day to fully activate!!!!!

  • Avatar Don says:

    I donu2019t understand something in this interview. With fenben so effective against all sorts of cancers, fenben plus Ivermectin even more effective (what Iu2019ve read), with CDS almost a u201Cuniversal antitdote,u201D plus thereu2019s methylene blue, boraxu2026. With all these cheap readily available cures why does anyone need to travel to Mexico? Did these not work for those patients? I think I heard Dr. Yoho briefly mention fenben to her but Megan Smith didnu2019t seem familiar or interested. How could that be for someone so into this field?

  • Avatar I_Am_Unconconquerable says:

    I got up at 1:00 am to use the restroom and quickly checked my email and saw this. I watched the first hour of the documentary and got out of bed and headed for my computer. I had to share this information as widely as possible. I have been telling people for years that chemo and radiation kill more people than cancer does. Robert, we do not always agree, but I always respect your right to be who God created you to be. Accepting that everyone is a unique individual that has something to contribute to the world in their own way is a realization that changed my life. Perhaps there is a chance that you will suppress your critical nature, if you choose to. Congratulations on a fantastic Substack episode!

  • Avatar JustANobody says:

    Might want to put it on other platforms as You Tube may remove it. Just a suggestion.

  • Avatar Chris Lee says:

    I have been drinking 35% “food grade ” hydrogen peroxide…. 5…. up to 15.. drops in 60ml glass of water.. twice a day.. for the last 10 years. I am 83 and still riding my bike and playing golf. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2005… had radiation… then “Lucrin ” jabs. My PSA has been as low 0.5

  • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

    More links to Megan Smith:

    • Avatar Unagnu says:

      Mar 18

      I’m not sure but I think per Pub Med there are 2,317 articles on doxycyline and cancer as keywords…

      I am posting the above as samplings since you wanted to see ‘research’. Keeping in my hype, and of course supression of anything that DOES work… it looks like doxy may have some ahem, some, impacts on cancers? (I was especially looking at impact on mitochondrial function, because you know, that whole – cancer is a METABOLIC disease??). Anyway the finds are interesting thought provoking and as far as this definitely not a doctor (only a little librarian) can tell.. broad. Hum. Mayhap there IS something there? And while we ballyhoo on IVM (function known since 1980s on small cell cancers and colon..) this may be one that is slipping under the radar. Myself, it is one of my go tos in sub microbial dose for gum issues, arthritis inflammation and of course we can’t forget the 6 (6) week cycles for the Lyme Disease and Gulf War syndrome suffers…

      Oh, and if you further winnow down the search to clinical trials, trials etc. you get about 178 hits. The research began in earnest around 2014 and peaked in 2018… just sayin, but not you know? Something definitely is there.

    • Avatar Chris says:

      Why not avoid the problem all together by eating in ancestral diet sunshine sleep high-intensity strength training no pharmacological whatsoever the likelihood of cancer is about zero just like with Albert Schweitzer saw in Africa

      • Avatar Chris says:

        As the arctic explorer said in his book after living with the Eskimos,u201D cancer is a disease of civilization u201CStephenson

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Cancer was never seen among the indigenous peoples of Africa or Alaska as long as he stayed to their traditional diet. Those who went off of the diet and eight refined foods suffered cancer is just like the white man with the 20 year rule

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Not Rocket science

          • Avatar Anonymous says:
          • Avatar Chris says:

            Nope. No society ever in history has ever been plant-based ever never in fact if that were the case we would not be here Pottingers cats prove this Human beings wouldnu2019t live for generations on a completely plant-based diet they would have Skeletor miss formation atrophied muscles atrophy brain etc. a plant-based diet is what the world economic forum wants you to do because they want your week, sick, important, and stupid

          • Avatar Chris says:

            After the fourth generation on a plant-based diet in human beans equals no more babies. End of humanity

          • Avatar Fed up says:

            This is not true about eating meat. The vegan diet is not sustainable. There is a big push for it now (Netflix documentaries and such with very suspect data) to lead people astray. The Bible also says in the last days there will be people who abstain from meat. Hmmmmmu2026..There are apparently no indigenous people groups who survived on a vegan diet. They were unable to reproduce. Most public eye vegans eat meat on the side or get B12 shots as their health is suffering. That shows a lot. The healthy home economist has good info on this. Search vegan. Lots of good info out there on the carnivore diet as well. I used to think as you did. I was wrong.

