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By April 12, 2022June 10th, 2024One Comment

Life in Queensland, the “Florida of Australia”

For those of you who think they are safe after the mandates have been partly lifted, look across the Pacific to Australia. There, the nightmare continues to unfold. Sandy gives her take on guns, politics, outside control, plus the natural disasters they are seeing with fires and flooding.

We also speak about the importance of magnesium, which is likely the most important supplement after vitamin D. Sandy’s company supplies cream and oils that are natural sources of this healthy mineral. Used on the skin, these create magnesium reservoirs that calm the mind and keep the body healthy. Learn more at To order or to learn about international distribution, Sandy’s email is [email protected].

One Comment

  • Avatar ABIGAIL REPORTS says:

    I would include the trace mineral Selenium, B12 to Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium Oxide is not well absorbed, unless you want Diarrhea. As much of our soil is deficent in it. If you are looking at bone health D3, Stronium Citrate at about half of your Calcium Citrate. I find the Selenium works at 400 mcg way better that Melatonin for sleep. But it goes beyond that. I started out with Earl Mendel’s Vitamin Bible. , keep the salt intake lower. We are a eat out of pre-boxed, cans, eat out, society, where tripple the amount is used over a scratch made food. Even in home canning we use a lot less. Only in baking cakes, biscuits is salt measured. Many are going to be putting in gardens this year, your choice is Cold Bath, the way I learned, or Pressure Cooker, faster, but you need to understand how to use them. I found this young Homesteader delightful How to can Butter tha lasts 5 years. She actually halved the salt by blending the 2 types of butter.

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