      • Avatar Chris says:

        Donu2019t want cancer this is what you do eat raw animal products, strength train twice a week high intensity manner, sleep sleep and more sleep, do not worry about the future, but deal with it. Breathe through your nose only keep it as much CO2 as you can for a pair of gas exchange off of your hemoglobin for O 2 do your bodies tissues, critically important . Abandon all pharmacological drugs, they are all toxic every goddamn one of them .

  • Avatar John D. Lynch II , M.D. says:

    Stunningly informative . Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic derrangement is an ‘eye opener’ !

    • Avatar m smith says:

      Thank you for your humbling comment, Dr. Lynch. Appreciate it.

      Yes, the mitochondria — who knew? Megan

    • Avatar DrTamara says:

      Starting heavily in 2005-7 was a large increase in publications Re Mt, cancer metabolism . A good search engine like Academia will disclose this. Also, the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried is magnificent.

  • Avatar m smith says:

    Thank you Dr. Yoho for having me on your show and for the spirited conversation! The other links of interest for your followers you requested: My first film on breast cancer screening can be found at (please copy and paste links):
    my blog that covers both breast cancer screening and alternatives is at:

    thanks again!
    Megan Smith, M.S.
    “A New Standard of Care”

    • Avatar Ryan Selda says:

      Hi and good day to you, Megan. The U.R.L. that you gave seems not to be working (at least on my part). I’ve already tested it on 3 different web browsers already. God bless.

      • Avatar m smith says:

        I”m working on it now. Will be back up today or in a few days. thanks! megan

      • Avatar m smith says:

        It’s back up now. I appreciate you bringing that to my attention:) Megan

        • Avatar Ryan Selda says:

          You’re welcome. uD83DuDE0A

          If my memory serves me right, your documentary video was posted a while back on’s website, I think, in regards if women should opt out of mammograms when checking out for lumps in their breasts. That’s why the video is familiar to me. uD83DuDE0A

          • Avatar m smith says:

            Yes, you are right! Dr. Mercola kindly reviewed and ran my film for his followers twice.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      You are the bomb and a fellow traveler and please stay in touch.

  • Avatar klimer says:

    Thanks for sharing. My efforts go toward understanding how to prevent cancer. But if I do end up with cancer, I’m heading straight to John Bergman’s clinic in Tijuana. Screw medicare and the Standard of Maximum Profitability.

    Regarding AKs, I’ve had zillions of them. Lately I’ve been applying a chlorine dioxide gel with results way better than any derm offers. I had two spots next to where an old basal cell had been removed, one of which I’ve pointed out to my GP and derm for a few years now. Freezing, as usual, didn’t work for more than a month or so. Both spots are gone now. And it’s looking like this will be permanent.

    I’ve had so many AKs that I’m still having to do the CD gel twice per day, but I’m down to a just handful of stubborn spots that I keep hacking away at. Every couple of weeks I also freeze them with a Walmart wart remover. I’m seeing big, though gradual, improvements.

    The other thing that seems to help is drinking reverse osmosis water. It cuts way down on positive ions and provides a small amount of negative ions. And I just started using an H2 generator, to increase hydrogen ions.

    It’s likely an inability of my kidney and liver to keep up the environmental toxic load that leads to these skin issues. When their capacity is exceeded, toxins are excreted through the skin, per Tilden’s ‘vicarious elimination.’. The RO water helps decrease the toxic load.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      AKs are unrelated the cancer.

      • Avatar klimer says:

        Yeah, my sense is they are just the result of massive sun damage from three summers of bicycle touring 40 years ago with a balding head. But I’ve had a melanoma, two basal cell carcinomas and a squamous cell carcinoma. The first around 1998, the latest last year. Sunburns likely set the stage for them, though I’ve had only mild burns the past thirty years, and very infrequently.

        The thing next to old basal site probably wasn’t an AK. I get these things that are more like boney growths. I point them out to my docs, but neither has a name for them. The CD is kicking their collective asses (and I’m including the docs here).

    • Avatar Loretta says:

      Chlorine dioxide is good for any and all things. (internal & external)

  • Avatar LisaR says:

    Regarding the studies showing chemo extends life by only a couple of months, what is the comparison group? Is there a comparison group? I have always wanted to better understand what that conclusion was based upon as I have seen it before. I started reading about various alternative cancer treatments almost 10 years ago to be proactive. I like to think that I would be brave enough not to go to an oncologist. I have a colleague/friend going through chemo for advanced ovarian cancer. She trusts her oncologist and is almost through it and her cancer markers now show no cancer. It looks like chemo is working. She will be on an oral chemo drug when done for the rest of her life. She is staying positive and says itu2019s amazing what they can now do. They offer her donuts when she is getting her chemo. When her cancer some day returns and her doctors have nothing to offer her, would she be willing to try an alternative? I torture myself with what is my obligation to share all the knowledge I have accumulated over the years. I know right now she would never do anything other than what her oncologist says.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      This is well known. See Butchered by “Healthcare” for the references, and I think this was quoted in the book excerpt included. Vinay Prasad is the author of one survey paper. These are done using good math, but they need to be informed that less than 2 months survival is inconsequential even if statistically “significant.”

  • Avatar Ryan Selda says:

    Thank you very much, Dr. Yoho, for another informative article. I’ll reserve some ~5 hrs. of my free time to watch the video so I can really digest it in its entirety. More power and God bless to you and to your family.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      watch the video at 2 x speed so you have time for Megan’s interview

      • Avatar Ryan Selda says:

        Yes, thanks for the tip. Although I don’t know if this will be applicable if I’ll watch it offline on a media player, so I’ll guess I have to figure it one that out.

  • Avatar Curt Sanders says:

    Great stuff.. Yes Sir! Spread the word!! Thankfully, I have known that the American sick care system was the last place you go if you’re really sick.. for well over 30yrs.. I had cancer a couple times pursued natural Holistic complete healing programs.. that were low cost Chinese medicine primarily.. that was 35 yrs ago, I still enjoy exceptional health and vitality at 74… The human body is an absolute masterpiece and will heal in a multitude of ways… so make it easy, Listen to your Intuition, minimize exposure to 5G, Stay organic, get outside and get vigorous!
    We are smack dab in the middle of a Psyop… Big Brother wants us dead or compliant little cyborgs… Let’s ruin their day and not only stay alive but unite and cage them up… ! We Can!
    Thanks again Robert!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      I have another post coming up about the psyops. The title is a paraphrased quote from Buddha:

    • Avatar Unagnu says:

      THE SICK CARE SYSTEM, I love it… here’s the thing MOST doctors do NOT have an open mind AND to top that off, dont have the curiousity to read. (like I do).. I have read tons because, well I’m motivate for MY health. The doctor couldn’t care less about MY health.. he’s or she’s a GATEWAY to the drugs / supplments / treatments I need. NOW days, you have to figure out what you need or want and how to get the doc to prescribe. Just sayin. I harp on Doxy and how good it can be, on other ‘drugs’ that are ‘controlled’. Did you note: all the pain killers are tightly controlled? My Mom at 85 lives on her hydrocodone takes min dose for pain relief and is CONSTANTLY told she may be an addict!!!! Well she’s got severe non curable or reversible spinal degeneration. Care to tell me WHY we deny our old people relief? She’ll die sooner rather than later, and why die in pain? Here’s another story: Great Aunt died 100.5 and for the last 30 years of life took exactly 1/2 of a standard dose of Ativan (benodiazapam like valium) and oh, NEVER got addicted. This was in the 1990s in another country. But lived to 100.5 likely because the side effect of benzo is to reduce BP AND slow heart beats… just saying. You cardio docs can all pile in and say how wrong I am and its got to be statins or nothing…. BUT… death from cardio and HBP and blocked arteries is LIKELY in MY HOP to be from … STRESS. And benzos reverse that nicely WITHOUT messing with brain chemistry. BUT we would NOT want to let the peons have relief from STRESS oh, no… that would be BAD… this is how I see it. Modern Meds is actively against YOUR health and well being… the cures, they know. The saving drugs they know. BUT IT IS DENIED TO YOU. And the docs all brain washed into accepting…You must do your research, you must ‘cure’ yourself as you can. And horde those abxs, those drugs. Cause let me tell you, the ‘gate keepers’ aren’t your ‘friends’. They are now a days your active enemies.

      • Avatar Loretta says:

        One of the best comments ever!!

        • Avatar Unagnu says:

          Thank you Loretta. And we know its true. Its not about your health, its about CONTROL of you… imagine if you will all the people on / addicted to the “anti depressants’. What will happen if the supply gets cut off *suddelnly* and they have to go cold turkey or switch to another med? Chaos. Suicides. Desperation. (because I’d rather be addicted to a slow washout drug like a benzo than to an anti depresant…)

  • Avatar CP says:

    Havenu2019t watched the 5 hour video yet , but is anyone following Dr. Thomas Seyfried??

  • Avatar Katrina says:

    Loved the podcast and agree with almost all of it. I am an MD with degrees in Immunology, physiological chemistry, clinical nutrition and Board certified in Anesthesiology, Pain Medicineand Functional Medicine. Unfortunately I went to Hope4Cancer in cancer and did their 3 week program and had a private consultation with Tony Jimenez. He is a total charlatan and H4C results are horrible. They are doing some things right but many other things that are plain wrong and pushing unverified treatments like u201Cstem cell therapy u201C for thousands of do. You would be better interviewing Sanoviv -Paul Andersonu2019s clinic- and Thomas Lodi in AZ, they really do have results! Jimenez run a cult practice where vunerable patients pay extra for a week with him but nothing useful addd. He knows nothing about turbo cancer, peptide therapy, homeopathy- the whole enterprise is a massive moneymaking scheme and I witnessed some extremely poor medical practices whilst there. You are welcome to call me if you want to know more. My cancer exploded after H4C and I had to rescue myself with more research and treatments- so blessed God / universe and friends brought me the wisdom and knowledge I needed to make it and thrive. Donu2019t promote Jimenez anymore please, he is utterly disrespected by most truly knowledgeable integrative oncologists

  • Avatar Marlene Mc says:

    Thank you Robert for another introduction to people doing great work. I appreciate your books and your passion and I would appreciate hearing more from Megan Smith. Your question regarding the use of Ivermectin and Fenben was right on but I donu2019t think you allowed enough time for an answer. I see in the comments she had to eliminate from her research for various reasons. Maybe another opportunity?
    to discuss repurposed drugs.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Yes but i need more sources. I did one interview with a lymphoma patient who self treated w Fenbendazole. See my archives

      • Avatar Marlene Mc says:

        I did read that one, thank you!

        Dr. Paul Marik would be great. Have you seen his new book THE CANCER CURE? I have given it to a good friend with cancer and my doctor who helps people with natural remedies. As he said when asked why people should believe him with no medical cancer experience, he answers because he has no conflict of interest and knows how to research.

    • Avatar m smith says:

      Thank you, Marlene:) Lots to talk about on this very large topic, for sure. Megan

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    My neighbor has been on treatment just before the Lockdown, she never said what type of cancer, you can tell when she’s had a treatment as she never leaves the house. Since she inherited her dad’s fortune, a doctor, she can afford to order online. Her husband is 100% disabled. Has all the 2 lot work done, and pays $33 an hour for that. I doubt she will ever see true remission.

  • Avatar Faith says:

    Dr. Yohou2014 you make mentions of “the graph below” but then do not include the graphs!

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:

      Download Butchered and see this cancer chapter. The graphs on the post were cut out to make space

  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


  • Avatar Unagnu says:

    12 methods of action, doxycycline (not a microbial strength?)

  • Avatar Elsa says:

    I have been fascinated by this area all my life. Thank you.

  • Avatar Ryan says:

    Megan’s documentary is fascinating! Thank you for sharing it!

  • Avatar Xmen442002 says:

    Not one mention about finding root cause or checking for AI disease as it could be the probable cause for the immune system failure in fighting the Cancer.

    The key to cure Cancer lies in fixing the broken links in the immune system, identifying the triggers that broke it, eliminating them, thus restoring the capacity for the innate immune system to fight on it’s own with perhaps supportive, noninvasive protocols.

    98% of all cancer occurs because the immune system is not strong enough to fight.

    Don’t expect you oncology team to test for autoimmune(AI) as they were never taught to look for it as a precursor to cancer.

    A healed client is lost revenue.

    • Avatar Karen Brennan, PhD says:

      True. People don’t like when I say this but it’s accurate: u201C you are not sick bc you have cancer, you got cancer bc you were already sicku201D By sick I mean body imbalances, whether it’s emotional, stress related, nutritional and so forth.
      Allopathic professionals never address root causes for any health issue. There model is symptom management, band-aids, pill for every ill. They have no desire to heal.

    • Avatar Robert Yoho MD (ret) says:


    • Avatar Loretta says:

      Thank You!

  • Avatar John D. Lynch II , M.D. says:

    As a former practicing pulmonary specialist , & Tuberculosis inhaler , I have taken my eye off of oncology . The financial incentives for harmful chemotherarapies was unsuspected too . I will be looking for your documentary on Y-Tube .

    • Avatar m smith says:

      You can find it on YT now at

      If it gets taken down from youTube, that website will have it on a platform elsewhere. Thanks for your interest! Megan

  • Avatar Rochelle Eisenberger says:

    I finally finished the video – very well done and I’ve copied down the list of resources at the end. Thank you for sharing this!

    A neighbor is undergoing radiation for prostate cancer and has a friend who is a naturopath that does consults for oncologists. She made all kinds of recommendations to him – no raw veggies, no coffee, no alcohol, but I don’t think she mentioned sugar.

    • Avatar m smith says:

      thank you Rochelle! megan

      • Avatar Rochelle Eisenberger says:

        Thank YOU! And I’m sorry you’ve experienced so much cancer up close. Thank you for shining a light on the alternatives.

        I’ve been doing keto and now carnivore for over a year and have lost most of my aches and pains, extra weight (middle age and hysterectomy), and my brain feels so much clearer. I think metabolic health is the key to thriving!

  • Avatar John D. Lynch II , M.D. says:

    Thank you & continued interest .

  • Avatar Unagnu says:

    I’m not sure but I think per Pub Med there are 2,317 articles on doxycyline and cancer as keywords…

    I am posting the above as samplings since you wanted to see ‘research’. Keeping in my hype, and of course supression of anything that DOES work… it looks like doxy may have some ahem, some, impacts on cancers? (I was especially looking at impact on mitochondrial function, because you know, that whole – cancer is a METABOLIC disease??). Anyway the finds are interesting thought provoking and as far as this definitely not a doctor (only a little librarian) can tell.. broad. Hum. Mayhap there IS something there? And while we ballyhoo on IVM (function known since 1980s on small cell cancers and colon..) this may be one that is slipping under the radar. Myself, it is one of my go tos in sub microbial dose for gum issues, arthritis inflammation and of course we can’t forget the 6 (6) week cycles for the Lyme Disease and Gulf War syndrome suffers…

  • Avatar Chief Wolf says:


  • Avatar Frances says:

    Readers might be interested in Professor Angus Dalgleish, physician, oncologist, medical researcher, medical author and his theories; one has to do with Vit. D.

  • Avatar iya says:

    I’ve watched a lot of cancer documentaries over the years. This effort by Megan Smith is up there with the best. It is brilliantly put together & covers most of the major alternate treatments, including what I consider the most important one because of the underlying trophoblast as cancer theory. The Gonzalez Protocol.
    The doco also brilliantly elucidates how the system works to suppress cures & doctors working in the alternative field.
    I also cannot believe how she got the OCCAM Director Dr White to agree to the interview. His nonsensical responses to her good questions are priceless.

  • Avatar Ed Helderman says:

    Imagine being so nau00EFve that you believe you live on a planet.

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